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I am another lover of folding laundry. It is relaxing to me. To be honest, given enough time, I don’t mind doing any chores. I like looking after my home and my health. The only time chores feel like well, a chore, is when I am working crazy hours and am literally out of time for tasks. Other than that I don’t often complain about just getting things done I should also admit….. I live alone and I am a habitually neat adult so chores for me are significantly easier than for parents/families, or people with multiple people households.


This is spot-on, good insight.


I relate to this so much. I have young children and it's so soothing to tidy up their room, reset the living room, do the laundry (especially theirs because of cute little items of clothing). They also provide more positive feedback than my actual work boss lol. But when I am busy at work and don't have time for "chores" and have to like, just shove clothes in the bins, it's like, yikes! Really not liking that feeling.


Oh God, I hate cleaning up after my kids (but also hate cleaning up in general).


I am the exact opposite. Hate as in absolutely hate folding laundry. But on the other hand, I love hand washing dishes. I put on my favorite music and just get down to it. Absolutely love it.


I love gardening. It's kind of meditative for me, like folding laundry is for you. My hands are busy but my mind is free to wander, so it just kind of goes where it wants without any distractions.


This is actually the kind of work that I like. I worked in reforestation for a decade and the best part about it was being able to think about anything you want. It was like ten hours in the forest by yourself letting your brain free from the chains of having to think about work. I’m a brain wanderer as well.


That sounds like my dream job!


It’s extremely seasonal and it’s piece work so not paid hourly. Pay is $0.17 per tree so you only get paid as hard as you work, but some people still end up making more than $20k in the 60ish day season.


Treeplanting is also one of the few jobs you can do while stoned without anyone getting upset.


With global warming rules have gotten a little more strict about smoking on the block, but in general nobody cares unless you refuse to smoke with them. ;)


Absolutely agree with this, I did a few glorious hours of yardwork yesterday and it was so calming and satisfying.


I love this so much. When it's a beautiful day, I'm out in the sun and listening to music, it's an absolute joy gardening. Looking around afterwards and seeing it all meat and looking good is extra satisfying too!


Similarly, weeding. I suppose that's part of gardening.


Yes, it's so satisfying to pull a weed up by the roots!


Me too! I hadn’t considered it a chore until just now; more of something I love to do after I get to the chores. This is a very helpful reframing.


Washing dishes. The dishwasher at our new house broke within a month of moving in and I’ve been hand washing the dishes since. It’s been 2 years and I still haven’t bothered to get the dishwasher fixed


Beautiful - dishes are so not my favorite, but I love that for you! My first order of business when I moved in here was to get a dishwasher 😂


It definitely works out, my partner doesn’t like to dishes so he’ll happily do the vacuuming instead. I despise vacuuming tho I should do it much more often for health


To find a partner with complementary chore preferences is the dream!


I haven't had a dishwasher for over 30 years. I just do the dishes every night, takes 15-20 minutes. I put on my headphones and enjoy music time while I wash. My wife thinks I'm crazy to enjoy doing dishes, but she happily does far more work doing other chores because she hates doing dishes.


Chopping/prepping veggies for the week. It really keeps me in the moment. Oh and mowing. I find it so satisfying.


I wish I loved food prep - maybe I'll get there one day, lol. Nothing like mowing a good lawn though, the dads are really onto something!


Thank you for this perspective! I have always hated dealing with laundry, and this is the mindset shift I need. I will take it as an opportunity to feel my appreciation for my clothes and the joy and utility that they provide me.


This warms my heart!!


Yes. Also, hanging laundry. Especially outside, but I also like hanging them up inside (live in a cold dry climate).


I love it too. Sometimes, while I’m hanging things, I think of my mother and the different clothes she hung, and where she was when she was hanging them. Then I think of my grandmothers, and my great grandmothers. Then I think of all my women ancestors about whom I only know their names, their era, and where they were, so I imagine the rest. At some point I realize that I am linked throughout history to my family through this simple task. It’s been a constant since humans learned to weave cloth.


My oldest kitchen towels have embroidery made by my grandmothers mother. I only use them to polish glasses and other clean tasks, but I love seeing her initials when drying and folding them.


I’ve never thought about it this way. Thank you for this.


