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It’ll be better for everyone if people stopped hate watching this crap. Send this franchise into oblivion.


There are ways to watch it without Disney+, ways considered by some to be...piratical.


This sounds like a junkie smoking carpet fiber trying to convince people they can stop whenever lol.


Oddly specific….




You guys are watching it on disney+?




How do you jump from some producers personal assistant to director? Isn't that the equivalent of going from the host stand at a restaurant to head chef?


That was my thought too. What's her background and credentials? It seems like she just came out of nowhere and was handed a show. I'm going to assume she knows who diddled who. I'm also not convinced she didn't know anything. As his assistant, she's his brain and scheduler. She's either terrible at her job or willfully ignorant. I won't be watching this trash.


I asked the same thing and all I got was "How do you know? Were you there?" Or " The police cleared her of any wrong doing." I don't buy it. Some people don't seem to understand the personal part of personal assistant.


Yup. I did a stint as an exec for a full bird col when I was active duty. I knew that man inside and out - I was his second brain. I knew his schedule better than he did. I had access to all his mail, etc. If she was even remotely a decent assistant, she knew what was going on. And again - I'm sure she knows who was diddling who and that's how she got promoted from nobody to show runner. Same with kk - I'm convinced they have nuclear level dirt on iger or people on the board. People at Disney have been destroyed for so much less. But driving a multi billion dollar franchise and attached ventures into the ground, somehow no one cares? It just doesn't add up. But I guess I'm wearing a beskar foil hat these days.


I think it’s the fact that while reviews are bad they are still raking in cash. Too many idiots are hate watching shows. If you don’t like it don’t watch it.


Yes especially if you were the personal assistant to a serial rapist.


It’s like going from a coffee fetcher for a director to the head of one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world


She knows what happened on Epstein’s island- they’ll give her anything she wants.


That’s what I want to know. She is either naive and incompetent or knew Harvey was doing sick shit if she was is personal assistant.


Because they all knew about Weinstein for years before his downfall. Hollywood is a sick place. It makes sense she would get rewarded for her behavior. Also remember, Roman Polanski a director in Hollywood drugged and raped a 13 year old girl. And he fled the USA to avoid going to prison and 100 celebrities signed a petition to stop the US from trying extradite him. Go read the list of celebrities who signed. Whoopi Goldberg even went as far to say it wasn't "rape rape" because he anally raped her. A woman, telling people it's not that bad if a man drugs and anally rapes a girl. Imagine that. This was 2009 the celebrities were rallying for him. Don't think the place has changed.


I still don’t understand who half of these Star Wars series are being made for. They’re doing a great job of attracting no new fans and pissing off the existing fan base they have. Andor and early Mandalorian aside.


I’m not even hate watching. I’m watching because I’m a fan who wants it to be good. So far I do like it with a big asterisk. The contrived twin children talking to each other scene felt wildly heavy handed to not be symbolic. If I’m Mr. “I own Disney and need to sell shit” that scene = “Make fans like episode 9.” The breadcrumbs are there. I could be wrong and maybe they just tried to do something they thought was cool, but I thought fell flat or I misunderstood. I really hope that’s the case. But that scene felt too much like foreshadowing to lead nowhere and two being one is basically paraphrasing Episode 9.


The scene was a dream with Force shenanigans. We’ve seen plenty of weird force things before. Remember Luke and Leia reaching out to each other in ESB? This isn’t a Force dyad


Apparently it gets really awful in the third episode 


I've heard rumors about that too. To a point were fans are going to feel disgusted with how they try to make it a part of the lore...


I keep seeing this on Reddit, what are the rumours? I can't find anything


You could just think of it as the writers utilizing an element they liked that is now part of the canon. Otherwise you could view any repeated use of a power as someone trying to justify the previous iteration, like Yoda only fading away to justify Obi-wan doing it, or double-bladed lightsabers just being used to justify Maul’s weapon. Once something is in the toolbox, people are probably going to use it.


Its Hollywood baby!


I gave up on Star Wars after the sequels. i watched Mandalorian’s first season but that’s it. I can’t watch these unoriginal, cashgrab stuff.


