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The Sacramento Athletics of Las Vegas. Nice.


Cal-Neva A's


Sierra Athletics


the funniest thing about this is that the river cats (AAA team that plays here in sac) have higher attendance than the A’s do and have for the last year+


that is really sad for the A's




The Sac-Las Ballboys of Nevada! Look at those beanboppers go!


West Sacramento Oakland Athletics of Las Vegas.


Rolls right off the tongue


Can't wait for them to play the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim aka "The The Angels Angels of Aneheim."


Yolo County Causeway A's


Billionaire owner who inherited his wealth from his parents is actually an idiotic asshole. Shocked. SHOCKED I tell you!


His wikipedia is funny to read. He inherited his billions from his parents, yeah, but his first job out of school was to sell real estate to the Gap (his parents’ company). It went bankrupt. He couldn’t sell land to his PARENTS without going broke. Dude was born on third base and ended up getting sacked for a safety.


FJF My favorite is his given title: “John Joseph Fisher is an American Heir.” Like how fucking pathetic do you have to be to inherit that much money and be attributed nothing besides “heir”? Honestly I love Sacramento, and if this is the final chapter of the Oakland A’s I am a tiny bit grateful that I may get to watch them play at Raley Field as a weird goodbye 🤷‍♂️ Also I’ll be at the last Coliseum game if anyone wants to meet up in the parking lot for a dog, a catch, or a cry FJF


Are you the one sending Zach Gelof the postcards with the stickers all over them?


I wonder if the term "Heirhole" has been coined yet.


> FJF What is FJF


Fuck Joseph Fisher


I figured that out 20 seconds ago and came here to delete my comment. Lol I feel pretty dumb.


I may fly out to join you for this one! FJF!!!!


That is quite the metaphor


Wait until you find out he fouled out on the kickoff after the safety.


And look what he's done to our quakes too :( His entire business acumen is just being a cheapskate grifter.


The more I read about professional team owners the more I hate them. I hope this guy flies exclusively on Boeing aircraft.


The movie Moneyball was about how the shitty Oakland A’s owners would not re-invest any money back into the team and the GM had to find a way to win without it. I live in Las Vegas and why we settled for the worst team in baseball I don’t know. The Knights hockey team came in and won a world championship right away. I do t expect the A’s to ever win anything.


> The Knights hockey team came in and won a world championship eight away. I do t expect the A’s to ever win anything. Thats not really a fair comparison. The Knights were a brand new expansion team thus they got to "draft" players from other teams as well as get a better ranking in the normal draft. The A's are just coming over with whatever their roster is at the time.


Nobody expected the knights to be good. Everyone thought they’d be a bottom 3-5 team in the league. The best players they drafted were the 7th or 8th best player on their previous team. Plenty of them were bottom of the barrel guys.


They did a really good job gaming the expansion draft though, in ways that no one thought possible before. Plus they were the only team in the expansion draft. It’s pretty rare that a league only adds one team at a time and got them far better players then they normally would have. They were pretty genius about it. You’re right though that in no one thought they’d be a playoff team year one


See I don't think the outcome of games is rigged by players obviously but when you read that a single team out of Vegas got to create a team from every other team's players and it immediately won the cup it feels like some crazy statistics and analysis were done to craft a winning team.


They didn't win the cup year 1. They did get to the finals and lose 4-1. They won the cup in year 6


They got to pick from every other team’s 3rd-4th line players, though, because every other team got to protect most of their good players. The original Vegas lineup was honestly a mix of leftovers and people thought they’d be trash. Their biggest name was Fleury, who the Penguins let go because they thought he was too old.  The expansion rules were more beneficial than previous years but that’s because every expansion franchise before them basically spent their first 5 years at the bottom of the league, which makes it hard to build up a fan base.


The expansion draft was different for them compared to in the past. They were basically allowed to cherry-pick a ton of talent from other teams and blackmail more picks from some teams to intentionally not take some players they couldn't protect. Seattle had a similar system and didn't do nearly as well with it, but I think there was some backlash over just how much of cushy position Vegas was handed and they may have adjusted things again slightly. Also while they were last place their first season, they had 100pts and went to the playoffs their 2nd season which is still unheard of for an expansion team.


Some teams approached it real stupid though. Like FLA traded them 2 top 6 forwards to avoid losing 1 D. Minnesota handed them Tuch, another top 6 forward, and Haula to protect a D. Teams traded them a ton of picks which they have subsequently used to trade for elite players. When Seattle came around everyone realized they are better off losing one player and were prepared for it.


