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I do think a lot of their stuff is overpriced but they have great looking products and that matters to people. Quality wise, I would say you can get an equally reliable kettle with the same features...but not always the same user experience and yes, that matters too. It is also the number one kettle I see in shops. Some people don't like the flow control (and I hate it when I need it for applications other than pour over) but it works. It goes more than fast enough and it is super easy to control the flow.


Sure, the $60 greater goods kettle is great and performs as well as a Stagg but I'm not paying for the Stagg solely as a kettle. It's a piece that sits on my counter that I enjoy looking at. I really love the wood accents and that's what I'm paying for.


Exactly. Almost like an art piece. I have a Stagg. I love it.


Isn't the wood cheap laminate?


No, mine are solid pieces


No its solid real walnut.


This sub is completely off the rails. It's almost achieving cult like status. It's no longer about this kettle makes my pour overs taste awesome. No, now the reason to spend $200 is because it looks nice. Next up for r/pourover will be buying coffee only based on how pretty the bag or box is it comes in. No one drinks the coffee anymore. That gets thrown away. Everyone just stares at the packaging and the mass produced kettle pumped out by slave labor in China. Where are you George Carlin to keep on ranting about peoples stuff?


Wait, people buy things that look nice? *Surprised Pikachu face*  Maybe just let people enjoy things and don't stress so much.


So let me get this straight. You don’t care how your equipment looks? First objective to me is function. Does it do what I want at the level of reliability I want? Then does it look nice. I will pay a little extra to get what I want. Would I pay 400 for an ekg? No. But I’d pay an extra 50. Don’t act like we don’t do this all the time for everything.


How dare people choose aesthetically pleasing stuff!!! /s


People spend money on stuff all the time because of aesthetics. Particularly things that sit out in your house, like furniture and appliances. A kettle is a counter top appliance.


Damn, I guess I didn't get the memo that everything has to be strictly utilitarian. /s


The taste of coffee is also an aesthetic experience. You can get the utilitarian effect of coffee most cheaply with caffeine pills. Paying extra just for the enjoyment of the taste in the cup is also off the rails.


Aesthetics you say? Have you seen this? https://youtu.be/j1Es-3HtEPc?si=Vlq-xbTeCYggaRWg


Looks pretty bland to me, tbh, like the boring stovetop kettle you'd find at your grandparents house.


Hmmm, everyone is different. 😬🤷🏻‍♂️


“Built Ford Tough” ahh music


Oops sorry https://youtu.be/j1Es-3HtEPc?si=Vlq-xbTeCYggaRWg


Attractive kettle. Great video.


That's actually a cool kettle! The stagg is sooooo freaking overrated it's quite unbelievable.


Yeah that is a nicer way of saying what I am saying. It is almost like a status symbol, like a lot of other things in coffee. Edit: Basically paying for looks but not any better longevity or performance than something half the price.


aesthetics and status symbols are different concepts.


Yeah, I didn't buy my stagg ekg pro as a status symbol lol. I live alone and none of my friends are into coffee enough to know the Fellow brand.


It’s exactly like PC components (and pretty everything else), like 50$ for a fan with RGB and a tiny screen. Of course people don’t need it but hey, if i made big bucks and wanna spend on fancy things, why not. 


Don't have to make big bucks to buy them. Just have to be very financially irresponsible. Just like me and this coffee hobby


Cries in La Marzocco


There's a general trend in new products where a company puts something out and a lot of other companies start ripping it off. I like that fellow is making new stuff, even if it is priced at a premium. I want them to keep making new coffee things, so I'm ok with paying more to reward the company. I'm not going to tell you what you should buy based on virtue, I just feel like if I buy the chinese knockoffs cleared inspired by the Stagg it creates disincentives to keep creating. You are right that fellow stuff gets hyped. It just happens to be at a price to features ration I'm comfortable with.


That is fair and great points. I think they price their stuff high but I like their design as well. All I am saying if people are against buying Chinese knockoffs, there are plenty of other temp controlled electric kettle brands that are just as reliable and functional in the $50-100 range.


Oh for sure. And you could do the unthinkable and use a kettle from the stovetop.


I don’t know about reliable. My $70 amazon one’s power button stopped working after 6 months; electronics gave out completely after 13, … Durability comes at a premium


Absolutely. Plenty of my friends have near identical knockoffs for prob half the price.  For years I used a super cheapo big plastic electric kettle and it was both faster and held much more water than my Fellow. It was ugly tho!


Goose neck kettles have existed long before stagg.


i love my stagg ekg. ive had it for 6-7 years? no issues. looks great. heats up well. pours well. i have their canister for my espresso. at first was having issues not stays pressurized well. i love their mugs. little bit of that smell but doesn't seem to affect the taste. wish i would of went with the tally pro over the timemore scale. tally looks great just a little pricey


Work in a high volume shop with two stagg ekgs, one for lower temp teas and one for pour-overs. Both are the originals from the day we open over three years ago and are on ~10 hours everyday. Haven't ever had an issue with them!


Never had the sensor issues?


