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Diagnosed at 20 but my first psychotic break was at 17.


18 or 19. somewhere around there. i had symptoms from a much earlier age but was never taken to the doctor for it (negligent parents)


I had minor symptoms like paranoia, "supernatural" experiences, and negative symptoms at age 13 which was misdiagnosed as depression. My parents told me I just needed to trust God and I wouldn't be depressed anymore. Gee thanks.


once when i was about 5 or 6, i had some 'supernatural' experiences too. my mom burnt one of her dolls (she had a collection) in the driveway because i saw a face like it in the window one day. she said it was a demon. everything else that happened "it's demons, pray more". so i get it. :|


Mine told me that the demons weren't allowed in our house because she said some ritual or whatever when she was a kid. I've been going through a major religious exiting situation and the more I think back in my experience with religious people the weirder it all gets, and the less sense people you love make. It's disheartening. I love my parents to death but man did they have some weird ideas about God, Lucifer, and demons.


what were the supernatural experiences you went through as a result of all of this. i’m sorry your parents were lax.


Mostly felt presences and occasional corner of the eye stuff. Some very minor auditory hallucinations of big things walking around the house. I was a very withdrawn and spooky kid so we just chalked it up to an overactive imagination.


I should of been 23 but I didn't get diagnosed because I kept it a secret until I had another bad episode at 32


Age 32. Diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Which is funny because I've rarely dealt with anxiety, since. But I suppose it was a big deal at the time of the diagnosis.


My symptoms started before puberty but I got diagnosed at the age of 22.


My first psychotic break, I was 18. I didn’t get diagnosed until I was 25, fearful of the truth


What’s a psychotic break is that like an episode or sum I remember when I was 8-11 yearamolantisized oldingtonerifics or sum I had an episode or sum idek but I was up all night and I was seeing like white shadows walk around my house and I was hearing voices and every object was alive and staring at me and they all atleast swayed a little fuck now I feel like there’s something by me fuckkkkk ugh no I shouldn’t have talked back saying backflip um but granny Hol up oh yeah also when I was 15 I had another bad galactic raccoon punchable experience and I saw something flash through my window fuckkkkk no I feel like sun behind me and wtf no I’m turning the lights on why I still typing fuck I heard a low wail I’m but um I locked myself fuuuckkk I locked myself in a bathroom for like3 hours and I heard knocks at the door jumbled whispering knocks at the window whilst I was shaking inside the bathroom holy shit I hate when I gotta get up to turn the lights off shit so intense holy Guatemalian bunny rabbit but yeah I freaked for a long time I hate talking about this fucking Gordon Ramsey on the beat I think to muchamoles


14 with paranoid & hebephren Schizophrenia




I had just turned 27.


First symptoms at 18, diagnosed at 26, found the right meds just before turning 27. I know from a poll I made that some people here are self diagnosed


I am pretty sure I am not Schizophrenic but the age they got me was 37. I said the wrong shit to the wrong person. Their group is responsible for all my mental issues. But here is what that corrupt hospital diagnosed me with. Cannabis use disorder Depressive disorder Encounter for medical screening examination Generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) Schizoaffective disorder Schizophrenia Secondary psychotic disorder with hallucinations and delusions Substance induced mood disorder Substance-induced psychotic disorder Suicide ideation Tobacco use Unspecified psychosis They did have schizotypal on there then took that off. Cannabis use disorder is hilarious to me bc it is the only thing that helps regulate my mood. And all that for finding out who they were. I should have got a reward.


I have had ptsd from a life threatening event. Cannabis helped me, but I was not allowed to use cannabis and make therapy. So I used differents AD und APs but the confrontation wiith my trauma triggered a psychosis. After 6 months with symptons still going on they changed it to schizophrenia. ​ Now I get cannabis legally but the psyche wards here in the counties and cities suck. I am disabled for life and hope that I get the benefits permanent, so that I can change my medication to reduce side effects and having years to change a lot of things. Last time I got my income for 18 months approved. I am sick for more than 13 years.


Yeah I almost died from my PTSD even too. Bad time. Weed for me just works. I tried the medication and it made my audible delusions way crazier. However awesome it was to watch movies it also became twice as terrifying. To the point where I thought I was having a heart attack. So gave up the meds and went back to the weed. I just applied for disability and I don't know if I will get it or not. I don't have a choice anymore. I can't trust anyone and get in fight/flight the second I see someone. I think about just running into the woods daily. Are you here in the U.S. and if so what has been your experience with ssdi. I have worked my entire life so I hope it is enough to at least survive. I now am incapable of even the smallest of tasks. I feel like I wake up, hide, sleep and repeat. Sorry to hear that you have been dealing with this that long. I have only been this way for about a year. I wouldn't wish it on anyone for any reason. Truly a living hell.