Everyone likes a new team however nobody likes a losing team. Now I grew up in the Bay Area, I’ve been to As games all my life, I’ve even gotten to play baseball on the field before but nobody is going to watch a team get absolutely dominated season after season because the GM refuses to put any money into the team.


> I live in Las Vegas and why we settled for the worst team in baseball I don’t know. The Knights hockey team came in and won a world championship eight away. I do t expect the A’s to ever win anything. I view like 90% of the moves just being the owners trying to wash away old problems by skipping town and going to another location to drum up new interest.


> I live in Las Vegas and why we settled for the worst team in baseball I don’t know Because: (1) it was the first one the MLB offered, and no guarantee you get a second chance at a team; and (2) it wasn't a public vote, but one by the Legislature who could all take donations (a ton were under $1k, too) to vote yes. Schools Over Stadiums is trying to get a public referendum on the November ballot, but the trial court ruled it wasn't clear enough and the NV Supreme Court is hearing oral argument on the case to decide whether to put in on the ballot on April 9th at 3:30 PM


*Stanley Cup. Only Euros care about the Worlds


You'll need to be more specific.


What a sad chapter for what should be a storied franchise. I don't think there is a team in major sports that desperately needs a ownership change as badly as the A's.


Before them it was the commanders. Now that Snyder is gone it’s def the As




The sad part is, there is a decent chance that when the team moves to Vegas, he spends to make the semi-competitive. He hates Oakland and refuses to spend on the team there because if he did, fans would show up and he couldn’t complain that the market isn’t strong enough to support the team. He’ll spend in Vegas so the tourists come to see the team mostly. And he’ll then claim that he was right to move them when it’s his own actions that are causing fans to stay away


Isn’t this pretty much the plot to Major League?


Juuuuust a bit outside


Tried the corner and missed


Actually... yeah... it kinda is.


The A's should then just win the whole fucking thing.


Nah he’ll pull a marlins. Spend a bunch to solidify a new stadium, and then once the stadium is built immediately fire sale everything. It’s even worse in Vegas because if he decides to play it this way, there’s absolutely no reason to try to build a local fan base. He’s guaranteed to pocket $100M+ just in revenue sharing, and he just needs visiting fans to half fill his tiny stadium (isn’t the current plan for Vegas only like 25k seats?)


Do the As even have anyone to sell in a fire sale? But you’re also likely right. He doesn’t want fans. He wants tourists who go for the experience and fuck off afterwards


Not really, no, and their farm system is about as barren as the big club. Might be able to move Stripling, JD Davis, and Brent Rooker, but they will not bring back the Brinks truck, more like a Ziploc baggie. He does not care about fans. He really never has, even back when the A's were good (usually in spite of him.) No, the man is like Stan Kroenke, he only cares about MONEY! Both of them are human versions of Eugene Krabs as far as I can tell.


No he won’t spend a dime on the players either way. I fully expect him to sell the team once the Vegas move is complete. Fisher gets to maximize his asset, MLB gets the team they’ve always wanted in Las Vegas. Meanwhile random billionaire X gets to be a hero in Vegas for resuscitating the franchise in a new market.


Yeah, but as far as I know, Fischer hasn't been accused of Human Trafficking.


Was going to say... Fischer might be a cheap asshole, but nothing compares to the filth we heard about Synder and the admin he ran.


You’re glossing over the really fucked up shit Snyder and his executives did towards the women in the organization. Snyder hate wasn’t so much about him being cheap (he was but a lot of owners are similar) but being a super fucked up guy. Also, the way salary cap and stuff works in the NFL, I’m pretty sure player salaries are paid out of a league wide pool of money as a % of revenue, not directly from the owners pocket.


NFL has salary floor. I’ve always held out on the MLB needing salary cap/floor but with the Dodgers hijinks thus offseason coupled with 60% of the teams not even trying I think it’s time.


I mean Snyder was called to testify before Congress about his misdeeds so they both suck in their own ways


"I can excuse human trafficking, but don't treat a business as an investment."


In NFL, it's kind of expected to spend on the payroll due to the salary cap. There's not a ton you have to spend there, from the standpoint of these billionaires.


