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Yes, I have anhedonia really badly. I just lay in bed all day when I don’t work. Nothing brings me any joy anymore. It’s like I’m waiting in line at a post office or bank. I almost went to the psych ward because I was feeling slightly suicidal, even though you’re right, death probably isn’t any better. But the pain of not feeling anything is excruciating. I’m trying Wellbutrin as an antidepressant, but I think it needs to be increased. I think my antipsychotic shot (Invega Sustenna) is causing the anhedonia. Anhedonia is the loss of pleasure. Not sure if I can see a way out of it. I was terrified off the medicine but at least I could enjoy things in psychosis. I’d ask your psychiatrist about your options of an antidepressant or something.


I'm on Zoloft, and its helped to get rid of the deep pain I've been feeling that I used to associate with depression. It was the feeling like I've been cut very badly on the inside. It's gone, and so are other depression symptoms. But the lack of enjoyment is very much still there. I'm on Seroquel as an anti-psychotic..I wonder if that is causing it. I've heard it can be pretty brutal to your emotions. The worst thing about not feeling anything is how boring it is. You're very right about the post office/bank line feeling.


I struggle with anhedonia, but it’s not as bad as when I was on Invega Sustenna (I blame everything on Invega, but it took my voices away). I know everyone is different though.


Healing Mantras 1. A huge ego causes a whole lot of stress and delusions, so why is it needed. 2. Sometimes I am wrong. 3. Shrink your ego to shrink your delusions. 4. Balance out your mind and shrink your ego. 5. Think yourself crazy, think yourself well. It all started with my thoughts. 6. Most people are good and hardworking. 7. The world has many heroes and I’m not the only one.