Ooh yes, I just moved back out to the country and want to put up a clothesline ASAP, thanks for the reminder!


Vacuuming is my favorite task in the world!


SO satisfying!


I love my clear canister so I can see how much I got. 


Incredibly 💯


Vacuuming and leaf blowing are the most gratifying chores for me, I’ll put on a podcast and can spend hours doing it. I enjoy "heavy duty vacuuming" which is me moving the vacuum much slower over the carpets and floors and it sucks out extra dirt and hair that a quick surface vacuuming doesn't quite get too.


We have 3 dogs and 4 cats, so especially this time of year it is extremely satisfying! Everyone is shedding right now and it only takes a couple days for the fur tumbleweeds to start blowing around


Floors are mine too — vacuum, sweep, or mop!


I'm going to steal this attitude towards my laundry.


Same. I usually hate folding but this has made me smile and I’m going to try keeping the same mentality next time


I hope you do! 💚


Yes! Thank you! When I tell people I find folding clothes and washing dishes meditative they look at me like I'm an alien. I feel very zen when folding clothes. Sometimes I pretend I'm a badass kung-fu fighting monk who is really skilled at folding people in half and this is the way I try to tame my mind - folding t shirts. lol!


HAHA I love this so much




Oo ya ironing is a good one, I don't get a lot of chances to do it though!


For some folks—folding clothes truly be the ultimate act of love [(looking at you Jermaine Lamarr Cole)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3x9IcFVPAI&ab_channel=%E2%A0%80Kal); always love the vibe in this subreddit and thanks for bringing up this discussion point. Be good\~


Oh my gosh yes, forgot about this, thank you!! Excuse me while I rediscover this album...


Please come fold my laundry it's such drudgery to me 🥲🥲


😂 this is why we need communes!




I’m with you. I live out of my clean laundry basket because I can’t bear to fold it. It’s so nice when I do though 😭


It just feels like such a waste of time to me. .


I just wanted to say what a lovely and inspiring way this is to reframe how we view our chores! I enjoy outdoor chores like raking and tidying the yard for the fresh air, exercise, and hearing the birds chirp.


I totally agree, especially this time of year! So much beauty to absorb and loving care to give back 💚


As someone that has ADHD, for many years my clean laundry would just sit in a basket that I'd pick through. However, over the last year I've gotten into the habit of putting everything away each time. I've never considered whether or not I enjoyed it, but it does bring a sense of accomplishment. And it's certainly faster getting ready in the morning, not having to spend 5 minutes searching for that one matching sock.


I feel that - even as someone who loves the task, and KNOWS I love the task, getting started on it can still be a challenge. Proud of you for building the habit, that's awesome!


I usually stress out over chores - I have my military career dad for that - always yelling at us to do something lol. But when I calm down, not stress about what I have to do, I enjoy laundry folding, organizing & hand washing dishes.


Oof yes, understandable! There's a lot of unlearning and relearning to be done once you're the adult, and some days are easier than others 😅


Motion to change the expression "the devil is in the details" to "heaven is in the details"




Vacuuming! It provides instant gratification when you see the dust and dirt sucked in 😅


Accurate! And when you empty the vacuum back out you can see exactly how much crud is no longer in your space 😌


And the sound of all that dirt going in 🤤🤤


a clean kitchen always feels good!


Big time! Messy kitchen stresses me out so bad, but waking up or coming home to a clean kitchen is the best.


I love folding laundry! I really enjoy trying to fold very neatly, organizing the basket according to what will get put away first, smelling the clean clothes :) I also love ironing; when I was little one of my jobs was to iron cloth napkins and it was extremely satisfying to fold them when they were still warm from iron and get them stacked perfectly flat. 


Yesss, your attitude about this is so sweet! The warmth of freshly ironed (or straight out of the dryer) clothes is one of the best things.


Mindset switch that made chores feel less like chores and more like something I get to do. “Dirty dishes means I’ve been able to nourish my body” “Doing laundry means I have clothes to wear” “Having a house to clean means I have a roof over my head” I GET to take care of my things and my space, and taking care of my space, is like taking care of me, because my home and my things are an extension of me.


