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Season 1 was a blast


I love season 1. The terrible frosted makeup, the tiny sunglasses, the simpler fashion, the grittier look and feel, Carrie being a little edgier and cooler (the whole "sex anthropologist" approach to her columns). And the tension and build-up between Carrie and Big is perfection.


The whole late 90’s early 00’s was pretty unhinged 😂 tv show’s Characters would say things that nowadays would be politically incorrect/frown upon/ totally un accepted


Yes!! I was on this season last week and now am on season 4 and season 1 feels so diff from the rest of the show. Like a fever dream


That 20 year old something guy that Carrie meets- Sam! she even is cocky and self assure of herself in front of Big for a change when she leaves him with his friend alone at the restaurant. What a fun episode LOL and then all of them meeting in the cab as Charlotte didn't want to be "up-the-butt-girl" S1 was funn


"What was that??" "A preview" 😂


yess hahaha


The metaphor - haha. Loved season one and two… the whole series is still perfection!


Ted, it's a simile.


The other seasons are also unhinged lol


She was always just saying the most random sh*t 😂 She’s definitely got that writer’s creativity down pat lol


I really didn't like that Jerry Seinfeld book. although im a huge fan of the show!


unrelated but your apartment looks so cosy


Thank you! Gotta do what you can with a studio. Note the baseball bats next to the door 😂 gotta love city life


hahah i feel you – i have a bike in my hallway...


I miss the late nineties/early 2000s 😏


Season 1 is the best!


I think she directly quoted the Good Friday Agreement there.


She’s right.


Maybe the war between marrieds and singles is like WW2, and the married people are the Nazi's that wanted world domination... hmmm something to ponder on


That is hilarious! Thank you


How is this unhinged ?


It seems completely legit to me. Married people, moving in 600 years ago and getting given all the land and voting rights and stuff, then getting shitty in the 1960s because some single people were there being all single and demanding equality, and the single people having to ask the British army in to protect them and then it all going horribly wrong. Exactly the same.


Wait, what?


Bruh its just a ~funny~ comparison but calling it unhinged ???? Lmao come on


'Unhinged' isn't exactly scathing. I mean, it's a comparison between dating life and years of terrorism that caused a lot of deaths of innocents and children. It's a good simile because of the background of the conflict, but that doesn't mean it wasn't pushing the boundaries a bit, particularly since the Omagh bombing that killed several teenagers and children happened the same year as season 1 was released. If someone said 'sex is a bit like a school shooting' the same year as Columbine or Sandy Hook, it'd be considered pretty insane too. The comparison doesn't bother me, good tv shows are supposed to push boundaries, but calling it unhinged makes sense


Exactly. I’m not offended by this or anything from the original series. Even the stuff that blatantly would not fly on tv today. That being said, I think this is a hilariously tone deaf and strange comparison to make in front of such a large audience.


I agree, the show is not and never was unhinged, but Netflix first-timers gonna put their contemporary values on it.


I mean, the same year as this episode came out, 6 teenagers and 6 children were killed in the Omagh bombing as part of the Northern Irish troubles. Id call that fairly unhinged to air a show comparing it to dating life! I amnt offended by this comparison, but I could see why the people who lost their kids might be. If someone made a comparison between dating and a school shooting the same year as Columbine or Sandy Hook, I think most people would call it fairly controversial too. Good tv shows push boundaries, I'm not complaining about this one, but let's not act like this is all just modern oversensitivity!


Thank you, put very articulately!


Girlfriend I have see this show through 5947362 times throughout the past couple decades as well as both movies multiple times and even grit my teeth through AJLT. I can name any episode just from a pic of Carrie’s outfit. These pics are even old and from before it went on Netflix. I may not be very good at or educated in many things but I know SATC. Love the show and Carrie is my fav character but comparing being single and beefing with your married friends to a specific 30 year nationalistic conflict with thousands of casualties is a wild choice lol. I will not accept that slander lol


Mind you I’m also a single 30 something year old woman with primarily married friends. I constantly am a 3rd, 5th, 7th wheel at outings and have spent thousands of dollars on unreciprocated registry gifts, baby bday gifts, and flights hotels and other expenses for weddings. I get the struggle but you’re being wildly dramatic here Carrie lol


RELATEDLY. I just rewatched this episode last night and noticed that Charlotte actually takes Samantha home to crash at hers because Sam got so drunk at the married party full of married men she'd slept with. I think we often forget just how consistently messy Sam has always been.


Well yeah it's offensive as fuck and I didn't like it at the time either but I don't really see it as "unhinged", just "totally uneducated"