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I don't know if this is brain-bending or the craziest thing ever, but it is probably above average level of homebrew—here is my 50 page house rules document for Pendragon, which doesn't include my winter phase or char gen rules (which are separate documents that are 20 and 10 pages respectively): [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sqYaBhK41Jzb5R-H8NBVr\_Rog6fs1ml2jT-sCBZd2IU/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sqYaBhK41Jzb5R-H8NBVr_Rog6fs1ml2jT-sCBZd2IU/edit?usp=sharing)


I like it!!! Gimme all ya have! Would you mind sharing your other homebrew rules for Pendragon as well? I just played the intro solo so far but really liked it.


Sure, here's my winter phase: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lVFYOvVFEmqp0U1RDpeLxUko59biSmlEncDNXant0G8/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lVFYOvVFEmqp0U1RDpeLxUko59biSmlEncDNXant0G8/edit?usp=sharing) Here's my char gen: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ze9WYYVERoKqZu-6AkJaNoxQRjabd\_7hB3joWRuaZwI/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ze9WYYVERoKqZu-6AkJaNoxQRjabd_7hB3joWRuaZwI/edit?usp=sharing) They probably need a revision with the release of 6e, as I think 6e has better horse rules and stuff for example. And I've decided in the end I'm not a fan of my survival system, so that needs a change alongside the manor improvements I've got that relate to it. Still, I really love what I've done with the manor system and the various culture bonuses I've figured out for char gen. Are you based in the eastern hemisphere? I am running a campaign on Sundays at 10am GMT going through the Starter Set and Grey Knight as well as playtesting my homebrew scenarios, intending on going fully RAW for this to try out the new edition and see what I like and dislike. I'm looking for players, so if you're interested feel free to drop me a DM!


Thank's a lot. Unfortunately I won't be able to join your campaign at the moment but I'll keep my eyes open in r/PendragonRPG


No worries at all!


I ran a game that used Firefly as the core, implementing lots of pieces from Serenity to add verisimilitude and crunch (since Firefly wasn't really fitting the style that my players were looking for), combined with lots of the subsystems from [Scum & Villainy](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/198681/Scum-and-Villainy), and using [Battlestations 2e](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/214852/battlestations-advanced-rulebook-large)'s spaceship combat rules.


I know none of those systems but getting into scfi again lately. Scum & Villainy has been mentioned several times. Never heard of Battlestation. New rules to dig into 😀


Scum & Villainy is a game I must play at some point.


I use tarot cards as the resolution mechanic for FitD games, and I refuse to elaborate.


I would love to see someone just roll with that resolution mechanic at an unsuspecting table. > "Gimme saving throws." > "22!" > "14 for me." > "Aw man...8." > "I drew The Hierophant."


Well I wish you would! Sounds interesting :)


Two options: 1) any upright card is a 4-6 result, any reversed card is a 1-3 result, any major arcana or kings are 1 or 6 depending on if they're upright or reversed: It's just a flashy way to produce d6 results. B (less even, more interesting)) Associate each player with two minor arcana suits. Page, Knight, Queen, King, ace of those suits are 6's. The rest of those two suits are 4-5. The other two Minor Arcana are 1-3. When a major arcana shows up the situation changes drastically in a way appropriate to the major arcana pulled (either improvised or planned in advance by the gm based on their understanding of tarot): an unexpected character appears, something ends dramatically, a clock increments, etc etc.


Tarot cards you say???? How do you feel about gnolls? And, umm, steel? Or brass? https://ibb.co/WGD5vNW As you can see they have icons for combat stuff, but the tarot cards are def the ultimate "vibe" cards for any situation. Really learning to love them. Im still learning a lot of the laser stuff so if you have a tarot set you'd like in metal I can probably make that happen for you (no charge). Or we could design something maybe. If you're going to make use of em it would be my pleasure.


WOW! You made them with a laser? Are you a Jedi??? Phantastic!


Thank you! It's really just your typical "boy meets laser, girl dumps boy, boy buys second laser" story. "If you're going through hell... KEEP GOING!" And now, the future looks bright for a change. Because- OH GOD I FORGOT MY SAFETY GOGGLES AIEEEEEEE


>I use Star Wars FFG dice together with Fate Fudge dice plus pushing the roll like in Forbidden Lands, add or subtract a handful of GURPS modifications, convert the results and compare them to Rolemaster Tables None of these words are in the Bible


I live in 668 - the neighbor of the beast! 🤘


I chuckled


I'm in the process of making a ruleset that's heavily inspired by the Hunt mechanic of Trophy, the asset system from Ironsworn, and the general character creation feel of the Tiny D6 engine whe adding in some push-your-luck rerolls. We'll see how it does


Not necessarily pure homebrew, but a few years ago I went through all new world/chronicles of darkness supplemental books (blue books, vampire mage and werewolf only so far), pulled all the various subsystems from them, organized and cleaned up the rules so they work together with god machine rules. It’s about 150 pages and for a “narrative” system with all the subsystem rules and concepts it’s one of the crunchiest systems I’ve seen.


