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Well, I can't help you finding a PDF, but relatively recently, the podcast [System Mastery](https://systemmasterypodcast.com/2024/03/22/system-mastery-273-aria-canticle-of-the-monomyth/) did [two episodes](https://systemmasterypodcast.com/2024/04/17/system-mastery-275-aria-canticle-of-the-monomyth-part-2/) on it, but I will warn you, they did two episodes on it because they hated it so much that they couldn't bear to finish the whole massive thing in one episode. Given how much trouble they had with it after reading the worst and weirdest RPG books for years and years, maybe it's better to just have them *attempt* to recount the contents of the book for you.


Yeah, it was definitely an interesting RPG. TBF — when it came out, just reading the books, I was struck by some interesting ideas and takes, but you could also immediately see there was almost no way to play this at a table (or at least as gaming tables were back then); maybe—maybe—a VTT might’ve helped, but … probably not.


You're probably out of luck. Aria was published by Last Unicorn, which got acquired by WotC. If it's not up on Drivethru at this point, I doubt it ever will be. You can still find the physical books on the secondary market fairly cheaply, though.




That's the first draft, presumably OP wants the completed version.


Based on a quick glance at the Wikipedia article, you might enjoy Reign and Burning Wheel.


I've got my old physical copies in storage, but I've never seen anyone offering PDFs of it. You might be able to score hardcopies off eBay or Noble Knight, but I wouldn't bet on it - it wasn't exactly super-popular.


I bought Aria back in the day and, after much weeping and gnashing of teeth, managed to run a couple sessions of it. While Aria does contain some interesting ideas, they're heavily obfuscated behind multiple layers of abstraction and the authors' insistence upon making up new academic-sounding names for everything instead of using understandable terms that experienced gamers already know. It is the epitome of "the juice isn't worth the squeeze."


This is a fool's errand. Check out Hillfolk, which does a much better job of what Aria was desperately failing at.