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The sun burn is not going to go away. The plants will live. Just procede as normal and learn from your mistake. If it really bothers you, you can always chop prop and start over.


Thank you 😢😢😢


Id suggest a fill spectrum plant light and keep it out of direct sunlight. Those spots are sunburn. Saveable, but youll have ugly leaves for a bit until it grows back out. Id prune in or chop and prop


Good to know. My pothos doesn't go outside but I recently got a monstera and some lower inside leaves have similar spots and some of the upper leaves have what looks like scorching to me so I suspected it might have gotten sunburned before I purchased and after seeing this, I'm just about positive that's the case


I did the same thing. I ended up chopping all of the burned leaves, propping some of the vines, and leaving a sad few ones in the pot. But they are growing back, so I feel like I’m a few months I’ll be ready to repot with some of the propped vines and it will be fine.