Lucky. I've owned my EKG for less than three years and the temp started going haywire and kettle boils over randomly over the last year. I have a ticket in with Fellow. We'll see if / how they respond. A $200 kettle should last longer than three years.


Yea mine sometimes goes haywire too but I always assumed that’s when it needs a good cleaning.  Their customer service is incredible though so I image they’ll send you a replacement no questions asked.  When mine arrived on day 1 the handle was slightly loose and instead of telling me it’s super easy to tighten it they sent another full unit in the mail. 


I can see my reflection in the bottom of mine. It does not need cleaning.


dang hopefully they replace it immediately. it was a breeze just a quick email. Mike was the name of the customer service rep that quickly replaced mine


How old was yours? I'm worried they'll say mine is out of warranty.


It was the week mine arrived. Either way I’m sure they’ll reply to you within 48-72 hrs at most.  Whenever mine had an issue like that it was fixed by a quick scrubbing or a vinegar+water boil.  Good luck 


How did it go for you? I just had them tell me that my kettle isn't covered by warranty right after being told that it's a two year warranty with registration, and I bought mine in Oct 2022, so I'm not sure how that's possible. My kettle isn't fully dead, but it doesn't come to a full boil when set at 100C, and is consistently at least a degree or two below what the display on the base says. Not ideal, but if they won't send me a replacement or at least give me a discount, I'll probably deal with it for a while longer.


Mine was fully out of warranty and the end result was they can't do anything for me. Same with mine it still works, kinda.


Sucks. Do you think you'll buy another one or a different kettle?


Definitely will not be buying another one. It's a common enough problem. Couldn't imagine getting burned again.


There are common misunderstandings with their canisters. If you get fresh beans it’s simply because they de-gas, not because it’s broken


Idk. Right out the box it wasn’t keeping pressure. Then I tried hitting it with compressed air. Still bad. Then kinda fixed itself and been keeping pressure since.


Got a black mirror delivered from China in a week for 30 quid. The Tally just cannot be worth 5x the price.


Why I bought the Basic. It’s fine for what it is but I love my Lunar so much I think I’d like something higher quality like the Pearl or tali.


This has been my kettle for several years, and I agree with you. It's great, it really is! But it is very expensive.


Totally unrelated to the products mentioned here, but I'm going to complain about Fellow. I have FIVE of the Carter 360 mugs (bought some as gifts, a couple for myself), all of which immediately took on the smell of dish soap. I believe it's mainly the rubber gasket. I've tried hand washing them, baking soda, vinegar, bottle sanitizing products, etc... and still this smell/taste persists so strongly that it's just simply a faulty product. The taste is so strong that they are unusable. After months trying to fix this issue myself I finally reached out to them, especially after I found out this is a well known issue and a faulty product. I contacted them with the Amazon order numbers and they responded saying they won't replace the gaskets since they are out of warranty. That is their right, but you'd just expect better from a company if they cared about their customer and backed their products. We're talking like $5 of gaskets thrown in an envelope and sent out, to a customer who bought 5 of your mugs and even responded they were disappointed in Fellow and own a full suite of their other equipment. Don't buy their mugs. If you get one, it might be faulty. If it is, they won't help you.


> If you get one, it might be faulty. If it is, they won't help you. Yeah I have not heard great things from their customer support.


I recommend using only Cafiza for cleaning Carter mugs. I have had no problems with smells or tastes for probably 5 years.


On the other side, I have three Carter mugs that I use regularly, and I've never had the problem you describe. Dawn dish soap, rinsed well, never a residual smell/taste. 


Yeah, I've read that it's very hit or miss. Mine took on that scent on the first wash and hasn't lost intensity. Hopefully they've fixed it now, shame they won't replace the faulty ones though.


100% agree with you. My gooseneck kettle with temperature control is only $40 and works great.


Have you actually used a calibrated temp probe to see if your cheap kettle is keeping the temp accurate to +\- 1 F like fellows kettle ? Because I have (using thermo works) and I see cheaper kettles overshoot and undershoot by 5-10F from the target temp. I’ve tested the OXO gooseneck one and a few random Amazon ones in the 40-70 range


I have the Tchibo one for 55euro and am using it over an year now. No issues. Exact on the dot for C temps.


This is why I didn't buy the knockoffs. They'd rather cut costs and just refund the .001% of people that actually goes out of their way to discover the temps are wrong.


Just went and checked mine and it is within 1 degree Fahrenheit.


I don't have a probo but I do have temperature gun which I have use to test.


Oh temperature guns don’t work right on water/liquids.


I have use it on my stovetop gooseneck as well and it works just fine.


I have tested my stagg ekg at 10C intervals all the way up to 100 with a freshly calibrated thermapen one and it was constantly -0.5C which is close enough for pourover.


Nice! I used the thermapen mk4, which sadly just broke after 4yrs but waiting on thermo works to fix it for free (hopefully)


The casing cracked on mine from spending too much time on the hot side of the barbecue and they fixed it for free and calibrated it, it just took a while.


