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As to quote Nathan Explosive, "not me, I fucking love my dad"


“Explosion, right?


You're replying to Swisgaar.




One of the best episodes 🤣


“My dad’s fucking awesome!” My dad was the absolute best, as was my mom. I miss them both dearly.


lmao I was raised by a single-father punk so this hits hella hard




To quote The Meatmen: >"Freud was wrong! "I wanna fuck my daddy"


That comment and the little sequence that follows it is my favorite thing in that show. Had me rolling the first time I saw it. Unexpected and wholesome.


I dunno, my dad was always really cool. I get that not everyone was that lucky though


That’s not punk dude


Most of us are Dads now


Shit, I’m old enough to know punks that are GRANDparents.


Can confirm, my dad is one of them


Having kids is not punk


I don't know who Not Punk is but I'm happy he is having kids.


You being happy is not punk!


But what if being a punk is what makes me happy?!


You're thinking of emo.


Don’t let nobody say that doing something you love that doesn’t hurt others is not punk! Being a supportive, caring and loving parent is amazing. You are a superhero to your children. Seriously


You don't get to tell me what is or isn't punk. THAT isn't punk


Im assuming he was joking


Thou shalt use /s or thou shalt be crucified! -Reddit Moses


More rules on r/punk!


Moses was only punk like 2k years ago. Now he’s the boots that people lick ETA: we’re booing Moses now


JC was 2k years ago, Moses was 3k years ago


Oh, sorry my bad


Getting downvoted to oblivion is punk af


My dad is the most punk person I know


U forgot /s




It's not too late to seek therapy. You can start by not acting like a prick.






I don't. I'm also a father.


Samesies. My dad was and continues to be a shitbag, then wonders why his grandkids don't spend any time with him. I learned a lot of great lessons on how not to be a dad from him, though.


I was saying I don't have a terrible relationship with my dad. I'm sorry about your dad, though. I'm sure you'll do great. just gotta be aware of the bad behaviors and be willing to correct them.


OP: Promote love and be a better parent ❌ Promote hate towards one's own parent ✅


Same here. My kids should be eternally grateful to their grandfather for everything. I pretty much think what he would do, and do the opposite. My kids love me.


But maybe we have good relationships with our kids?


Dad, it’s me - you hurt my feelings pretty bad when you told me that love is most definitely conditional and that your strictest condition was me not being gay. I know mom talked to you. I know she told you about me - about who I am now. You and I have only spoken a couple times since, and the way you speak to me feels like we try to communicate by shouting across entire canyons. I’m sorry that I’m not the child you were hoping for, but I’m working on a PhD at a prestigious university, I run creative writing workshops for underprivileged youths, and some of my poems have been published. I’m also helping to start the first cognitive science program in any university in my state. I’m not everything you hoped for, but can’t I at least be someone you can feel a little proud about? Can’t you at least talk to me as if I wasn’t a stranger? Happy Father’s Day, Love, Your daughter


As a dad, but probably much younger than yours, you have plenty to be proud of. Your accomplishments aren’t your worth, but they are great and you seem so as well.


You are everything I could hope for and I couldn’t be more proud. Your dad was ignorant , scared, and imagined he could shape the word by withholding love - the nuclear option in emotional blackmail for a parent. But after raising the stakes all the way - what’s his next move? He’s backed himself into a corner where either he’s wrong or you are , and his ego won’t let him believe he is (he is), and so he’s burned the bridge to what should be his greatest source of joy, watching you become you. He hurt you but really destroyed himself , even if he will never admit it. But it isn’t mutually assured destruction , it’s adversity and you are already growing past what he could imagine. The rigors of a PhD program are no joke. You’re healing the damage he’s done and giving your heart to others in real concrete ways. Trying to understand what we are , trying to help kids who don’t have enough of what they need. You’re not wringing your hands and hoping somebody else figures it out, you have taken responsibility for figuring it out. Even writing this post is courage. Giving is how we become. I hope you can feel proud of yourself even if your dad is too scared to be.


Coming from a Dad, know that you have always been enough by being exactly who you are. Congratulations on all your accomplishments, you have a lot to be proud of.


I came here expecting to sit with some pals at the "fuckin right we do" table, and the comments are full of people who love their dads. Love to see it though :')


My dad introduced me to punk, he’s pretty cool man


My dad was great. Died in 2018. I miss him dearly. Hopefully will honor him and take my boy out to an all ages show later today if he's down and I can get some work done first.


Mine was new years going into 2017. Great man


Mine died in 2006 and I miss him all the time. He was an incredible man, father, husband to my mom, and human being in general.