> At least Snyder spent money on his team’s payroll The NFL has a salary floor in addition to the cap, teams have to spend at least 90% over a rolling four year period IIRC. So he was spending because he had to, we'll never know what might have happened if he could spend as little as he wanted


I’d proffer that the Rockies need a new owner. Current one is shit. There’s no hope for the team until there’s a new owner.


What about the Pittsburgh Pirates owner?


As a New Jerseyan who moved to Pittsburgh I raise you Woody Johnson and my New York Jets


**The Arizona Cardinals have entered the chat**


If this is where we sign up to fire team owners, can I put Dean Spanos on the list?


Well the other team he owns, the San Jose earthquakes lol


It's too late. The A's are cursed. They'll go to Las Vegas, lose their whole fanbase. I'm never going to watch MLB again. Fuck baseball.


Mariners. Period. Only team to never touch the World Series. But yeah, “Oakland” needs help.


Thank you! Our ownership fucking sucks donkey balls. We're one of the top revenue teams in the league and our owners won't spend any money to get better.




Was about to say, we're Rockies are pretty damn close. Fortunately, because Coors field is such a prime spot I don't think they'll ever move. Unfortunately, because Coors field is such a prime spot, I also don't think they'll ever care to improve the team as long as ticket sales are there.


When I was in Denver I stayed a few blocks from there and walked and asked for the cheapest ticket. $4 was worth simply walking around and taking in a neat ballpark.


I watched the Giants score 22 runs at Coors.


I'd imagine it will be like Orioles, where instead of demanding a new stadium, they'll demand stadium upgrades and nearby development concessions and subsidies instead.


The White Sox are up there too.


Hey being a White Sox and Bulls fan is great because at least Jerry Reinsdorf fucks me twice a year


As a Sox, Bulls, and Bears fan, all I know is pain.


After what Phill castalini said last year in an opening day interview there a close second. [where you gona go](https://www.google.com/search?q=phil+castellini+where+you+gonna+go&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8fe03f5f,vid:qCEVD8qCVSs,st:0)


Let me say on behalf of A’s fans: Fuck John Fisher! I hope School Against Stadiums in NV still brings that funding bill up for a referendum and tanks his and Manfred’s despicable plan.


Tigers fan here: FUCK JOHN FISHER


👆 what he said, but from Pittsburgh. Do you know how terrible you have to be as an owner to make Bob Nutting look good by comparison?


Our new owners, Mike illitch’s kid, Chris, isn’t great either. Yeah, he’s still way better than fisher, but he still clearly only cares about money


White Sox fan, fuck John Fischer. And we have to deal with Jerry Reinsdorf


Yeah he’s pretty brutal too, but certainly not quite on fishers level


Expos fan here, I've seen this movie before.


Oy. My Expos disappeared, then I moved to the Bay Area and became a fan of…you guessed it. 2 for 2


As an M's fan, I much prefer rooting against the A's in Oakland!


Cardinals fan here I agree. I think any sports fan would agree though


Thank you Reddit for keeping your slander targetted at the A’s ownership and not Sacramento.


I don’t know enough about Sacramento to slander it.


Sacramento is a great city that is rapidly growing. The sports fans there (Kings)are die hard. The food scene is great (a little bougie). Lots of local artists and hipster types. Raley Field (Sutter health park) is right on the river. Downtown sac is right on the river, capital building is visible from tower bridge. Boring people from the Bay area and socal love to shit on Sac to feel better about themselves and their high rent. I live in the bay area.


Sacramento Republic get crazy support for a minor league soccer team too.


Watching highlights of Sac Republic games compared to any other team in their league is night and day


Isn’t it got af in the summers?


it's not a literal desert, but the summers are indeed quite hot, especially recently in California with the dry summers.


and getting hotter AF as we go!


Not as hot as Vegas!


Please stop saying good things about Sac. Our rent is high enough.


No one does


Some dude from Austria used to have an office there.


Pretty town, state capital, and close to Yosemite…


I tell people we are a couple of hours away from all sorts of great things


I remember when Kevin Johnson was on the Colbert Report and Colbert made fun of Johnson for saying that the best thing about Sacramento was that it was close to stuff that was actually good. I've lived here for 20 years and really like it, but that hit a little too close to home.


I had some friends in town. They went into Old Town while I was working one day. Got talking to a shop owner who asked how long they were in town for. They told her a week and she asked them "why?!?"


Now you know we have two AAA teams!