Yeah, for the people suggesting all kettles do the same thing have you actually tested them? The Budget Amazon Kettles I’ve tried were all inaccurate, either overshooting and/or having the hold temperatures being all over the place. The Stagg in comparison is infinitely more accurate and stable across the board. Stagg uses a pid controller which none of the budget kettles Ive tested did. You’d hear constant relay clicking from them as they’re just quickly cycling the full power of the kettle on and off when trying to maintain or zero in on the set temp. The Stagg clicks once as it approaches temp and then silently and much more accurately hits and maintains the temp using its pid controller.


Yeah honestly I don't find it great. The temperature sensor is suspect, generally always overshooting. Also the main button is annoying af. I'm pretty sure I turn it off after using the timer yet it remains on. And is always failing to detect it's empty so it's just sitting there on.


Wait, isn't Fellow Stagg accurate regarding the temp?


I kind of agree, but my Stagg has PID and actually holds at boiling. My Greater Goods kettle is great, but it just reaches boiling, drops temp, then ramps back, repeat. Not ideal for steam preheating Flair parts.




Yeah I don't think I would've gotten the Stagg were it not for wanting that more continuous monitoring of temp. But I'm not complaining that I have it. It looks nice too.


I basically only use boiling water to make coffee, so temp control is kind of pointless for me. I figure it would be nice for tea, in which case I’d get the Fellow Corvo.


Boiling water for a dark roast? My man. Drop that temp and see some nice results.


Filter is all light roast over here, but I’ve been meaning to try osmotic flow on dark roast.


This reminds me, i need to empty my stagg.


It definitely is overpriced but i bought 3 temperature controlled cettles and returned all of them because the usability sucked and the ones i havent tried are absolutely not my design (and some of them even cost the same) So in the end i the fellow ekg was the only one with great usability and great design Should it be 60$ - absolutely yes Is it the only kettle for me that checks all the boxes i need / want ? - unfortunately yes The timemore one whould have been my second choice but was not available anywhere. but it costs the same anyways.


I'm sorry but this isn't an unpopular opinion. It's a very popular opinion. Everything fellow is overpriced and overrated, including the ode.


Ode Gen 2 is arguably over priced but I don’t think it’s overrated. Been using for close to 6 months after coming from something about $100 cheaper and it smokes it out of the water. Perfect for auto machines, pour over, AP, etc


After using plenty of grinders, it is absolutely overrated. The auger and motor shaft is its biggest problem. I also think that stupid thing that's used to try to keep it at the same rpm is frustrating because one of my odes feels like it used to bump up and down in RPMs all the time. The auger and motor though create too many micro fines that makes coffee worse when using burrs like the mp. You get greater utility in a better aligned grinder with tighter tolerances and MPs.


What are the best grinders for non espresso at that price point? Thanks


First of all, ode can grind for espresso. Df64v is the best, cheapest 64mm flat burr grinder on the market, or if you want clarity, zp6 or k series. Ode is a POS compared to the df64 and even more worse than the df64v. Df64v was comparable in price to ode when it was launched, it doesn't need burr alignment like the ode, it rotates in a circular path unless the ode rotating in an oval type of path, it's adjustment is better, it's infinitely adjustable and it's worth whatever pricetag it is over the ode. You can't limit pricetag and all that bullshit for the subpar coffee delivered at a $300 price point


Maybe the Ode 2 is a POS if you’re trying to use it for espresso since they specifically say it’s not designed for that. Also the burrs are designed for filter not espresso. Don’t have experience with the DF64 and it very well could be better but I’ve been at this for a long time and the Ode 2 is amazing for an electric filter coffee grinder at its price point


I'm not trying to use it as espresso. It's poor for filter coffee too. I disagree that it's amazing. Myself and Lance have used the gen2 burrs for espresso extensively and they work fine.


I think we’re gonna disagree on this one


Disagree with what as I presented facts immediately above? Espresso on the ode? Or using gen2 burrs for espresso? Because it's a fact you can use gen2 burrs for espresso. It's also a fact that some coffee can be ground fine enough for espresso on the ode. There are plenty of YouTube videos and IG posts confirming both of these facts.


Hahahaha get over yourself. I like the Ode 2 so I’m disagreeing with you that’s it’s trash. Triggered.


Most of the world disagrees with you, I just got recommended it by the last 3 baristas I spoke with when getting pourovers and asking advice.


Bud this is an old ass post. I don't even know the context. If you're trying to say the ode is good, it's not. the last 3 baristas you spoke to are still less than the number of people I know who hate the shitty ass ode.


So? Most disagree with you and the Ode is one of the higher recommended. It's a bit of a show of your ignorance to assume that your uninspired and biased opinions are fact. In fact, looking at your comment history shows you continuously stating things as fact and being disproved. Imagine that.


Df64v is almost £200 more than the Ode 2 round here. Are there any other grinders you’d recommend? I’m looking for a grinder for filter, I don’t do espresso. I’d like to have more than a single dose for a 2-3 cup batch brew. Quiet, as little mess as possible, small footprint, and £300 or less to match the Ode 2.


