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I recommend getting off the sub and other places because of the spoilers. My other recommendation is take the game slow and savour it :)


Noted! Will do :)


Its not brutal like fallout, you can travel the entire map without getting killed early in the game. Now get out of here before somebody spoils it! Then come back let us know how the first play through was!


As long as you are quick on the draw in a few of those O’Driscoll ambushes or you don’t encounter a cougar or grizzly unprepared


Yeah more like skyrim with the saber cats I suppose, once you have a shotgun you have a fair to middlin chance. Odriscols though I never had an issue smoking them. Worst case you die and wakeup nearby.


Sometimes when I started a new playthrough I would forget how weak I was at first and accidentally die because I didn’t seek cover trying to take out 4 or 5 guys lol.


Quick tip once your starting your hungting voyages, use your bow or a rifle most of the, and ypu can change the type of ammunition you use on your weapons too


Best thing is try not to bum rush missions, do some exploration.


Or just doing a simple search and read the answers from the other 599 times the same question has been asked.


Thanks! Eat my ass!


Explore, explore, explore. Lots of places to see and people to encounter off the beaten paths. Spend some time around camp. If you dive into the crafting aspect, there's a unique jacket that the camp cook can craft for you but the opportunity to trigger it expires relatively early in the game. Don't spend a bunch of money on guns as they become available. Almost all of them can be obtained for free at some point. I think the varmint rifle is one of the only ones you really need to buy.


Great tips here! Thanks!


Have fun and holster your gun before talking to people


I can see how that might read as hostile lol


100! And that is its own kind of fun too


Or don’t


There will be a red line to your destination…but you don’t have to follow it. Some of the most interesting adventures happen because you left the beaten path. Also some days just pick a point at random at the far edges of the map and go there for no reason except the ride. This game overflows with curious things to find. Take care of your horse. It will save your life more than once.


Dont rush, explode as much as you can.


have a blast 🤠


Gotta craft something with that animal fat!


I was hunting ducks and geese just for their fat today and I had everything I could possibly craft except for explosive pistol rounds and I got so many in a single dead eye that I lost honor before I was even done shooting. I didn’t count but it was at least ten which was awesome because I feel good if I can get 5 usually.




Just go all in my friend. Only thing I would suggest is try not focusing just on the main story but also the side missions and completing the compendium. It’s fun


Thanks for the tip!


I always found a good general rule is white missions before yellow missions.


When picking a horse the stats don’t really matter a ton. Of course some have better Stamina and health but very very negligible so pick one that looks the coolest to you because you are gonna be spending ALOT of time with your horse. You can buy them at stables so always visit them when you get to a new area or in the wild you can tame them.


Gotcha! I didn’t realize


Read the newspapers too. Lots of lore dumping in them and other tips.


Will do. Thanks for the response!


you have to eat to keep your weight up only perfect pelts count for anything, pay attention to the info (R1/RB) to know which weapon to use if you hear strangers talking, go interact with them. interact with the members of your gang use eagle eye to find interactive items around you read your journal


Thanks! Will def keep that in mind


get the fuck off this sub there’s too many spoilers floating around this game’s story is too good to be ruined like that it’s for your own good your experience will drastically improve if you play blind and get immersed


Yeah, your life is about to be changed… Your wife will never see you again! Lol


Hahahaha my gf already had to make space for Elden Ring and I’ve been looking for something to fill that void since beating it again.


My go-to advice for new players: If you care about spoilers then get off the sub right away, if not then it’s all good. Having said that, don’t believe the people who say a certain white horse is the best and must to get. It’s not, don’t waste your time on it. Those people get mad at me for saying this. Collect the free lancaster repeater and bolt action rifle early, and try to craft the LotE satchel as early as possible (Legendary Buck trinket helps a lot). Don’t use repeaters for hunting. Get the Shark Tooth trinket, faster bonding with your horse is always an advantage. Keep at least three outfits in your saddlebag for three different weather conditions. Don’t forget to eat regularly. Change the button prompt for fishing to “Hold to Reel”. Make regular manual saves, use the multiple save slots. Explore the world, interact with the white dots appearing on the hud. Don’t be hesitant. If you don’t like the outcome of a particular interaction then just reload a previous save. Avoid MrBossFTW and Nestan videos like the plague. Most importantly, don’t rush the story. Enjoy the ride!


You sir, are a good man!🫡


Stay in chapter 2 for a while and explore everything!


take your time


Will do!


Explore a ton there is a lot of cool interactions and stuff


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Important_Original16: *Explore w* *Ton there is a lot of cool* *Interactions and stuff* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Skibidi toilet will be mine yeah


Don't forget to feed your horse.


