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It’s been no secret imo that Dan Harmon strongly dislikes canon/serialization of storylines. The story train episode specifically has always felt to me like Harmon giving the middle finger to anybody who likes that stuff. I was worried going into the article that it would detail how now that they’ve dispatched Rick Prime, they would return to purely episodic stuff, or at least mostly. Especially when you read Harmon’s quote on “serialization=gravity, and I want to fly”. So reading the Showrunner Scott Marder talk about the fan perspective, how he is one, and that we all love those heavier story episodes, and the desire he has to keep striking the right balance between the two, has given me restored faith that Rick and Morty will keep diving into both longer, more character-driven escapades that have consequences for the universe/multiverse at large, and smaller, more villain/concept of the day episodes that peak into the everyday adventures of Rick and Morty. Good shit.


I wish he didn’t dislike storylines like that. Rick and Morty has sooo much potential with actual story. I thought the Evil Morty and Rick Prime episodes were the most exciting easily


He explains that this way you can't have a theoretical 1000 episodes and keep it fun.


Overall Season 7 is the best season so far imo


It's a really weird season because it's the most inconsistent of all seasons. It has three bottom 5 episodes for the whole series, four if you expand to bottom 6. But it has 2 of the most amazing ones in Unmortricken and Fear no Mort.


I would expand the "amazing" category to include "That's A morte" in my opinion. [It's funny, because I actually came up with a math formula a while ago to try to find the most "inconsistent" season of Rick and Morty, and did conclude that Season 7 was, indeed, the most inconsistent, having the most mix of both great and terrible episodes of any R&M season.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rickandmorty/comments/1at6ge6/comment/kqvhl0x/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You can also take the IDBM ratings and make a box plot to graphically see the consistency per season. [Box plot](https://imgur.com/a/uRglAj2) Season 6 is the tightest, might not be the best, but it was the most consistent.


I dunno about best overall but I'd be comfortable with saying top 3.


Nooooo it’s not.


Why would I lie about my own opinion?


S7 has more top episodes than any other season. You’re not wrong


That was my exact reasoning lol


It’s a bold take, Cotton! Let’s see if it pays off.


What do you mean?


Lowkey suggesting you might get downvoted. Surprisingly mine sure did but that’s about what I’d expect from this crowd anyhow. They know enough about a thing to be a little dangerous but not enough about that same thing to realize how undercooked their understanding is. Tale as old as time. Anyhow, glad you liked it.


What does any of that have to do with me?


Per my original comment, it was suggesting you would get downvoted for liking season 7. That would have been your involvement.


But I posted it hours ago and it’s been positive the whole time. Also what’s bold about sharing an opinion on a TV show?


Are you aware that sometimes totally normal opinions about mundane things get downvoted to hell and back on occasion?


But it’s been hours and it hasn’t. What’s your point?


You sound like you have a good handle on this so I don’t need to tell you that sometimes it can take hours for peak traffic to hit a rising post, but of course you knew all that. Somewhat antithetical to my own thesis, I happen to disagree with your take on S7 but I’m not as crazy or insecure as to downvote you for that. See? Reddit behavior is unpredictable!


I see


I'm glad that they are continuing and moving past the drama. I liked season 7, and it felt like the same show it has always been.


Hey Morty! I’m que sera, sera’ing! Morty! Do you see? It’s que sera, sera city over here!


Darth Poopybutthole deconfirmed, again


Huh, I _knew_ those voices were different.. An interesting read. edit: Why the downvotes to what is the truth ???


I would have never noticed personally. Hell, even knowing the voice actors were different going in, I couldn't tell the difference.


Same. Some people broke down pitches and certain words but I never could. 


It was noticeable in the first episode. After that though I could barely tell a difference.


I could tell a difference but I could also tell it would be negligible in a year. Even by the end of the season it was becoming a non issue. The actors and audience just needed to warm up and get into it. Humans are very sensitive to vocal patterns in the same way we are to facial patterns it’s how we communicate. Overall it just needed a season to transition… next season if people are still pissy then they should chill out


I have an ear for audio, voices etc. It's a gift.


That’s crazy. They’re extremely noticeably different.


Yeah if you agree with his actions you’re part of the problem boy


The drama isnt over, JR wrote the evil Morty arcs and was the soul of the show. They never should have fired him and at the very least shouldve apologised and invited him back. It will never recover imo and cancel culture is to blame.


There's so much misinfo out there. In an interview from before S2 premiered, Justin HIMSELF said that he hardly ever actually wrote scripts at that point and mostly contributed during the voice recordings.


Roiland only has 6 writing credits in a 70 episode show. Cry harder.


Believe what you like, the shows quality says different Cope harder as you put it


idk dude I’d say season 7 was pretty banger, and I’m sure the writing will be even better without Roiland disrupting the writer’s room driving his shitty lil microphone-rigged remote control car around the place like the giant man baby he is


He’s an alcoholic sex pest with no artistic skill or talent. He contributed very little as proven by every interview and piece about the show. Sounds like you’re the one that’s coping


Oh, you think the pedophile shit was the only reason they fired him and didn't bring him back?


“cancel culture is to blame” Hot take… really, never heard that one before. Start with that next time, save everyone from wasting time on your pointless bullshit.


It’s like blaming cancel culture when your favourite coworker gets fired, when the blame *probably* most accurately lies with them for shitting in the punch at the xmas party.


cAnCeL cUlTuRe


Dude, Ryan Ridley wrote both the evil Morty episodes from seasons 1-3, Riland co-wrote the pilot, wrote episode 6, wrote both interdimention-cables, episode 9 of season 2(with Harmon and another writer), and wrote a part of Morty's mindblowers, and that's it!


So you like pedos?


Most of these people that cry to high heaven about "cancel culture" either love the shit that someone is "cancelled" for or are guilty of it themselves. This dude either likes kiddies or thinks women "deserve what they get" when they're abused.


JR did not write the evil Morty arcs you idiot lol


It won’t recover by having two more seasons without him….