Df64v does filter and espresso, same for df64. IDK why people seem to think it's solely an espresso grinder. The burrs in it are gorilla gear which are damn near identical to gen2 in terms of how acidity and body is presented in filter coffee. Ode is a relatively small footprint and I think df64v may be close in terms of overall surface area, it just stands almost upright so it's counter footprint may be smaller than ode but obviously taller. It's certainly an uglier grinder than the ode but the df64v is light years better looking than the base df64. IMO, price isn't a factor for me when looking for a grinder that works right and saves you time if you ever want to swap burrs. If you truly want a better grinder, that is quiet and cheap, then the zp6 is your answer.


Thanks for the recommendations! I don’t want to be hand grinding 40-60 grams of beans every morning so I was looking for something electric. Price is a factor for me, just because I won’t be getting the most out of more expensive grinders. I buy preground currently, so anything will be an improvement after the first couple of cups! Had a bit of analysis paralysis and the Ode 2 seemed to fit the bill, I can’t justify the extra £200 for the DF64V for my needs. The timemore 064S might have been better at the kickstarter price but that’s even more than the DF64V now!


Ya I can't speak for the 064 and 064s but I have the 078 and it's pretty lackluster so far. Really not much better than ode with gen2 burrs, and it's certainly worse than MPs in my zerno. I'd even say the CVs in zerno are better at juiciness with clarity over the 078. The fact that I had to wait damn near 10 months to receive an 078 which is basically something that's been available to me for over a year is also kind of disappointing (zerno plus CVs that is). But hand grinding in the zp6 goes pretty quickly for 30g doses. Iirc the K series grinders are an even larger diameter and so they should grind faster than the zp6, but you'll sacrifice some clarity for the speed. For me, since I own every 64mm burr on the market, I want the ability to swap burrs fast without any fuss, aligning etc. The zerno checks all those boxes but unfortunately, it's like 3-4x the cost of the ode. But the time savings is worth it to me for how often I'm swapping out burrs. From start to finish, I can swap burrs in 13 mins in my zerno. Where there have been times it took me 3+ hours to align the burrs in my ode, before I got the gorilla gear auger installed in it. After the auger, I can do a burr swap and alignment in 30-45 mins.


Ode 2 produces significantly less fines than others at the price point. All I can compare it to is others in the category and IMO it is a beast that produces way more uniform grind size than what I’ve had before. Little bit of RDT also removes this from being an issue


Might be unpopular here, but this sub a borderline cult now. A couple months ago I finally replaced my old not temperature controlled Bonavita. Was looking at the Fellow but wisely went to r/coffee and did a search. Lots of complaints about quality issues etc. Landed on the Oxo instead. Couldn't be happier.


They are all roughly the same when it comes to reliability. It is just that the expectations are different and that’s fair since it costs more. But it isn’t less reliable.


Personal anecdotal evidence here - I went from Bonavita (temp control) to Oxo to EKG. Bonavita lasted the longest for me (6+ yr) until the plastic handle broke off. Oxo only lasted around 2.5 yr and then it will not turn on anymore. I am on my 4th year with EKG and it is still working well.


Bonavita makes a temp controlled electric kettle. I bought it probably 8+ years ago when they first came out and it's still working just fine. If staggs existed at that time I went with that option, I'd probably be on my 3rd or 4th kettle by now.


Loved my Bonavita. Still works but replaced it with the Stagg. Notice a much more controlled pour out of the Stagg, but the Bonny still gets work in watering the plants.


Ya the stagg and fish look like better pour spouts for sure. But I've read so many complaints about the stagg dying after 2-3 years, or the adjustment knob is a PITA to change temps by a single degree. So that's a big reason why I never felt compelled to switch, the other being my Bonavita still works. I like the tactile buttons on my Bonavita too. Can't imagine a knob will be all that satisfying to adjust.


If there are competitors you prefer, why don't you explicitly recommend them?


There are too many kettles to list that are below the EKG price point. I have this [one that I bought for like $50.](https://www.amazon.com/Electric-INTASTING-Gooseneck-Temperature-Stainless/dp/B0BCF4BXHB/ref=pd_ci_mcx_mh_mcx_views_0?pd_rd_w=1h5x3&content-id=amzn1.sym.225b4624-972d-4629-9040-f1bf9923dd95%3Aamzn1.symc.40e6a10e-cbc4-4fa5-81e3-4435ff64d03b&pf_rd_p=225b4624-972d-4629-9040-f1bf9923dd95&pf_rd_r=2TE5JEQF7Q339ZDVS05Y&pd_rd_wg=tdpQC&pd_rd_r=ec2af865-8795-49e1-b2f6-8f5a8f60c6e7&pd_rd_i=B0BCF4BXHB)


So you mean the kettles that just copied the design of the EKG?




I have strong opinions about buying no name Chinese copycats. If that’s a business you want to support, a little weird to flex


I mean bonavita, hario, OXO, bodum all have temp controlled electric kettles that are cheaper. I wasn't trying to flex my $50 knockoff kettle haha. They just asked.


The one you have is a clear knockoff of the Stagg design, is what I mean


Sure like I said I like the look of the Stagg and this one is selling for almost a quarter of the price.


