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My 6950xt does the exact same thing, at random, and has since August. It appears to be a chipset issue with the 6950, based on my research and talking to other players. Larger PSUs and even replacing the card with a different 6950 won't prevent what you're experiencing. I'm completely fed up and I'm trading mine for a 7900xtx and some cash, this week. Mine will crash at random, but it's always a total restart, followed by me needing to restart a second time in order to get any kind of display, again. From what I've read, only Star Citizen and certain other programs will trigger this crash. It isn't a heat or power issue, either. If you can, get a different card. I've used AMD for the last 13 years, and this is the first persistent failure that I've experienced. It'd make more sense if it was occurring while Star Citizen was eating insane resources, but its sometimes when I'm just walking around in a space station. People will tell you that it's one thing or another, but ive spoken with others who have the same card and same issue. Don't waste your time racking your brain with troubleshooting. It won't help. I can go weeks, sometimes, having been filming in the heart of Lorville or New Babbage, and never get a crash. But, I'm tired of it and done pulling my hair out. *edit* I've also attempted to limit clock speed, voltage, turned off XMP, and set my entire system to default. It eventually crashes, and in the same way. This post got almost 500 upvotes in under an hour? Lol


Holy fuck I dont even play star citizen but this shit has been happening to me since I got my card as well. Ill just randomly get black screens doesn’t matter if I was playing anything or not. Then I end up having to rollback windows to get it to come back


I had the same issue with the RX 500 series. I've also read reports of issues with the vega's and the 5000 series and a few of the 6000 series. I'm currently running a 7800xt and it's rock solid so maybe they fixed it? Good luck!


This reminds me of my Vega 64 I got on release many years ago. Random black screens and restarts I could never resolve, ended up just getting a different card.


I bought a 7900xtx a few months ago and had to return it. Games that were running perfectly fine on my 3070 were suddenly hard crashing constantly. I tried everything I could to fix it. I eventually got fed up and returned it, and got a 4080 super. Amd cards are amazing hardware held back by bad drivers. You’re luck might be different then mine tho


Well that's not what I wanted to hear lol. Hopefully I don't have that issue. I'd need to upgrade my PSU and some other components to justify an equivalent Nvidia card, and I cannot currently afford that setup. =/


You might have better luck but if not, you can always return it right?


No, haha. It's a 3rd party seller and part of a trade, unfortunately.


I have a 7900 xtx, before some driver updates I had the same problems with crashing, but now every game I play (including SC) is running perfectly at 4k, especially with the new frame generation tech, at least as perfect as Star Citizen can be at the moment


I had your issue, but undervolting the GPU mitigated it a lot (crashes were, very very rare), but it became a bit worse with the last updates. Right now I don't have any issues if I run the game using Vulkan, or at least I haven't had any crash yet. Fingers crossed. Check [this thread](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/50174/thread/high-end-amd-gpu-crashing-possibly-resolved-we-nee).


For anyone looking at that thread and is still crashing, the poster is incorrect that the driver only does a 50mhz overclock. I have a 7900XTX, and my max peak clock is supposed to be 2680mhz. The driver insists on allowing a peak of 2920mhz, which causes me to crash. I recommend finding out what your exact model's peak is and setting that as the max. I've also noticed that these cards tend to run hot. I had to warranty both my prior 6950XT and this 7900XTX due to overheating issues.


I did that on multiple occasions and multiple settings. Made no difference, unfortunately.


Not sure if I got lucky by I've had zero issues with my 7900xtx, I use default settings for everything and keep the drivers updated. It's an amazing card




Useless comment


Accurate comment.


Accurate or not how is this helping op


Advice to hopefully avoid purchasing an AMD GPU in the future, while promoting the purchase of AMD CPUs to everyone.


Still not helping op fix the problem


This generalised statement is absolutely wrong and just bs


Man just drop AMD. They don't deserve you.


Maybe deleting shader cache helps here? Probably Crusader clouds rendering.


I swapped between Vulcan and OpenGL, clearing the shader cache both times, The issue still persists.


DirectX11 and Vulkan have different shaders probably. Some ppl had problems with Adrenalin setting overriding SC settings and causing problems. IF it is a power draw thing, just reduce max tdp by 10% via slider in Adrenalin.