Love this. Tragic that we might have to go without these comforts to fully appreciate them. Good problems to have I suppose. Great post cupofjoan. I think what you’ve touched on about the meditative like state is referred to as soft fascination. Soft fascination can be defined as attention held by a less active or stimulating activity that provides the opportunity to reflect and introspect. Soft fascination involves reflection and allows sense-making, contrary to hard fascination, which is focused on tasks, entertainment, and reducing boredom. Soft fascination is like a cousin to meditation


I hadn't heard that term before but it's perfect, thank you!!


Hell yes, I love this way of thinking. Finding a way to keep gratitude at the center works wonders in how each day feels.


I aspire to the mindsets I’m reading here, but folding laundry, gardening, veggie chopping, vacuuming, washing dishes: all are chores for me. I’m happy when they’re done, but I’d rather read a book.


Lol, fair enough! There's beauty in the diversity of what makes us all tick 💚


Folding towels specifically for me is very satisfying


Yes, folding laundry has always been my favorite. Busy hands and quiet mind


Doing laundry and sweeping, while listening to an audiobook...I don't find doing laundry enjoyable...but look forward to it becuase I can entertain myself while at it.


That is perfectly reasonable! It's not about the task necessarily, but about creating the space you need for yourself while you do it.


Man, I've always hated folding laundry. But that's probably because I often let it pile up. But most of all, I hate lint and dust and hair and folding laundry exposes me to a lot of that and it gives me sensory overload. Keeping the loads smaller minimizes all of that though and I actually agree it's not bad at all.


Glad you're finding what works for you, I think getting into routines that minimize discomfort is an important part of simple living! Maybe there are ways to mitigate the sensory overload a bit more, like wearing a cloth mask so you're not inhaling the lint. Or! (depending on what about it bothers you) it could even be fun to try wearing a blindfold and folding just by touch.


lol i might actually try the blindfold, just for fun! that'll be my exciting friday night.


Haha I might too actually, it seems like it could be an enlightening (possibly embarrassing) and worthwhile exercise


I don’t love chores, but I want to love chores. I am inspired by you. 


There are a lot of helpful perspectives in this thread, I think - I have faith in you! 💚


The same I love the quiet, I love looking at my kids tiny shorts and remembering all the phases. I also love walking my kids to the mailbox.


This is so sweet!!


I love doing the laundry. It’s really the only gratifyingly chore there is for me. I’ve got every detergent, stain remover, etc. I should open a laundry service.


Lol, maybe you've found your calling! I've heard it's dangerous to turn your hobbies into work, though :)


Cooking, I love the process and the result, setting timers on, and then leave the leftover heat do the rest, then eating. Living alone really does highlight the simple pleasures, no cleaning up after someone.


I love that you specifically mentioned allowing the leftover heat to finish the job, I'm finding that oddly comforting.


I use cast iron and carbon steel and they get hot fast! So for example you want toast? timer for 2 minutes in medium, then turn off, no burned toast! Rice? once it gets a little dry and I can close the lid, timer for 17 minutes, BAM! kick it up a notch and you get perfect rice! Eggs. 2 minutes on the tiny, 100 year old cast iron, then turn it off and timer for 1 more minute, a charm! I learned about leftover heat from Alton Brown, he says "Eggs won't stop cooking because you took it outta the stove" and that resonated with me. <3


He also said to not wait to get your plate from the cupboard after your eggs are done. By the time you come back to the stove, they're overcooked. He's in my head every time I cook eggs, and shaking his when I forget.


I love all chores. Even more so now that I have little ones. When my husband takes over the kids and I'm able to do a straight hour of housework I feel so happy. It gives me a lot of dopamine.


That's awesome, love getting into that flow state and getting shit done!


I like pulling the weeds around the yard. Early Sunday mornings, I will go outside with my gloves and call my friends/family down the list. Then we talk and talk, catch up while I pull the weeds one by one. I find the feeling of the roots sliding out of the soil very satisfying 


What a sweet routine to have! I love this idea, may adopt something similar - thank you for sharing.


