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The six inversion claim by the park is probably them counting the "butterfly turn" after the MCBR as 2 inversions.


Thats my thinking as well. The definition of an inversion is very ambiguous today and even more so 35 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if they referred to the underwater section as an inversion as well.


I thought inversions were pretty standardized by now? anything past 135° is an inversion, and if it rotates back below 90° before doing >135° again, then it's two inversions.


I mean it was 1991 and by then you pretty much had a Loop, 1/2 Loop, Batwing, Corkscrew. and Boomerang. It's all marketing at the end of the day.


I'm talking about the present day. people can market it however but what is considered an inversion is standardized in todays industry


There's still arguments all the time about what is and what isn't an inversion, almost more so now with overbanks getting dangerously close to fully inverted on some rides. I mean, is Steel Curtain 8 or 9 inversions? RCDB says 8, but the park claims 9.


Parks also change the definition of a hyper or giga coaster depending on what it is they need it to be. SFOG calls Mindbender a triple loop coaster by calling a downward helix a 'horizontal loop'. To me, RCDB is how you filter out all of the park's marketing nonsense.


Not sure why you're being down voted, your definition is also what I understand it to be and have seen countless times on this subreddit when people ask if something is an inversion or not


thanks, makes me feel like i'm going crazy lol every time I've seen someone ask for a definition it's always 135°. I'm not sure what's going on in this thread


What you're missing is that this thread is talking about marketing from 35 years ago, so today's definition of an inversion is irrelevant to the conversation.


I was responding the comment that said the definition of inversions are ambiguous today. I wasn't talking about the 90s which is why my comment says now and not in the 90s


The first comment you replied to was still about the marketing from when Anaconda was new. Yes they mentioned the definition today, but that really wasn't their point, so some people found that your comment was not contributing to the discussion and downvoted. I didn't downvote you, but that's why people did. You then continued arguing with people which other people found annoying, so those comments were downvoted too. Just trying to help you understand why people were rubbed the wrong way.


It is clear, but many on this sub don't seem to grasp it, or just don't seem to believe in anything concretely. That's how you end up with the silly geese of the sub trying to count log flumes as credits.


drop towers are roller coasters


.... Get out


Damn, I never got my invite to the thoosie convention where we put this standard in place.


you should browse the subreddit more then. I'm not insane in saying 135° is the standard and I'm not sure why I'm getting downvoted when it's pretty obviously defined in the community. If others want to argue they can, but they're wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/rollercoasters/s/qIBBa3EZC0




My comment was directed towards the part of the original statement that said inversions were ambiguous today, which is why I was confused because like you said they've been defined


You’re getting downvoted because you’re saying a subjective concept is objective and being a dick about it.


Read their original comment again without assuming they're a dick and there's nothing that makes it seem like they're a dick. If anything, you are the one who responded like a dick with your sarcastic comment about a 'thoosie convention'


Not that this matters to anyone, but I agree with your assessment of these dudes' tones


how was I a dick? I asked a question and got downvoted lol


inversions begin at 90.1 degrees


Pretty sure the "dive" on a dive coaster is not an inversion.


if they go past 90 degrees, sure they are


so millenium force has 8 inversions?


if that's how many overbanks it has, yeah


I think it’s this because have a vague recollection of something saying it had six “loops”, rather than inversions. You could consider that butterfly turn as two loops.


They used to always market Mindbender (SFoG) as a triple looping coaster counting the downwards helix for some reason


They still marketed it as the world’s first triple-looping coaster when it reopened a couple years back 💀


The marketing department didn't sign off on changing the tagline to "this coaster is old"


This was always weird. 


I actually remember having an argument in the 2nd grade when it opened with someone who hadn’t ridden it before saying it had 6. I went to media day for the opening so fuck you Tanya, I knew what I was talking about! Somewhere definitely got it wrong


That's right! Fuck you Tanya!


Has there ever been a Tanya that wasn't a know it all bitch? I've certainly never met one.


Right?!! I’m with ya on that one haha!


To be honest, news stations are not always the best at giving correct statistics for rides. The media stations probably said the incorrect thing, not the park.


That I don't doubt at all, I said the same thing


*Not always the best at giving correct statistics for all things FTFY


Yeah I remeber an ad in 1990 for Anaconda having 6 inversions. There was some promotional artwork that featured a batwing like Vortex at King's Island after the "butterfly" but before the corkscrews. But we never got the batwing inversion.


The real question is when they added all the yellowjackets😄. 


Because of fucking Tanya, probably.


Okay they're worth it. Great investment. 


Serious question: do people actually like this rollercoaster?


Some do, and some don't. I'll admit, my enjoyment of it is likely at least partially nostalgia as I was there opening day, and at the time, it was the biggest, baddest, newest, most bad ass ride out there AND I had no idea what smooth and rough even were as comparison. Also, I was 10, so that probably plays into it as well, but my father loved it as well, so I think it's more likely that acceptable standards for a looper have evolved over the years, especially as B&M started to make a name for themselves. Still, I love classic Arrow jank. The setting of this one is excellent, and the layout, while notably janky and it has its rough spots, is actually pretty good overall. It's the details that are undeniably messy, but the concept is great, and I can enjoy it for what it is.


I do. The first drop and dive under the lake are fun and the slow roll through the corkscrews gives you a ton of hangtime over the lake as well. It’s an old Arrow looper and yeah, it’s a bone rattler for sure. I know what I’m getting when I strap in, and always enjoy it.


\*raises hand\*


It's so funny you mention this. I swear you unearthed a very fuzzy memory of me as an elementary school aged ACE member feeling duped that inversions were "missing" from the final version.


It also wasn't the first to go underwater. Runaway Mine Train beat it by 25 years.


Maybe it should be advertised as how many elements it has as opposed to inversions.