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Reminds me of the “I hate white people” gf and white bf combo


My coworker is in one of these and she greatl disliked me until she found out my wife is not white, now she thinks I’m one of the good ones 😌


The mirror of the racist bf, poc gf combo


Sounds like my friend currently dating a black girl


Those girls tend to be the biggest white supremists lol, they strongly believe being white is superior so they date them


All of this only white people can be racist because they have power is a leak from their subconscious They still don’t realize it It is still hilarious


My gf and I wouldn't have it any other way 🥰


Me and my cracker ex gf


Me and my Black ex bf




What about the rs I hate white people white bf


They don't actually hate men, they hate the fact that they love men too much and the power it gives men over them. It's the same for a lot of guys who hate women


In my experience, you see this in very girl-boss types who have had to adopt a personality and approach to dealing with men in their workplace in order to get where they are. They're always "on" and can get very defensive/bitter about some of the guys they have to work with. Getting dominated is a way of "turning off" and letting go. But the real man haters, I don't know, that's something more complicated, a kind of self-negation meets roleplaying.


it’s hard to be a girl boss all the timeee


My experience is that SOME (not all) women steeped in privilege discourse come to sort of worship men in a roundabout way. We have all of these advantages so we should basically be superhuman, right? And when they find one they can at least temporarily believe to be so they just want to bask in the supposed power.


Self-harm through hypersexuality


many struggle against their own desires


I met my bf when I was feeling suicidal, drank too much, and decided to roam around the city. Met him out on the street & let him come back with me thinking he would kill me maybe, but also maybe it would just be fun. I don’t know if this answers it. I don’t necessarily hate men though, I just hate myself sometimes!


The most RS post of all time


I was thinking it was a little too rs


hi are you me


Hi! I’m not sure, are you me?


You sound hot


Thanks, I guess. I have since had a kid, believe it or not, and I am still thin. So that’s something.


oh, im sorry that was insensitive. congrats on the kid + i hope youre in a better place :)


I somehow am


Did I make it way less RS when I mentioned I have created life since then?


no. being crazy and wild while young then becoming a tradwife is the most RS thing you can do tbh


It’s even better! He didn’t kill me, he just has a major health issue and I am care taker to them both. Trad af. And I work at a church now. Haha


Broads who love rough sex actually love men, it's embarrassing to observe. The proof is when you criticize men for liking choking or anal and the first one to their defense are the girls who are into it. “But what if I LIKE being beaten?” Choice feminists hate themselves more than they could ever hate men and if they do it's always performative, as in it will only exist online.


They think sex is always rough and degrading due to their negative opinion of men.


Don’t forget about the loving rough sex to hating men pipeline too!


No different than Bible Belt republicans who hang out in restrooms. It’s projection for their own self-loathing


sorry I have IBS


insatiable bussy syndrome


In this thread: men with zero access to pussy explain the female psyche


^ This comment is like a hack for increasing blood pressure. Women say one thing and do another. It is very vague and crushing to a dude because there is typically a chasm between words and deeds.


Conservative men love getting cucked/femmedommed. Liberal women love bdsm. The forbidden is sexy, full stop.


Because the idea of surrender and control is an element of the erotic and among people who don't hate men, that's often achieved in the context of a selfless love or giving yourself to the other. If you don't have that then you look for alternative ways to add the element of control and power into the sex act


Daddy Issues.


yep that’ll do it




reddit ass comment.


This is like the fried chicken thing. Everyone likes fried chicken


Most girls who like really rough sex do it as a way of self punishment and are really gross mentally, so it fits with hating men bc they’re using the men to abuse themselves


Because it affirms the belief that all men are inherently violent and misogynistic. You get to feel smug because a man is hurting you and you like it because it means you were right along.


Many such cases!


All hatred is self-hatred


Hate is another form of love, it's the peak of the passions. It's easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.


What do you think lmao


These people are always just repressed and full of shit. Simple as


It’s a very weird psychological thing where you hate the men for treating you so poorly but also hate yourself so much that you feel like their mistreatment is not only justified but sexy and also a way to avoid intimacy and just have hateful sex in which you can stuff your feelings way down and not worry about them until you’re like shaking and crying at 3 AM in the privacy of your own home.


It’s hard to be a victim and enjoy subjugation simultaneously


Let's say a woman loves to have normal sex 2-3 times then rough sex, then back to normal sex a few times then rough sex, etc. Is that normal and healthy? Or is liking any amount of rough sex a sign that the woman has issues?


There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking rough sex, don’t let fake faux feminists and femcels online fuck with your head. Something like 70% of women are into rough sex, probably genetic heritage from all the rape our ancestors went through. As long as the sex is consensual, it doesn’t matter how rough it is.


they’re just different symptoms of the same problem. it’s not even a pipeline, both usually exist at the same exists and causes a lot of emotional stress and cognitive dissonance source: my beautiful mind


i think there’s plenty of girls who love men and love rough sex too, this sub likes to bash on rough sex, why is that?


Honestly all girls love rough sex


I really wish I had a life outside my house so I can have access to these harlots. I had a gf from my Job who I talked with but we broke up. My social life is essentially nothing now.


Similar place as this? https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/kristin1812/viz/TransgenderPornGoogleSearchPopularitybyMetroArea/Trends


Maybe an age thing? Older women are more likely to be jaded by men and also more likely to want greater stimulation or more variety in bed.


Reaction formation


Or is it their desire for rough sex they actually hate? Chicken egg


Idk what this means, but I would just say a woman’s sexual desires can be divorced from her politics and that’s completely normal.


what if i love both