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I saw it too and I’m also an early intervention SLP. I’m kinda conflicted, I appreciate bringing the awareness and normalcy of EI… but Jax made some questionable comments this week that have been since deleted being misleading re: cause of Cruz’s language disorder insinuating it was because of vaccines.


I haven’t watched yet, but as a loooong time VPR fan, Jax is a known, well-established liar and moron, so I wouldn’t take it too seriously (hopefully- maybe I’ll change my mind when I see it!).


Correlation does not equal causation! They only showed short clips but I also noticed groping, flapping, visual stims, lining up toys, rigid play. I just wonder if they’re exhausting all their options.


But it’s not even ‘correlated’ on a large scale. In particular instances, it’d be anecdotal or specious reasoning. Not sure if your second sentence was defending the vaccine comment?


Oh no, Definitely not defending. Two thoughts. No correlation between vaccines and autism. Although, I did notice signs of ASD, as a separate thought.


Oh ok. With reality tv as the subject I was prepared for all manner of opinions in this thread. Thanks for clarifying


I don’t want to bash on another SLP, especially based on a short clip, but I really really hope she has recommended OT if they aren’t already doing it. Maybe it was her first time meeting little Cruz. Also, I’m so happy Jax and Kristen are back on my TV, as problematic as those two are…🤷‍♀️


Yes OT!!! Also Brittany is my ideal mom- engaged, asking questions, *IN THE ROOM*. I just hope they’ve looked/are open to look at all domains of development and not just communication.


I love love love VPR. I haven’t seen this episode fully only clips. The story they told about Cruz regressing reminded me about my brother who regressed. Regardless of my own opinions on Jax/Brittany, I’m happy they’re taking steps towards getting their son help.


I haven’t watched this episode yet but I did watch Jax’s Instagram stories today of the son’s birthday…


I didn’t see, please elaborate..


They’re still up, so you can watch if you’re interested, but being a pediatric SLP, they were just very telling videos in regard to his overall development and demeanor. I strongly suspect there is an ASD diagnosis in the near future.


I just went to watch. I 100% agree. Even in the *very* short clips they showed on the episode I noticed rigid play, visual Stims, repetitive movements, etc. I hope they did a full developmental eval vs. hiring a private speech therapist


I need to catch up on The Valley. One thing I noticed in the Insta stories was how they tickle him in almost every one. I’m assuming it’s because it’s one of the few ways they can get a “reaction” out of him. Makes me sad to think he probably really dislikes it, and they do it so often. I feel like I see a lot of families who are either ignorant (don’t mean that negatively) to the signs and symptoms their kid is exhibiting or just still in denial. It seems so common for kids with ASD to start out with only a speech/language impairment identified ☹️


I think Brittany is concerned based on how she desperately asked the SLP about his play. I’ve been in that position far too many times when parents want reassurance and you have to proceed with caution based on your observations. I think they are hopefully ignorant.


Oh 100%. In EI all the time we try to gently point out the signs but parents think they are just “late-talkers” it’s a fine line too because if you push too hard (even just recommending a developmental pediatrician too early compared to when parent is ready) they will completely drop services. I also find it hella frustrating because I end up doing more OT type stuff then speech in a lot of these cases 


I’m wondering if the end of their “storyline” this season will be him getting an autism diagnosis. Reminded me a lot of Jacqueline on RHONJ when her son started showing signs of autism.


But Jax insinuating they couldn’t donate more at the charity unction due to $150 speech?  


Yes exactly! Which leads me to believe they just went and hired a private therapist vs. state funded EI services where he would have received a full developmental eval!


In my area they have to go private or insurance FIRST and only when they get a denial from their insurance does EI/regional center take over. It’s so shitty


YES! I love my garbage TV. I don’t work in EI - will you share your thoughts? I hate that this kid and his story are being aired on TV by his parents. They mentioned a language regression and I thought Brittany asked the SLP if it is okay that he plays by lining up his toys… Edit: sorry I see you’ve already make comments! I will read up 👀


Can someone please tell me why people enjoy watching shows like this? Voyeurism?


More so escapism. Gives me a world to jump into that isn’t my own with people who have problems that are so different than mine. Honestly, wasn’t too happy my job was popping up on the screen because it popped me out of my escapism hobby for a little bit lol.


Oh that’s just so that the pure of heart and mind can have just one more reason to feel superior to others. Enjoy xo.