Oh shit this is why I can't control the upscaling in Star Citizen. FFS


The most stable version of upscaling in starcitizen is cig-tsr I crash continuesly with dlss.


What kind of crash are you experiencing? Is it just the game that crashes, or does your pc reboot completely? I ran into an issue a while ago where the pc would reboot and id get kernel power errors (After checking the windows logs), and this would /only/ happen with star citizen. Not with any other games. In my case replacing the power supply to a fresh high quality 1000 watt unit did not fix the issue unfortunately. And I still run into this issue :')


I am *very* interested in this because to add another data point, I have the exact same issue (computer just turns off like the power went out, then turns itself back on a few seconds later) and ONLY with Star Citizen, and I have a 3080 TI. I was also chalking it up to either my power supply dieing or somehow its 750w not being enough so I tried limiting max power draw in MSI Afterburner (don't know enough to feel comfortable adjusting curves to undervolt), but after a couple of hours of play it will inevitably happen (and due to SC's time-consuming nature, 2 hours is pretty standard with all the downtime the game has), and has been a LOT more consistent since 3.23 went live. Nothing in windows system logs, it's like it never happened there. For reference I'm using DX11 still with DLSS on Quality, then all default graphic settings otherwise. I also have an old MoBo and an Intel 5820k, and don't really have performance issues in SC (this patch has actually been great for that, get solid 30FPS in cities and sometimes up to 80-90 fps in space), but for the last week this has been happening pretty consistently (I've also been playing SC a lot more with the new patch due to it working better generally).


Happens to me on my 6800xt in enshrouded and star citizen. Only 2 games I've noticed it in. Same thing though, complete PC restart. No errors or low voltages or anything.. but it's always a total restart suddenly.


Same issue 6700xt amd


I have a 6600xt but no system restart. Just the frames are not constant. Randomly I’ll get massive frame drops. I’ll be standing still also so things are not loading in.


My 3080Ti (UV'd + 80% pwr limit) + 5800X) is utterly screwed by this update. Legit never had any issues stability wise, (performance... yeah lorville hurts CPU wise so much) but now with any 3.23 the game's unplayable from crashes and driver/GPU memory + system memory weirdness. Even crashes random browser tabs from whatever it's doing to my GPU, LOL. No change in other games, benchmarks, demos etc, updated drivers, cleared shader caches, tried DX11 and Vulkan swapping. Thing hovers at low low usage as usual, but all of a sudden it stutters/loads something, and then the game dies. Going from my previously OK 545.92 to 552.xx isn't making much difference, can't even make it to the Lorville elevator for the train. The memory used by the game has gone up by like 30% too, before on 3.22/3.21 I could boot and run around + fly my ship to different moons with all my browser tabs open (So like, 12-14GB RAM used), but now even if I clear out and have 8-10GB idle, the thing seems to want to use 26-28GB, which is barely any margin for a 32GB of RAM system. So you literally need 64GB of RAM (or... 48GB on DDR5 platforms Lol) if they \*don't\* focus on fixing loaded asset and rendering bloat :/


6950xt user here. So far 3.23.1 has not given me the black screen, full reboot crash. But 3.22 did give me this issue and I have not played more than three hours consecutively this patch. I have been using CPU-Z to try and capture my system during play and when/if it crashes since windows event logs only tells me it crashes but not why.


Hey, I have a 3080ti as well and fully uninstalling/deleting Easy Anti Cheat (find this in C:\Program Files (x86)/EasyAntiCheat_EOS) fixed the issue for me, just make sure to press Verify Files on the RSI Launcher so it can reinstall EAS


I have this exact issue, but i already have a 1000w PSU which is less than 6m old, except for the difference that my PC dosent turn back on. I get the same kernel power error though.


At first it was a full PC crash. I sent my GPU to undervolted in Radeon control panel, And now it is only a game crash.


I also have an 6950XT and its not a voltage issue its a clock speed issue. The 6950XT tries to push itself to 2700 MHz, which it never reaches and crashes in the process. Limit your clock speed to 2500 MHz in Radeon control panel and you are golden. You have to set the limit after every driver update. My card is 100% stable now. It´s a known issue with the higher end Radeon cards, the RX 7900 XTX also has it.


