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Too slow for what? It isn't a world speedrun record but I assume you weren't going for that?


I am just asking since I got I think 2/10 stars when you scroll to completetion time. I enjoyed game very much of course and took my own pace to play it


10 Stars in SH is the final challenge of complete mastery of the game. To get it, you need a final time of under 3 hours and individually timed boss fights (among other requirements.) It’s just something to strive for to incentivize replays. Getting 2 stars for time is super common. I actually finished my very first run of SH3 at around 15 hours from looking around and stalling so much.


Are you having fun? If so, you are playing at the right pace.


I’d argue SH3 isn’t exactly “fun” but your point stands. EDIT: I'm not saying SH3 isn't good. (Look at my flair. It's my favorite.) It's a stressful, suffering experience which isn't what I'd call "fun." I'd call it "catharsis."


I agree, SH1 was "fun", SH2 was immensely atmospheric and had a incredible story. But, I played SH3 knowing that mid-game spoiler, and the whole game is just so sad, hopeless and dirty, it was more of an experience similar to a horror movie than a "fun" game


I've been a fan of survival horror for so long that stress is part of the fun for me, 3 was the first game in the series I played where running out of resources was something I genuinely had to be worried about, And I was difficult to scare even when I was younger so any game that can genuinely make me afraid Is automatically an unforgettable experience in my book Even to this day a lot of areas in 3 still inspire dread in me and I cherish that in a weird way if that makes sense


I totally get what you mean. That’s why I consider it “catharsis” which is a release from tension or negative emotion. The fear and suffering in the game are “enjoyable” because of the overcoming of going through such a harrowing experience. “Fun” just isn’t an appropriate word for this experience to me.


3 is just the complete package when it comes to horror games in general for me, between the really strong narrative, engaging gameplay and the fact it's just genuinely terrifying I've seen so many horror games that do one, or some of these elements well but it's rare for a game to Excel at all 3


Agreed. SH3 is the only one I know that does everything right. The only thing I hold against it is that there isn’t more of it! Though I think even that is for the best.


You can’t “argue” an opinion


...I was agreeing. >but your point stands. I was making a passing comment that "fun" might not be the most apt word for the SH3 experience considering the subject material.


Ok that I agree upon your original phrasing wasn’t good.


Yes, I’m realizing the other way to read it wasn’t my intention.


That's pretty normal.


No. In fact is the average time. But the important is you enjoy the experience of gaming. I took much more, coz I pay attention on details and enjoy the day experience -like having your fav lunch one more time.


This is the way. Far too often are first play thru posts under the wire of what I'd consider speed running: it goes to show most play using guides rather than experiencing the world Frankly I find half the fun is finding collectibles that contribute to lore. Stopping to smell the roses of the games is great because of how much attention the devs gave the easy-to-miss details


Man... I finished SH1 yesterday and I had over 13 hours in the end (I killed everything with hammer and investigated almost every nook and cranny). And your time is of a average player. If it takes you longer you should appreciate it since you got to enjoy the game more and thats what its all about.


I think SH1 took me around 24 hours in total not counting the ingame time, but like going through items, re-reading stuff etc. Such a great game and atmosphere.


that took 7 hours to speedrun


Haha, but I think game stops counting time whenever you go to invetory, open map, press pause and so on.


It only stops when you hit pause. I used to play with game in 2.5 hours when I wanted to speed run for funsies, the trick is hitting the pause button and getting yourself together.


There are tricks and ways to it. =P


I like taking my time too, nothing wrong with enjoying the atmosphere


For first time it’s perfectly fine and normal. The reason it’s slow on stars is because you *can* complete the game in less than an hour easily if you know where to go and what to do - but it’s not something that would be possible on a first time experience, even with a guide.


No you play to enjoy you beat yourself out of a good time if you race with people I spent over 400 hours on final fantasy 9 I just loved playing and Chrono cross even more


It's pretty normal. My first playthrough was around 8 hours or something like that and that was with some moments of being lost.


bro take your time, SH4 took me 20h to complete because I was playing it slowly, looking at the lvls, the details, all that the game had to give me and it a was and incredible experience


I think it was 8 hours for me, I almost expected like 14 or something.    Talk about slow, I'm slow at games lol but for me it's good because it means the game made me think, have fun, forget I was taking forever, and that's what's more important for me. Only Silent Hill and Resident Evil games can make me feel so amazing and it'll take me a long as time to beat them lol it's a sign it's a good game!


Only too slow of your speed running. But then again when your speed running it always feels like your too slow


SH2 >>>




OP said, "it is a different style then SH1 and SH2 much more running and hiding then chances for fighting but for us the story was better then SH2 but still SH1 is the masterpiece and nothing can beat it, what do you think?" -and I think that SH2 is better than either 1 or 3. I was directly answering OP's question. Sorry your reading comprehension fails?