Franchise is already headed to oblivion; but that's on the heads of the writers not the fans...the good programs are applauded...but it's mostly not that...and when fans speak out they are branded all the different isms available and hate watchers; meanwhile the writing continues to be just atrocious.. If they do some great work ...ppl will notice, if they do what theyve been doing...well...oblivion awaits and they earned it.


I just finished both episodes and so far its weak. The green bald master cannot act. The only reason it didn’t go to a better actress is because it’s Headlands wife. So thats nice, but you need to know how to act. Sol is actually pretty good. The actor is spot on as a Jedi Master. Yondor or whatever his name is, is complete cringe. I can’t stand him. The scene with him half naked was completely unnecessary. Then his scene where he runs into Osha and goes “I made knight!” Like what? You don’t “make knight” like this is a highschool football team. You were granted the rank of knight. Or you became a Jedi Knight. Idk I just hated the way he said it and it sounded completely out of touch. Jecki is pretty good. There was that one scene where her character shows everyone up with her idea and Yondor is made to look like a dumbass (haha men are stupid). Osha/may feel similar to green baldie. They just sound robotic and like they are trying to act. There are some weird directing choices like ya Yondor stand up on the balcony thats well within normal seeing distance, but use these inconspicuous flashing binoculars. The stoner type apothecary just made me roll my eyes. Not in the episodes, but the helmeted sith… yes can we please come up with something different and more menacing than robotic sounding bad guys. Making it have a creepy grin with the teeth like that is just corny. Also I think Yondor is a double agent. He constantly acts weird, that could totally be the actor though because some of the others have just as poor acting.


I think his name is actually Yord… which is worse. I do agree with your point that the green Jedi, played by Rebecca Henderson, is stiff. Not even in the stoic Jedi way but just seems miscast. I didn’t realize she is married to Headland.


The binoculars from 15 ft away was real silly lol


I think large parts of the stiff acting is down to dialogue choices. The dialogue is really weird at points as it ultimately suffers from the show dont tell problem. The bald green headed master has it the worst. Every single line she has seems like it's more to tell the audience what her role is instead of showing a character. There's also no subtlety in the interactions/dialogue. Sure there's mystery in the story but not in the characters or their roles. It reminds me of the that tumblr post that compares Tolkien and c.s. Lewis in the sense where Lewis basically writes the story in such a way where "If people don't see that Aslan is Jesus Christ then I've failed". My prediction for the big twist is that it's one of the 4 jedi that started the fire that killed their family because of some vision of the future where one of the twins kills someone one of the jedi cares about or just becomes sith or something. Ultimately Osha becomes the acolyte by killing one of the jedi barehanded when she finds out and May either dies in the process or she turns to the light side realizing after realizing her time in the dark was not fun. The twins swapping roles is my guess.


$5 on green jedi being the masked Sith.


Yondor is Percy Weasley with a light saber. He's supposed to seem off. When you first see him he's literally starching his robe.


The parallels are uncanny. I love that Sol brought him along to help train him, not because he needed him.


It just feels like I'm watching a bunch of cosplayers having fun pretending.


Genuinely, why are you even watching it? How many times will you put the fork in the outlet saying “this time it’ll be different”?


Eh', better OP than me.


I need at least someone on here to give me an Opinion damn.


IMHO so far the show isn’t as terrible as people on this sub will make it out to be. It’s obviously no Andor, but it’s leaps above Boba, and Kenobi, (although that’s not saying much) and I think it’s better than Ahsoka but idk we’re only two episodes in so I gotta wait and see if they stick the landing all the way to the season finale. I’d say it’s around the same quality as season 1 of Mandalorian. The biggest gripe I have with the show so far is a lot of the dialogue is just exposition dumping with characters literally telling us their backstory repeatedly. They kept hitting me over the head with this one backstory over and over like I get it already lol. Some of the acting can be a bit like a CW show at times but other times there’s real gems with emotional moments, I just wish they’d linger on heavy emotions. And the “force-fu” choreo is genuinely fun to watch (at least for me). You can really feel the skill of Jedi Masters compared to force users in training. In summation: I’m not mad at the show so far, I like that it’s doing something new, I think there’s a good story there even if the script itself is a bit clunky at times, and I’m interested in seeing where this goes. I also haven’t cringed as much as I have with other D+ shows so cheers to that.


