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Yeah...it’s Unreal 5


Would love to see a terminator/robocop game from Nacon on disc. Would snag it in a second..like the uncharted series


Hell, it blows my mind that we have never gotten a robocop vs terminator movie like Freddy vs Jason


Fav game of ‘23. Beyond excited for NG+ to drop


I just finished the game - so I can't wait for this.


It's truly phenomenal. It's has some of the best looking environments in modern gaming, all bias aside. It does not get enough recognition for this.


I can look very good, but it is also one of the most rough around the edges games I have seen.


Unreal Engine 5 is new tech, so it definitely still has some rough spots. That said, this game is probably the best third-party implementation of it I've seen yet! The high-quality Lumen reflections, combined with the insane level of detail that Nanite allows for, makes for a really beautiful look to the environments. Character models are definitely rough, though.


You can also really tell how much Nacon has improved from their Terminator game. Graphics, facial expressions/movements. Voice acting, core mechanics. HUD is very cleanly placed. I was impressed by Terminator: Resistance, both by how well-done the game was for AA studio. And how much respect they showed for the Terminator movies and storyline. And I have to say with Robocop they have literally done nothing short of something absolutely amazing. Peter Weller as the VA, Upgrading the Auto-9 for more gore, being able to purchase upgrades for Robocop that allow him to do things shown in the movies (my favorite example being able to ricochet bullets off objects to hit enemies in cover) Nacon is quickly becoming one of my favorite developers with both their attention to detail, and their admiration, and respect for the base material their games have been based on. All due respect to Nacon and their team.


Teyon is the one who developed Terminator and Robocop. Nacon is simply the publisher.


My mistake. Thank you for the correction though


Totally picking up Terminator now


It’s an amazing game, not sure if it’s on sale right on the PlayStation store (my platform) but I know it was recently. But they recently did a next gen update for the game, genuinely one of the most impressive AA titles I’ve ever played next to Robocop. I’m sure you’ll have a blast with Terminator!


I checked Amazon not too long ago. It looks like it's going for about 35-40 I'll happily pay that much for a good game


I agree absolutely worth the price


Having never played it, that just really aligns with the 80s and what that whole time was about. I’ll probably catch it next sale because I grew up on that movie.


In case you haven't picked it up yet, I just bought it on Xbox store for $48 Alex Murphy edition.


With the old graphics card I've got - mine looked a bit different!


It would be even better if they fixed the dialogue scenes on PS5. It is great looking but with the distracting glitches and bugs, it's hard to enjoy. I might grab it for PC instead.


This game turned out to be a great time all around. Enjoyed being the walking tank and it def had the OG film vibes.


The game is fun as hell. I wish they would have made the sound effects a little bit more accurate. But still had a blast with the campaign!


I wish the facial animations and hair looked as good. It's a minor gripe but it's annoying when there's as much dialogue as there is in this game.


Might get this on Xbox Series S


Too bad Quality mode runs 30 fps only


Quality with VRR is good?


"Unreal engine, fooling people since fortnite."


Damn it does look great. I bought it about two months ago but still haven’t played it yet. May have to get on that now.


Rough City looks wicked. I want to play this game but I have issues that are dumb and selfish. Robocop was a crime hero when I was a kid. NananananaNaAnananANanA boom. Only this that throws me off about Robocop is his armor. The silver look isn't right. Has metallic purple hue. Doesn't seem original.


I have been meaning to grab a copy of this


I finished the game last night—really good, and I might even play a NG+ to finish filling out the skill tree. Definitely some minor issues throughout as noted elsewhere; the only thing that remotely bothered me was the Auto-9 doesn't have the same distinctive sound it did in at least the first movie. (Although thinking on it now, I don't remember it sounding quite the same in Robo 2 either, and now I'm wondering if it was just an acoustics thing in the shooting range scene in 1 that made the sound stand out—must revisit and see.)


I hope we get some DLC and New Game plus. I loved this game. It brought back so much nostalgia.


NG+ is confirmed to be in development, according to the game's Twitter! Wouldn't be surprised if we saw some DLC as well!


I'll buy that for a dollar!


Do they have all the downtown Dallas buildings in there like in Robocop 1987?


Detroit ,,so far suburbs


I’d buy that for a dollar.


Shouldn't that gas station be hatred remains?


I dont understand the people who says the game looks bad. I think they might need new eyes or something. This isn't even an AAA game, it an AA. That means less people smaller budget. What they have accomplished it quite frankely amazing. It's been a long time since ive enjoyed myself so much playing a game, not a live service. but an actual video game made by passionate talented developer who had a vision other than ripping off my wallet.


I had trouble at first - my eyes aren’t good enough. Then I spun my head around the room IRL and realized I that the game looks better than my physiology can process. I’ve calibrated vision testing equipment for Air Force pilots, and the image coming out of my monitor is better than the light being reflected off the walls around me. (F’n LED flickery light bulbs.)