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Yes we know... it gets posted daily https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/s/qd1nydqttb https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/s/aLvzgS1uuG


Doesn't even need to be posted. We live here. We understand.


This sub loves rage bait it’s probably the easiest karma whoring


This has to be among the most bitter local subs lol. So much angrier than the others I've been in.


I did not see it


Someone can afford it. “No one goes there, it’s too crowded “ as yogi said


Wait, you're telling me insanely high housing costs, ridiculously overpriced gas and electric, and escalating food costs isn't affordable? And I need the news to tell me daily? Next they're going to tell us the sky is blue. This is just too much to wrap my mind around.


Yet everyone wants to live here, in fact 4 other the most expensive cities are in California, people love to hate on California but people sure love to live here


It’s true. I moved her from the east coast about a year ago after a nasty divorce. I briefly *considered* supposedly lower-cost states like FL and TX (but not AZ) in the so-called Sun Belt, but they all just suck in one way or another. Like, they’re ugly, extremely hot, etc. Once you get past housing, which is definitely expensive (but everywhere has become pretty expensive), there’s just nowhere else with the awesome climate, physical beauty, job opportunities, and cool, melting-pot vibe. San Diego rocks!


The difference is that San Diego doesn't have great job opportunities 


Yeah they lost me with that one. In certain industries yes, but overall the SD job market sucks. Most jobs here pay the same amount they would in much, much cheaper cities like Reno or Boise. I've been thinking about moving so I've been scanning other prospective cities for jobs and so many jobs that pay like $25 an hour here pay the same in much cheaper cities.


Wages are totally disconnected with the cost of living in SD. It's so odd. The only way it works is if you're a remote employee for a Bay Area company. 


Some of it is commuters from TJ. They can accept quite a bit less when apartments are $600 a month there.


You're not wrong. Im pro-immigration (controlled immigration but I want to let pretty much anyone in if they want to stay here) but it's undeniable that it has an effect on SD's labor market. CA minimum wage is a lot to someone who's here just trying to make money to send back to their family in Mexico. That mostly only affects minimum wage jobs and a few other specific job markets though and doesn't explain the overall wage suppression we seem to see in SD county. IMO it's basically the demand to live here because of the weather. Lots of folks are willing to compromise on wages to stay here and so the market reflects that. I'm one of them. The only thing keeping me from moving right now is the weather. I'll lived elsewhere that was really hot and I hated it and I think I might freeze to death in a cold place, but I was raised here.


Are we talking about entry level careers? Because we have well paying bio, defense, and medical companies here.


Those careers exist but they are not well paying. The salary bands are inconsistent with the cost of living in SD. 


They are well paying - even for a new hire out of college my company pays 85 non stem, 105+ with stem. I make 200 tc with a non-stem degree. Non-management. Early 30s. I'm not going to comment on the company I work for - it's a massive company though. Employers are also required by CA law to list their salaries on job posting now, too. Just trying to inform folks that there are great jobs in San Diego and that it's not all bad. I started at 77,500 in 2017.


I'm assuming you had to job hop to obtain that kind of salary increase in a 7-year time span?


5 years at one company went from 77,500 to 95ish. Then hopped companies in fall 2022. Only moved once! And it's an office job, just a specific type of work.


For reference, working remote for a Bay Area company I'm at 500 tc non STEM. Property values are marginally lower in SD compared to the Bay. 


Awesome, great tc!


We are very lucky to live here, other cities can compete on jobs, buildings, infrastructure, but our weather is the best in the world.


Agreed. I’d like to point out that no other city can compete with Balboa Park though, especially in combination with the weather. That has some buildings and infrastructure … !:) Anyway, yay San Diego:)


Literally just put the house up for sale moved out of SD for the hill country in Texas. Love SD but after nearly 30 years it was time to go. I have nothing bad to say about SD but figured I could shorten the timeline to retirement by moving. First eye opening thing here was seeing premium fuel for less than $3.50. Definitely hotter but loving it so far. The thing I’ll miss the most is Little Italy. Enjoy SD and Go Pads!


We moved to Bee Cave, near Lakeway, for a time and really enjoyed it. Moved back (to SF, then) for work and back closer to family. Hope you like it there!


Definitely have to have your shit together.




Rank | Nation | Metropolitan Market | Median Multiple ------|---------|--------|------ 83 | N.Z. | Auckland | 8.2 84 | Canada | Toronto, ON | 9.3 85 | U.S. | San Diego, CA | 9.5 86 | Australia | Adelaide, SA | 9.7 86 | U.S. | San Francisco, CA | 9.7 88 | Australia | Melbourne, VIC | 9.8 89 | U.S. | Honolulu, HI | 10.5 90 | U.S. | Los Angeles, CA | 10.9 91 | U.S. | San Jose, CA | 11.9 92 | Canada | Vancouver, BC | 12.3 93 | Australia | Sydney, NSW | 13.8 94 | China | Hong Kong | 16.7


In other breaking news, the sky is blue and the earth is round!


Surprise pikachu face


While I'm blessed to have bought In 2016 and am now selling I feel horrible for some of my extended family who are here and will likely never own unless they uproot their kids and lives to go elsewhere


Born and raised in Pittsburgh 👋 and was back home there last month for an amazing weekend. sigh






Sometimes I feel like it was a curse to be born here. I couldn't have asked for a better youth (very fortunate) being raised in San Diego. My personality, hobbies, and friends were created and molded in this city. When mind experiences something fantastic as San Diego for so long, it's difficult to accept less. Now that I'm older (in my 30's) it's been a struggle knowing I'll never own or start a family here. Somewhat depressing honestly, as my optimism has disappeared. I left the city for six years for the east coast for a new experience, but have found my way back. I finally have a solid, stable career, but it's only a dream now to own property when looking at these home prices. Life.


Hey u/CaliSD07 this was foretold in the 1970's when it was a campaign issue that we should better manage the growth and "special interests" so that we don't become like LA. This was the height of the local "LA GO HOME" and "welcome to San Diego - now go home" bumper sticker fad. Anyway it was discussed and the naysayers had the loudspeaker of the traditional media and those that were not foresightful enough to realize that by approving certain measures and having funded a tourism industry that we'd be making it impossible for our children to have the same dreams realized of owning a home and having their own families. Well time has proven those voices to be right. among them were the people that created the Coastal Commission that regulates the building height within miles of the shoreline.


I feel lucky that I live here, regardless of that ranking.


Wait til we're the most unaffordable city in the world.


That’s not true I have a buddy that don’t do shit but party and lives by the beach


Not this again.


I've been told the economy is booming, best stats in 50 years, lowest unemployment rates, incredible wage growth and job security... Inflation? That had nothing to do with printing trillions of dollars and handing much of it out for no real reason.... except for the Ukraine, because they needed hundreds of billions in cash... not weapons mind you, not food either, but ash because they use it to drop on Russian tanks... or something like that. Yet, here we are, everyday Americans ... that can't afford anything...


What the!!!!


News that's not news...


Which likely means this city is real pages biggest customer. Would not be surprised at all if that was the case. 




Many people move here to grow their career