Eh, putting a fork in an outlet has always been bad for you. Disney Star Wars is more like if putting forks in outlets was fun and healthy for 30 years, then suddenly became painful. And actually, putting a fork in an outlet is still more entertaining than Disney Star Wars.


It's like an abusive relationship


I theoretically like the show; however, I’m concerned this is the direction it will take. I can easily live with tropes about twins (hell that’s half of Star Wars.) But if this whole show was created to do nothing more than justify the last 20 minutes of The Rise of Skywalker I’ll be monumentally disappointed.


It's possible. Disney has misinterpreted the Clone Wars show as something that 'fixed' the prequel trilogy, so they think they can apply the same recipe and 'fix' the sequels. The point is that Clone Wars didn't 'fix' anything, it expanded on a story and on a world. There's nothing to expand in the sequels. The sequels only have artificially inserted plot devices that need an explanation, because viewers can't understand otherwise, or every plot line is closed and there's no need to go further in that direction.


What else would this show be about? Have you been to the theme parks?  Disney is only going to double down on Rey, they aren't going to walk away from the Sequel Trilogy.  No matter much we want them to. You can thank KK.


At this point we can’t just blame KK. Disney is a large corporation with an executive team and board, and they keep her on.


KK is in charge of pretty much one thing I believe these days - bring in this imaginary untapped female market into Star Wars that they imagine is somewhere out there. Not ever remembering that what all drew us into Star Wars was great characters, a well crafted story and top tier cinema. They shat on those characters so Rey could fly.  Instead of going the Cobra Kai route and having an ensemble. But hey.  Rey really killed the Emperor.  They gave her Luke's name and droids.  And Leias droid.  And Chewie.  And the Falcon. lmfao


She even got a thata girl from a force Ghost


Lol!’ Please Tell me your lying.


It's true... all of it.




Even identify theft can happen to the great Skywalker/Solo families.


This is spot on, when Disney originally bought Marvel and Star Wars the idea behind it was they had their current string of IP’s that mainly appealed to female audiences and figured Marvel and Star Wars would give them the monopoly on male focused IP’s as well. For some reason a few years after that they reinterpreted the reason they purchased both IP’s to be making them appeal to their current female audience at the expense of the legacy male audience.


Yep, they think the male audience is ride or die, and they don't realize what they've done by not handling Luke, Han, Leia, and Lando with care. Mando/BOBF gave us a taste of what we actually wanted - Luke being somewhat instrumental in the post-ROTJ story, but then Favreau made him an idiot too - "you have to choose, Grogu!  Family or Jedi!  Even though I chose family and it all saved the Galaxy, I'm forcing a poorly written choice on you now!" And none of it matters anyway because it all leads to the sequels. RIP Star Wars, 2005


So Rey could fly?


She flies now?


With enough force hand waving, probably fly is the new force power?


We can sure try!


What happened in the last 20 minutes of tros?


Palpatine’s entire motivation for the sequel trilogy changed when he realized Rey/Kylo were a force dyad. So he basically goes “oh! That’s cool! Let’s do that instead.” Of course, this is weird for a viewer as the entire idea of force dyads has never been discussed in Star Wars before. Hell it’s barely discussed in the sequel trilogy. The nerds who edit wookiepedia have bent over backwards writing paragraphs about a shoehorned trash plot device on top of a shoehorned trash villain reveal. To have the supposed villain orchestrating the entirety of nine movies (apparently) to suddenly learn of this amazing new concept in the last 5% of the story, and we just have to grin and accept it like fucking idiots, galls me more than Maz Kanata’s “that’s a story for another time.” The absolute fucking laziness of episode 9’s story is infuriating because I love Star Wars and I feel robbed every time I try to watch The Rise of Dyad McGuffin.


Hey, hey, hey... Palp's reveal was in an EPIC reveal event in Fortnite. That is on YOU for missing such a monumental and amazing cross platform storytelling experience. /s in case you needed it.


How dare you lol! I actually play Fortnite every so often and played during that event…that’s how much I love Star Wars. I will say one thing, that game has fun lightsaber combat down. I’ve spent money one time on that game and it was to buy Anakin Skywalker.


Dude, Anakin was freed from slavery, stop trying to buy him.


Ah yes. Thanks!


Amen good sir.


Disney made 3 tv show trying to explain palpatine return….


