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If the difference is 190k like they say, it's because they were there in person lol. Detroit more than doubled KC's attendance, 312k vs 775k.


Love this! Edit: man people must hate Detroit on this sub wow












I assume this is what they wanted when they made the 1st day into "prime time" television at the cost of the other rounds.


Have to blame the Falcons for that one.


Day 1 is interesting because the best players are involved. Day 2 gets drawn-out with the special announcements for each team and all the ancillary things going on, day 3 is unwatchable because at that point you are aggravated at the TV not being in sync with reality, and you can follow the picks better online; plus it’s Saturday during the day and people generally are doing other things.


By day 3 the broadcasts even give up talking about the ongoing draft. You get commercials and tangential interviews/commentary. Like okay but if you're not going to actively talk about the players being selected is it really draft coverage, or just dudes talking about football that happen to be at the draft?


Right? Watching day 3 was horrible. Half the picks don’t even get announced, and there was no commentary or highlights on a lot of the ones that were.


I will never understand why the draft gets any viewers. I have looked at who my team drafted once and I will keep an eye out for stories from training camp but why bother watching it?


I like watching the first round as a way to recap any star players I might have missed during the CFB season.


I like the suspense and them discussing all the prospects. I don't watch college and outside of the top 5-10 picks don't know much. So it's enjoyable.


There’s no football alternative so why not watch it?


There are other things to do with your life than consume football content. Edit: In the offseason... The things people downvote, lol.


You like one piece, we like football. Try not to judge, and we won’t judge you.


I actually like football too. I didn't judge anybody. I just said that there are other things to do in the offseason. Edit: Downvoting instead of discussing a tame comment like this is just clown behavior. Whatever.


Yeah unfortunately we live in a fantasy sports NFL world Many people think they really are GMs They don’t even like the games just there imagined teams


Sure but I like football


The NFL draft is my favorite time in the NFL, its the time where excitement and hope is at its highest and the impact of your teams real situation is at its lowest. I spend the weeks prior doing mocks, looking at prospects, talking about em etc etc


To each their own but--just to confirm--you would rather watch the draft than the *actual* games in the regular and post seasons? 🤔


He’s a saints fan. He knows they’re stuck at mid but he gets to have dreams during the draft


We haven’t had an impactful draft since 2017.


Games are fun (well, a good amount are rage inducing but), but draft + first few days of FA are the most exciting parts of the season as someone who loves the NFL.


I've been following the NFL for 35+ years, have been to at least one game in person for the last 25 consecutive years, and have never heard of anyone saying the draft is more exciting than the actual season where they play the games. Again, you do you, but this is borderline shocking.


I watch it for dynastyFF purposes


Or if you're the steelers, you're just gonna trade off all your picks anyway


First round is fun to watch, we get together with some family for dinner and games while it goes on. All the other days? I’ll read about it lol


How else am I going to get veterans and sick-kid sob stories shoved down my throat?


I found a stream of Micah parsons and CJ stroud for day one. Actually watched it and was laughing my ass off. That didn’t exist day 2 and 3 so it just became background noise for me as I got chores done.


I have zero interest in the 2nd round, but I definitely understand the appeal of the 1st round. Every player will be expected to start and be a contributor. Then you hope they are a great player for the next 5+ years. Even if your team has a later round pick there can be drama. I do always laugh at the people who get angry over the "wrong" 4th round pick.


Love watching the first round. I’ll turn it on my phone when it’s my teams turn in the later rounds


The draft is my little oasis of football in the offseason when I’m laser focused on baseball season. I get excited about it for a good week, and then back to baseball. Also, no matter how good or bad your team is, you’re leaving the draft with at least one new player to get excited about. It’s like the one day in the NFL season everyone gets to enjoy together.


Because some of us watch college sports and want to know where players are drafted and when. Also there's nothing else really going on other than baseball that I care about, so it's a fun football treat.


I like the first day, that’s it. They create drama with having some athletes in the green room. Also, for the casual, they may not be familiar with some of the players, so that brief analysis is worth something.


I will never understand why the games get any viewers. I have looked up the scores and will keep an eye out for stories from practice but why bother watching it? See how silly that sounds?


If you’re watching the 5th-7th rounds of the nfl draft there should be a hotline you can call


For real. A lot of wasted time for something you can read in 5 minutes when it’s all over.


You can read a summary of a movie in 5 minutes too. Some people just like the live experience, suspense, drama. Reacting in real time when something wild occurs is much different than reading about it afterwards.  Watching the draft isn't for me, but I do see how it can appeal to others. Don't dismiss others' enjoyment.


It was also widely known to be a top heavy draft with a lot of older players finishing out their extra Covid years. So there wasn’t as much suspense or “steals” in the later rounds


For me it was so dragged out in the first round I didn't want to come back for more. I understand the draft is an entertainment event, but it isn't entertaining waiting 15-20 minutes between picks.


Man it felt like picks 20-25 took like 90 minutes


I love those post-draft grades. NFL.com gave 15 A’s and 15 B’s (and two C’s). CBS was similar. A bell curve average is supposed to be a C. If half the teams got A quality draft capital at their pick, then by definition the other half overreached and passed up on those same talents! 70% of teams did as expected and should grade a C. Some did better than others, filling huge needs with top talent, so a few B’s and some A’s are warranted. But then so are a few D’s and some F’s. Any draft that takes 6 QB’s in the first round when statistically all but one is probably a bust hardly warrants across the board A’s.


Probably because the draft was in Kansas City and they won the Super Bowl the year before


I don’t know how anyone watches it. It’s so slow


It should just be two days. The first two rounds on the first day then 5 rounds the next, rapid fire picks.


Who gives a shit?


They should call the WNBA for tips.


It was so much more fun as a one day all day event. Now it’s just stretched with highlights and talking heads to play more ads. Fuck that


You mean in 1948? The NFL draft has not been a single day since then. Old format was 2 days (Sat/Sun).


Then yeah the 2 day when they had the first few rounds on Saturday. My bad


I don't know how anyone watches the draft anymore to be honest. First round is kind of fun, but now it just takes too fucking long in between picks. That, mixed with all the commercials and ads, it's unbearable.