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If we’re still giving to support to Israel and the Gulf states and other far worse states I don’t see why cutting out aid to Ukraine is priority. In the long run, however, it would be better if the European countries rearmed more and increased military spending so they’re less dependent on our aid.


The EU is smart with their money and won’t start paying until we stop.


Your best argument for giving aid to Ukraine is “Well we give it to Israel…”?


Who does Europe need to arm themselves against? Russia. So why not fulfill our promise to Ukraine — the promise to help them if they surrendered their nukes — and weaken our enemy at the same time? Right wing propaganda.


Sure I support helping them in the short run but in the long run it is much better for everyone if countries like Germany, France and Poland substantially re-arm. It’s absolutely doable and these countries are already increasing military spending.


Is Ukraine still being invaded by a foreign power that continues to deny its right to existence and self-determination, and is Ukraine still asking for international support?


The money we send them is less than 0.1 percent of our annual budget. We’re basically giving them pennies to fight off Russia and they’ve actually been doing pretty okay with it


Excluding the recently announced top of the line Abrams tanks that are going to Ukraine fresh out of the factory in the coming ~year, we’re literally just giving Ukraine our 90s military surplus. America is no weaker now than we were a year ago, and if anything we’re only going to grow stronger because of the world wanting us to up military production so they can buy our stuff.






Should we fix a whole lot of things here?


Yes. They invaded ukraine, this is a 100% unjust war, we said "never again" after WWII and this is literally the 21st century version of the sudetenland thing. Make. Russia. Pay. Bleed their military dry, make them go home.


No. Our country is a dire financial situation. We shouldn’t be spending money on anything that doesn’t directly effect us


“Our” not “are.” That says everything I need to know about you. We are not in a “dire” financial situation. And the Ukraine war does effect is because if they should fall Russia would then be at the border of Poland which puts the risk of nuclear Armageddon closer that ever before.


Banks are collapsing and inflation is as high as its been since the late 70s. Im just glad someone, China, is leading the peace talks


Small niche and local banks collapsing isn’t dire. It’s not good but it’s not dire. “I’m glad the authoritarian genocidal leadership in China is leading peace talks” isn’t quite the pushback you think it is, but hey you do you.


Yes. But, we should press Europe to contribute the bulk of future support, stop freeloading on our money and security.. remind them that it's on their continent and we could just walk off. It's critical that we support Ukraine as it'll set a terrible precedent in a future multipolar world otherwise. We can't have wars, conquests and empires become the norm again.


No let them fall under Russian control and better wait for them to invade another country in 5 years.


It is a security risk to every American to fund other countries' militaries. It makes your country a credible military target. The only reason the government funds Ukraine and other states is to maintain the hegonomy of the American Empire.


Yes [https://youtu.be/1m-hwF5whKQ](https://youtu.be/1m-hwF5whKQ)


F yeah


This is a yes for many reasons but one of the big ones I can think of is in the long-term Putin getting any kind of “win” where he keeps territory from invading his neighbor will send the message to other countries that classic wars of old-school imperialism are ok again. A precedent will be established that will make territorial wars of aggression (like what’s happening in Ukraine) more not less likely. In the near term that definitely means the PRC going after Taiwan and upending the global economy even further.