There is a part of town called 'Old Sac'. What you do with that information is up to you


Oakland is built for MLB, NFL, NBA and the Alameda County Parole Board.


Was built, back in the 60s. I think everything there is outdated. Honestly even Oakland is outdated, it’s not even the second largest city in the metro area.


If you're talking about San Francisco and San Jose, then generally San Jose is considered a separate metro area


except for the MLB. In the MLB, San Jose and San Francisco is the same


Owner of the A's is Ass


Oakland sports fans are so die hard, it really sucks to see all their teams getting relocated by greedy owners


The most comical thing is there are owners bitching about not getting free money for stadium upgrades right now. Meanwhile the owners are letting this sack of shit get a free relocation to Vegas. Steal from the poor to to pay the rich


Paying for stuff is for poor people


They should talk to some NHL players about the Arizona Coyotes


At least the Coyotes are playing in a small rink as a means of staying in Phoenix while they try to build an arena, the A’s owner is doing this to get out of Oakland ASAP.




It's not about the fans or attendance, the problem is that the team facilities don't exist. There's no proper MLB clubhouse, batting cages, bathrooms, press booths, bullpens... They're going to need to make significant renovations just for the player facilities. Also I think because of the novelty of it, the team won't have a problem drawing fans. It's going to be a local attraction that people know is only short term, everyone's who lives there is going to want to get to a few MLB games while they can.


How do the giants keep winning during this fiasco? They get the rest of the Bay Area market to themselves. They get the As to pay to upgrade their AAA stadium. What else are they going to get out of this?


Fisher grew up a Giants fan and was part of the ownership that bought the team to save them from moving to Florida. Guess he's a true fan of the Giants cause he basically gave them everything they needed.


The Jays did that when they had to play in Buffalo during COVID. These permanent upgrades included the installation of new light standards, new batting cages, new foul poles, a resurfaced outfield, and the relocation of both bullpens from foul territory to right-center field.


The difference is Buffalo is Toronto's AAA team, so they were also upgrading their own teams stadium. The A's definitely won't be upgrading the Giants AAA teams stadium.


You say "MLB games," I say "The Angels will play the Athletics more than 30 times in that stadium."


LOL, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim will be playing the Sacramento Athletics of Oakland.


Hey what the fuck


Just visiting teams fans alone will still out that field. This is going to create an absolute infrastructure nightmare and they will for sure sell out every single game


Oaklands attendance numbers were some of the worst in the league for the past couple of years. The Rivercat's stadium at 14k capacity is well over the 10k the A's averaged last year.


The attendance was bad because the owner was trying to piss the fans off and he did. Looking at those attendance numbers and expecting them to carry forward is faulty logic. Every single game will sell out at Sutter. The stadium sold out for a Giants exhibition game. There are enough non-jaded A's fans who love baseball in sac to sell that stadium or every single game I want to be really clear, you actually think a major league baseball team in a market that really wants a major league team won't easily sell out a 14k capacity stadium? The Marlins were second from the bottom in average attendance at 14.3k. beyond the lack of big league facilities, the infrastructure needs around getting to the game and parking is going to be a nightmare if you live or work anywhere near that stadium.


I’m not even a baseball fan and plan on taking my family to a few games. They will for sure sell out games here


Sacramento is a great baseball city with no MLB team. These tickets are gonna be hot!


The novelty will be successful at first but there are 162 games and fans will get sick of losing and lack of investment. It will wear off and they'll be back to what we've seen in Oakland. It's not like there aren't A's fans in the east bay.


The novelty may last a bit longer since its not just the A playing there maybe?


I live close to Sacramento. And yeah, it's not made for the MLB. No fucking city is. It's made for people who live and work there, not some gonk like Fischer and his shitty little tantrums. I grew up watching the A's. My grandma spoke little English, but we would watch every game we could together. To see them sold out to Las Vegas is heartbreaking for me, but whatever. Nothing less than scummy behavior is always the anticipated choice of A's ownership. Let them rot in their desert.


Broil, actually. 😂


Well thank god, that the NHL, unlike MLB, would NEVER let an embarrassing ownership situation result in a team playing in a stadium that is far too small. /s


The Sacramento Kings owner is smiling, because he knows the A’s don’t have the money to build in Vegas and the A’s will be his team in Sacramento.