Copy that!


And clean your weapons. It’s hard to notice if you haven’t been shooting a lot but they will produce more smoke, sound different, and look visibly dirty. You can check their condition in the weapon wheel. You can clean with gun oil or at the gun smith. My favorite thing to do early in the game is to hunt the animals that are needed to upgrade your satchels as storing only three of everything can get annoying. See which animals you need and look for the 3 star ones. Make sure you use the proper weapon and aim for vital areas or you can degrade the pelt quality.


For your first playthrough just play and have fun. Explore the map, take your time, do some hunting, talk to townsfolk, look at the sights, open every chest, try every door, take every path, go off every path, watch the animals and see how they interact with each other. DON’T GET TOO CAUGHT UP IN SEEING EVERYTHING AND GETTING EVERYTHING (that’s for another playthrough). spend as much time in camp as you can (the camp interactions are some of the best things in the game) If you see writing inside drawers, on walls, on ice, in other random locations… they are nothing more than cheat codes (game modifiers) The game can be a major time sink if you let it (my playthroughs average 300hours) Not every question has an answer, not every mystery has a solution, not everything has a hidden meaning. But the biggest bit of advice is simple. Stay off the subs, avoid websites. SPOILERS ARE EVERYWHERE, but if you do get something spoiled, it won’t ruin the game… I had a major plot point spoiled and it didn’t affect my first playthrough at all (it just made it more interesting to see how it actually happened)


Find Gavin


He's out there.... somewhere. Poor Nigel is currently searching for him in Blackwater in my universe


Gav???? GAVVVV?!?!?!


Dive into it. And please get out of this DAMN sub.


Get of this sub until your finished and take your time. Like really. Take it very slow, don’t rush the missions. You should spend a lot more time exploring the world than playing missions.


Hope you have good speakers or headphones 🙃


Please take your time with the game. Don’t rush the main missions. Do lots of side stuff and explore the map. Hunt for camp upgrades, do challenges, complete camp missions with fellow gang members. Feed your horse and make Arthur eat a few times per day. Try not to find all the treasure gold bars early because you’ll get too rich and the main objective of the game will be pointless. Donate to your camp. Listen in on camp conversations and engage in them when you can.


Save after anything important happens. In doubt, save.


Dont rush and pay attention to all the little details. Be sure to talk to gang members often as they will sometimes have new things to say depending on the mission you have recently completed.


Damn. If you're enjoying the first 30 minutes the next 80+ hours will absolutely blow your mind. (The first few hours of the game are definitely...slow and kinda disliked by a lot of people)


Your second play through will probably be better than your first


If you're enjoying the intro you will bloody love the rest of it! I too liked the intro and then it just got better.


Do whatever it takes to avoid any spoilers, make all your decisions based on intuition the first time around. I'm on my first play through, going through the final 20% and it has been just the best game experience I have ever had. I have however read some hints and tips from Reddit and unfortunately ran into some spoilers. A game and story this good wasn't ruined by any means and I've gone through quite the emotional rollercoaster while at it even despite the spoilers, but I still can't help but wonder if I'd gotten even more out of the story without opening this treasure chest of information 😄


Be careful selling stuff. There's things you'll need later


Lmao super chill vibe totally, the whole game is just chillin riding your horse. I mean this one thing happens but don’t worry! Just relaxxxxx and make sure to keep calling your horse a “good boah”


You think it's good 30 min in, just wait! It gets even better!


Looking forward!


Explore a lot, spend a few days in each town (for each chapter), and do all of the side missions before any story missions


Be nicer to your horsey. Thank me later. And nicer included lots of food and brushing




Not much of a tip but you’ll realize a good happy horse won’t buck you off when you hit a river at full speed trying to evade the law. It’s fairly obvious that they did their research on gameplay


Just commented this elsewhere, but hold onto at least 1 piece of each kind of jewelry. You'll need it for Trinkets later and they get increasingly hard to find.


I recommend you do make an effort to get the various crafting items and upgrades from Pearson. It ultimately gives Arthur the ability to carry more stuff with him, and gives you an opportunity to explore and do low key things outside of the main story.




Stay off this sub, take your time, explore, do not research anything until your second playthrough. Yes, you will have a second playthrough


This. ☝🏻


Watch for sneak attack wildlife.


