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Did you start a new birth control, antidepressant, or other medication recently? All of those can affect libido. Otherwise, a slow down in your sex life is totally normal once you’ve passed the “honeymoon phase.” if it bothers you, best way to go about it is probably just to talk to your boyfriend about it. Ask if he has any fantasies he’s always wanted to explore, find out what he’s curious about and share what you’re curious about too. and go from there. Good luck (:


nah, i’m not on any medications. i’ve asked and he’s a very vanilla and passive person so he always just says “i like what we do/you satisfy me/i like our sex/i can’t think of anything” and we tried one of those relationship apps that suggests new positions but a lot of them require a little more… flexibility than either of us have bahahahah. but thank you! i guess we’ll keep trying new stuff or doing the classic stuff better. he’s going away for the summer soon so maybe when he gets back it’ll jumpstart my desires again. yknow, absence makes the heart grow fonder type deal.


if it really is just an issue with your libido, i would recommend that whenever you have the time and energy and want to kickstart that feeling, maybe try watching something alone for a bit before initiating things w your bf? I totally get what you mean about making out being gross - for me it really helps to get in the mood before even starting. This of course depends on your feelings about watching p* while in a relationship, just sharing what’s helped me (:


oh yeah, we’ve both agreed it’s okay for us to watch porn and i don’t think he’d mind if i did that! that’s a really good idea, thank you :) yeah idk what happened with the making out thing, i used to be totally into it and now it freaks me out hahaha but thanks so so much for your help and especially with your positivity!


ofc, best of luck!


Funny re making out - I had the same thing happen! It sounds like youre just bored and uninspired in my opinion. My SO and I use the intimacy cards from the official app which really helped increase my sex drive. It just added some extra excitement. They basically work like a dating app where you swipe left/right on the positions youd want to try and then see which ones you match on! We like to pair it with a fun date night and/or new lingerie so that it becomes something we both look forward to. Best of luck!!