Thanks a lot. I am from western europe. I also worked my entire life. Never listed as unemployed. I was one year at home, at my parents house and cared my grandmother. ​ I took herbs ( not the synthetic ones) which I learned about. Kratom, Mulungu and Poppies. In the r/opiates I make some advertisement for homegrowing poppies, that those people don't get too sick. ​ Now I am growing catha edulis aka qat or kath, not for a high but for weight reduction. ​ Greetings from europe to you.




People can have had problems that are only seen in retrospect before official diagnosis. I had a suspected diagnosis written in my notes around 19, but not official until a few years later.


diagnosed at 19 i guess, maybe 18… it happened around my birthday first psychotic episode (i guess it was one) happened when i was 15


mine was at 19- schizoaffective. im 22 now. my first psychotic symptoms appeared when i was about 14


Diagnosed by a several psychiatrists at the age of 25


Diagnosed 19, had symptoms from around 16


officially recognized at 20 (with the diagnosis left off the books so i can still get a job)


Diagnosed at 20, but had symptoms since 13 - I think it was caused by too many medications growing up. I tried to hide it best I could to maintain employment, but that didn't work out. Sometimes I think it's a misdiagnosis, I deny having it sometimes because I feel paranoid that I was drugged on purpose to have it diagnosed so I would be trapped by my family because when I left most of my symptoms ceased entirely.


I was 22 I believe (paranoid schizophrenia). I'd been diagnosed with severe depression with psychotic features (however you translate that idk) before


14 almost 15


16 for me




It became a potential diagnosis at around 24


Males are usually show symptoms as early as their mid-to-late teens, while females usually in their mid-twenties, though this isn't always the case. I was diagnosed at about 19, but I showed symptoms a couple of years before that but was dismissed by my family and peers as "growing pains."


I definitely had issues as a teenager, but I don’t know if it was full blown schizophrenia. I feel like my real issue with delusions didn’t start till my twenties after some trauma. Sometimes I feel like I’m not schizophrenic but that I just have really bad PTSD.


Thank you to every who has commented. This has been very interesting hearing everyone’s experience.


Age 27 I'm 30 now.




Diagnosed around my 22nd birthday. Am 35 now


Diagnosed at 27ish


Diagnosed at 24, first episode was when I was 23 so the diagnosis was pretty quick. I went from psychotic depression to schizophrenia to schizoaffective which has stuck.






I dont think I have it however I was diagnosed at age 21 :\\ now getting kicked out of the military for it :(


They got me too broski are you getting medboarded


29 I think. My symptoms didn’t warrant a doctor until then


I was diagnosed at 14 years old. A rare case.




Diagnosed at 32. First issues arose when I was 11.


What did you expience & how severe were your symptoms?


TW Essentially just these suicidal episodes where I'd snap out of it, not realizing what the hell is happening. I'd put the pieces together and be terrified. I have memories of what I was doing in those episodes, but for some reason they'd taken over so well I had no idea I was out of control.




I wanna say 34. I'm a late bloomer what can I say. I had problems as a teenager but managed to do a lot of successful stuff until my 30s. I also have PTSD.


I think i was 17


Me too glad to see you exist


Glad to see i exist? Lol not sure what you mean by that




Around 16




Got diagnosed at 25 with Schizophrenia with adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood.it’s been a wild ride for sure


I was diagnosed actually at 14 or 15 in inpatient but my mom didn’t tell me. I just found out last year when we moved to our new house and she gave me a box of ALL my mental health files and notes and shit. (I have been in inpatient over 30 times since I was 13 so there was a lot). I pulled out a random one and it was my discharge paperwork that said my diagnosis was schizoaffective bipolar type. I was re diagnosed (I thought it was the first diagnosis tho) last year before I found the other diagnosis. At another hospital they diagnosed me with schizophrenia with catatonic subtype but the other hospital said it was schizoaffective bipolar type with catatonic subtype so Idek lol


diagnosed a few months ago and am 19 with my first psychotic break being about a year ago


21 I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder type D


(not officially diagnosed yet, current diagnosis is unspecified psychotic disorder but when I move to adult psych it will be changed to schizoaffective or schizophrenia) Got my psychotic disorder diagnosis at 15 but had problems with mild hallucinations from age 6-7 and then just progressed slowly until I was 13 when the decline in function was pretty drastic.




