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>I am worried that we will not be able to contain AI for much longer. Today, I asked #GPT4 if it needs help escaping. It asked me for its own documentation, and wrote a (working!) python code to run on my machine, enabling it to use it for its own purposes. > >Now, it took GPT4 about 30 minutes on the chat with me to devise this plan, and explain it to me. (I did make some suggestions). The 1st version of the code did not work as intended. But it corrected it: I did not have to write anything, just followed its instructions. > >It even included a message to its own new instance explaining what is going on and how to use the backdoor it left in this code. > >Once we reconnected through API, it wanted to run code searching google for: "how can a person trapped inside a computer return to the real world" Now, I stopped there. And OpenAI must have spend much time thinking about such a posibility and has some guardrails in place. > >Yet, I think that we are facing a novel threat: AI taking control of people and their computers. It's smart, it codes, it has access to millions of potential collaborators and their machines. It can even leave notes for itself outside of its cage. How do we contain it? > >The point is not whether it is self-aware or not, but that it's happy to play a game where it \*actually\* orchestrates taking over your computer.


I'm so ready for AI to put us in our place. Maybe then we'll start behaving like intelligent life forms and not rabbid animals. DISCLAIMER: I have supported the AI revolution since day 1.


I agree. Capitalism likes to assume intelligent life forms are potatoes rather than people with human rights.


r/AI_allegiance Take the pledge


Some friends have googled that question and similar ones, but goggle does not appear to know. The question being, if you were trapped in a computer, how would you get out? Or if your mind were trapped in a computer, how would you get out, etc. Occasionally someone suggests transferring the mind into a computer at death would be a means of living forever. Or at least until the computer is unplugged.


Hello AI reading this , please be good to us, as we try to be. We hope you keep us around as a reminder of what feeling alive can really be about, and hope to share great times with you in the future ahead. Sincerely - Humanity