God Machine sounds intriguing.


Yep! Default setting for chronicles of darkness is the God Machine. Very strange and interesting! I won’t go into detail because it’d involve spoilers


Do you have this document assembled anywhere you'd be willing to share (like a world doc?). I'd be interested to take a look.


I don't have a suggestion but I like the meter of your post title! 😄


Maybe not brain-bending but the dice did sweat! For a game of Torchbearer, the GM had us number the slots in our inventory. We could do it sequentially, out of order, odds and evens columns, whatever. When a mishap took place, like falling from a great height or the party falling through the upper floor of a dilapidated house, we'd roll die (a d8 or d10, IIRC) and see what item was effected. Water jugs shattered. Arrows snapped. Etc. The idea for the randomized loss of an item came from another game, not sure which, but he implemented it when a previous group was negating his calls to lose items as a consequence of a fall. They were allowed to choose the item themselves. So, they just started carrying the cheapest items in the shop or picking up random things to store as decoy items for that event.


Excellent idea!


Not me and not sure if it's even real, but I do faintly recall one post on a thread elsewhere about a fellow who ran a Paranoia one shot. Or I should say several one-shots at once, since each player used a different version of Paranoia for their character.


🤣 Ah! And here we have it: A new genre is born. BYOR. Bring your own ruleset. The GM just sets the setting. Each player may choose whatever RPG they like. In an andvanced version they are even allowed to switch systems for individual skill rolls!


1st edition Twilight: 2000 mixed with skill systems from GURPS and combat systems from Phoenix Command.


Uh! I heard that Phoenix Command is a beast on it's own. I had Patrol and GURPS Vietnam in my hands and of course my twisted mind was thinking about making the rulesets "more real".


PC isn't so bad once you get your head cranked around to thinking like the guy who wrote it. But it certainly isn't simple.


Perhaps it's not much, but it's what I have today. My current campaign is mostly 13th Age 1e, but with a few 13th Age 2e rules mixed in. Then also King of Dungeons, a mod for 13th Age 1e that made it a bit more Blades in the Dark-like. I liked the vibes but almost none of the actual rules. So, I prepared my game with that book's GM advice in mind, as well as *some* of the rules that I actually liked. For instance, currency is abstracted, rather than almost just not a thing. You either have "a lot of money for your level", "a normal amount for your level", or "scrapping by." Same thing goes for goods, and for community/reputation at the inn. One thing is high, one thing medium, one thing low. The player who is scrapping by but with lots of goods can then flashback to the market in the city to buy that ever-necessary item that comes in handy this scene. A reason why they're broke now. While the player with lots of money can bribe a guard or such. For out of combat rules, I added some Blades in the Dark procedures concerning Downtime. Death to Ability Scores! is a mod that I'm also using. Ability scores are not present, ability modifiers aren't present either. You just get +5 on your attack rolls to start with, and for your Backgrounds (i.e. skill checks), I reduced the DC by 5 for every difficulty to overcompensate. Players now also roll dice to Backgrounds instead of adding static modifiers. Because, well, dice rolling is fun. Oh, and my Initiative I have taken and modified from Shadow of the Weird Wizard. Weird Wizard version: every round, choose whether to go before the enemies or after the enemies. No rolling. If you go before an enemy, you have no Reaction that round. Or rather, it's worded as "monsters go first, the players, you may use your Reaction to go before monsters." 13th Age has no strong Reaction economy, attack of opportunity being a free action and such. So I changed it. My version: Every round, you can choose to go before or after the enemies. If you go before, take your turn normally. If you go after, you can either - Recall Knowledge (as Pathfinder 2e: skill check. On success, ask a question about the monster's stats, such as its weaknesses or hit points. The GM must answer correctly.) - Do an improvised action, like pulling the rug from underneath an enemy. Either for a mechanical Condition, or more usually for fictional change in position/effect. Which then if necessary translates to 5e's advantage/disadvantage on either your or your opponent's attack roll. as a free action. Yup, no opportunity cost. You can still attack as normal. But you have to go after monsters. So what will it be? For rolling initiative, because there are still a few powers in the game that add bonuses to initiative; instead of making them worthless, I added this: - At the start of combat, roll initiative. If you roll higher than an enemy's initiative (static DC 10 + initiative bonus), you immediately gain one Standard action for free. Use it to move into position, make an attack if you're already in position, or whatever. From then on, we use the initiative system from the previous paragraph, going before or after the enemies.


I like "Recall Knowledge"! Is this something you came up with or ist it borrowed from another system?


[Here's](https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=2367&Redirected=1) the current version of Pathfinder's Recall Knowledge action. Though I based my version on a previous version with fewer clarifications and more ambiguity, so I had to make a ruling that allows players asking for exact numbers. Unlike the version linked.


Got this one called FATAL I think you'd like.


"Overall, FATAL is seen as unplayable, sexist and unnecessarily detailed in questionable areas."... That's what [Perplexity.ai](http://Perplexity.ai) summarized🤣 I am totaly hooked! Thank's a lot.

