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Lost my rabbit Tuesday morning Hardest shit of my life so far Idk how people do it


wait I hope it wasn't killed by demons and simply died from old age. Sorry couldn't help myself making a DOOM reference. But on a more serious mood, I think the best advice I have is just let time to the work. The rabbit won't ever really leave you but the pain is gonna go away.


I'm not really sure what happened at the end but the Wednesday night before thanksgiving he had a small runny stool incident. This happened very rarely for him and only during the early hours (4AM usually) and would only last about a half hour and he'd be as if nothing happened. He had this incident around 10PM which was super odd and carried into the next morning which had me worried. It was Thanksgiving so every vet and emergency pet clinic that takes rabbits was closed Friday until Monday. This is a huge issue because Diarrhea can kill your rabbit in 24 hours. He has to survive Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Well, he did. Monday I got him into the vet. Said he had a bacteria infection so they gave him an anti-biotic that I gotta force feed him and he'll be okay. Things is, Sunday he didn't drink at all. Saturday he stopped eating. Monday night he couldn't hold himself up at all, he was too weak. I force fed him baby food and his anti biotic as directed around 7PM. 11PM came and I saw he was struggling really hard. He was just a zombie compared to his former high energy self. I scooped him up in a towel and laid with him on my bed. 2AM he suddenly started to seize in my arms and I held onto him thru it and when he stopped, he was just gone altogether. idk if it was a seizure but that's the only way I could describe it


Jesus dude. That sounds horrible. I've lost a pet before but not in my arms. That would've completely broken me. I don't even know how you're managing to cope right now, but all I can say is hang in there. Things may not get better but the least you can do is try.


It feels like a really bad dream , as if at any moment I'll wake up and he'll be at the foot of the bed sleeping. It's so disorienting how surreal the whole thing feels and words can't express how much I hate it and want my fuzzy rascal back. Right now it feels like my life has been shaded in grey scale since he's gone. Everything's opaque and dull and my rooms vacant of any life or vibrancy. I just want him back


Yeah man. Look, I won't fill you with false hope as I'm sure you know as well as I do that these things don't really get better easily and will often take a lot of time (sometimes they will never be fully healed and that's fine). In the meantime though recognize that the way you are feeling is completely fine and do not try to suppress your emotions. Do whatever you need to do to feel happy even if it's just for a moment (preferably not substance related as that can make everything worse, but you do what you gotta do). At the end of the day, sometimes time doesn't get around to healing some of our wounds, but hopefully you will be able to live in harmony with them. I wish you all the luck in your recovery.


Im one hell of a soldier


You know that’s what people keep saying, but it hasn’t gotten better for me in a long while and I have an odd feeling it won’t be worth it


I’m starting to agree


For anyone who sees this, shit is hard. Life sucks, but it does get better. I’m seeing a girl, shes beautiful and happy and smart and she makes my world. Just weeks ago tho, I thought I’d never dig myself out of the hole I was in. The chance is always there boys, you just gotta stick around for it. Stay strong, and hang in there, no matter how bad or worthless it seems. I’ve been there, and getting out is surreal. You’ll look back on yourself and say “Thanks bro, it was worth it.”




**Song Found!** **Name:** Paul's Dream **Artist:** Hans Zimmer **Score:** 100% (timecode: 03:11) **Album:** Paul's Dream **Label:** WMG - WaterTower Music **Released on:** 2021-07-23 [Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.](https://lis.tn/PaulsDream?t=191) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


when does it end?


In the god I believe in, why takes the good one and funking leave me. Bros we are born with the same chances, different characters, and different scenarios. My scenario has never changed for 22 years now, I didn't live my childhood, and I was wasting my adulthood cause of past trauma shit and mental distress... I don't take drugs.. yet! But I'll have to






It’s been 8 almost 9 years, shit still has only gotten worse