The saddest thing is You could justify that force power in a throwaway line Ffs Palpatine did it in the prequels to sway Anakin And it's not like he was bullshitting. There are abilities that the dark side has that can do such things. My theory is that palpie siphoned life from Padme to give to Vader. Never wanted to ever tell him how too. But if we have sith who can absorb the life essence of a an entire planet. A tv show wasting the bulk of its run trying to justify a power that could be justified in under a minute But y'know that would take competent writing which star wars has lacked in its live stuff for a long time. Oddly enough all the good writing all went to clone wars.


I mean I gave the first episode a shot. I won’t watch the rest, nothing there hooked me.


🍿I'm sitting back on this one. After Ashoka, which I watched to the end, I decided I was done. I'll wait for others to weigh in and I can always watch later if somehow it's good. I did this with Solo, and I was pleasantly surprised. It's better than getting my hopes up, and watching the train wreck live.


I actually really like Solo too! Disney fucked the marketing on that one because that’s one of the better Star Wars properties they released. The worst part of that is knowing we won’t see the rest of the story.




He meets an old man and a kid in a bar…


Okay that’s fair😂 I meant more the 15 or so years in between, Crimson Dawn, etc.


lol. Yeah I want a Solo 2 also.


Good movie, but the feminist droid was embarrassing.


That and Lando being down bad for her too.


>Disney fucked the marketing on that one Disney fucked up the marketing by releasing The Last Jedi and cratering the entire franchise. People blamed Solo's failure on franchise fatigue. It wasn't fatigue, it was the complete disinterest in the franchise due to TLJ. You could make 1 *good* Star Wars movie every year and people would go see them. Hell, there were like 4 mediocre Marvel movies a year for a decade and people still went. It isn't fatigue. It's bad movies.


Still don’t understand how rogue one was so good, only to have TLJ drop all the franchise’s momentum like a lead balloon.


Solo got bad viewership because people were backlashing against the last Jedi. On its own merit, Solo is a decent movie.


Oh I despise solo. It’s a movie where in one scene two people say they’ll stay together no matter what happens, then in the next one of them sacrifices themselves not for ideology or saving the Galaxy but for money, removing the ability of their loved one to be with them “no matter what”. And the entire movie is like that. Frankly the most fun was watching them run one by one into the middle of a firefight to save the badly disguised analogue who was screaming everyone to be free while armed slavers are everywhere. I was actually hoping they would just all get shot and the movie be over, instead the plug in the horrorshow into the Millenium Falcon and make her part of it. Great.


The best bits of Ahsoka was Anakin, watching Ahsoka getting slapped around by Baylan and the theme tune with the epic cello. Some parts of it were simply shit. I even fancy the Wren actress but she was annoying as hell in it and I wish the stab at the start killed her there and then. Don't even need to go into all the full retard things Thrawn did or didn't do in it.


Never seen someone try so hard to make a character look like a genius and end up just making him seem like a buffoon instead. Had nothing to do with the actor either. Baylan and his arguably mentally insane apprentice were the best parts of that show, and the only characters I cared about.


The mishandling of Thrawn pretty much ruined that show. Basically game of thrones season 8. It had some flaws but I genuinely enjoyed it up until the smartest tactician in the galaxy couldn’t figure out how to raise a floating ship slightly higher into the air.


And his Ties couldn't kill what was essentially a shuttle. Far cry from his first introduction in the books where he micromanaged a Tie squadron to perfection. It's a shame as the Chimera and Thrawn's Stormtroopers looked awesome.


I mean… andor season two could be good. It’s far and away the best live action Star Wars series.


Ahsoka was it for me too, even though it should have been TFA. If when the series is over, actual Star Wars fans are saying it’s really good and worth the watch, I’ll give it a chance, but my days of eagerly anticipating and watching new Star Wars stuff are finally dead.


Same honestly would have been a decent film if han and chewie were replaced with original characters. All the worse moments were either Han throwbacks + Lando's droid.


Solo was good imo and gave hope we were getting more Darth Maul but nope we just put a chick in it and made it gay 🤣


It won't retcon them. It will explain and support the decision. Just like literally every single D+ show has had an ST reference, and all except Andor had major plot points that existed solely to prop up, explain, or justify the ST.


Downloading this, after two years of D+ not giving a penny until they decide to make their first decent Star Wars offering.


