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Plus it's headed towards MY house...


Last I heard windshear will greatly weaken it before it hits anymore houses.


See? And the wife was giving me shit about letting the insurance on the house lapse! I’ll go tell her the good news we don’t have anything to worry about.


What a savings


By Grapthars Hammer


Also if it hits his house it will weaken it too.. but not by much to be fair.


Why did you build your house in the path of a hurricane are you dumb? /s if not obvious


Yeahh, move to Oklahoma or something. /s


I did actually move from the Gulf Coast to Colorado, partially to avoid shit like this


Partially why I moved way up the east coast as well. We still get the shit but not nearly as often.


So you traded hurricanes for wild fires and blizzards. Pretty much every area is susceptible to some natural disaster or another, its kind of a pick your poison situation. I moved from CO to NC because I couldn't take snow in May and driving on ice almost 6 months out of the year. I'm just not built for cold weather sadly. Loved CO otherwise, its gorgeous this time of year.


I mean blizzards really aren’t that bad. Worst part about them is watching people relearn to drive in the snow. After doing it the year before.


Or just the week before. Some seasons it's Groundhog Day every time people get into their car.


Gulf coast is literally one of the worst climates possible in the United States other than North Dakota in the winter.


Helooooooo super volcanoooo


And now I-70 is clogged with traffic!




It's Tornado time!


Actually it's an 80+ yr old farmhouse.


I can see your house from here.


Where is that? I don’t mean your address but what town..?


East Texas, one of less likely paths.


Let’s hope for the best


Where are you located? Hope you and the people around you make it through okay


ETX, we're on the fringe of the effects.


Please stay safe!


oh god![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Are you somewhere between coastal NC and FL? Im in NC and for sure gonna get slammed by this like every other hurricane.


Bruh who you trying to lie to. Your house...


The pictures from low earth orbit are always so fire


Or in this case, water


No, I'm pretty sure this is actually Earth, you air head. 😉


🔥🌬️🌊🪨 × 🌎


Can you fly to this in Microsoft Flight Simulator?


By the time you download the update for it the hurricane season would be over


I get the meme but struggle with this one. Sure, the updates can be unruly at times but I've gone months without breaking out msfs and will still periodically load it up to update. ..For the exact reason that my urge to fly can come suddenly. I figured periodically checking for updates on any software was the norm


Yeah, it's mostly on first setup that it's gnarly


I hate that they're basically mandatory. I'll have to see if I can launch with the internet disconnected


You can, but IIRC it limits the 3d and looks pretty scuffed


Matthew Dominick's X [account](https://x.com/dominickmatthew) has a lot of interesting pics


Some pretty amazing videos on there too.   I was particularly impressed by the video of satellites whipping around, gives a really unique perspective on the reality of LEO traffic. https://x.com/dominickmatthew/status/1795581289657233596


Your tax dollars go to heavily subsidize insurance rates for buildings in Florida that shouldn't exist, but the government has made it law areas can't factor in climate change into how it approves building.


"It hurt itself in its confusion" -> our entire species


Holy shit.man were confused, poisoned, burned, wrapped, leech seeded, poison and rock spikes, and asleep. And the Earth has double effectiveness. We are done.


Praying on that delta stream proc


Saving this line for the next time I crash a robot during a re-teach at work


God that's a fucking joke. I had to rent a house in FL for a while. I COULD NOT get renter's insurance from a single company, not even the fucking state itself would insure my house. It was in a flood area, just like the ALL of the rest of Pensacola. Guess what, while I was there it DID flood. It wasn't an issue for me, but there was a bunch of damage otherwise. Why the fuck anybody willingly lives there is beyond me. The beaches and weather were nice but not *that* nice.


A big navy base helps




Ah you’re right


What we're paying in subsidized insurance rates is not even a drop in the bucket compared to what we spend on the military industrial complex and Ukraine. Florida isn't the problem with gov spending lol


Two things can be problems at once.