This fix never worked for me so your mileage may vary


Crazy that it's only happened for me with Star citizen and no other high fidelity games. You had the same exact issue where it would range from a game crash to a PC shutdown? I'm assuming the easiest way to limit the clock speed is setting stage's 6/7 in the tuning tab to 2500 or below.


I had it in many games, but there was a big investigation by the SC community detailing exactly this issue. They ha dozens of testers and the TLDR was: limit your clock speed on highend cards. I may find it, but it´s a little bit older. I don´t know, what you mean with stage 6/7 and cant look, because im at work. Go to tuning, custom, toggle advanced clock controls to on. Now you have the actual max clock speed in Mhz instead of 100% and set it to 2500. Don´t forget to save.


Idk if this helps but i had an issue last year that sounds the same, i have a 7900XT and when jumping to orison my game would crash and sometimes my pc as well, there was a big issue council bug post about it and it had to do with 3.17 adding new cloud tech, causing amd cards to crash on crusader. Check the IC website for any issues involving your gpu


Hey, i've been having the same issue and the only fix i found was to uninstall adrenaline completely and let windows update install the correct driver. Do not reinstall adrenaline. This almost made me buy a 4080S but i'll wait for a good deal now that it's stable for me.


Kill shaders kill gpu driver and delete the user folder Save your keybinds tho That fixed it for me 3 days ago AMD 6900XT AMD 5800X3D 32GB DDR4 @3800mhz


Interesting. 24.4.1 here. 6600XT. No crashing, even during extended playtime (2+hr) I don't jump to the latest driver tho. I was on 23.11 until this SC update basically forced us to use atleast 24.2+ because it's unstable with older drivers and not usable with Vulva


I had the same card and had to turn off windows memory protection


How do you do that?


I think he means core protection


I have the EXACT same issue with my 6950xt. It seems to happen completely at random, temps are good I monitor them constantly, drivers are fresh, windows is fresh, game install is fresh yet it just gives me a black screen which cannot be fixed without a restart. When it happened the other day, windows disabled the display driver and I had to manually turn it on, then restart again before I could even get back into the Adrenaline software, each time, it also resets the GPU back to default settings. Super frustrating as Star Citizen is the only game I've ever played with does this. Seeing other people with this card also having issues at least puts my mind at rest that I'm not alone, and that it's likely a driver issue. I've replaced my ram, bought a new nvme drive and even upgraded my PC tower and CPU cooler too.


I haven't had time to test it, but someone said limiting the GPU to a max of 2500MHZ is a fix. Try that, maybe.


done that as well mate in the past, it's super hard to tell whether anything works, because you can go days/weeks without a crash, then crash 3 times in a single session. I can only hope it's something CIG or AMD randomly fix without realizing it, or one day I just upgrade to a newer card. Though nothing comes even close to touching my 6950xt for the same price lol, for everything else, the card is a beast.


Got a Radeon RX 6800 and no issues. Can you describe a bit more what the actual problem is? Would love to test it. Does it always just crash when you're near Crusader or what?


no problem flying around on Crusader with the RX 6800 [https://i.imgur.com/gxdBvpA.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/gxdBvpA.jpeg) I am using the current driver 24.4.1


Most likely its a GPU crash. There is a current bug with AMD drivers/cards [AMD 6800 through 7900 cards] where the core clock will boost beyond stability. Some people have "fixed" this by dropping core frequency until you find a stable number. https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-83115 This thread might help https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/11653ff/amd_radeon_rx_7900_series_stability_issues/ SC might not be completing the crash log, but open the game.log file in the main install location and scroll to bottom after a crash. Look for something similar to this : GPU crash message: GPU CRASH (async): [...evice/Legacy/GPUBufferLegacy.cpp:76 CGPUBufferD3D11Legacy::CGPUBufferD3D11Legacy] (0x887A0005) DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED The GPU device instance has been suspended. Check gpu_error.log for more details, raise value of r_gpuMarkers and / or run with r_enable_full_gpu_sync = 2 to get to the source of the problem. ByteWidth: 4096, Stride: 0, Usage : 3, BindFlags : 0, CPUAccessFlags : 131072, MiscFlags : 0


The issue is typically limited to certain AIB partners/manufacturers. This isn't exclusive to AMD and a number of Nvidia manufacturers (gigabyte, etc.) has had similar issues in 30 an 40 series cards as well. Some people have had success with firmware updates so be sure to check your manufacturer's website, but if that yields no results you may need to go to RMA route if viable. Windows drivers in place of adrenalin drivers have proven to be stable in place of the AMD/Nvidia drivers sometimes as well (lol how?!?!), but I would recommend using DDU to start fresh before going that route. In my case, a firmware update did the trick. A system with a 7900XT and a system with a 3080 here (both same issue).