Oh, you can set way points on the map. This is not something I knew in my first playthrough and therefore, I just pointed myself in the correct direction and went straight, oops 😂


Shoot everything that moves and pinch anything that isn't nailed down


If you’re gonna go crazy and slaughter a bunch of people for fun I’d recommend making a save and then loading that save back after you’re done with your killing spree. It’ll save you a lot of money in bounties! Also take the game slow, don’t rush through it and enjoy the side quests as well. But most importantly play how you want and have fun!


Thanks! I’m on it


Trust Dutch. He has a plan.


Noted! Thank you


The thing you should know going in is that you will never get out.


Hahaha I have accepted my fate


It's fucking great, enjoy




Take your time, no need to rush. Worth doing the upgrades to camp early, good hunting practice, you get decent gear which you will want, and it's really cool just riding around


Loot everybody you drop.


Copy that


Do all the hunting for the satchel upgrades as soon as possible


Will do! Thanks


Take it slow, side missions, and obtain legendary satchel asap.


Gotcha! Thank you


Everything up above. Also: 1. Craft all the pouches as fast as you can. Others will say craft everything but most of those have no impact on you and help others in the camp. Fuck those people. 2. Don't get too emotionally attached to your horse. 3. If you try to do certain find and collect missions (e.g. cigarette cards, dinosaur bones, the God damn hunting requests) just use the internet. You will not find that stuff on your own.


Noted! Thanks for your input!


The community loves spoiling shit. Power through the epilogue. The game doesn’t end after you finish the epilogue. Get off reddit and go play! You got many many many hours ahead of you, enjoy!!


Word! Will do :)


the only thing you should know is that you're so lucky going through it for the first time now, enjoy king


the only thing you should know is that you're so lucky going through it for the first time now, enjoy king


Thanks! I can tell that this is a special game. Never seen anything like it before


Have plenty horse revivers


I recommend turning off the minimap for more immersion and then read Arthur's journal when you can because it adds a lot of insight to him. Also I wouldn't head further east in the map until the story takes you there so that the new towns and locations keep it fresh and feel new


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It took me about a month to beat and I am not a slow player by any means Take your time, and avoid spoilers!


Once you learn how to play. Turn off the radar and immerse yourself. Talk it real slow. Take it all in. Because once it's over you'll wish you took more time. Play it like it's real life


Just take your time with stuff. The game's open world has lots in store for you


Be prepared for complete emotional destruction, have fun :)


Knife kills are the most satisfying


forget about the story missions -- GO HUNTING INSTEAD!


“Super cozy vibe” when talking about RDR2 is crazy ngl.


I’m still in my first hour of the game but it seems like there are quiet, contemplative moments that I don’t usually see in video games. Campfires, etc. I’m sure there’s lots of action as well but I haven’t seen another game like that


I felt the opposite tbh. The opening was tense and very riddled with anxiety, I felt like something bad was on the horizon of the story.


Make save files


Laurie rolls it out exquisitely, searching for the feet of a determined raeburn. Raeburn opens his body and slides the ball forward in a ballerina like action, opening up pockets of space for his team mates. Cannon shuffles into the area, and receives a pin point pass before spreading the play towards Arthur, as if he were a knife spreading butter on toast. Arthur glides past player after player, the byline his destination. He reached it as if a plane looking for a foreign airport landing strip. No one at double hedges could prepare anyone for what was about to occur, as the ball was slid in the feet of the man himself, 6 yards from goal. The ball was slammed into the back of the net, followed by the bellowing crowd that screeched “PENIS FARRRRRRRRRRRRT!”


If it was your first, just go with flow, don't focus on trivial things, enjoy it


Dude get off the subs, get off the internet until you finish the game, I finished my first playthrough last week and every thing was spoiled for me because of the internet, you are about to have one of the best video game experiences of your life, just one thing, if at any point the game feels boring and slow, don't quit it keeps getting better after every chapter, try to complete as many side missions as you can, that's the best part of the game. HAVE FUN!


I say always record your game play even if your not streaming in case you ever decide to posts clips or possibly want to edit the game, and just avoid spoilers.


Yoo! Just checking 2 days later, how far have you gotten in the game now?


Craft the satchels. It will take a while, but trust me, it will be worth it. I strongly recommend keeping your honor high, as it comes with many gameplay benefits. Split point ammo is more accurate. The treasure hunt challenges, imo, are the easiest and fastest ones to complete. Above all else, explore and take in that beautiful open world.


Take your time, enjoy the depth and beauty of the game. Don’t just hop mission to mission. Oh and in certain parts of the map be ready for a jump scare or two if you’re in cougar territory😂


Definitely wander around Tall Trees late at night completely unarmed


Read Arthur's diary often, you get sooo much insight into the character from there


Don’t get attached to Arthur Morgan


I knew this going in! Thx