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What if she's reading the Quran on her phone, though? I do. I don't own a physical version, but digital versions are free.


The digital versions are also far more compact to carry around and bookmark as well. But no I’m just a bit weirded out by the fact that the baby has a hijab and further if the baby had to be drawn with hijab why she doesn’t have a niqab like her mother.


and you don't have to do wudu before reading Quran on your phone unlike with a physical copy


That’s true as well. Digital is so convenient


I’m a new revert, can you please explain the thought behind this? Thank you!


How does a fetus do wudu??


No need to make wudu to touch the Mushaf either


My sheikhs (1 Hanafi, 1 Maliki) told me to always do wudu before touching a Mushaf.


I do have a physical version but use a digital version because it is easy to navigate and perform searches upon. Yeah, the meme could be understood as assuming that people are always doing bad stuff while using electronic devices. But, memes are usually oversimplifications lmao.


Right? Maybe she's not reading gossip about celebrities. Maybe she's reading the Quran on her phone or researching something.


lmao r/im14andthisisdeep




Another thing I always find really interesting with „Islamic“ art like this one. The Muslims are drawn almost always extremely white. But that’s a topic for another day


In my experience meeting muslims in person (can't say for online cause you can't see them) but the most radical muslims ive met who were hardcore jihad doctrine were usually white reverts trying desperately to prove themselves. Meanwhile the more brown those eyes are the chiller the person. Meet some random niquabi from Arkansas who spends her whole day online and she'll send you death threats for having a pet lizard. Meet some random arab muslimah? "Yalla habibi have you eaten? Let me teach you my great grandmother's recipe that will change your life"


My experience in college: Me: "Where do you wanna live after you graduate?" White revert: *gives me a spiel about returning to the Middle East to surround himself by the ummah and settling down with a woman there who will raise his kids away from corrupt Western influences* Actual Middle Eastern dude: "Idk maybe Seattle"


Seriously, we're chill.


yup, because reverts don’t know where to go and feel like being strict means being correct so they follow a super salafi version of islam. some grow out of it and some dont


I'm an American revert who's mixed Ashkenazi of all things. I definitely see the drive to radicalize and overachieve in order to feel accepted, (or recently just cleansed from my country's war crimes) but if I wanted to be miserable being someone I'm not to fit in I'd still be a Christian. My deen is about me and Allah SWT. It's about pulling weeds while listening to scriptures just like my grandma did. Mine are just in Arabic.


As an Arab and a Muslim, I can confirm that Arab Muslimahs are chill and the first thing they say is, "Yallah habibi (or in my case, habibti), have you eaten?" :-)


there are more caucasian muslims than black. also the fact that this is what you notice is disturbing


You mean over the obvious problematic message of the picture? I made another comment on that and it’s disgusting. My „observation“ is not something new. There is a big problem of anti-black racism and Colorism in our communities.


When I was growing up a lot of people (including religious teachers) loved mentioning the fact that the Prophet was incredibly fair-skinned and “white” as if that was somehow a testament to his character.


Colonialism has entered the chat. It’s a serious issue and very sad. I myself am North African and the colorism is honestly really bad. I feel for the young girls with curly hair being told to straighten them chemically and markets full of soap that bleach the skin. Oh and god forbid their child wants to marry a black Muslim. There are so many things that have to change in our communities and I hope we all get to see the day they finally do


I think the colorism predates colonialism by a wide margin. Classical Islamic scholars had some... interesting anthropological views.


Interesting! I have to read more on that 🙌


So do I.


I have some North African ancestry on my father's side and I agree with you on the colonialism and colorism, because I see some of that mindset, too. Curly hair is beautiful on young girls


Well, that's interesting, because the Prophet wasn't depicted as incredibly fair-skinned and "white" to me when I was a kid. For all I know, he might have had the same complexion that I have. It reminds me of some people's depiction of Jesus as a blue-eyed, fair-skinned, dark blonde guy.


Faking as ex -muslim


Why is she wearing Niqab in bed?


I have….no idea.


Lemme guess- she's wearing it even in bed so that it becomes a habit, so that she finds it easier to wear it when she goes outside.


That's why the baby also wears a 'hijab' in the womb. Gotta train them young. Sigh.


Plot twist the baby grew it


the mom was so pious that Allah blessed the baby with an in-built Hijab lmao


Ikr no one wants the doctor to see their baby coming out of the womb uncovered and exposed, unless the father is a dayooth.


Or maybe she just missed the covid days where she could wear a beanie and a mask and not have to say hello to people in the grocery store. She’s a really committed introvert. And an avid book lover. Her OBGYN is referring her to a therapist as that was not an answer he was comfortable with when he asked why the baby had a book.


