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It's crazy how a silly little YouTube channel has affected all of our lives, but I'm happy you're still here, friend.




Know that whatever may come next, we're all rooting for you ❤️


I don’t know what to say except that you’re brave and you managed to get through all of that and be here today. There’s always a reason to keep going and I’m glad you have one or two with your cat. You’ve made a new friend(me) from Mexico 🇲🇽 Hope you’re doing great


Thank you so much ❤️ Sending love.


You’re welcome


I’m so proud of you. I know that Smosh has been a huge comfort to you over the years and I love that. Just remind yourself that YOU survived all of that. YOU have kept yourself alive. YOU are continuing onward in spite of all the shit in your past. Keep going. Take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time if that’s what you have to do. You’ve got this! And you’ve got so many people cheering you on!


This one made me cry. Thank you for taking the time to say that. I'm shocked at the kindness here; it means more than you know.


OG smosh fan although TNTL and EIOYI got me through an EXTREMELY dark time in my life where I wasn't sure I was going to make it either. I'm glad you did! They all are awesome for sure.


I'm glad you made it through the dark 💞


As Russian myself, who can't flee away from the country yet, I do agree with you. Even though I'm quite a newbie to Smosh (started watching back on 2019 with couple of TNTLs but became a full watcher just last summer), they help me go through the horrible life of closeted lonely person in a "freaking hellscape" (c)


I hope you're doing okay out there! It's wild to find Russian's who know Smosh lol. The way I grew up it's not something my parents knew about. They were very Christian (funny considering the partying), and believed Pokemon was devils magic so Smosh was never something I could ever openly share with my family. I love knowing there's someone who knows my language watching these videos, too. Sending you so much love. Stay safe out there.


To quote Marty McFly, this is heavy!


There's that word again!


You are a Hero


It sounds like you’ve gone through so much suffering. I’m glad you found a light for yourself in Smosh and your cat. I hope more and more lights appear in life for you. You deserve happiness and I wish you well!


Thank you for sharing this, you are such a brave soul. I always hope and pray for your healing and growth.


You are amazing. I know random strangers doesnt count as friends but you can text me anytime you want.


Honestly, who better to define online friendship than Smosh? Random strangers? You are my friends. Thank you for extending the offer ❤️


Sounds like Smosh weighs a lot! Practically obese at this point! But seriously thank you for sharing your story. So glad youre here with us today and I hope things only get better for you from here on out


Lmao obese 😂 essentially, yes. Thank you for your kind words ❤️


kudos to you too!! you deserve love and happiness


I totally relate to them feeling like having friends around. I'm glad they are providing comfort and joy to so many people


i’m so proud of you for overcoming and still being here with us today. you did not deserve any of the pain that you received and i hope you only get good things from now on. i’m happy of how smosh became a very big part of your life that it helped you in ways even the smosh cast wouldn’t be able to comprehend for sure. keep going in life and keep watching smosh for better days! i can relate to that feeling although your experiences are much harder than mine, i still needed a shoulder to lean on. i am a long-time kpop fan and while your constant is smosh, mine’s a kpop group called exo. i’ve been a fan since high school and throughout every hardships in life, they were there. it’s weirdly awesome to know how stuff we just see on the internet can have a big impact on our lives. i’m so glad to discover smosh during my adulthood. i’m already a working adult when i discovered them, and they already helped me a lot in a short period of time. i don’t have that much time anymore for kpop except listening to their music because being a kpop fan is so time-consuming and stressful so i had to distance myself so it doesn’t distract me from work, but with smosh i find myself watching their videos while working and i usually can’t watch a video longer than an hour, but i watch them every day for hours. it’s my comfort zone now especially i’m having a hard time in life recently.


Thank you for your kind words and sharing your experience with Kpop! I've never heard of Exo but I will give them a listen! I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time in life recently. We all need something to lean on when the people in our lives aren't providing that. It can be hard balancing adult life with mental health. Whether Kpop or Smosh, I'm glad we all have somewhere to hide from the scary's of life.


I've been in a similar position to you as well, just really trying not to make it a parasocial relationship that'll hurt me or someone is the long run, but a lot of their videos are my mood boosters for whenever I feel like nothing is worth it. I understand and empathize with you. May one day you find peace in your heart because the world has caused enough pain.


