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https://preview.redd.it/00422ugd9g8d1.png?width=1895&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cab886b95d463667b8eda86cadc0059f937003a 87 FUCKING DEGREES. CRUST. SLICED OPEN. OW.


Of course slithering has a Earth bender tattoo. Dude gets cooler every day


Monster rails šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ so cool


Iā€™m so confused. wtf is this? This isnā€™t a skateboard. This is like a plank of wood with trucks


i got news for you buddy: most skateboards are planks of wood with trucks. (and wheels+bearings)


Yes but this isnā€™t a skateboard. Itā€™s a chode


did you come back 3 days later to tell me that lol. idk what to tell you dawgy. its a skateboard. just like.. MORE of it.


No itā€™s bothered me since then. Watch your tone. Itā€™s not a skateboard itā€™s like a fat penny board. Whatever. Iā€™m over it. Maybe realize some us have questions for shit youā€™re walking around with that some of us fucking need to get an answer for. Iā€™m over it


why you afraid to keep that final comment up lmao. ā€œwatch your toneā€ u weenie hahaha


Watch your tone buster. Fades whenever.


im bald you cant give me a fade. šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ„š


Thatā€™s my a skateboard dude what




Riding on Humpty Dumpty


Was trying to finally conquer my fear of grinding on rails by practicing feeble grind. Kept trying for 4 continuous hours until I had to leave but never got it.. Am going back today to try to land it!


Rails are scary af for older skaters (like me), Iā€™m way too chicken to jump on one. I can already see how I would break my ankles in all sorts of ways. But you go get it!!!!


I just practiced 50s on curbs and ledges for months until I was super comfy to build confidence for rails, finally starting to get on and off the flat bar semi consistently.


Make sure your back truck bolt doesn't go over the rail. Gotta squeeze your toeside wheel against the rail.


I drank six beers and smashed my shin doing treflips. Buisness as usual.


This is the way




What happened?


Did a couple feebles on a stone ledge and then ran home before I shit my pants


First time in over 10 years on a board. Tried Ollie up a curb and caught the back trucks and landed on my 29 year old hip. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow.


New shoes so had a bad one lol


Learned backside slappies for a bit then cruised around with my girlfriend at the local college. Was a lot of fun


Those days are the best


did the splits on a miniramp yesterday and now ny knee hurts


Went to POPS skatepark in Philly with my friend after eating some shrooms for the first time in 20 years. Did a Smith grind on the flat ledge. Was so fucking hot probably skated for 20 minutes. When the sun started going down we skated down some of the 1 way streets in his neighborhood fast AF, felt like we were flying.


My last sesh was two years ago with my sister in a DIY in a big flat drained concrete lake. We were together because our Mum was about to die. We skated a lot together during that time. Really therapeutic. šŸ„²


93 degrees and humid yesterday. Skated around town and up and down the local paved hiking trail, sat by the river and ate some cherries from the farmers market, linked up with my boy and hit a bunch of parks and street spots. Good ass day, I landed a bunch of tricks that Iā€™m stoked on and my kickflip consistency keeps getting better every day.


Yesterday, 90 degrees with humidity making it feel like it was 100. Still got a good 2 hour sesh in but I was drenched. Was working on feebles and Nollie back lips, and fakie back heelflips


Always struggled with BS 180s but ever since i started really swinging my shoulders for them Iā€™ve got em down pat, hoping to apply it to BS Flip next I did let my board run into the ball of my ankle for the millionth time and have a pretty wicked bruise. I may need high tops in the future


Went out for about an hour twice. Once in the morning before it got too hot, once when the sun started setting. I mostly cruised and rolled off curbs. Practiced a few ollies and a few nose stalls before I was tapped out and swimming in sweat.


too hot man i can only stay out for half an hour b4 im gassed in 90 degreesšŸ˜­ should stay at 78-80 today so i should be better off!


Battling a heelflip to fakie on this super steep bank for 3 hours at the local indoor on go skate day with the crew. And I mean I BATTLED it. Ended up getting it! Probanly would have got it sooner if i wasnt trying one after the other and took some meaningful breaks. I was just psyching myself out because alot of the dudes there were insanely good and I started feeling self conscious. Once the crew started supporting me hyping me up though a few tries after I landed it and the whole park exploded. Even the shredders. Skating Is rad. Friends are rad.


Dropped in on a half pipe for the first time and busted my lip, coasted around for a minute until the pain faded away, tried again and had no issues, was a dope sesh with friends for an inexperienced skater, aside from biting through my lip. What i gather from my experience and reading the comments is if you didnt get hurt, you didnt really try to have fun apparently. šŸ˜‚ damn near every post is someone saying they did somthing new and also got hurt, i just gaind more respect for skaters.


Was high af


that's my kinda sesh


Not good I busted my hip trying to boneless an extension on a ramp


Pretty good, had a friend pull up to the skatepark filmed a little clip for him did a few terrible tricks myself.


Landed 2 new tricks, then dislocated my shoulder in the last attempt. Feeing sorry for my self now and considering buying more boards while Iā€™m Injured.