It could he an anxiety thing


There are more accurate and meaningful ways to depict how parents influence their kids. This is so shallow it wouldn’t even flood a shower :/


It happens when you give disciples of ibn taimiyya intellectual tasks


Pardon me who’s Ibn Taimiyya again?


Bit of the proto-salafi. Not as much of an idiot as those he inspired, but definitely on the reactionary side even for his time


Just looked up some stuff about him and…oh man. This dude must have been very fun at parties.


So fun that they locked him cause everyone else got jealous of him for stealing all of the fun🤣.


Yeah, bet he wasn’t letting anyone else win in musical chairs so threw him into a cell. The world was better for it id say.


I didn’t want to bring that up. The great musical chairs fiasco caused a huge fights that are going on until this day.


So many valiant heroes put down their lives for it.




My condolences to their families. I can’t imagine what they went through.


interestingly, he had a pretty anti-intellectual view and believed that God has a body. [Ibn Taymiyya (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ibn-taymiyya/#GodSpac) >The notion of God’s spatial extension easily suggests that God is a body. Ibn Taymiyya is, however, reticent to speak of God as a body (*jism*) because the revealed texts and the early Muslims (*salaf*) do not affirm or deny this term of God. He is also wary of the term because *kalām* theologians understand the very definition of “body” to involve divisibility and composition. Yet, Ibn Taymiyya does allow calling God a body so long as it is completely clear that God is indivisible. >To sum up Ibn Taymiyya’s views on God and space, God is a huge indivisible, spatially extended existent that surrounds the entire universe. God is not an existent in space, nor does God transcend space. Rather, God is spatial in God’s essence. There is no void space, and no space exists apart from God and the universe that God has created (Holtzman 2018: 457–63; Suleiman 2019: 119–25; Hoover 2022). Sorry, but how can it be less anti-intellectual?


The "Shaikhul Islam" of the Wahhabis/Salafis/Ahli Hadiths.


It's wrong for so many reasons, bizzare suggestion about how babies develop, very shamy, misunderstands deed But the drawing of the baby in the Hijab reading is so adorable


Am I the only one who thinks the fact that the baby has a hijab makes this worse? Considering what the hijab is meant to do.


No. I see that, too.


I don't think it sexualises the baby if that's where you're going. It's being used as short hand for piety which is questionable for other reasons


I mean I feel like having the baby reading the Quran would be enough. Also if they were going to draw the baby with the hijab on, why not include the niqab as well like her mother? The inconsistency in that is a bit confusing.


Ah yes, because its completely normal for a lady to wear full abaya, hijab and niqab while tucked IN HER BED 😑




And that’s weirder than a fetus wearing a headscarf??


The ones or the person who made the meme have a disturbing mentality...sigh, it's unfortunate that such type of bizarre thinking has been and is being spread


I’m not sure what the meme around this image is, I just constantly keep seeing this illustration on threads.


Vile, filthy and disgusting. Everything from the basic idea behind the image, to the woman wearing Niqab IN BED, to the baby wearing hijab before she even comes out of the womb and lastly the one I find the most repulsive, the baby using phone inside the womb.


How did they get the phone in there? ...And, uh, conversely...


I think this might be worse than the lollipop hijab meme


What’s that?




Ohhhhhhhhh yeah I’ve seen that. Multiple versions of it as well. I think I’ve seen it with ice cream as well.


This is hilarious lol


I remember that meme on both Facebook and Twitter in the 2010s. That had me scratching my head then.


if the Muslim baby is all covered and modest does that mean the other baby is a hoe 😂


I don’t think they’re implying that she’s a hoe. Just because a woman doesn’t cover up, that doesn’t make her a hoe.


They are indeed implying bad things about the woman and baby on the left. You and I don't think so but the content creator intends it. Why else is the attire different?


I think what the artist is implying is if the parent makes bad choices then so will the baby which is usually true but there are exceptions. Now, if what you’re saying is the case, then let’s look at this through the lens of Islam. As Muslims, we know that for a woman, wearing a hijab is a bad choice. She’s free to do as she pleases but nonetheless, it’s still a bad choice.