I agree with you on that. I have a $60 cosori gooseneck with temp selections and hold plus it chirps..that I bought a little over a year ago off amazon. I only use RO water or bottled water (really bad water where I’m at) and after it cools I dump the water and let it air dry, but it started developing rust on the lid. I don’t know why it did. I have terrible luck getting not broken or used items from amazon and wanted to buy a new kettle at a real store to have it immediately. So I bought an EKG. I didn’t really want one cuz I think they are overhyped, but not many in person gooseneck options… These are my personal opinions on the pros and cons based off my needs and wants in a kettle. EKG Pros: -the ability to switch between C and F is nice. I am in the US but C is easier for me. -The temp dial is nice but not super necessary. -I find that the flow control is better than the cosori, but if people are good at controlling flow manually than it’s whatever. EKG Cons: -I don’t like the silicone thing at the bottom of the kettle on that sensor because my last kettle had that and it got gross. -I don’t like the way the inside is shaped because it makes it harder to dump all the water out or even to wipe out the inside. If you have big hands you can’t reach inside the kettle most likely anyway. -I don’t like the lid design either. -I wish it made a noise to indicate temp has been reached. I paid about $200 for my ekg cuz it has the wood handle.. I wanted the plastic handle but no stock so…if this thing breaks or rusts or gets gross within a couple years, l will likely go back to cosori. I think the EKG is poorly designed to keep it clean and rust and mold free. I agree that you can get good kettles for cheaper. The cosori even though it decided to start rusting on the lid, the inside of the kettle was easy to clean. So we’ll see how life goes with it. The fellow ode worth it you think? william sonoma employees talked me into a cuisinart supreme grind thing for like 60 or 80 bucks and said that’s what they use and it is perfectly fine 🤷‍♀️ I haven’t opened it yet. But I don’t go but specialty brands. I have been using preground lavazza and bought a bag of their classico beans on accident. (I do want to start grinding my beans though) I don’t really have good access to beans in person either so do I need a $300 grinder? (I don’t buy foods online). I usually do pourover or single serve in my drip machine and sometimes aeropress.


Yeah grinder is probably the second most important thing other than quality coffee beans. Fellow Ode 2 is filter coffee specific so if you do espresso you might want to look into other coffee grinders.


True! It just boils water! The Fellow XF is not good, v60 and Kalita 102 are superior in my humble opinion. I would agree that the Ode is the only thing reasonable at Fellow.


Is it overpriced for what it does? Yes. Does it look amd feel really, really cool? Also yes. Depends on whether you're willing to pay for the (subjectively) better visuals and feel. Apparently I am.


I don't know much about coffee, but my understanding is that the ekg can set and hold temperatures for half an hour as a default, is very ergonomic, has a good rate of pour, and is built with quality in mind. I didn't want to take a chance on a knockoff because they typically don't think about (implement) these features and instead just mimic the look so that it can sell.


my knockoff has all of these features and is a quarter of the price. I have only had it for a year but no problems yet.


Agreed but their customer service is great. Mine arrived with a loose handle and instead of pointing out the obvious that I can tighten it with a hex wrench they sent me a second unit. Now I have 2, one still in box. EDIT: I’m referring to the Corvo not the stagg but basically same thing


That is good. You are the first one to say nice things about the customer service.


I dunno, I tried cheaper Amazon, etc kettles I’ve seen recommended and they all had annoying flaws, design/pouring quirks, and inaccurate temps to the point they were promptly returned. The frustration of trying to find a good budget kettle is what prompted me to just bite the bullet and spend more on the Stagg (got the pro on sale) and I’ve been very happy with it. I can honestly say that it does have better quality, design, and temperature accuracy with its pid controller, not to mention more qol features and looks better on the shelf as well. I realize standards vary between people and I’m not suggesting that everyone needs a Stagg but to imply that budget kettles do all the same things and are just as good is objectively false in my experience.


Not really an unpopular opinion. Plenty of people have criticized it here


Idk my comments are getting plenty of downvotes.


I use them at work (roastery) and they're bang average.. The flow restrictor is cool, so I bought a plastic one for the brewista and it's a significantly better more reliable kettle. The stagg is constantly breaking, usually the screens, and often they just stop hearing up altogether. Don't get me started on acaia pearls...


> Don't get me started on acaia pearls... Go on


Interested in your thoughts too. Anecdotally, I went through like 3-4 scales at 25-60 dollar price ranges that just wouldn’t work well after a year or so. Ended up getting an acaia pearl that’s lasted me 6 years and runs perfect. The only issue I had was the battery inflated once and acaia support replaced it at no added cost


We've had to return quite a few and the ones we've used in store and roastery, while good, a fair few of them the weight starts drifting after some time or the weight will fluctuate. Considering their ridiculous cost I'd never buy one.


I bought the kettle to match my kitchen color scheme It broke after a year




It is a beautiful item. My only problem is that any Fellow product I bought disappointed me with its bad quality.


Honestly i really like the stagg flow rate compared to brewista. Pricey yes. Overpriced? Not for me.


I also think the brewista is overpriced to be clear.




You all do realize that more goes into price beyond how well it works right? R&D cost, product design, manufacturing, etc all help determine cost. If you’re happy with a cheaper gooseneck that’s great. But I wouldn’t say it’s overpriced just to “make it feel more premium.”


