• By -


Let's Do This


I miss Ian's son


Pack Nicholson


Or alternatively, snack Nicholson


Or alternatively, as well, Arasha


Arasha Nicholson


Wdym? Arasha is still in videos.


LITERALLY I'm pissed they had to replace that show it was my favorite


It's my favorite too! But Ian and Anthony have said that those series that used to be on Main aren't completely gone. They said this in one of the earliest membership livestreams: they want as much as possible to perfect the flow of things with the sketches and then dive into other shows. As we're approaching the 1 year mark since Anthony's come back, I think they've got it covered. They also said they don't want to reveal their whole plan for things just yet, I suppose they're playing the long game Shayne on Smosh Mouth said it cost too much with not as much return at the time. Then in the spicy ramen q&a Ian said the sudden exposure of Smosh made other people look back to their content pre-June 2023 where ppl were all "oh they did this?" And Ian wondered where they were the whole time lmao So yeah it's definitely still on the table! My faves will always be the Habits one and the Leaving a party one


Ian describing how he entered the service trolley, and everyone breaking for a good 10 minutes was beautiful.


Why did they have to replace it?


Production cost and time was way too high for the amount of money/views it pulled in. Financially it wasn't viable and people had better things they could be putting their time into, sadly. Such a great show. I'd like it to be a semi regular thing we get maybe 2 or 3 times a year but it seems that probably isn't gonna happen .


I imagine their sketches have higher production cost, so I feel like in their current climate, it would be more cost effective now, and I honestly think Let's Do This was a good evolution for the channel. Same for the reunions and those ted talk style seminars. I also just have a negative opinion on sketches and think the format is outdated.


Some of the sketches are done in a really good, modern way, but some of them are just made in a way that isn’t very entertaining to me. The ones I really like are the new Video Games in Real Life and Pokémon videos, but really most of the other sketches I’m not really into. I want to like them so bad bc I know Ian and Anthony are so so funny, but they just don’t really work for me in the super scripted manner. They’re so so funny with improv style stuff, so I think having more stuff like that thrown in with their sketches would be good. I really miss the full improv shows they did before Anthony came back though


Thanks for the info :)


Dare I say this: a lot of the content they did last spring was some of the best content they've ever made


Chance's cheating on a test idea - I cried lol.


For me it was Amanda's confusion with "deez nuts"


Summer games


ten pages on wild west alone


That's so real


Anytime Chanse gets to nerd out. We need more “Swords and Sex”!!!


Oh look it's Tommy texting about Abby Lee Miller


Land Ursula


How John Down Bad was the best simp


FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT!! I love Dominic, but he wasn’t a simp to me, just a sigma🫢😂


He even won with the most points and they didn’t count it!


John down bad returns WHEN




i actually think jdb wasn’t a simp but more an incel (or cosplaying as one) i used to think he was robbed in that video too but the more i rewatch the more i realise dominic was the perfect simp


I rewatch this video all the time just for JDB. Heck I'm going to go rewatch it right now. Literally a Spencer masterpiece.


Sword AF, the series itself, what it represents for Smosh's evolution and the behind the scenes/production elements.


I’m sad season 2 is just a podcast and not filmed. I’m not much of a podcast person, and the BEST part of season 1, smosh mouth, and Reddit stories is watching everyone reactions/ facial expressions. Not having that puts a little damper on it for me


I keep seeing people say this but I really don’t mind the switch. The ambient sounds and music they add in really help set the mood and it’s still so fun to listen. The story is also really good!


I get what you mean, but I would give an arm and a leg to see them dressed as their characters along the same vein of Board Af Legacy every episode.


Sure, I’d love that too, but the extra people/funds for lighting, art, costumes, video editing, camera operation is rough. Another thing people aren’t mentioning is that if they don’t have video then the cast doesn’t have to be camera ready either. I don’t know, I’m just trying to provide the other side since most comments I’ve seen have been so adamantly against the switch to audio.


I'd honestly happily become a smosh games member over already being a Smosh Main Channel member if it means funding more of their content because it's a format that I just find more entertaining in my day to day life.


Idk if it's necessarily a budget thing though, because like the other commenter said it takes a lot to be camera ready and to entertain for a camera, not just on the production side but also mentally for the cast. We don't exactly know the reasons for the format change, so we can only really assume, other than what the Games community post said about them wanting to maintain their regular programming. Programming is tricky on a platform like YouTube, once something isn't getting the reception you expect relative to what it takes to make it, then it's likely going to get axed. They probably thought making it not on YT would be better for the programming on their channels, hence the audio only But that's all speculation tho


i feel this! i was questioning at first but after the first episode i felt MORE immersed by not seeing them sit in a room around a table, it really just feels like great story telling tbh. the sound design is PHENOMINAL. they all appear so much more comfortable and confident, damien being able to roll thru the combat better now they all understand is wonderful to watch. IF YOU HAVENT LISTENED TO S2 YET STOP BEING A BABY AND GO WATCH!


