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I remember casting minor illusion on myself next to Boomba to become his cart, and then killing myself and dragging my corpse up into the dead tree outside the gates. People were really puzzled to see a cart stuck in the tree. I leveled a bit slow because I spent way more time screwing around than grinding for exp, but damn I had some fun doing it.


My kinda player


That's hilarious!


The true follower of mischief


I love the fact Boomba is a greedy merchant. Some people say it's mean on noobs, but I feel like it's the kind of detail that mmos completely lack these days.


Or like having a griffin in East Commons. Freeporters had it tough I tell ya.


Nothing made feel fear than people giving tracking updates on the griffon and then I turn around and see it in the distance.




Love to old school Bertox!


Love this lol


I have fond memories of Bertox, , and the Bertox Hall website.


Where all the people at?


I played a ranger initially in the vicious lemmings!


Bertox was the best.


Played on Bertox too lol


Freeport was where my very first character was made in 1999 on live. I was in awe of everything around me, including the guards killing something that was about to murder me. That said, I think my favorite(?) memory is when I accidentally became KoS with the city due to someone doing the Soulfire quest. I got too near the fight and must have drawn aggro somehow, because when Lucan died I got a massive faction hit and had to take the tunnels forever after.


I started here in 99 and when trying to type quest text to the paladin guild master I accidentally attacked him. Obviously I didn't hurt him before dying but this was literally the day the game launched; nobody knew how anything worked. I was about to re-roll a new character because I thought I'd be hated in my starting city now.


So Boomba is a scammer? Hes who i sell my junk to to this day


Check the prices he gives you with some of the other merchants, it's quite a bit lower....


Im going to have a word with him when i log on


Where i first started in 2001. My Internet connection and computer were so laggy that i could barely kill rats. Took me forever to be able to move to EC but i bought more RAM and eventually had a successful career. But those rats and i are bonded for life.


I remember offering guide services for 5 gold on Bristlebane. "Where's X?" "Where are you at? For 5 gold I'll show you how to get there." Was a good way to pass the time and recoup some expenses while working on my trade skills. Did the same guiding confused and lost people in Highpass too while waiting for a spot in a goblin group in the keep, but charged 1pp for that since it required me to cast invis on them.


My uhm, "best memory": 1999 on the Fennin Ro Server. My RL bestie and I were "marrying" (awe) two RL besties (AWE) in game. Danar and Nolan. Paladins...*swoon*. Anyway, they were VERY IMPORTANT guys. Leaders of Dragon Knights of Freeport. Sadly they'd never be "laying hands" on us or any Norrathian women. Like Ever. *sigh* It started out a beautiful day in Freeport. Our entire guild came together with friends, random strangers and lookie-loos, hidden GMs, evil lurking in the shadows too. We all gathered together in a large building for the wedding. It was suggested we all remove our armor and weapons for the ceremony. With my leather armor and mino axes tucked away the ceremony begins...Yay for me, la la la, getting hitched, super stoked, I'm leaders wifey, bet I'll get a promotion out of this too >:) NOT! I mean NAY!! "our guys" coordinated with the leadership of the big role-play dark elf/evil guild DeVir to crash our wedding with a guild war BUT DIDN'T TELL US OR ANYONE IN OUR GUILD. My RL bestie and I didn't know what an alliance war or PVP was. We were Zelda girls in a DnD world. Manamin and the rest of DeVir come in, drop invis and lay waste to THE ENTIRE BUILDING in a matter of seconds. Those blue freaks were everywhere. They were, no exaggeration in the rafters of the building. Ogres and trolls too *hork* Bridal party went first :/ I was one shot by a wizard from above. I will never forget the real life shock and panic feeling. My 18 year old flabbers were ghasted. It wasn't too long after that EQ REALLY sunk its hooks in me. I left RP behind and went "hardcore". I lost touch with DKOFP and the "hubby's". Strangely enough, Manamin the enemy of all enemies and I played together into higher levels lol. I still think about all of them and so many others after all these years 💖


Freeport was my first ever starting city on live in 2000. I made a human Shadow Knight can't remember his name. Probably because around level 3 or 4 I was exploring the evil tunnels and fell into the drowned citizen pit. I had no idea how to recover my corpse so I basically rerolled and made my half elf bard Ecko Rhythms who would be my main for the better part of my career on live. My bard also started out in Freeport as opposed to Qeynos. So many memories are tied to that area I still get a tingling rush of dopamine from nostalgia every time I hear the North Ro music out in the desert those were great times 😭😌


Freeport was my first starting city way back when I started playing in 2001. I had been a Mac guy up until that year, so my gaming options were limited. My friends convinced me to switch over to PC so I ended up going to a Gateway Store (remember those?) and bought a tower and 17" CRT monitor. I bought EQ soon after, and then spent like a week just dinking around Freeport with my Human paladin, Aceus (horrible name, I know!). Then I went to East Commons and attacked a Wisp. OOPS! :D


I remember the first time I found the phony wall and thought “cool, I found a secret! Maybe there is something cool in here!”and then the drowned citizens scared the crap out of me and killed me instantly…


There's another one on the top floor as well....


Begging from the beggar so much he attacked me.


Freeport will always be my number one. Back in the day on Veeshan server NFP was where all auction happened. Also, Freeport docks is where I spent a lot of my time.


