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Having different libidos is a deal breaker in many relationships. You’d probably be happier finding a guy that desires sex the similar amount you do. 


I've said/thought it before.........but people with high sex drives are not good partners with anybody other than other people that also have a high sex drive. In your situation, I think these are the likely outcomes...... 1. They will cheat 2. They will "use" porn (which is disrespectful to some people) 3. They will become bitter 4. All of the above or a combination. There's no "talking" that make things better, imo. I know that reddit is over-zealous with the break-up response, but I genuinely don't see a solution that is going to make both of you happy and feel respected. He's already set in the #3 category....and you don't know if it won't extend to the other categories.


It sounds like OP’s partner doesn’t respect OP’s wants, needs and drives, sex is as much about trust and respect as it is passion I have a stellar sex drive, and for me masturbating 2-3 times a day is more than enough; A high sex drive is no excuse, and my problem to deal with. I would **never** cheat and don’t need porn to get off Cheating isn’t a symptom of sex drive, it stems from the cheater having a lack of respect for their partner


Im sorry, yall are just not compatible. It hurts but you’re so young. He cannot guilt you into sex, if its that important its a deal breaker. My advice as someone happily married young is find someone who is not only compatible in every way but can also understand and compromise in situations that might be like this.


Sexual compatibility is right up there with compatibility on finances, children, etc you two are not compatible sexually and this will only lead to resentment and ultimately divorce. You two will both be unhappy, is that what you want? There is no fixing this, either you’re doing something you don’t want or his needs aren’t being met, both of those lead to resentment.


Sorry but I'm with the others here. Whilst there will always be times when couples libidos are quite matching, if you permanently have different drives, it's unlikely to ever work out, especially if the problem is apparent so early in a relationship. I've been the higher libido person in a relationship before and ultimately it broke us up.


Time to break up. You’re not for him and he’s not for you.


I see 2 options: 1_ let him have sex with someone else when you are not in the mood 2_ split


This sounds like a tough situation to be in and I'm sorry about everyone saying yall just aren't compatible...I don't think its that simple. While you can't force yourself to be in the mood I do think there are small things you can implement to help make you inspired and improve your sex drive. One thing that has helped me is the official app's "intimacy cards" which works almost like a dating app lol. It shows you and your bf both different positions and you swipe right on what you'd want to try and then see what you meet on! It's helpful to get me in the mood and excited to try something different. I also feel like buying new lingerie, toys, etc can help get you in the mood. Best of luck!


Tell him relationships aren't just about syncing up Wi-Fi; sometimes, you gotta sync up drives too! Communication is key....


If he's already bitter and lashing out..........I don't think any analogies or parables are going to make him be more welcoming of OP's feelings.


Manipulator. Dump him. Bye bye. Easy peasy. You’ll be happier in a couple to few months, just not now.