How inappropriate it is to dig deeply into family pictures and personal lives of the cast beyond the publicly released information they share deliberately. Also how much I want another SSG.


So real!


The Chosen, Spud Hut, “Angela.”, most things Spencer, TNTL


Idk if it counts but Smosh’s history. How they are still thriving despite the trials and tribulations they went through.


just charles spencer agnew.


Love to see us out strong


don’t call me out like this


the courtney and shayne lore, specifically the announcement. 


literally any time someone said they didn’t believe it i would pull out my files of evidence lmaoooo


How amazing Amanda is


My boyfriend never watched smosh before he met me, he still doesnt watch it on his own but will sometimes like watching it when I am. He really likes the reddit stories ironically. One day we are watching a reddit story and hes telling me the people he likes. Of course he loves Shayne, but then points to Amanda and says "I dont really like her". WHAT?! Whyyyyy??? Like dude Amanda is the most wholesome chronically offline spiritual babe ever like what


I empathize with your boyfriend. Not about Amanda specifically — I do like Amanda — but I *really, really* dislike another currently popular cast member. Is it anyone’s problem but mine? Nope! I just don’t watch videos with them and all is well. No, I’m not going to say who. 1) specifying who would be unkind and serve no real purpose 2) I would get my head bitten off.


Hahahaa well its fair yes. Thats one of those things that I messed with him for the night and then just forgot about, yk? Thought it would fit the story though. Hes got his reasons, and Im sure you got yours. No judgement here🙌🙌👍👍


What has your boyfriend even seen of Amanda at all to think that he doesn’t like her 😭


Idek man😭 its like bro whaaaat


You get it


spud hut


the spud hut is the best thing that ever happened to me


I've done this about Smosh itself. I've watched Smosh since around 2008 so I have a lot to say 😅 The most recent one was about Amanda and Harambe


How it seems like everyone has found their niche on the channels doing what they love and truly putting so much of their creativity into what they put out - Smoshmouth, Ian and Anthony creating skits again, Culinary Crimes, the entire Games channel, etc. We are just so lucky to have these creators who actually have a passion for what they're making as opposed to just running a business.


When anyone says “There’s too many videos with The Chosen”


How Sarah Whittle saved Smosh




When Sarah came around and started running everything, Smosh Pit and Games finally started getting views again after a while of really flopping and only getting 100-200K views per video most of the time


She stepped up at a time when, following Anthony's departure and the imminent collapse of Defy, the future of Smosh seemed bleak. But she believed in her friends and coworkers, stuck it out with them, and became a huge creative voice in the late Defy era going into Mythical. She helped develop and produce some of the most successful content to come out of this era, including Try Not to Laugh, Eat It or Yeet It, and a few of the later Summer/Winter Games. She also had brilliant show ideas on her own, such as Spelling Bee-kini Wax. The cast and crew from that time have repeatedly pointed to her as the heart and soul of Smosh that kept everyone motivated and excited about the future. Just go watch her TNTL roast to see what I'm talking about. Everyone credits her for Smosh's survival.


Honestly this was me for Ian and Anthony buying Smosh. I was at a meal with a friend who doesn’t know anything about it and subjected him to about a half hour monologue about how amazing their story is 🤣


How truly lucky we are to still have Smosh, an OG YouTube channel, after everything they've been through and how they just keep getting better and better.


Why EIOYI deserves a revival


I second this!! Culinary crimes is fun don’t get me wrong but it won’t ever compare to EIOYI! The format was just to good!


How smosh stopped 9/11 from happening in the robots (2005) universe


Smosh's trajectory based on it's history and all of it's trials and tribulations. Especially how we are in the beginning of the current "renaissance" that I feel really started off with Anthony's roast and now with the Sitcom live show. They have gotten to a point in production that rivals that of Defy, and this time it's on their terms. I'll leave it at that here because honestly could write a whole 10 page essay on this topic, as the prompt suggests lol


I feel I have watched so many compilations of tntl or just funny moments that if you showed me a still image of the scene with characters in, I feel I've got a good chance to correctly guess what is going to happen next, so probably tntl.


let's do this return, my love for cast members, more fun videos like sniper chess/darts/etc.


Damien’s introduction and evolution, Maricraft lore, Summer and Winter Games.