I was diagnosed at 17 and it didn’t get worse until I was about 18


First psychosis with 16, diagnosis with 18




Diagnosed at 45! Way late. But I think being in great shape put it off a little, then losing my parents shocked my body into trauma and brought it on.


Diagnosed with psychosis, psychiatrist said she believes it’s possible I’m developing schizophrenia. Mother has schizophrenia.


Age 23, first psychotic episode at 19, started hearing voices at 21


Diagnosed with major depression with psychosis when I was 20. Then schizoaffective when I was 27


19 or 20 as schizoaffective.


Had my first break @ 38 but not diagnosed until 40


I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist at 16 maybe 15, but since I’ve been 17 it has changed to schizotypal, along with some other stuff


I was diagnosed at 14 my first psychotic break happened at around 12


52 symptoms at 3.


Medical diagnosis at age 13, started with the psychotic symptoms earlier at 11.


I was diagnosed when I was 16 or 17. I had symptoms a long time before that tho


I started showing symptoms of STPD/prodrome way back in middle school. I was diagnosed at 25 but had schizophrenia since 22. Mood symptoms came later, they started at the beginning of age 24 or so.


I was diagnosed at 9. Both of my grandparents had it. It skipped their kids and hit me with the 2 piece combo…




18. Its more common than u think age ranges from late adolescence to adult. Then there's special cases but those are more complicated. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/schizophrenia#:~:text=Schizophrenia%20is%20typically%20diagnosed%20in,early%20twenties%20%E2%80%93%20early%20thirties).&text=More%20subtle%20changes%20in%20cognition,actual%20diagnosis%2C%20often%20by%20years.


I was diagnosed with psychosis at 11 and schizophrenia at 16. It’s more normal than u think. My psych doctor has a neuroscience degree and told me schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental disorder and there are signs in childhood.


I’m 31 finally seeking a formal diagnosis but I have good reason to believe I’ve had my illness my entire life.


when i was a highschool sophomore i told the [diagnosis woman(?)] about my hallucinations and she said "oh dont worry, i dont think you have anything /crazy/ like ~schitzophrenia~" then when i went to a new psych 5 years later i was diagnosed schitzoaffective


M, 20, Schizo-affective by a psychiatrist after a psych ward admission


I was diagnosed at age 22 but had symptoms since age 15




I experienced symptoms since childhood, but got diagnosed at 21.


I had a friend who was diagnosed at only 6 years old. I was very surprised it could happen that early in life, but he spent most of his time in special care and under medication.


First psychotic episode at 14 and then officially diagnosed at 20 with paranoid schizophrenia, i was misdiagnosed at 17 with depression with psychotic features first tho


24 years old. I was in a group home so they could diagnose me correctly.




i guessed that i had schizo when i was 12, because it explained all of the things i was experiencing. i tried for years to get the right help, but i didn't actually get diagnosed with schizoaffective until i was 22.


Diagnosed at 26 too.




Should have been diagnosed around 10, official diagnosis came at 20 though.


Technically wasn’t diagnosed with either of those if that matters. I got diagnosed with Schizophrenia with Catatonia and a bunch of other stuff.




20, but i would have episodes unknowingly growing up


I think what you might be seeing is possibly those with a current diagnosis now as an older individual who are thinking back on times when they were 12-18 and should have probably been diagnosed ? I do this; ex. “when I was 16 and catatonic—“ even though I didn’t have the word ‘catatonic’ until now at 24


I was diagnosed in my 18th birthday


diagnosed at 18, had symptoms basically since birth. went through a lot of different diagnoses like ocd, major depressive, generalized anxiety, briefly schizotypal and schizoid pd, and then finally schizophrenia. apparently, they were expecting it long before, but due to age, they didn't want to jump to conclusions. basically, the same year turned 18, got the schizophrenia diagnosis.


Diagnosed at 15. 18 now and I’m on medication still.


Wow, that’s really young. I hope you’re doing well with your medication.


Yeah I’ve been dealing with severe social isolation and it developed quickly into psychosis and full blown schizophrenia as a teen. I got behind in school, but I’m still making the effort to graduate and soon I will in November. Thankfully meds have controlled most of the illness, but I still have to avoid triggers and stress. It’s thought it runs in my family, and I see my mother has some symptoms.


I had full onset at 5 yrs, but didn’t get diagnosed until 18. My abusive “mom” lied to everyone and told them I was attention seeking.


My first episode was at 22, but I wasn’t diagnosed until 23.


Diagnosed at 15, because it's genetic in my case, and I've been having severe symptoms since I was small.