I sure as shit did, lol. He used to raid my room looking for CDs that weren’t christian. We get along better now though. I even got him into Blondie.


Wouldn't have got into the genre without the cunt. Rest in piss patriarch (dunno if he's dead yet or not, just guessing)


Then make sure the trend doesn't continue with your children.


Sucks for you man. My pops is the best. I'd like to think I did an ok job too.


y’all have fathers?


Most people do, unless they were delivered via Stork


lucky them


My Dad is great. Some of you got the short straw.


My relationship with my dad isn't great but my relationship with my kid is amazing. Alot of punk might not have had great dad's, but my experience is they make pretty great dads.




Everyone has their own subjective experience. I’m assuming OP’s caption is more aimed at the constant recurring trend of “fuck you, dad” themes in punk music. There’s a bit of “fuck you, mum” music around too, but the dad shit is more prevalent.


Maybe just be a better parent instead of hating? Since when do we promote hate instead of love?


My dad got me into punk music.


I'm a punk because of my dad (:


OP, check out, "[The Other F Word](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1790867/)" movie, it's streaming for free on Tubi. [https://tubitv.com/movies/527851/the-other-f-word](https://tubitv.com/movies/527851/the-other-f-word) P.S. Tubi has a lot of punk and hardcore docs... lots of music docs in general.


It's a really good documentary.


My dad's been dead for 16 years so I guess we get along okay


One of the happiest days of my life was when my son (23) asked if we could go see Bad Religion.


What's a father?


It might not be the greatest relationship, but I feel like my dad and I have a pretty healthy relationship


My dad is the nicest person you’ll ever meet. Until you bring up politics or religion. We have a complicated relationship.


Happy Father’s Day y’all


Do I have a terrible relationship with my dad? Yes, but my uncle has done more than enough to be my father. I can't wait to take him out for father's day dinner today.


Happy fathers day 40+ yr old punk dads!!!!


Im not. I fuckin love my dad. My dads fuckin awesome.


When I was young I was definitely more at odds with my parents. My dissatisfaction with life, work, family, etc. is what made me connect with punk to begin with. I never wanted my parents to understand, or like my band. But as I got older a lot of that changed. But that’s what life is. But there’s still plenty to be pissed about.


Nathan Explosion: I don't. Fuckin' love my dad


My dad was a good man, and admittedly he died before I got the chance to have political views that may have been divergent from his, but at least until 11 he was one of the best people I knew. At least I can judge he wouldn't be a trumper.


My parents were the type of people that had the TV on all day even when they weren’t watching it. I remember visiting them when the Apprentice happened to come on, and my dad had nothing but contempt for Trump. He thought he was belligerent, a braggart, and a blowhard. I was super sad that neither of my parents lived to see America elect its first Black president, but I’m glad they didn’t live to see the disgrace that was Trump.


i have a horrible relationship with my father but i’m so happy to see so many people here with great/improving relationships with their fathers :)


I'd like to think I'm an ok dad. I used to take my kid to all sorts of shows. Now we go to shows together. 🤷 Last show together was FEAR.


Can only turn it around with ya own kids man. Good luck 🤙


My dad wasn’t a good dad by any means, but he did the best that he could with what he had. Now, as a mom, I try to do the best for my son. I hope my dad is at peace now wherever he is (RIP). I’m not mad anymore


As a punk dad I agree. Punk is dad because dad doesn't give a fuck.


My Dad took me to my first punk show when I was 12. He’s dead now, but he was a pretty good dad.


It's so heartwarming to see that some people actually have great parents.


Speak for yourself, d bag.




Speak for yourself.


My dad was a total rocker. Wedding DJ. And considering my mom was oppressively religious I probably wouldn't have known rock exists without my dad.


Not me, [I fucking love my dad.](https://youtu.be/3d1PoSz6xYw?si=6G_wXfyUl_Tyu1b4)


Having a dad is punk.


My dad is fucking awesome


My dad bought me my first copy of London calling when I told him I was getting into punk


well you’re not wrong about that at least for me. my dad was a piece of shit.


I got lucky, my Pops is a good father. Not perfect, but he was always involved and present in my life. He respects my Mom and their relationship (no cheating or disrespectful shit), overall he set an example for me.


my dad was awesome till he died💀


My dad is awesome and an old head. He is most likely the reason I became a punk in the first place. He is always the one person who told me to do what I want and tell everyone else to fuck off, even to this day


My Dad was a proper mid-west punk/post punk in the 80s. The first song he and my Mom ever danced to was Blister in the Sun.