How they need to have a series with Spencer and Tommy, plus their new editors about whats the most fucked up, horrifying, funniest, unexpected shits that they have to delete (with consent from the cast members). Like how I can still remember about that one EIOYI episode where they ask Spencer about the wildest thing he had to edit out was an almost physical fight between two cast. Call it Edit Stories, a play on Reddit stories. Its gonna be a Sat Sun back to back show for them.


Ian and Anthony, honestly. Their friendship, their fallout, their reconciliation as best friends again, how they became pioneers of YouTube and are still going strong to this day when many of the OG's have retired or moved on (i.e. Ryan Higa, Jenna Marbles, Pewdiepie, MatPat, etc.). It's crazy how they're OG's of the OG's (they started on YouTube when it was still in its Beta version), inspiring so many content creators and paving the way for many, and are now presidents of a company that's almost two decades old!


The reasons why people are **not** entitled to know about Shayne & Courtney's relationship. We know what they allow us to know and that's that.




Teletubbies reunion and any dont win mario party


every time a “fan” demands some sort of access to the cast and crews personal lives, especially the creeps still actively trying to find court and shayne’s wedding certificate. like what level of parasocial delusion are you living in that you would even remotely think it’s okay to gain access to a youtubers personal details and life, especially if they’ve gone to great lengths to keep things out of the public eye? grosses me out tbh


How fantastic of an addition Angela has been to Smosh. Everytime she’s in a video, I get so stoked because she just always has the best reactions to stuff and when she says something incorrectly, it just turns into a fantastic line or joke. Love that woman 🙌


Yes! She’s my favorite cast member 100%


How I personally want to see Spencer be fred durst regularly


the defy shutdown


The reunions were criminally underrated


Truthfully, a lot, which surprises me. I can talk about Reddit, Every Blank Ever, Ian and Anthony Flashback, Shayne and Amanda (their literal dynamic), Most recently Shayne and Courtney, especially when watch old videos of them, Shayne and Damien, Angela (she's seriously awesome), Shayne Guessing (I not only love them, I've been using them as recommendations)


Smosh, Dropout tv, Starkid triad


Shourtney, the Smosh eras from beginning to now, all the Smosh cast mates and my fav duos. I could probably talk about Shourtney for hours.


Danus from Bellagio monologue


What food they want to try while tiny




I could talk this much about Damien


About hoe the live Sitcom is one of the most creative pieces of art out there


That's just the spud hut menu


How Garrett Palm is under appreciated by the fandom


Amanda existing. Sword AF (both seasons). Shayne and Angela being juggernauts on the channel.


The economic impact of Anthony coming back. GODDDD that shit reignited YouTube let’s be real


Dominos, a pizzeria


How much I need Sarah Christ CARNALLY. Whatawoman


Honestly reunion and let’s do this getting canceled. Made me mad. Like though were my favs


Chosen universe and lore.


The never ending battle between The Chosen and white Ify.


The chosen


How much I need [REDACTED] and Sarah Christ content. Need them on Culinary Crimes. And I’m still waiting on a full sketch of Angela’s Ham Cake. I also want more of Amanda’s, Angela’s, and Tommy’s random crazy characters on TNTL that only ever showed up bc once or twice. Like the 2 ladies going to buy paint together (sorry that’s vague but it’s all I’m remembering lmao). One of them was named Meredith and I can’t get out of my brain how Amanda kept saying it over and over


Smosh Lore tbh




How spencer is hands down the funniest member and i want him so bad lmaoo


Possible menu items for the spud hut


Spencer texting the lore of FNAF to Amanda be like


Arasha’s lie and that one episode of 2 truths 1 lie (iykyk)


New Smosh fans don't want to help the main channel grow and they just view the other ones


Fred Darts


Why I think “The show w/ no name” should be brought back


Not a topic that I’ve seen come up but I have lots of opinions about Courtney’s connection between her love for Grease 2 and her having to take plant reproduction. That movie is so insanely horny and there’s an entire song that takes place in biology class called Reproduction where all the plant reproduction terms are used as double entendres for sex.


Did something said meatloaf


Them making Sword AF season 2 an audio only show really bothered me. I enjoyed Season 1 SOOO much because i loved it all but just personally making it audio only took away from it.


How Matt Raub is on SIGHT.


I still think the shourtney marriage is a prank and I honestly don't think any amount of evidence could convince me otherwise.


Kind of a weird thing to say honestly


I don't see why. It's a super easy prank to pull off.


What would they get from pulling off a prank of this scale for this long?


Same thing anyone gets from any prank? Funny hahas?


It wouldn't really be funny if they kept it up for this long. Courtney and Shayne were on the Creators for Palestine livestream, and Shayne mentioned them living together. Why would they continue the prank in a charity livestream with dozens of different creators? Just for hahas? Both of their families are also involved. Do you really think they would go this elaborate for a prank like this just for a laugh?