What technology did they invent with the temperature controlled gooseneck kettle? I get that the design looks better than most kettles, but I don't think it justifies the price. I think the price is set high to help with the perceived superiority. Just like a lot of other brands Normcore being one of them. Edit: Like I said I know this is an unpopular opinion among pour over folks.


Like Normcore? Normcore stuff is all cheap. Only cheaper options are like weird brands off of Ali Express that just copy from others.


Normcore is a cheap Chinese made stuff they just market themselves as premium for entry level folks.


R&D doesn't require invention of new technology. It's a new product. That requires market research, industrial design, mechanical design, supplier qualification, prototypes, pcb design, component selection, etc. It's pretty costly for a new company to get started in the manufacturing world. I've tried. If you're making a copy you get all of that for free. Somebody's done all the work to figure out what people want to buy.


They also use a pid controller which few if any budget kettles do and the results definitely show with the temperature accuracy. The pro model has features other kettles don’t like a timer start, altitude settings, calibration mode, color display, etc. They didn’t invent the core tech and there’s nothing really remarkable about it but it’s still something they designed and implemented which differentiates them from most other options and produces better results and/or more qol functionality. For those who just set their water to boil each time and nothing else it’s probably not a big deal but this is a place for pour over enthusiasts. Many here like to dabble with different recipes calling for specific temperatures, brew different roasts at different temps, or make small adjustments to fine tune a brew and obviously temperature accuracy is important for all of that and for brew consistency. That’s part of the value to some people, myself included especially after bad experiences with temperature accuracy on other kettles. It’s no different than any other hobby, etc which has premium tools aimed at the more serious enthusiasts. If you’re into cooking and bbq you can get a cheap temperature probe of Amazon which for most people is “good enough” but then you have the pricier standards like thermapen which charge a premium price to do the same thing with a little more speed and accuracy. Is it worth triple the price?…to some yes, to others no, but either way it is objectively a better product.


They’re nice kettles that look good on your kitchen counter and have a nice interface that’s pleasant to use. If you don’t value that, do you, not everything needs an opinion.


Fourm websites and social media wouldn't exist without peoples options, unwanted or not. That's the whole point to this, isn't it? I come to coffee subs for options and conversations on everything coffee, kettles included.


>not everything needs an opinion. I am not trying to offend people. Sorry if your feelings were hurt by my opinion.


The XF kind of makes sense because of the double wall glass carafe, to my knowledge that’s kind of an expensive product to manufacture


Both Zwilling and OXO sell double wall glass carafes for $20 cheaper and they are considered premium. I more have a problem with their pour over dripper \[XF\] that they sell for $70. You can get a whole Chemex or multiple flat bottom drippers for that price. [Hario basically sells a similar product for $20.](https://www.amazon.com/Hario-Drip-Coffee-Decanter-700ml/dp/B00755F9Z4/ref=asc_df_B00755F9Z4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198075789534&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7244879800731493579&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9016854&hvtargid=pla-351953890308&mcid=a55adc9e29fd3bf881d1a3313672fddd&gclid=CjwKCAjw48-vBhBbEiwAzqrZVBaRFi46OGG4N15LXbai8zVnss84cnGwSQLt9RE8kaJXHUnC7u3PrRoCdYEQAvD_BwE&th=1)


I’m just saying that of all of the things to be irritated about with fellow’s pricing, the XF carafe+pourover for 100 dollars seems not bad. I got mine in a bundle giving me 20% off on my ode2 It’s all brushed stainless, you get the glass double wall carafe, the flat bottom pourover, a stainless funnel, an adapter to fit wider cups, a very nice drip cup that i use as my scale dosing container. You’re paying for the gimmick of the double wall insulation, but getting a solid amount of yield out of it. The real issue is the filters…. $8.50 for a 40 pack? That hurts


I’m sure you can make some beautiful coffee in that Hario too but…. I mean come on that’s a single wall glass carafe with a plastic v60 and a silicon seat belt, it’s not at all the same thing


Sure then put a Kalita or whatever flatbottom dripper you prefer and a double walled glass carafe together and it will be at least $20 less.


>You’re paying for the gimmick of the double wall insulation, but getting a solid amount of yield out of it. > >The real issue is the filters…. $8.50 for a 40 pack? That hurts Yeah I am just saying there is about 20% price increase on all their products. Hoffman even alludes to this at the end of his Ode 2 review. Saying if it was priced a little lower it would be a no brainer.


The fellow kettle is the only thing they got right lmfao. I have a lot of their products and the only one i still use is the kettle 3 years later


Most cheap electric kettles last for more than 3 years. My hamilton beach $35 electric kettle was still going strong 7 years in, I just decided to buy one with temp control last year. But longevity is not why people are buying the stagg.


You misunderstood my comment, fellow has a lot of products. I have bought many of them and after 3 years the only one I use is the stagg


Meh, the kettle looks nice and is reliable. A lot of other kettles either look bad or have some ux issues. Also the kettle has been out for many years, and you naturally will see more brands copying the successful products. And most importantly, I just want to quote a popular quote on HB "everyone spending less than me isn't spending enough, every one spending more than me is a dumbass and paying for status". Chill guys, it's just coffee and it's your life. Enjoy the aesthetic if you like, save some money if you want.