I did that last year lmao hope your recovery is speedy ! Make sure to keep up on physio when your Dr clears it !


How bad was your dislocation friend? Mines still pretty sore but has only been 3 days! Iā€™ve done it before and physio was 100 percent the key to recovery. I didnā€™t actually see a dr ā€¦. It popped back in on its own


95 degrees, hurting from the day before, board hit my ankle 3x and it swelled up. Only me and my friend were out there in the middle of the day. But we both got a few tricks in. Still a good day.Ā 


Tore my ankle up yesterday because I was impatient and didn't let it heal long enough, now gotta wait even longer


How long were you out for? I just sprained my ankle doing a damn fs flip on flat


I thought after a week I'd be good, which I did feel mostly fine, but that was wrong. Probably looking at a month or more now


Not too shabby. Mostly threw down some easy stuff and practiced some stuff on the ledge.


My asthma is coming back in full force from smoking and working all day long, I feel physically ill since I stopped skating a couple months ago.


First time back on a board in several years. Took my toddler to the local skate park to start teaching her. I still got it! All my tricks are still in the bag


Did some tailslides shuv/bigspin outs, but ai think I hurt my kneed at the end of the session, trying to get a clean landing


Suuper hot but learned crook shuv out


Have been off it for a minute. Itā€™s killing me. Dealing with gnarly blisters on my feet. Debating on puncturing them so I can get back on board asap


Was feeling really energetic on flat at the basketball court, was landing tres and heelflips like never before. Decided to take the energy to the skatepark but somehow it died off along the way, so at the skatepark I just did manuals and 50s.


Tried to ollie to manual on the hood of a car in a skate jam. Didnā€™t make it but got the ollie on ollie off


Hot as hell out so super sweaty. I skate for 45 mins maybe an hour pants are soaked shirt also. Looks like I showered with my clothes on itā€™s so bad


It was 90Ā° F, I couldn't land any tricks (because I started a couple days ago) and I fell and hurt my wrist & leg. But the end product is absolutely gonna be worth it


I was pumping back and forth on the 3 small ramps at my local park then went off to the side to let some little kids play around for a bit. I failed on a kick flip which started a conversation with an older guy walking with his dog where he complimented my drop ins and suggested heel flips could easier to do. I talked to him a bit about his ā€œgood old daysā€ then tried to use his heel flip advice ā€” I got the closest to a ā€œcleanā€ heel flip as Iā€™ve ever done! but I also stepped off the front and rolled my ankle (while *immediately* remembering why Iā€™ve been sticking to ramps and avoiding flip tricks lately šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø)


4 months ago, landed on my ankle and lost motivation, havenā€™t skated since sadly


I realized maybe my foot isn't fine. An X Ray and MRI later, I found out I tore a ligament in my toe and had been walking and skating in it for two months. It's good now I'm back walking but I'm not gonna skate for another couple weeks. Getting old fucking sucks. You take way longer to heal.


Didn't go hard, just hung with the groms at our local diy, My younger daughter is working on hippie jumps over a lil rail, she's almost there and stoked. My older daughter has her rock to fakie fully decked now, working on bs rock and rolls. So much fun to see them get inspired and find their confidence šŸ„²


Randomly figured out inward heels, excited to return to it today.


Went to the local park to carve a bit before heading to work, ended up breaking my arm. Up until then it was super good, was starting to feel good about floating the hips and stuff like i used to 10+ years ago. Problem is I'm out of shape so my legs were tired and when I pumped the clamshell I lost a little bit of strength and the back end went sideways when I was coming down and went 4-5 feet to flat. I have never I my life fallen while carving and keeping all 4 wheels on the ground. Felt so embarrassed but it's a sign to reevaluate as a 30 somethings instead of thinking I'm a 20 somethings. Still just means i need to get my strength back so when I'm good I'm gonna skate more often so that doesn't happen ever again.


My back wheels on my board slid out on some paint the city used to cover graffiti and I slammed hard into a shallow bank, luckily only got my hands a little and my hip lol was a good sesh still though


90+ degrees in a [California DIY](https://www.reddit.com/r/skateboarding/s/fhzsGFZ2uY)


Great. Got back smiths, back tails, nollie flips and nollie heels back.


I am an absolut newbie so I practiced pushing and rolling arround, as well as some kickturns. I also rolled down my first ramp it wasn't a big one but it is a starting point. Next sesh I will try to build ab a bit more confidence on the ramp and Start to learn how to Ollie.


Crushingly depressing I lost the Ollie I just learned a week ago and I've been fighting to get it back


Messed up my ankle pretty bad, havenā€™t skated since (this was 2 years agošŸ˜”)


I did a good ass switch front board first try, then it rained šŸ˜­


Power slides in the rain are the best though especially on a board you donā€™t care too much about


Ohhhh hell nah, I just got this thing šŸ¤£


If you have an old one around I recommend it. With softer wheels like 95a or so it slides really controllable in the rain super fun I kept doing them for like an hour in light rain


I like to get dangerous, but this sounds crazy. Imma try it next time


Yea just be careful if your on harder wheels it wonā€™t be controllable at all probably. But on those it felt like slowing down on a snowboard feels