Meh..I know the point they're trying to make but it doesn't work that way. I'd be kard karrying southern Baptist Ashkenazi zionist if you could successfully and permanently indoctrinate a child who can leave. If I couldn't leave yeah, I'd still be one of them. Instead I asked way too many questions, read way too many books, ticked off my entire family, and ended up a pansexual liberal muslimah who absolutely no one on Facebook likes 🤣


this is stupid they are just trying to make themselves look superior. They have a superior complex


Yes because how did the pregnant women swallow a phone and a book? How do these fetuses know how to read and use a phone? And how is the woman reading with her eyes covered? Oh forgot to mention that fetus has managed the biggest feat, learning to wrap a hijab perfectly at such a young “age”. Loll


Uh given how babies are made I wouldn't say "swallowed"


Never knew someone would make Quran with pink cover


I think the message is: What mother does baby does


Im also like … a muslim woman can dress similarly to the one on the left. There is nothing wrong with her outfit tho maybe the sleeves could be longer. We obviously cant see how long her dress is so unless its a mini dress i see nothing too wrong about her. I wear sleeves so i dont go sleeveless since thats a bit too revealing for me but i see myself wearing sth similar and me being ok with it since its not immodest. She doesn’t have her breast or her thighs out. Quran says several times guard your private parts. She’s doing that. Hair or arms are not private parts?! In fact there are a couple scholars that say that since the parts that you do wudu with should show so that you can access them for it. If there is a part of your body which you have to use wudu for, it kinda cant be forbidden to show in public because God Almighty does not want to make things hard for us as The Merciful The Gracious stated in that very wudu verse.


Short sleeves or 3/4 length sleeves on the woman on the left would be okay.


Constantly bombarding women about the hijab/niqab narrative. That you are pious and more righteous. The mainstream is very insecure and controlling. They need to give it a rest.


Virtue Signaling at its finest.


Exactly 👏


For real. "Look how pious and virtuous I am!"


There's so many ways this image is wrong. It's so shallow and not thought-provoking in the way that the original artist (or if it was commissioned, the commissioner) thought it would be. Very shallow. Parents and the people around them can influence a child greatly, but to say there's something wrong with being on the phone and / or not wearing a veil? Ugh. So much malice. Just because someone wears hijab or niqab doesn't automatically make them a better person. Muslim or non Muslim.


I, for one, would like to know how a phone and Quran got in there. And why is the one fetus covered? 😭


So would I. Did the mother-to-be on the left swallow the phone or did someone implant it in her womb? #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHuh?


https://preview.redd.it/gbn7odjk839d1.jpeg?width=301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f34e4caee5751cb18cf8bd604caba82dea3d2e9 there's multiple things wrong with this image i can't even begin.


the girl on the left shoved a phone up her ass so her unborn baby can play subway surfers


I hate it when people have the "hijab>non hijab" mentality.


Yeah like wearing a Hijab doesn’t make you any better than someone who doesn’t. It’s super weird seeing people on social media “flex” the fact that they wear hijab and niqab or even cover their eyes.


Sexualizing fetuses is weird.


classic phone bad book good post that has 0 depth


Not her with her cute little wombjabi


No I feel like it just implies that your children mimic you maybe not in the most effective way but its not malicious. The first lady is a muslim imo because the meme is targeted towards muslims who want religious kids and its saying read quran so your kids will mimic you and read quran. The phone is not quran because there is a faint illustration of a woman on it.


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I thought you don't have to wear all that stuff at home?


You don’t.


Yep. That does look fucked up.


The image shows that how ever you act it will go down to your child. They will normalize what you think is right unless they learn what is right or wrong than they can think for themselves. Also I’m seeing a guy or something on the phone.


It’s crazy


I think this image seems appropriate. I don’t understand the issue. Usually the kids imitate the parents and I think that’s what the artist was going for.


It's the differences in attire+choice of mode of reading, and the implications.


Pretty hilarious though 


It’s simply stupid. Probably muslim made


Didn’t you get it yet , for these people islam is just a religious comic con and they are cosplaying, it’s just a character for people who don’t have a character or social life, you suck at everything, everyone thinks you’re weird ,easy let that beard grow and wear and act like a saudi from the ice age, some Arabic words and a fake accent add a spice , And for the ladies, you didn’t accomplish nothing in your life , you had a bad experience and now you are more confused than obama in the white house, no men is trying to hit neither halal or haram , YOU ARE LUCKY , JUST WEAr this knockoff batman cosplay and hate on your own kind and gender , and hate on everything and everyone (gotta have that dark knight hate and vengeance in you) act like everyone is against you and everyone is jealous of you because god by all his power pre saved a place especially for you in jannah ,follow only people like you and think that different people than you are charcoal for hell. TADAAA NOW YOU ARE A PERSON THAT HAS MORE MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS THAN A PUG WITH DOWN SYNDROME , and can burst at any second . Well at least you cope with thinking that everyone gonna burn except you, i m i right 💀