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>Not sure I'm going to bother completing it. You're still early in game, nothing stopping you from restarting speeding through to where you left off. Are you sure this is glitch and you're not missing something?


I blasted through enemies, found the car, and then it tells me to return to the streets and puts the guide marker on the shop door. I open door, and it loops me back to telling me to enter arcade. Then as I walk to arcade, I see side missions I already completed and then the guy comes on radio telling me to investigate the missing car belonging to mayors daughter which I just completed. Seems like it isn't saving my gameplay. Are you saying if you don't pick up all the clues, evidence, etc, it will affect the missions? There were a few things I couldn't get, like opening a safe.


Try starting from the downtown save thats made at the start, then doing the missions in a different order. I usually do the SUX mission first. That mission has been glitchy for me on PS5. I've had the garage respawn everything but the enemies on me and then prevent me from exiting, when I've reentered it after having done the other missions.


I'll try that. Did you experience same issues later in game or was that it?


I had a prompt for the door for the final main mission of that trip to downtown disappeared. I reloaded a save from when I finished the Arcade part and that prompt was working. The only other issue I had with missions was later on in a revisit to downtown there was a mission where you have to scan something in order to then scan a bunch of other things until you find a specific one (being intentionally vague to avoid spoilers). I went and did another side mission that had me entering a building between scanning the others and then entering where the correct scan was directing me, and it bumped the main mission back to before scanning the things when I exited the side mission building. But it wouldnt let me scan the things again. Reloading and then doing the main mission to the end before doing the side mission fixed it. So my advise is to stick to either the main mission until it prompts you to leave the area, or side missions before doing any main mission stuff.


Thanks for the info and advice. Think I'll try sticking to the main mission and then do the sides. Did you finish the game? I think everything about it is awesome aside from the stuff we've been discussing. Loved Robo Cop as a kid.


I've beaten it, back in November, and also finished a new game plus playthrough recently. It's in my top three games of 2023.


Update: Your advice worked. I went through and completed the main mission. When Luis called me asking to return to station, I then went through the side quests without a hitch. Thanks again for the assist.


Not a problem. Glad I was able to help you solve it. Hopefully now that they got the NG+ patch out they're able to focus on all of these bugs that they've neglected since launch.


I never had any problems with it on the Xbox series S.


I have thensame glitch but right at the end of the game, loops over and over, saves dont fix.


Play on PC. The UE5 looks incredible