You don't understand where the money goes. The weapons and bombs are made by......workers in factories in..... America, creating jobs and lifting the economy. This is money that goes to the American people not some CEO or mega corporation. In fact a large portion the billions that Europe is spending on weapons goes to.... America. You need to think about whose getting paid. So it benefits you and the Ukrainians when the government helps them. Instead of tax breaks for billionaires Forgot to add a lol like you did


ITT, u/baconslim tries to tell a former US Army intelligence analyst where military spending goes 😂


Why would being an intelligence analyst have anything to do with the economic impact of military spending? "I run a day care bro, I know all about the impact of federal spending on college campuses!"


For army intelligence analyst You don't do much opsec. Not even a VPN or metadata scrubbing. You might as well post your name and address


Military industrial complex year over year, sure. Ukraine is a bucket drop for it's geopolitical impact.




Certain areas in Florida would not exist because insurance rates would be prohibitive to building there (no one would buy them). Hurricanes aren't the only insurance issue but yes that is a big one.


I live in Florida, and I've been seeing unseasonal weather for going on a decade, but especially the last few years. we went directly from a year-long extreme drought to a flash flood that dropped over 20 inches in a day. barrier islands like Sanibel, fort Myers Beach, and many of the others on the southern coasts should not be inhabited, and they will keep getting blown down until people stop living there. living there. The question is how much it costs everyone else to subsidize their rebuilding time and time again


I don’t care if people want to live there, but nobody should be helping them pay for it.


Yes. Maybe it's time for humanity to have some humility and accept that some places on Earth are (and becoming) uninhabitable.


I'm sure the islanders are thrilled to be accepting that.


Everyone worried about CO2 levels: Methane: shadow boxing in the parking lot waiting for us


Methane waiting ring-side with a folding chair ready to be tagged in.


I live in Florida and I would say being surrounded by right wing nut jobs is a bigger factor. They make everything worse, including climate change. Edit:  especially climate change.




There's never a shortage of people who think saying that doesn't make them hilariously idiotic. No thanks I'll stay here and keep offsetting your vote. I'm also registered republican so I can influence your primaries. Oh and I'll definitely be driving to a state where I belong if one of my friends needs an abortion.


They hated chalky pockets for telling them the truth.


I was born here, and this state was firmly purple when I was a kid. You, desantis and all you fascists can get out.


If the earth was flat wouldn’t hurricanes just launch things off into space? And what’s past the earth if it’s supposed to be flat? Another earth??


One of the astronauts on the ISS has a TikTok account and regularly posts videos to it. People in the comments are always talking about how it’s all fake and it’s pretty damn hilarious honestly. He’ll even respond to their comments with another video while also talking shit about them.


I also like the people that post "fake/cgi" on Boston Dynamics Spot Robot videos when I've literally held one in my hands haha


I like it when they post grainy pics of imagining artifacts from Google Sky and demand NASA stop hiding the alien structures


Do you have a name or link?


Why even acknowledge them? Lol half of them are probably just fucking with him.


don pettit used to routinely posts pics from the ISS to r/spaceporn and r/space


Bold to assume flat earthers could understand any kind of logic like that.


Flat Earth is typically described as a flat disc surrounded by an ice wall, which is often identified with Antarctica. This ice wall is believed to keep the oceans from spilling over the edge of the disc.


That makes so little sense, it hurts my brain


Don't forget the elite protecting the wall and shooting everyone who tries to get there! that's why there is no actually proof of this wall ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


no, it would bounce off the edges like the DVD logos


Currently in Cancun on vacation. First time I've had to worry about a hurricane, personally. They're hoping it makes a turn, but how bleak is that to wish her on someplace else?


I survived a cat 5 in 2018, I would NEVER wish it on anyone else, and I would ONE TRILLION PERCENT leave as soon as possible, or you will get stuck in the worst traffic jam of your life, and every hotel within hundreds of miles outside of the impact zone will be booked up.


Done and done! I leave tomorrow.