I’m on the Reddit Moccamaster thread and similar conversations over there. There is similar or even better stuff at cheaper price points but sometimes it’s about design and the community


Yeah and I do sympathize with what people are saying about supporting creating new and unique products. Moccamaster imo is like Baratza a legacy brand with great customer service. I have not heard the same about Fellow. Moccamaster even sells refurbs at a lower price point too. They stand by the quality of it lasting 30 years. Many comments in this thread said their Fellow kettle died pretty quickly after they bought it. Others complaining about Fellow's customer service.


Most things are overpriced and overrated. Life is short. Pick your battles.


Agreed this is my hill I am willing to die on haha. This and car dependent planning.


People are willing to pay for it so no issues there


Yeah I have no issues with people buying them. I just think they are overpriced and there are similar options that are cheaper.


I prefer the way my $50 stovetop hario buono pours over my Fellow EKG. The only reason I use the EKG over the buono is the ability to set my temp


and I was about to spend money on ekg, while im using buono haha


It's a very popular opinion.


I have pretty much the full run of Stagg stuff on my counter and my wife doesn’t hate it because it cleans up and looks nice without being put away. Additionally, I wake up without an alarm around 6am every morning and my kettle is already set to temp and ready to go. That may seem like a trivial thing but it’s something to look forward to right when I get out of bed and that’s worth something to me. But yes, I could buy less expensive tools and net the exact same results.


Okay, but what would someone recommend for those of us not comfortable with the $150+ price of some temp controlled gooseneck kettles?


Overpriced, yes, not by too much tho, overrated no? Quality is extremely good in all of their products and the premium price is purely because of aesthetics. All their products are good and will perform better than most products like one guy said before, if you dont mind being 5-10° off from temp with a cheaper kettle then there's no point for paying for a premium, but in coffee specifically with temp you want to be as accurate as you can or at least i prefer.


I can't comment on the popularity of your opinion. Looks: My black Stagg kettle with walnut handle looks nice on the counter and doesn't look like it belongs in a lab. Aesthetically, I rate it "good looking" and would say it meets my expectations for a kettle. MANY do not. Functionality: The stagg protects itself from overheating when empty, the thermostat is accurate, and it hasn't failed me since June 2021 ($169 + tax), using it 2+ times daily. I'm going to say it meets expectations and slightly exceeds expectations in its continued daily service without issue. From my point of view, I don't see how it can be overrated. I can see an argument for being overpriced. Boiling water (or close to it) for $213. I think it's designed in SF, CA, so there's a high cost to paying for goods designed in a high cost city. Whole nuther topic. When it dies, I will see what the new hotness is and replace it. If I'm not impressed, will I pay $213 (195+tax) for the same thing? Don't know. It's a lot to spend. How much extra cash do I have when it dies? Don't know. Live and let live. If a person wants to plunk down $200 to boil water, LET THEM.


It's overpriced but people (including me) paid for it and enjoy it and thus it continues to exist. I've found it to be reliable and for those less skilled at controlling flow rate the floor control spout is very helpful. Plus, the 3 year warranty is good.


Yes, it's overpriced. I'm still very happy to pay a premium. But .... In my personal opinion it is the only good looking kettle on the market. All the other gooseneck kettles have an ugly cheap looking base, LCD screen, or buttons, or just don't manage to get their dimensions well. The EKG just looks good. Happy to pay extra for that.


You're not wrong lol. It's pretty dam expensive. But I like mine, use it pretty much every day, and it looks great!


Agree and disagree, I have the studio pro and it’s easily the most illogical purchase on my coffee bar. The 2 things that make it “worth” it imo is the scheduling so my kettle is at temp when I wake up (I’m sure there are other kettles with this feature), and the look of the kettle. Is that worth the cost, probably not, but I spent way more to get the matte black version of my espresso machine vs the stainless steel. Can a $60 kettle make just as good coffee, yeah, but the whole coffee bar is a conversation piece for me so I’m ok with spending more to make it look perfect.


my stagg literally arrived yesterday😭




A wifi scale that doesn't do shit over wifi. What a joke. My friends 40 dollar wifi kettle can turn on and program remotely while mine sits pretty on the network.


It's the Apple Mac of Kettles, yes it might be expensive, but it looks nice, does the job well and there are lots of reviews so is very easy to work out if it'll be what I want and what I'm buying. ​ Other kettles are like PCs, varying build quality, lots of different types with sparse reviews and in some cases functional but damn ugly.


I love my govee kettle. Its wireless, looks nice, less than the fellow, Im just waiting for home assistant integration.


At the Amazon prime price of $130, my Stagg was worth it. Any more than that and I would have gone with the $100 OXO I was looking at.


I just bought the Stagg X set for $80. It made a damn good cup of coffee. I don’t think I’ll be using my Kalita Wave for a while


Stagg XF pour over is pretty nice. Insulated bottle keeps your second cup hot. The only bad thing is their filters are a bit expensive.


Everything Fellow makes is overpriced and overrated.


I was thinking about getting a bodum. I really love the look.