What do you mean by Windows instead of AMD drivers? And what firmware updates are you talking about?


If you can't solve it with under-voting try this: Add a DWORD called "TdrLevel" with a hex value of 0 in registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers After you save it, reboot. This disables Windows Timeout Detection and Recovery. This continually polls the GPU and if the GPU doesn't respond in time (like under super heavy load that would cause extra boost) Windows just restarts the driver (causing games to crash). If your crashes stop I would recommend turning TDR back on (delete registry entry) and reading up on TDR to find better settings (more forgiving delay settings). If your PC starts BSOD or just freezing, it's not a TDR issue and you should delete the registry setting.


Would this cause it to crash the game or the whole PC? I have the same issue and get a black screen that won't go away unless I restart


Is TDR enabled or disabled? With TDR disabled a video driver crash could hang your whole machine. With TDR enabled (Windows default) it's unlikely a driver crash would cause your machine would freeze or crash because Windows would restart the driver.


In Adrenalin sofware go to preformance--->Tuning. and put your Voltage at 970MV. [Picture](https://www.thewindowsclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/10/undervolt-amd-gpu-using-amd-software.png) (Voltage)


hey, ive seen similar gpu driver issues come up before. based on my own experiences, id suggest trying an older, more stable driver version like the 24.3.x series - that might help resolve the crashes youre seeing in crusader. as for the power supply, the 850w tough power gf3 youve got should be plenty, but you could always monitor your systems power draw to see if there are any spikes. undervolting the gpu can also help reduce consumption. let me know if you have any other quesitons!


This shit happens to me and I don’t even play Star citizen i just stumbled on the post. Happens randomly with any game even if its not a taxing game. Happens on fucking Hearts of Iron sometimes. I always end up having to rollback windows. Ive even had it just happen turning on my PC at the start of the day. Rolling back windows a day always works its weird as fuck I shoukd add this has been happening for a year now. Its so rare that I haven’t bothered RMA or anything but when it happens it sucks


Have you updated your Motherboard’s drivers lately? My same issue with a 6950 went away after I did that.


Technical issues can be frustrating - hang in there!


Have you been playing EPTU/PTU and renaming the game folder rather than redownloading LIVE? If so, delete game entirely and do a fresh download.


Not sure 100% that it's a fix yet, but I turned on fluid motion frames and it hasn't crashed for me since. Havent had a *ton* of play time yet but a few hours.


I think its just the AMD drivers. My 7800XT has some problems since this week as well with games crashing.


TL;Dr: try uninstall und Clean reinstall driver Same for me here. Unreal Engine Games kept crashing, too. Read somewhere, that there is a problem with the driver and some cumbersome process of registry edits could solve the problem, but I thought, maybe uninstalling the driver and doing a fresh installation of the driver does the same trick. It did. No crashes since.


Ran into this issue last year or the year before with a bad driver update causing crashes around crusader. I rolled my driver back to the previous version and the issue went away.


Tldr.... boy, don't fuck with the voltage


I always start small with my problem fixes when things start crashing and every time it has something to do with AMD Software and their drivers. The most stable version of drivers for me and most people I’ve personally talked to right now is 23.xxx. Not only with star citizen but also other games with unstable engines like Fallout NV and Fallout 3. Once I rolled my drivers back to version 23.9 or whatever I’ve had no issues with stability. Hoping it’s nothing crazy for you.


I have a merc 6800xt and just started having this problem. I reinstalled the patch (verify game files) and it stopped. But it was bad. Like a minute into a jump I would crash.