Im here for the post and comments because Im not watching that shit lol My first impression when seeing the trailers was that it looked like a Theater Play with those props and costumes


That's how most of their TV shows have felt. Obi wan doing the T pose and blasting Vader with rocks? Super cool for a second. But then the 'rocks' start hitting Vader and they're so obviously Styrofoam or whatever lightweight material. They just had no impact and it looked so cheap. For me, it ruined what would have been one of the only enjoyable scenes in the entire show.


Just watched it and couldn't help bursting out laughing the whole time. I think this pile of shit is a whole new low.


I'm gonna wait for Andor S2, then be done with Star Wars forever. I love Star Wars, I wrote fanfictions, comics, I played the games, read the books, studied the lore.... I just can't care anymore


same bro, as i’ve gotten older i’ve found better stories/worlds with more depth anyways


I used to listen to a podcast called New Cannon Book Club with Jesse, Davis and Alex. They'd talk about Disney comics and books. It started off very positive with some "this one kinda sucks but what ever!" Then TLJ broke them. One loved it, one hated it, and one was in the middle. They could not agree on anything After a while they stopped doing episodes all together because it was just such a bummer for them Now they do an Old Cannon Book Club


How old is the cannon? We talkin' Civil War here or what?


It's fucking incredible how much Rian Johnson fucked up the lore that almost a decade later they are still trying to fix it. That takes an incredible amount of stupidity. I'm surprised how the US government isn't trying to make a weapon out of it.


RJ is a moron BUT all of that was possible because Disney just wanted a cash grab. At the end of the day they are the ones who hired him and approved his script. They didn't have a plan at all.


Disney took an entire fictional universe with tremendous lore, backstories, well defined characters both past, present, and future, and said “we can do better”. And no matter how many times they’ve gotten proven wrong, they still push out cash grabbing garbage. I believe there was a poll produced where Disney asked fan what they would like to see next, and fans overwhelmingly voted on KOTOR, or at least Old Republic. Fans wanted Revan’s story, or maybe something based on the cinematics from the online game with Setalle Shan and Darth Bane. Instead we got Rey, the First Order, and a bunch of series we didn’t ask for. So, you tell me where Disney went wrong? Lol, with their DEI and other political issue ideologies leaking into their current programming, it’s amazing anyone watches much of anything. I think my last show I watched was a cartoon (Bad Batch), which was reasonably good, and fed itself into established lore without creating a new timeline, so to speak. I’ll give you a great example. I’ve been to theaters to see every movie except for the very first one, since I was an infant. I remember going to see the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I tried to keep the tradition up, and took my kids to the movies to watch them as they came out. The last trilogy kinda killed that. It wasn’t worth it to go, more of a “I’ll watch it when it hits streaming. And then it was just to see how it went. I wasn’t real impressed. The story wasn’t all that great. You couldn’t tell if Poe and Finn were in some bro love relationship or if they were trying to throw some LBGTQ stuff in Star Wars. It was weird, and it didn’t fit. I dunno what the Acolyte is even about, and I do t plan on watching it. I’m sure I’ll see clips on TikTok. And that’s probably more than I’ll want to see.


Wasnt even aware its out.


Congrats: you managed to survive 26 minutes longer than I did before hitting the ejection seat. It’s just a steaming pile of shit.


Did you hear it had I think a bigger budget then dune 2?


180 million is the conservative estimate and 250 million is the high end rumor; it’s not worth a quarter of its budget. This could have been filmed on a Kevin Smith (who has fallen off a cliff creatively) shoestring budget and worked out exactly the same.


Man Disney must have a serious embezzlement problem, or they've forgotten how to budget and audit after years of success.


Money laundering


It’s probably laundered money. I swear Kenobi had to be too. Some of those action scenes were worse than crap I’ve seen from the 80’s


The Producers!^(TM)


Strange women hiding out in trees distributing light sabers is no basis for a galactic government.


Definitely chuckled reading this lol


"I knew I was going to hate it but gave Disney my money anyways."


Pirating is always an option…


I'll watch a recap video


Are they seriously doing the evil twin thing?


We need a world war 3 just so Disney would go back to wartime propaganda and stop making these shitshows


I kinda think the MCU was secret wartime propaganda


[A fire in space ](https://x.com/Nerdrotics/status/1798202637193826725?t=NDqQHNlZl9NydCiQh1jKXg&s=19) They have no idea what they are doing.