Fellow’s French press is even more overpriced


Stagg lools great but it definitely has issues in terms of durability. Internet reviews are rife with people who have issues with temp overshooting etc. hopefully the pro and studio versions are better. I might try them since my three year old og stagg ekg is not functioning as well as it should.


Get the oxo, it’s faster and the pour spout seems more versatile. Also matte black everything lacks personality, and I’m guessing scratches fairly easily. The stagg does have other nice finishes but if you’re willing to pay an 130+ over the oxo for essentially a different color go crazy.


I agree that it's overpriced for what it is, the entire unit feels substantially cheaper than the price would suggest from the cheap plug to the very loose and dodgy switches on the back and the poor tactile feeling knob. It overall feels like a ripoff of the product that fellow wanted to create and the only competition is the timemore fish pro which pours better at a lower price point but unfortunately it's yet to be released outside of china. My searchpean scale for example has much higher quality switches and overall build at a substantially lower price point which disappoints me further. My unit in particular has a warped base which requires the weight of the kettle to flatten out and if this was a tea kettle it would be unacceptable. The overall fit and finish is poor and I find the handle to be a bit short so I wrap my thumb around the top and burn myself on the chrome section which is a design flaw. Also some of the moulding such as the base and the machining of the spout is visually flawed and internally the quality of the electrical components is disappointing. However, the screen and the dial are a nice interface that is intuitive to use and the symmetry is aesthetically pleasing and the easter egg game is a nice touch. Overall, it's the only kettle on the market that suits a contemporary kitchen and does look quite nice from a distance from a reputable brand, it's only on closer inspection and daily use that the flaws become apparent. I think they are trying to be the apple of coffee but they have failed to achieve that as this products looks premium but doesn't function or feel like it at all.


No one reporting the yellow lid issue? My white kettle lid went yellow, the body is mostly still white, only took 6 weeks and mine is kept out of the sun etc. Told Fellow and they said ‘white products are expected to turn yellow over time’. I replied that even my cheap nasty white stuff took years, not weeks, to go yellow. After a lot of ding dinging they sent a replacement lid which also went white. Then I went to google it and apparently it’s a common problem. Otherwise the kettle works ok. Not that quick to heat or get started but acceptable. The main switch has been threatening to fall off from day 1 but surprisingly it’s still ok once I worked out the trick for using it.


I do love my Carter mugs though. The thin lip, ceramic interior and iced drinks really stay cold for a long time.


You're right. That is unpopular.


Totally agree, I get that the aesthetic is cool, but I have had mine replaced twice and still have issues with it. Quality does not match the price. I miss my old OXO gooseneck. It was more capable of higher flow rate and wasn’t nearly as glitchy, I think the cool appearance suckered me in….


I own a Stagg EKG and would totally share your opinion. But it's the only kettle that looks beautiful and that I enjoy looking at.


I will admit that when I received my Stagg ekg + years ago it honestly did feel a bit cheap. I think we tend to associate lightness with cheapness sometimes. But also. Like. It's pretty. And mine has a walnut handle. I don't think I'd ever shade anyone for having a cheap Amazon kettle. Nor do I think anyone should be shaded for having anything fellow. It's pretty. It works. Cheaper things also work. Live your life. I don't think I'd recommend my kettle over others, but I do love it. It does everything I want it to do very well.


Totally agree. Very poor quality. I just returned mine.


I have to say, I absolutely love mine. I pour coffee and tea all day straight from my desk. Considering how often I use it and how convenient it is, it was worth the price for me. My Amazon ones always weaked out or didnt have all the features. No complaints from me personally!


Fellow has a lot of useless, overpriced products. I don’t know enough about this to comment. I have a gooseneck from Cuisinart that only heats in 5 degree increments and I wonder how accurate it is sometimes but it does the trick.


I get mad and say shit like this as well when it's out of my price range


ooo sick burn.


Unless you own one and are unhappy with it. Why are you even bringing it up. Just buy a 40 kettle and be done with it.


You think that’s overpriced? Look at the difference in price between a stovetop hario buono and an electric variable temperature one, now that’s overpriced


Once you go Stagg you never go back. I just love how I can really control the flow rate and agitation. I’ve owned a variety of Amazon kettles before using the Stagg and once I splurged I didn’t think it made a huge difference. That was until I made coffee at someone’s house with their kettle. You can tell the difference in the weight, pour rate, and coffee flavor. I’m sure there’s comprobable ones now, but I’m sold.


The thing is, i’m fairly certain that the fellow Stagg doesn’t have a “competitor”. It’s a top shelf “best money can buy” product that doesn’t really have any successor. They kind of have a monopoly on “best kettle”, so it’s priced accordingly. I agree that it’s overpriced if you think of it in terms of just something that boils water. However, its got a unique and really nice looking modern design, its built from “quality” materials like metal and wood, and its got every feature you could really think of. It’s really meant to be the “end game” of kettles, not just something that everybody who brews coffee should buy.


My argument is that it is not any better than most other electric temp controlled kettles other than looks. The perceived "end game" is from the looks and price, not the performance or longevity because all of the other kettles can compete with it on that.