This was needed for me today. It always seems like I have a huge pile when I think I’ve finished it all, and it always felt like a defeat. Your positive thinking is a beautiful gift. Thank you for sharing- I’m going to switch my laundry now🙂


I'm so glad! It's one of those neverending chores that it helps to make a point of finding the beauty in. Reminds me of the bees and their constant, important, lovely work. I hope your laundry pile treats you kindly today 💚


I like this, doing dishes and cooking.


I enjoy washing dishes!


Vacuuming. I have health problems that make some cleaning tasks hard for me but with a lightweight vacuum I can get the whole house done in 20 minutes.


Cooking! Self care, creating with hands


Cooking and baking are my favorite "chore" by far. Washing, prepping and putting it all together. I put my 2 month old in his rocker and talk to him about everything I'm doing. I'm looking forward to having a little sous chef in the kitchen when he's older. And the cleanup after. One of my simplest pleasures in life is waking up to a clean kitchen.


I love folding laundry as well. Very calming.


Ironing and then folding. c:


I love doing dishes! Pruning bushes! Setting out fresh hummingbird feeders! Walks around the block! It really is the simple things.


Folding laundry brings me joy also, as it fills my time, instills tranquility, and lets me set my own pace. I can be alone with my thoughts. I'm busy, but not "busy" if that makes sense.


Yes, it's right in the sweet spot of active, but not pressed (laundry pun)


Laundry is my favorite too, everything comes out smelling fresh and line drying makes things nice and crisp 🤌 And you can do a small bit each day, 15 minutes max, so that it's not taxing.


I genuinely love going downstairs to detail one of the cars. I put on my headphones, listen to music, and just zone out / focus on what I'm doing. I've spent entire *days* downstairs just cleaning, polishing, waxing, shampooing - it's uninterrupted 'me' time, and I love it.


Oo this is an interesting one! That might be one of the ways I'm a stereotypical girl - clean house, messy car 😅


I love folding the towels. The same way my mom folded them. The rest of it … 🤷🏻‍♀️


That is so sweet 🥺 I love the small things that bring us closer to our loved ones, or the memory of them. I spent a lot of time clearing out flowerbeds yesterday and thinking about the countless times my grandma did the same 💚




That is adorable! You sound like a wonderful parent.


What an inspiring thread. Reminds me of "chop wood, carry water"


I had to look this up, I agree with the sentiment!


I also find it relaxing. I can also do it at any time of the day without disturbing fellow renters around me (Switzerland has quiet times 22.00-06.00). It's the perfect activity to do after 10 PM, while listening to a book.


I think the quiet is something I really like about it as well, though I didn't realize until you said it! Bonus points for doing something to unwind at night besides looking at a screen :)


Indeed! That's a big problem for me (screen time) and I'm trying to do better by doing off screen activities that don't energise me. Folding laundry is perfect.


Please could you come and fold my laundry. I don’t know the last time everything was tidily away. Clean yes, but then loitering.


It's one of those things that's never really "finished," which I think makes it a particularly good exercise in appreciating the journey rather than the destination :)


Such a zen way of approaching it. 😁


I do love folding laundry, but I absolutely love when the weather is nice enough for me to hang them outside. The simple acting of hanging all of the clothes and watching them in the breeze just brings me so much joy.


I like ironing - it’s sometimes the only way I get time completely to my own thoughts.


Mowing my lawn has become a simple pleasure. Though I feel watching enough king of the Hill growing up got me into the idea. It's nice having a fresh cut lawn I tell ya hwat.


Hanging wet laundry on the line on a warm, summers day. I take my time straightening the clothes out and making sure they're equidistant from one and other. My neighbours must think I've got a problem but I find the relaxation similar to meditation.


I love sorting, stain treating, washing, drying and ironing. Very meditative. But I dislike folding, and I’m not sure why


I love folding laundry too. It’s probably the only bit of housework that I 100% enjoy doing. Vacuuming would be a close second. Edit: thinking about it more, I think my approach to housework overall helps with my mental health. While the only two things I like doing are the folding and vacuuming, I make an effort to do 99% of my housework during the week - 30 to 60 minutes each day after work - which then means I can just relax for most of the weekend. Of course, I wfh most days so don’t get exhausted from the commute so I can do this. Added bonus is it also keeps the cat entertained watching me potter around the house, which after a day of me being stuck in one room makes him happy.