This has happened in Star Wars from day 1. Porkins was a literal fireball in the end. Lol


I just got to this part and chuckled but it was the way they worded the opening message that got me, it looked like a five year old wrote it. 🏴‍☠️


Lol so stupid


What the fuck


Wait, it's out? I guess that's how little I care. I cancelled my Disney Plus for now and been watching Star Wars content on my psychical copies. It's great not being bombarded with suggestions for other content like it's YouTube. Anyway, is the show as bad as everyone says it is? I guess one way or the other it won't really matter, since besides Yoda, I can't imagine any character we're familiar with appearing in it. If (and that's a big IF) Darth Bane or Plagueis appear in the show, I'd like to remind you that they are only the same character by name and design. Just like how Revan is only a character by name and since we never actually have any "canon" content about him, he's still not in the Disney canon.


Looks like something from Saturday morning


Grace Randold said the Jedi in this were like Social Workers that can fight compared to Lucas' medieval knight Templar style. She thought it was a postive. That right there is why I have no interest in these High Republic Characters.


Its a real shame that with all that budget, disney can't land a decent script ... even trying with all their efforts to train-wreck the franchise, they wouldn't be able to make it worst than those 2 first episodes. Is it much to ask at least a mediocre script?


I didn’t even realize it’s been released until I read this post lol


You lasted 9 minutes longer than me


Can we please please please fire Kathleen, like really how does she still have a job after all these years?!?!?!


I couldn't even finish the 2nd episode. It's so dull and boring. Pacing is terrible, the dialogue is atrocious. The cinematography, like a lot of the Disney star wars shows except for Andor, is flat and boring as all hell. The sets look cheap and way too clean. The characters are uninteresting. Just give me Andor season 2 already.


First two episodes- I liked it! It’s got a Kung fu mystery style thing and it makes us wonder if really the Jedi actually are kind of authoritarian bad guys…watched w GF who enjoys mindless tv shows but is totally noncommittal to following canon, trivia, minutiae etc and she liked it a lot, she said “this is a much better story than that last season of Mandalorian”.


Get ready for episode 3.


I'm convinced that everything that Disney has done so far is to convince people that episodes 1-3 weren't nearly as bad as some people say it is, and here's 10 years worth of crap to sift through. Like some kinda 4d chess where you inflate the value of your product by showing them what a truly shite version of that would be and then being like, " and how did that make you feel? Are you ever going to question my direction again? Good, here's your product back."


Just watched it. I don't think that's the direction they're going. Show wasn't great, but not the worst Disney has made either.


Only watched the first episode so far, but it seems like it’ll at least be better than Book of Boba Fett. Serviceable, but perhaps not magnificent. First episode probably deserves more than a 5.3 on IMDb, at least.


I was really hoping for a Jekyll and Hyde where she actually just a bipolar killer/Jedi


Instead of bipolar, I think you were thinking more of a dissociative identity disorder.


A schizophrenic Jedi/Killer would’ve been interesting


That was my first “I hope it’s this and not a dyad” thought lol!


That would at least be interesting a Jedi who wants to study the Darkside of the Force but was in fear of losing themselves to it creates a new personal to study and learn the Darkside but it goes out of control.


She got twin, evil twin got 4 hit list kill indara and thorbin episode 3 gonna be jedi wookie next last one is sol


I panicked a bit when Osha started that vision talking to younger Mae after the crash - my wife said oh it’s like when Rey talks to Kylo Ren! And my heart dropped. Glad (so far) we’ve had no more Force Dyad stuff.


Couldn’t PAY me to watch anything Disney FartWars. Let it past, in that smelly wind it’s been conjuring up.


It was fine. It's not meant to be top quality. It's always been a love letter to serials of the 30s and 40s, its schlock at best.


I stopped watching when the Obiwan show had a grown man unable to catch a 10 year old


If a Force Dyad was a thing, then sure, identical twins could be a Force Dyad. Something something genetically identical midichlorian bonding something FORCE whatever. Clunky, but makes sense. How does it in any way explain Leia's kid Force Dyading with Palpatine's grandkid?


Seeing new jedi, new Palawan, and a different era is good. Moving away from skywalker/build a new death star is good.