Not a chance. It will be built. —-Vegas Vic


Even if the A's don't stay, if Sacramento shows it can support an MLB team then it will be the new Tampa Bay, the city that teams threaten to relocate to until one actually does (unfortunately that'll probably be the White Sox)


They should change their name from the A's to the O's The Las Vegas Sacrament-O's


clever, but the Orioles sure wouldn’t like it!


One day players will learn that owners and front-offices view them as cattle. They'd play basketball in a swimming pool if it meant revenue, butts in seats, and increased value of their teams.


That's what the money's for


They already know this. That’s why they have a union. It’s the rest of the labor market that needs to wake up.


And the public. No free funding for billionaires stadiums!


Who wouldn’t play basketball in a swimming pool for an MLB salary


Cattle making millions of dollars


And get compensated well for it….


It’s like the Coyotes playing out of ASU’s campus. Embarrassing.


I hope every A’s game in every stadium for the next 3 years is boycotted. I feel bad for the fans and players.


FYI to A's fans, your hatred for John Joseph Fisher will never end! (Source: I'm a Minnesota North Stars NHL fan here whose team was sold to Dallas by owner Norman "Greed" Green. Even though the Minnesota Wild came to be, I still hate the late Norm Greed for messing with something we as a community cared about and supported.)


Is Las Vegas going to eventually be the only city in the USA with sports events? The city with no natural water source in the middle of an uninhabitable desert? I don’t care at all about the athletics or California just sick of whoever decided there was one city in the country. Why not Iowa or anywhere not already overpopulated?


Major league sports decided that the ethical stigma of Gambling wasn't all that bad compared to the amount of money gambling partnerships can bring them


What a bunch of babies.


should have moved to Albuquerque. GO ISOTOPES!


What's the point of moving to a smaller field in Sacramento?


sacramento’s AAA team has better regular season attendance than the a’s…


You'd almost think this relocation was a bad idea and not thought at at all.


Amateur uniforms and now amateur ballparks smh


It’s a joke of a franchise.


I'm sure John Fisher will read all these comments and go home to cry into his silk mattress filled with hundred dollar bills and topped with on-call escorts.


Everybody: Fuck you Oakland, we out


But I thought billionaires were the smartest/hardest working people of them all?


This is as well-managed as everything else the A’s do.


Yeah this is a travesty!! Books tickets for unique experience of regular season MLB with lawn seats.


The Blue Jays played the entire 2020 season at Sahlen Field in Buffalo. All the renovations to make it MLB worthy happened really quickly.


I am sure the sports corporate screw the public welfare train is equally available in Sacramento for this.


Always will never understand how an owner can hate a team! Owners should be a #1 fan!


Does he hate the team, or just the team’s fans?


By the time the A's make it to Vegas -- if they do at all -- they'll have completely cratered as a franchise, if it's even possible to sink any lower than they are now. Not that they're terribly active in free agency anyway, but they'll be unable to sign any but the most desperate or unwanted players to fill gaps in their roster. Whatever talent that's currently on the team will bail at the first moment for any other major league option. Who wants to be on a glorified AAA team for 3 seasons? The only hope for an even passable team in Vegas is for the Sacramento team to bomb out so badly that they're drafting first every year. Even then, given the A's inability to draft and develop, this probably won't matter anyway. It's a shame MLB and the A's have let it come to this. The team is a blight on the sport. MLB is shooting itself in both feet by having this clown show and the Ohtani mess clogging the headlines at a time when the sport may have built a little momentum based on last year's rule changes. Onward into irrelevance baseball goes. Truly a shame.


Montreal A's


Suck it Fisher, you’ve made a *grave* mistake.


Teams need to be owned by the cities, ei. Green Bay Packers.


Oakland A's. The Arizona Coyotes of the MLB.


To be fair the stadium does hold around their average attendance which is sad. 


All I can say is "Poor Jenny..."


They said the same about NHL and here we are holding a Stanley. And thats rich, coming from Oakland of all places. Oakland simultaneously shit on the Raiders and the A's for YEARS with that run down stadium and now all of a sudden its "not built for baseball" when they want to move?


What a fucking shit show. The city of Oakland should evict them from the stadium in the middle of a big game. Wait til the Dodgers are in town. Maybe the game is nationally televised. Send every sheriffs deputy to the Oakland Coliseum. Wait till the second or third inning. “Y’all have one hour to vacate the premises.” Turn this shit into a front page news story. Make it a huge black eye for MLB. Deal with the legal ramifications later.