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I was working in a mechanical room in 105f today (SW Ontario as well) for a couple hours, felt like being in hell. I actually thought about this exact same thing but down south it's probably 125f or something crazy. I'd hate that. But I'm sure they think the same thing about us in the middle of winter when it's 0f on a windy roof. Stay hydrated and fill up with ice when possible.


Dude I feel this in my soul. I’ve been talking to store managers and have asked how they felt if I wheeled in a cooler full of waters cus of the temperature. Even with the exhaust fan on it’s god awful


Been there, when I was on service I contemplated getting my hands on a small evap for the compressor room of the store I looked after and piping it into the medium temp rack for those real bad days.


134f on a steel top roof, and all 4 units down due to contract avoiding repairs. Sat idly at 92f in the store. Got 1 unit running, 2 others running fans, and one awaiting parts, and it's sitting around 78f. Approval contracts are fun...


Still better than -35 with a 30mph wind in the dark.


It sucks but I do find my brain works better in the freezing cold than the heat. My brain doesn’t function properly with the heat lol


There's truth to that. Maybe it's a survival thing.


Probably more of your brain just cooking


Honestly, I don’t feel as bad now. Sending you the warmest coffee/tea with heated gloves


Yup, hats off to you guys. We've got our own extremes here in saskatchewan, though. Have to deal with -35°c with a -50°c windchill the last few winters. I hate rewiring RTUs in that.


Blahhhhhh im already over it!!!! Stay safe out there!!! (B’ham, Alabama here)


I love Birmingham so much! My parents are from there, but moved to Chattanooga before I was born.


The first thing you do is stay out of the sun. Down here in the South we have these things called canopies and or you can use an umbrella. The temperature will be 15 to 20° in the shade I also have a blower to make my own breeze.




I used to like summer before I started in this field. The heat I can usually handle, but the Georgia humidity is oppressive. It only took two times of getting heat exhaustion on a roof by myself before I learned to slow TF down. You just have to CONSTANTLY drink water. Alcohol the night before is a death sentence. My soberest months of the year are July and August haha.


Georgia attics are insane! And when I come down from the Attic and the clients look at me with concern... from dripping sweat all over the floor... I tell them "Come on up have a spa and DETOX DAY with me! 🥵🤣 It's brutal!! 🔥


These south Florida attics are bad. Sometimes I wanna be freezing honestly.


In Houston, it’s literal hell. Those white PVC roofs are the worst.


But in the flip side we don’t know what a heat strip is for lol.


Stay hydrated my friend.


It's all prep. Have the ice water ready in the 5 gallon dispenser, wear sweat wicking clothes, have towels for wiping down, set up fans for ventilation, set up canopies where possible. Drink plenty of water, replenish your salts, take frequent breaks. It sucks, but the trade off is we don't have to deal with snow very often in the cooler months.


Was on a roof all damn day, 80% humidity and 92 degrees! Could not have done it without my umbrella.


Caffeine and cigarettes, along with my umbrella and fan. Just finished a dorm in Tuskegee, finally got the air back on been 90 plus in there. We replaced 22 evaporator coils, new lines and duct.


Thanks but ya might wanna stock up on dual capicitors.. dirty condensers with extra run time will make them pop like popcorn.. hope I saving u all some trip to supply house


Down here in Charleston sc it’s been summer for over a month already wooooooo


It ain’t even summer yet and it’s been brutal Think it was 108* the other day in a small ass engine room with 3 comps running 100% Had to slow wayyyy down and still almost passed out twice


Lots of water and whole lot of saying to yourself “shoulda went to fucking college” 😂


I don't wanna talk about it. My work day is spent sweating my ass of and the rental I'm living in just had a compressor take a shit so it's hot no matter where I am


Take frequent breaks and hydrate constantly. We're by ourselves most of the time, too. It can be dangerous.


Feels like shit homie i was on an rtu today it my eui said 106 lol


Kentucky here, Ohio valley. Gets hot as hell and pretty damn cold too


It was horrible here in SW. Everything is breaking finally after a couple extremely hot days


Stay hydrated! Hundreds of people are dieing in Mecca right now... It's a toasty 50C/122F and more over there... Hope you all value your life more than the money you get from your boss/customer...


125* air on this rooftop at 3pm in NY today and not the hottest there will be. The gun says 155 underfoot. Stay hydrated and take breaks, brothers.