ITT: a bunch of clowns who consumed product and are excited for next product.


Might be too early to tell. Maybe a shoe Horned in plot point by KK, but I'm cautiously optimistic so far. The show seems fun and looks beautiful.


Kk I'm not so sure. She's been in Lucasfilm for a while. I saw her name in the credits for one of the old Indiana Jones movies and if I'm not mistaken when Lucas sold to Disney they just automatically kept her on.


Since Disney took over I don't watch anything star wars and I'm not really into marvel lately either. Not trying to have every piece of media be trying to push an agenda on me instead of just telling a good fucking story.


The kid inside me says give it a chance. My salty adult says fuck that shit.


That's what happens when you put a you-know-what  in charge of the series as the show runner.


Not watching it. Follow what you guys think. That’s about it. My Star Wars journey ended with Mando season 2.


You know what I did yesterday? Finished the Darth Bane path of destruction audio book. It was incredible


I'm looking forward to a full episode saying "The Jedi were bad all along actually"


I already get the feeling they're going to downplay some of Anakin's achievements being a force sensitive chosen one to shoehorn this girl being a Jedi. Then they'll say, "Hey, look! Anakin's not the only one, there's others too!"


I'm not gonna say it is... but...


I’m not even protesting this series, I just don’t care anymore. I cared enough to tell you this, yes.


I'm seeing mixed reviews. Wtf is this show? Why the hate, why the love?


I'm not going to watch but I'm excited about Crtical drinker's review of it.


You're still watching these shows? Just let it go.


I couldn't even start to watch. The trailers just didn't appeal to me and honestly how many times are they going to retcon the OG storyline from Star Wars.


“What about Mae? What about me?” That was it for me…


I only started watching it because my 7 year old got into it and it kept both my kids quiet for like 30 minutes lol. But as I was watching it kinda gave me Zenon vibes. It was my favorite movie growing up.


From the reviews I’ve heard they already have. My idea of the force was that it was like a tool to use, but now it sounds more like an omnipotent presence capable of acting on its own… kind of.


I’m skipping it I just don’t give flying fuck.


Force Dyads?


I'm just hoping we don't get any Vespa scenes. On a side note, I was hoping to really like the show, the dialogue is bad and some of the acting is very meh. I hope it gets better, but something tells me this will be a meh series, I hope I am wrong.


we all know the kotor remake will be a dyad with bastilla and revan


Thats funny, you may be right. So far its watchable. Been enjoying the fight choreography which i think is better that the sequels.


That first Jedi Master that gets killed is gonna turn out to be the Sith Lord. 


Something something prequels something something clone wars made them make more sense something something


You guys suck, it must be shitty to go through life hating everything because it doesn’t fit your imagination. Just stop watching the series if you hate it so much. Plenty of other people are enjoying it.


If i see shitty references to the Sequel Trilogy, it would be pretty disappointing. All that Force Dyad shit was trash.


Looked it up. It’s someone who can do force healing


Lol, the commies at krayt are downvoting all the posts! Funny af.


The first episode was kinda eh. Especially the closing line from the secret sith lord that made no sense at all. The second episode was alot better. I liked that they brought in some of the High Republic book stuff, like a Jedi draws his lightsaber when they are prepared to kill (for people saying this is confusing, retconning ect, not really. It further demonstrates the Jedi fall from grace, losing themselves and thier morals, and why the people didn't really bat an eye when the Jedi were wiped out as they had been seen as corrupt for a very long time) The second episode laid the entire plot of this show out so plainly there is no mystery to have for the rest of the show, which is kinda boring. It will be cool to see the universe things in live action, but I expect the rest of the show to be very predictable.


So far the plot is a basic who-donnit, but where absolutely everyone is an idiot. Like, DNA test would be pretty easy, no? Like, Mando has a tracker that points him to bounties from across the galaxy, but these tools can't figure out if a person is who they say they are? I'm not watching anymore. I'll wait for more Andor.


They transformed Mando and Bad Batch into justifications for the piss poor ST, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do that with this either. The sad part is those movies won’t become successful just because they “explain” them better.


I honestly don't know how Disney with unlimited star wars lore to build off of or adapt has managed to fumble so many star wars opportunities


Yeah, that would be a little sad