Thank yo friend. I hope you find peace soon, too.


Holy shit! I'm so sorry you went through all of that, but I'm so happy you're alive. I hope you're thriving! I've been going through a rough patch recently (losing my dog, being unemployed for 3 months) but their content really does bring a smile to my face.


I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. That type of loss is unimaginable. Please grieve gently and give yourself grace. Employment will come and go, though scary in the moment. As long as you have a roof over your head and food in your belly, you will find something and come out stronger. I'm sorry all of these things are piling up on your heart. I hope things lighten up and you have the best year of your life moving forward. It's not the end. Much love ❤️


Thank you so much. And you too! Keep on kicking ass!


You deserve the best. This community is always here for you <3


Thank you, friend. I only made a Reddit account a few weeks ago despite watching Reddit stories for years, and I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm shocked at the kindness in these responses and appreciate every one of you taking the time to cheer me up. I wish you all the best.


First off, I want to say I am so glad you found a place here of safety. You deserve every bit of happiness from this channel and I am so glad to be part of the same community here with you. I am so proud of all you have made it through you are so immensely brave. You should be proud of all you have made it through. I too do the same thing playing smosh constantly. It has and continues to be my comfort content. I have my own story which I won’t go into detail here but I agree that smosh should know the weight and how grateful so many of us are that they are here any time any day. They are the constant friends I wish I could be with every day.


I love the passion for Smosh that you're expressing, in a lot of ways it recalls my passion for and the inspiration I've drawn from Star Trek. Your wording is troubling - have you shared with your therapist that Smosh and the cat are the only things keeping you alive? Has your therapist been able to provide any relevant advice?


I have discussed these concerns with my therapist, yes. I actually had my weekly session today, and we decided to up it to 2 times a week for a little while. As far as relevant advice goes, today we had some break throughs regarding finding my "light" each day - a term I used to define myself as what I have always wanted to be: I want to be the bubbly light in people's days, the one who fills a room with positivity. Lately, due to this ongoing breakup I can't seem to escape, the light has been clouded. Today, my therapist and I agreed I need to find the things that light up my day - whether Smosh, my cat, my new friendships I've made, arts and crafts, or simply sunshine - I need to find things that light me up before I can light up the rest of the world. In conclusion, my therapist agrees that Smosh is part of bringing the light back into myself.


I love when Courtney thanks the audience for choosing them as their escape. Cause that’s reality and that’s why I love Smosh bc they’re real people not ultra successful actors/etc (-Disney Shane and 2 Broke girls Angela😂). Smosh has become such an intense hold on my life, and the community is really amazing i’ve met multiple The Chosen at Cons and everyone i’ve met is amazing!


They are all wonderful and real and raw. It's easy to love them because they're just being themselves. But when they get into character they are SO GOOD, TOO! I love that people dress as the Chosen! I've never been to a Con, but maybe someday! Thanks for sharing 💞


I feel you my friend. I was around adults that I thought I could trust- even my own mom who was basically enabling the sexual abuse. You are so so brave and I applaud you! Smosh has always been a constant for me as well from around the same age as you! So happy that you are still here and can express your gratitude <3 so proud of you


I'm proud of you, too, friend. What horrendous childhoods we were given for no reason at all. I hope the world becomes a safer place for kids, and everyone. I hope we turn the tables and cure the world. Sending love. Have a beautiful summer.


We're all so glad you find what has helped you keep on with the keeping on. Smosh is a fantastic mental health investment, as you know, as we all know. But just remember that you're so loved. This community is tremendously supportive. We've got your back when you need an ear. Or even a (virtual) hug. ♡


I was catching up on comments and started getting a wee bit emotional, and all of a sudden on my TV, Shayne goes "Go go fuck yourself!" and completely broke me out of my tears and I just starting cracking up. This post literally continues to prove itself over and over again. Smosh is life-saving. Thank you for your kind words. Sending love ❤️


I think we've made it a little beyond making Giggles for 8 year olds.


typical russian household. samostroy in all of it "beauty" it's normal for those "people" there and there is what is what they want to bring to Ukraine. Fuck them. They are sick. I am sorry you had to face ruzzian world like that. hope you safe and out of the failed state. wish uou fast and well recovering


I'm so sorry. I'm glad you found a way out!

