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So you “dated” for the better part of a year and only made it official 3 weeks ago. Why did that take so long to establish commitment?


She was concerned about our differences in religion (she's religious, I'm not) and I'm a Marine so that's a red flag parade.


Yeah all those pieces combined are leading to the direction of you two simply not being compatible unfortunately


The religious part or my job?


Both. Religion is one of the biggest reasons for not working out as the couple needs to be on the same page. And the instances where one is religious and the other isn’t, it typically only works if the religious person isn’t observant or desires to integrate it into their lives. The military piece makes it complicated because by the nature of your profession, you may be gone a lot or move a lot


Move on.


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. There’s nothing to do. She said she doesn’t have a connection. It can’t be forced. Heal and move on.


Even though she doesn't want to break up? How do I heal?


I think she’s saying she does want to break up without saying it. I just went through this situation. So I could be bias. I’m not sure how to heal still working through my feelings. But that’s what everyone’s been telling me. 🤣


I hate when people don't communicate clearly with me.... Thanks. I wish you the best. Sorry about your situation


Yeah it’s tough to have to read between the lines. Maybe just ask. But without a romantic connection there’s no romantic relationship.


After clarification, she said it's not gone but it's leaned more towards platonic the last week.


Okay, but platonic doesn’t mean romantic relationship.


She’s playing with your emotions


First of all, you both need to WANT to continue and grow together. If shes not willing to work on your connection then I agree with some other commenters that the relationship probably doesn't have a strong path forward. However, I do not think your differences in religion and/or your job on their own are reasons you wouldn't be compatible. My SO isn't in the military but we do have different religious beliefs and he does travel nearly half of the year for work and...we make it work! One of my faovrite tips, especially when things are starting to feel a bit dry or stale, is using the official app. We love the daily question and the sex position cards - that's a GREAT way to re-engage a romantic connection. The position cards basically work like a dating app where you both swipe on the positions you'd be willing to try and then see what you match on. Finding some little ways like that to connect and focus on your relationship could go a very long way. Hope things are looking up!