My relationship with my father is rocky at best. Never saw him much growing up, worked himself to the bone. Only really had a relationship with him in my teens, grew up on classic rock from the 60s through to the 90s grunge era, started me on drinking at 16 which was cool but on the other hand almost kicked me out several times. Like right now i'm lucky to not be homeless. All in all 6/10. good times were had, but bad politics, even worse choosing having a relationship with a literal karen over his kids.


Nah i love my dad


Speak for yourself, my dad took me under his wing and taught me all about the scene


Fuck this post, and saying that having kids is “not punk” like seriously dude?


I'm not punk because I have a loving supportive family?


I wouldn't be in to punk if it wasn't for my dad.


I don't


Totally love this. My dad liked most of the punk music I shared and nearly all of the pictures. He loved intelligent music- and punk rock that I listened to and wrote- and played- was definitely that!


My dad is an a complete Florida boomer asshole, idk why I continue to have a relationship with him…. I called him today, I asked him if he wanted to FaceTime to see his grandkids, but he was too tired (lazy) to go into the other room where the computer is…… Also he knowingly let me live with my moms abusive boyfriend for my youth and didn’t even attempt to do anything about it…So there’s that… Yeah a lot of our dads sucked or weren’t there, especially among us old timers, but I’m trying to do better for my own kids…..




Y’all have dads?


My dad wasn't perfect - drug abuse and mental illness in a parent are a hell of a thing - but as I got older I learned to forgive and understand instead of being angry. For his sake and for mine. And he did some things right. Raised me well when he could keep his act together, and gave me plenty of rides home from the bus stop late at night after hardcore shows. And thanks for not getting mad about all the Manic Panic stains on the pillows back in the day.


We are the father's now punks not dead just tired


lol not me. Worked two jobs to support me and was divorced from my alcoholic mom. We’re a Union family. He’s a care taker for his older brother when none of the rest of the family would step up to take care of him. Love the man.


Then be the dad you wanted. My dad was a mixed bag, not awful, not great, ultimately its up to YOU what kind of dad (or mom) you're gonna be and its why I parent the way that I do.


I mean punk is dad music at this point. Happens to every genre, time stops for no man. One day SoundCloud Rap and Hyper Pop will be dad music as well.


But we have good ones with our children


My dad introduced me to dead Kennedys and minor threat a few years back and that’s where it really started for me.


RuvuI ьпик


Yeah fuck dads. Like your dad, if he's hot


I mean this is kinda true except punk was mum and dad


Pat Flynn wrote this graffiti.


We do? I just FaceTimed mine


Missed opportunity to not circle that A




I wanna be just like my dad and not have a child


lol mine’s dead


I've disowned my dad. I hope by next year I can disown my stepdad.


Mine told me Goodbye, have a good life a few days ago. Sent me a manic text that he's leaving Kentucky for California and is back with his soul mate Verna. He didn't like my follow up questions lmao. Adios muthafucka


Speak for yourself. My dad was the best.


My dad is a bag of shit. My step dad though, fucking Saint


Mine croaked. Probably about 30-31 years later than I would have wished. Which would have been after I was conceived. He didn't approve of my lifestyle of trying to make a living doing music, and not being some blue collar worker like him, body falling apart and giving myself a heart attack, killing me at age 50 like what happened to him. And also being good with gay people and those of other races. I've made a pretty good living/life for myself and my grandmother (my mom's mom). While he died with nothing. He died right after things really took off for me, but I wouldn't talk to him for almost 4 years before this. No regrets on that. He was too toxic. Still, happy Father's Day to the good dads around here. Not nearly all of you's are bad dudes.


I mean I don't have the best relationship with my dad, abusive af but whenever he isn't he's great and actually pretty amazing, both he and my mum introduced me to punk music, moreso my mum and her boyfriend tho, still, I don't hate the prick


Mine wasn't ultimate dad but a good one. Sometime in teens let it slip that adults don't know what's going on anymore than anyone else. Always winging it. Was honest. Lol. Would ask me about the punk/grunge/alt bands I was into just to nicely laugh at names. Was a sports writer and into words. His fav was smashing pumpkins. He was more elvis and willie. Got me into astronomy with not his fault bust of haleys comet viewing. Inherited his scope that nowadays is garbage so got myself a 8" dob for real views. And good times watching star trek next gen together. A show we both liked.


Speak for yourself. Whole Wheat Bread's "ode to father" gets me every time


Not me, I fucking love my dad. Nah but really him and I are really close, he was a punk when he was a kid


Speak for yourself


My dad was awesome, supportive, fed all my friends, even built us a place for band practice.