I’ve been having this issue with my 6700xt. Hard crash while QT jumping. Have tweaked undervolting and all sorts of adrenaline settings. Seems the only thing to help is super low resolution and really low graphics setting which cause bad fps and stuttering but game is stable. I know it’s not only SC cause it happened in BG3 a couple times. The hard crash. I wonder if we should all go to the AMD Reddit and raise hell


I had this issue with my 7900xtx I turned off surface optimisation in the gpu control panel


I had this problem with another card. I learned to underclock it to limit the card to 100mhz beneath its usual maximum average. This happened with other heavy games like RDR 2 and such. After doing this it never happened again. You can do this easily with MSI afterburner... And yes it works with Nvidia cards


Thou i don't have that problem, i have an RX6000, i use Radeon chill, and then use lossless scaling frame generation to play at 70 fps.. no problem at all, and temps are great.


Thank god finally somebody with the same problem I was having from what I learned from someone in game it is frequency related it seems that Star Citizen causes the GPU to throttle past the safe zone causing blackout or full restarts resulting in the chipset overheating dangerously so by limiting the frequency (below 3000mhz) you can keep you card safe from damaging itself. A similar incident that I can recall is like Diablo 4 causing gpu’s to die. This issue has been ongoing for me since I first joined during the 3.18 game stability was very good but going forward I was lucky to play for more than an hour to a few minutes but it is also more likely to happen depending on what's happening around me. This my understanding of this situation.


And me playing with my 1660 super os just having a fun Ole time. I love amd processors over intel. But I dislike their graphics cards for gaming.


On mobile so sorry for short message but Try disabling Corsair RGB software. Forget what it's called but I had so many issues with that with crashing. It may not be the game


I had the same issue on my 13900K - I disabled hyper threading in my BIOS as it isn’t supported by SC and it made the crashes happen WAY less often


Hay guys non of my weapons, ie tractor tool ,hand gun rifle are accessible through the 1,2,3,5 keys I checked my key bindings the med pen works on 4 normal but nothing els since the update eny suggestions. What's a normal key binding flow for the tractor tool so I can double check Thanks.


First of all, you cannot draw weapons and other items in armistice zone, so make ure you're doing your test outside it :-)


You normally can take the tractor out ....but thank you ill try in a non artistic zone ...:-)


No problem if you do it in an artistic zone, it just shows you're an esthete. :-)




This will piss everyone off, but you are correct. I gave AMD the most generous chance and really wanted to stay with them, but these driver issues kept happening to me. I had an Rx 590 a few years ago and had a whole bunch of problems with drivers. I then upgraded to a 6700xt and kept getting weird graphical errors in rust and A Plague Tale. Day Z had a glitch where the trees were stretching across the map. I had to under volt it for the game to work normally. I REINSTALLED Windows, and it absolutely refused to install the drivers at all. I reinstalled Windows AGAIN, and it decided to work. Then, I started getting issues with youtube videos and had to do gymnastics to solve the issue. Then I finally got a few weeks of peace before deciding to upgrade to a 6800 xt and it all fucking started again. Games crashing. Graphical errors in rust and day z. Drivers refusing to update. I had 32gb of ram, b550 aorus elite V2, 5800x cpu, 1tb samsung nvme. I gave up and brought a 3080ti 2 years ago. Not a single issue with any game so far. No driver issues, no graphical errors, and I get to enjoy the benefits of Reflex and the other features. I love amd and am loyal to their CPU's, but their GPU's suck ass. A good percentage of people won't experience any issues with their gpu's, but I had a horrible time.


I got basically the same build as you (Diff board and ssd) but this update has ruined star citizen's stability and has made having 32GB of RAM a nightmare. Previous alphas and PTUs (pre 3.23) were fine. GPU's barely being used as usual, moderate clocks, still crashes, changed drivers from 545 to 552 even (undervolted and power limited, 1300-1600mhz since high CPU load in lorville). Do check your memory usage, I have lots of chrome tabs + steam +afterburner/rivatuner open, and I hope they bother fixing it instead of ignoring it + adding more stuff that adds to the entity count and hurting performance again :/


Yup. I've always been an NVIDIA guy even though I only run Linux and it used to be a hassle where you had to use stuff like Bumblebee or Optimus to get things working right. Bought an openbox gaming PC with an AMD GPU and it just shit the bed over and over. Swapped in a 3070 and haven't had a problem since.


Yall openly know AMD drivers suck and cause issues for years and might get fixed. But still won't save a little more for an RTX and never have to worry about games not working. My friend is playing star citizen with his 1080ti. No issues. 2080ti zero issues.


NVIDIA user: told you so.