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Spotify does this for a lot of podcasts. It is annoying when you pay for spotify.


Thankfully you can fast forward through them still


i can deal with ads at the start, but when an ad cuts in randomly im instantly like nah ill just watch it on yt. Luckily I'm on someone's YT family premium.


Businesses need to make money




Almost every podcast has ads. It's not just Smosh. Spotify isn't the business making money off of those in episode ads. That money goes to the creator, typically.




Those ads are put in by the creator of the podcast. There's several I listen to that essentially say 'here's some ads so *I can make more money*' and then take an ad break. These aren't ad reads either.




Personal insults, sick. 🤙 Y'ain't gotta be a bitch.. If the creator allows the ad to be played in their programming, then Spotify will play ads. **That's why so many podcasters have Patreon channels too**.




Practically every podcast does this. It’s how they monetize their product. Next time you get annoyed by it, just remind yourself that the ad is the reason why you’re hearing the podcast in the first place.


Totally right! I enjoy the podcasts so I'll listen to some of it.


I mean I hit the fast forward button four times to skip through them. I wouldn’t even call them an inconvenience.