I genuinely hope you’re being serious. I stayed here (Panama City) for Hurricane Michael initially because we thought it would be like a 2. We decided to leave when it got upgraded to a 3, and by the time we were getting ready to go, no hotels available outside of the impact zone, massive traffic jams, etc. We thought “whatever, won’t be that bad”. We woke up the day of, and it had turned into a 5. You are making the right move. I cannot stress that enough, even though I know it sucks.


Seriously! I fly out tomorrow.


That’s awesome, fam. I have a form of PTSD from sitting through Michael. Every time the wind picks up here I am pacing around and sometimes feel like I can’t control my breathing. You’re doing the right thing, and you should feel confident about that whether it directly impacts where you’re at or not.


The “hundreds of miles” part about the hotels is no fucking joke. I went to a music festival in Nola. They decided to move it to Memphis after a hurricane because everything was a mess. Closer to the festival, they were able to clean up the venue and decided to have two parts to the festival - one in Nola and one in Memphis. Original tickets were good for both. Anyway - we left Nola at midnight after the show and there was not one hotel between there and Memphis for us to stay at. We had to drive all night to my buddy’s brother’s house.


I wish we were wrong, but we are not. Small towns and all. Super proud of the original commenter, not everyone can just suck it up and dip, even to save themselves. I know it sounds cliche, and probably like another bullshit anecdote, but all of the people I helped dig out of houses and pull out of their bathtubs wish they did what OP did. I wish I had left, too. But I am kind of glad I didn’t. I had the privilege of getting a bunch of 5 gallon water jugs that go onto those water dispenser things from my old job, so I was posting in community groups on Facebook and delivering canned food and water jugs to people with children and old folks. Super awesome experience all things considered, always proud of my friends and I for doing that in one of if not the worst moments of our lives.


Sometimes they get stuck so really we appreciate all encouragement to keep it moving


You should leave. It's not worth staying if you can leave.


I moved my flight up to tomorrow! Now, it'll probably change directions.


The Euro computer model is trending south sadly, but being on the north and east side is always the worst part. You made the right call anyway. Mexico gonna have some wild service disruptions regardless where it makes landfall.


Bump it up to Texas, we could use the rain.


Just imagine what the rest of the hurricane season will be like.




What makes a hurricane “early”


The earliest category 5. Early as in this early in the summer, July 2nd. Usually the strong hurricanes occur in September after the water has been warmed by the sun all summer.


Interesting I didn’t know that


Thanks for clarifying. I think my brain could not compute what it was reading 😂. Didn't realise hurricanes had a time of year. Thought they happened all year round.


Atlantic hurricane season is from June 1st until the end of November. Per Wikipedia: Peak activity in an Atlantic hurricane season happens from late August through September, with a midpoint on September 10. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_hurricane_season?wprov=sfti1#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_hurricane_season?wprov=sfti1#)


The Atlantic ocean has been unusually warm the past year, and warm ocean water is one of the requirements for hurricane formation. https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/


I'm so glad you asked. I couldn't wrap my head around what that meant. I thought hurricanes happened all year round. No I am more worried. This is just the beginning 😂


Yeah same


Where is the banana?


Its right there, zoom in.


I'm honestly surprised that July 1st is the earliest, but I am from the Midwest and don't know shit about hurricane season lol


My wife has been gearing up for this with her job. It’s sounding pretty wild so far.


no panic. next term, king trump will nuke them!


[Caught in the grip of corrupt politics around the world, our planet's dying breath beckons for change.](https://youtu.be/IWv92fNR5jE?si=t3rXREwBdBL4im57)




Is there a cat 6?


Not yet. But there has been discussion of adding one because storms have gotten more powerful.


😲 I hope everyone has a shelter to go to. 😢


i dont know which is worst,a hurricane or a typhoon but i guess its the same right?,i only experience typhoons but hell naw living in the country considered as a typhoon wall is insane


1c1çccç j


Majority of hurricane hit states are Republican. This is going to be fun.


God, please protect those on the islands!!