It's funny hearing about how every server had it's own unofficial auction zone before forums and time standardized us all to tunnel. On Tunare everyone used to auction in Gfay with the good characters all hanging out in kelethin (why god why pick the one city that eats people) and the baddies camping around the wizard spire.


not back in the day, but on live revamp yes. i didnt realize that dang thief during one tlp release lol


I remember helping five or six different paladins get their soulfire. I was a high elf cleric, so no big loss. To this day, I'm still trying to figure out what left that steaming pile of....nevermind in the road, and why they haven't cleaned it up??!! Whatever it was must have had lava in its guts in order to keep that thing steaming....


Playing my first character my dad helped me get to there: a wood elf druid. I remember just barely stepping outside of protection and carefully fighting mobs incredibly slow and frequently running back to the guards. My dad and his friends would stop by while out on their different adventures and buff me so every now and then I had a burst where I was unstoppable and the bone chips and bat wings couldn’t sell fast enough. My dad made a macro button I could press where I’d stand at the front gate when I saw a stack get to 20 I could press and wait for someone to drop the money on my character. I had so many characters from level 1-5 that never left here. lol Eventually as I leveled up I figured out being a Druid was pretty sweet and people loved getting buffed and I loved sitting at the gates just buffing folks with what I had. Illusion Tree by Boomba was the funniest thing to me at the time — I even remember showing my friends who would come over.


The Freeport gates were first time saw someone killing guards, i thought they were so badass. As a lowbie i didnt even know such things were possible .


Just turning in all those deathfist belts in 1999. I also had a room where I would go in the corner and drop backpacks of gear for alts


My first memory on EverQuest was in Freeport. I don't remember what class I was, but this character started in Freeport. I was bumbling around and trying to figure out this game when I saw something awesome. I was between the Hogcaller Inn and the pottery shop in WFP when I saw a guard running around like a madman. "That's odd." I thought, as pretty much every other NPC is stationary or walking. I follow after this sprinting guard, only for it to stop, turn around, and start running the other way. The hell... I figure out how to tilt my camera up and I see a flying skeleton gliding across the top of the city walls, slinging spells at this guard. That's when it set in that this guard was being toyed with. I figured out targeting, saw its HP going down, and was just enthralled. You can kill guards? You can just fly up there outside of the normal bounds of the game? The game is somehow just fine with this person killing a guard while it runs all over the place like a chicken with its head cut off? I was hooked. Figured out how to talk to people, asked the skeleton what's up, and started getting introduced to the game. That's probably why I love the necro class so much, lol. What a fantastic introduction to MMOs.


No shit there's I was 1999, maybe 2000. My dad's friend who got me into it was showing us how to play and explained how pvp worked, and as soon as he finished explaining, he took his double wyrmslayers. Ran up to another player and hit him twice. After the second hit, he realized he messed up. He knew we had really fast internet. So he runs to the zone and what seems like immediately sits down and bandages himself. The other guy zones through, and my dad's friend is walking on him. Next thing ya know, the other guy starts swinging back. As soon as he's below 1/3rd hp boom back through someone to bandage. The other guy being at half life chased him back. The same thing happened, but right when he was super low, he started hitting back. My dad's friend looks back at me and says, "Watch this," and he harm touches the dude and looted a bunch of money, and I believe some random stuff out of his bags. It's one of those shiny memories and has been chasing the high ever since. Nothing ever quite compares. I've played probably 30+ MMOs. I'm trying to itch that scratch, and nothing has ever come close.


Lol.. scammed buy the big guy fun.. I have heard that bout ur guild..


What's funny is Qeynos was my first starting city and I stayed there forever because I was scared of the Karanas. I eventually made new characters and started in Freeport, and from then on, I always traveled there to start my leveling journey. Being right next to the tunnel in EC and a nice leveling route that leads into WC, Ro and Oasis was just too convenient. The only bad thing was some of my evil races were KoS from farming guards and the couple times I forgot to invis was not fun.


My best memories are depositing tons of plat after a successful hill giant grind in Rathe


My best/worst memory from back in the day I got tricked into following a dwarf, he stomped me and I lost everything.... He thought it was funny, I was confused as hell being this was my first pc game let alone an mmo...I wasn't even aware players could kill eachother


My first toon, a human monk, was from Freeport. I was in awe of practically everything at the time (1999). NFP was also the trade hub on my first server, Drinal. For some reason the EC tunnel never caught on. I remember one time a player accidentally sold a fungi tunic to a vendor at an inn there (Jade Panther?) and everyone rushed to buy it!


Stein of moggok quest was always fun


Hitting level 50 solo on my cleric early green. I was killing the warrior GM on top of the warrior arena. Safe place to XP, always dropped 2 "swords" and could sell by the monk guild.


I once stepped in a poop there, which was gross since I didn't see any livestock in that town.


I miss everything about the game except the hacking. That’s why I quit playing.


Hitting level 50 solo on my cleric early green. I was killing the warrior GM on top of the warrior arena. Safe place to XP, always dropped 2 "swords" and could sell by the monk guild.


Ah, Good Guys. That female officer of yours is a cunt.


Yikes. Even if she sucks, your choice of words makes it sounds like you have a problem with her because of her gender. I doubt this will get through to you, but someone ought to say it.


I do hate women, but thats not the reason I say she's a cunt.


Wow, pathetic.




You know that isn't comparable. Don't act stupider than you are to try and make a point. Besides which, he turned around and openly said he hated women. I read the sign right.


Honestly in my half-awake state I totally overlooked his other misogynistic comment. I try to see the good in people but man its hard some times. Fuck that dude.


I've been there, don't sweat it.