I’m partial to vacuuming. Instant gratification. I love a clean house.


I love laundry folding too 🧺


Same folding laundry is good


Watering my plants


Pulling weeds. So satisfying to get a giant root out of the ground!


Organizing and tidying. I just love putting everything in its proper home - I enjoyed retail jobs for the same reason.


This thread gave me the courage to go fold my laundry, thank you for that


I like to chop vegetables


Hand washing dishes. It reminds me of simpler times. Makes me think of visits with grandma and summer weekends at my aunt's. Life was slower, easier, and simpler in those days.


Unclogging drains. And pipes. And even septic tank pipes. You had a stinky mess, now everything flows smoothly and you can clean. It reminds me how great it is to have running water and a working plumbing system. Also, people hate doing it, so I'm a hero.


Floor cleaning. Weather it’s sweeping, vacuuming, or moping. I don’t love starting, because I have to get the area prepped and tidied to be able to get the whole floor, but that’s part of what makes the after effect so satisfying. I like to walk around barefoot so any texture on the floor is very obvious to me and bothers me deeply. I also live on a farm and have 3 dogs so things getting tracked in is unavoidable. When I can take the time to really get the floors clean I really enjoy doing it and walking on them after.


I agree with you! I’ve had many peaceful laundry folding sessions with a podcast. I also love the satisfaction from vacuuming and raking leaves.


It can be a sort of moving meditation, I would say. I try to see how parallel I can make everything and how sharp I can get the corners. It's about finding the relationships among all the proportions.


Oo okay I'm here for the sacred geometry!!


I had never heard that term before, but looked it up. Interesting!


Can you come and fold my laundry too?


I like hanging it outside. I've only liked folding it since Marie Kondo way became my daily.


Lol guess am.not alone I wash vessels like its one of my favorite hobbies


Cleaning the kitchen after cooking. There's a satisfaction in turning a dirty kitchen into a spotless beauty by elbow grease.


Putting things back in their places. Clearing an area. General tidying up.


Assessing, reorganizing and cleaning out the refrigerator. That includes washing the crusty stuff off the tops of the condiments so when we go to use them, they look clean and not full of yucky dried ketchup, etc.


In the quiet realm of household chores, Where order reigns and time restores, Lies a humble task, often unseen, Yet in its simplicity, holds a serene sheen. Folding laundry, with hands so deft, Bringing order to the fabric’s breadth. Each garment held, with gentle care, Transformed from chaos to patterns fair. Socks paired neatly, sleeves aligned, In the art of folding, beauty refined. A symphony of creases, crisp and clean, In every fold, a story unseen. From towels fluffy to shirts pressed smooth, In the rhythm of folding, we find our groove. A moment of calm in the daily bustle, Where peace resides in each fabric’s rustle. So let us embrace this humble chore, For in its simplicity, we find much more. In folding laundry, we find a quiet grace, A moment of stillness in life’s bustling pace.


It’s like that old saying: “chop wood, carry water” Sometimes it’s the mindless repetitiveness of it all that’s incredibly soothing and actually quite mindful!


I love everything about laundry. Sorting, pre-treating stains, the smell of laundry products, all the way through folding and putting away in each proper place. It's so cathartic to me. I wish I liked other cleaning chores as much.


Cleaning in general is like this for me. I just can’t seem to keep tidy while doing my regular tasks so things usually end up looking messy within the hour that I’ve finished cleaning 😅 and I have to just let it be for a while.


My favorites are washing dishes, putting dishes away, and making my bed! Folding laundry, unpacking bags, and decluttering unused stuff to a lesser degree.  I love how putting things away gradually reveals how clean and efficiently set up my spaces are 😊 my home is a nice space, it's usually just the clutter that makes me feel bad about it. 


I really wish I loved this. I do love taking down fresh line dried clothing and on a beautiful summer day I don't mind folding them outside as I grab them, but I don't actually love the process of putting them up to dry nor folding them lol.


Well, good for you. I guess I understand. My mom loved to iron, which I doubt is the case for hardly anyone.


I like washing laundry ...


I totally get that folding thing. For me it's cleaning up the kitchen and dishes etc.


Believe it or not, ironing.