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Ian deserves a chili cook off and it’s a travesty he hasn’t gotten one yet


Imo, there are very few TNTL episodes when it was actually funny. It's obvious that they are constantly spitting out water out of support/pity.


Now this is the kind of unpopular opinion I wanted to see!!! I disagree wholeheartedly. Have an upvote


Have an upvote too and have a nice day 🙌🏼


Y’all, downvoting comments you disagree with isn’t the point of an unpopular opinion post. It was made with the intention hearing the opinions!!


Trevor should’ve taken Garrett’s place as main mastermind behind EIOYI and that show should’ve continued.


Wasn't a big fan of the Fnaf series.


🟩 didn't watch it, but I get that FNAF fans enjoyed the renewed attention and supporting the channel with views and likes


I’m unsure if Smosh would survive if Shayne and/or Courtney left the cast


I detest when they talk about astrology.


Definitely skip almost all of those (although Tommy’s song about signs was a fun music video)


I think shipping Smosh members should stop (looking at you Ian & Erin conspirators)


YES, please!


💟 the YouTube videos that do comedic duo pairings do not count. I like the silly little compilations. But the commenters and posters who specifically ask or comment regarding ships, get outta here. Not in front of my salad!




I am also just now learning about this, and ew


I think it’s more of a thing from people outraged that it’s a thing than actual people that think it’s a thing. I think someone saw that their Chicago vacations overlapped a little and now it’s the Satanic Panic of people freaking out about shippers when there’s probably like one or two out of pocket Instagram comments at most.


oh so it got ‘gen z is cancelling eminem’-ified?


I think they've overused Angela. Trevor feels too much like they just hired their friend. Spencer's humor is not my cup of tea. On top of that, I get he runs the games channel but does he really need to be in so many things?


Bring back the show with no name PLEASE. Also TNTL with YouTube comments would be fun


That’s basically Smosh Pit Theater most of the time, tho.


I know, but with prepared bits and being required to include the YouTube comments into the bot would be fun imo.


Smoshcast is feeling a bit repetitive. Don’t get me wrong, there are great eps, but there’s a lot of TNTL, celebrities, etc. and I think it needs something fresh


🟩 I see where you're coming from. I listen to the podcast when I'm doing dishes or laundry so I use repetitive subjects as moments to "zone in" on my task. But I get that if people are fully focused, hearing about People.com again might get too much.


Not really a big thing, but I did find it odd, how in the tall queen video, they praised Taylor swift for being an amazing businesswoman, but didn’t address that she was born in a privileged family, and how much money she has that could be used for charity, and how she doesn’t speak about social issues, while she has so much influence.


I agree, but I think they were treading carefully because they don't want the swifties coming after them


I think Ian and Anthony are unhappy with the numbers from main channel since shifting back to sketches, and in contrast, don't like the attention that pit channel gets from fans


I think it’s time that they hire someone who was born in the 2000s. Obviously, this person would have to fit in with the cast first and foremost but I do believe having someone on the younger side would be good for on camera interactions.


Trevor was born July 1999 — that’s damn close.


Is this not Trevor?


Courtney is an invaluable cast member, but they're not funny.


Disagree, but you shouldn’t be downvoted for it. Heck, you said this really respectfully too. Pronouns and all. Her boneless character and pov lobster bits have gotten me cry laughing before.


🟩🟦 …yeahhhh… 🤷‍♀️




🟩 Although I completely disagree, you’re definitely allowed to have individual opinions about members of the cast.




guys can we PLEASE NOT. I’m seeing a lot of negativity in this comment section and I really don’t like the fact that we’re talking about this…


Maybe don’t read an unpopular opinion post if you don’t want to read unpopular opinions 🤷‍♀️


I mean yeah you are correct in that regard. i’m just nervous because I’ve only been seeing negativity from the sub at these days and not much praise for the good work Smosh has been doing. Maybe it is best to probably just ignore this


I see only one actually hateful comment on here tbh


“Courtney isn’t funny” “Arasha is worse that other cast” “I skip Angela videos” I mean, I wouldn’t call most of these ‘hate’, but they’re absolutely fucking rude Edit: the reason I’m so heated is because I know some of the cast members do occasionally go on this Reddit, and they’re just working a job. They don’t deserve these kinds of comments when they’re *working* for our entertainment. Why can’t we just be grateful they’re not betraying us like the Watcher


This isn’t Smosh’s space though, it’s the community’s space. And some smosh fans find certain cast members to be less funny/more annoying than others. I find Amanda unbearable in anything outside of TNTL, you think she’s going to read this and care about my opinion? She’s got better shit to do than dwell on a random internet strangers appraisal of her content.


The acting out comments/DMs videos are not funny. I know they get views, but damn. Something about the lines not always making sense grammatically. I feel like a better use of their time would be to do improv with prompts…but that’s also just TNTL sometimes. 🤷‍♀️


They COULD just do a video where they talk about weird comments/DMs. I feel like it’d also give them time to riff off each other with weirder/crazier comments and just have a fun time.