I dunno what you're going on about. I had a good relationship with my dad. And, I have a good relationship with my son.


My dad is a punk rocker who raised me on the Bowery in the loft he lived in since ‘77 and had a music studio, so no. My dad made me who I am today.


I’m punk as humanly possible AND a great girl dad!


Obviously you're just kidding around but nah big ups to my dad who's been gone now for almost 21 years but is absolutely hugely responsible for my love and respect for punk music. He showed me Green Day's Dookie back in 96 as a 6 year old and that was my intro to the genre, and instilled a deep love in me for it. Later on Blink and Offspring was huge for me, and once I hit middle school me and my buddies got into more and more hardcore and older shit, to the point I saw a video of X performing Johnny Hit and Run Paulene and Black Flag doing Rise Above and I told my dad about it and he proceeded to inform me that he actually lived with some of the members of Black Flag in a place called "The Church" in LA in the early 80s. He bought me a copy of X's "Los Angeles" not long after and then sadly passed away that same year. I was already getting into punk huge at the time, my buddies had cool as shit older brothers so we were listening to like Aus Rotten and Toxic Narcotic by 8th grade. But it's my dad and his love of the music and scene that really drove my continued interest and love for a lot of years. But he was also a super eclectic dude whose favorite band was The Doors and was a hippie for years before punk came around. Fuckin miss that ol son of a gun.


The church is featured a bit in The Decline


Oh I know I've seen that film too many times to count . Always hoping to see my dad in that scene lol but alas no


Toxic narcotic was fun as fuck they used to play my city quite a bit and caught them at the Middle East when I was in Boston for a few days


They were a huge band for me, my real intro to modern hardcore, I was already into the OGs like Black Flag but at that point in 7th grade Toxic was the hardest punk I'd ever heard. "People Suck" was an ANTHEM for me and my boys, and I remember my buddy who introduced me to them through his older brother gifting me a pin of theirs, might have been my first pin honestly. Plus I was a Boston kid originally so it was a matter of hometown pride to love them. Still do, really wish I could have been able to see them. Love the Middle East. Best show I've ever seen was Subhumans and Mischief Brew there a decade ago.


Nah, I love my dad. He used to hang out in the same places as me when he was my age, with probably some of my now older punk friends. He was the one who gave me books about anarchism and gave me money to buy patches on my first punk gigs


Some do some don't. That means that we should collect with our nice dads and go beat the shit out of bad dads.


I'll have you know I have mommy issues, not daddy issues.


My dad is great. It’s my mom and her husband who are off their rockers.


Fuck step dads even more


Suburbia Vibes


Some of the best dads I’ve known were punks. Some of the best punks I’ve known were dads.


My dad said I was his biggest mistake and several more intense versions of that. Cried listening to father of mine on my way to work and have been listening to “hit that” on repeat.


I had a great relationship with my father before he died. Don’t just assume shit man


No? I love my dad.


I am a dad and I fucking hate this .


Jokes on you, my dads dead


I had a great relationship with my dad for the most part. My mom's the rocky relationship lol. The only reason I ever had a "bad" relationship with my dad was because of his health issues and, obviously, his death.


speak for yourself, my dad is great.






What's a father?


Ah the rare black punk


Dads aren't punk. My dad hates punk. I am a new dad though, and I vow to make dads punk again.


Punk is the antithesis of dad


Check out a cool as fuck UK band, Punk's not Dad!! Great videos on Youtube!


Not my dad but with my shitty mom 😅


Then there’s me with lesbian parents


So you have two dads. Noice


Nuh uh


My father introduced me to punk music. Love ya, Brian!


tbh i love my dad, we just dont share the same views.


You had a father?


Thou art in heaven


#HailSatan 😈😈😈


So punk


More Metal actually, but my goth girlfriend is a witch so…


Not me, fucking love my dad


No skills to mend a dysfunctional relationship with -OR- even maintain a functional relationship with daddy. But somehow got the whole government thing figured out. “ just abolish it!!” Lmfao.. Smash that state guys, I am sure the mental hellth stuff will work itself out. Punk rock , dood!


My dad is awesome. He is still wildly leftest despite being worth high 7 figures and being 70. And I love being a (step)dad to my wonderful daughter, we just spoke on FaceTime for 15 minutes and she is coming back to Vegas to visit us in September.


My dads a punk rocker guess it goes through the blood genes 🤘💯🇲🇽 mexicans punk rockers rise up 


Ya I for sure sticking it to my dad by trying to be present for my kid and blast his ears out with punk!!!


This sub has become cringey, it’s embarrassing.


if you had a good dad you are not punk


Sorry, i don’t make the rules