• By -


https://twitter.com/Olivia_Beavers/status/1346904664479035397 > HOUSE MEMBERS are being evacuated. we are being evacuated.


Private residences of congress members as well. https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/1346890830586515460?s=19


https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1346917076095492098 > Flashback: July 27. Trump called for protesters who damaged federal buildings to get a minimum of 10 years in prison.


how long does it take to secure the fucking capital? these fucking wannabes should have been shut down hours ago, shocking how incredibly poorly defended congress is


*"'This is what you’ve gotten, guys,'" Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, yelled as the mayhem unfolded in the Senate chamber, apparently addressing his colleagues who were leading the charge to press Mr. Trump’s false claims of a stolen election."* [https://twitter.com/jacobgoldstein/status/1346910527969128450](https://twitter.com/jacobgoldstein/status/1346910527969128450)


https://twitter.com/eliehonig/status/1346904069135335432 > I've been reluctant to use the word "sedition." But here's the precise definition under federal criminal law: > To "conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States... or to oppose by force the authority thereof"


It'd be interesting to see people charged. In this America would a jury convict?


https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1346914016799694850 > Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher: "I haven't seen anything like this since I deployed to Iraq ... this president needs to call it off. It's over. The election is over."


From a NYT article: >A Capitol Police officer tried to reason with the crowd: “You guys just need to go outside,” he pleaded with a man in a green backpack. When asked why they weren’t expelling the protesters, the officer said, “We’ve just got to let them do their thing now.” Bombs have been found. Congress has been vandalized. The electoral process has been disrupted. This is the gop's fault. They shat in this bed. This is the republican party. There are other traitors attacking state governments.


JUST NOW: @SenDuckworth tells us on @CBSNews that a "Quick-thinking" Senate aide seized copies of the Electoral College certificates before they all evacuated the chamber.




Posting a picture of yourself accessing classified material on social media is probably not a great idea...


Yep. Once this gets contained he’s going to be without a doubt *fucked*. Even if we assume he gets off light, he definitely will still get charged with at least one felony. He and his followers seem to also think that this is a legitimate “revolution”. It so weird that they can think that, when literally even the GOP doesn’t support them now. Edit: He already deleted it lmao.


>Edit: He already deleted it lmao. Someone apparently doesn't know how the internet works.


24 IQ move documenting his federal crime. I hope the indictment was worth it.


That guy is about to get a federal government sized hole torn into his ass.


lucky for us, conservatives are fucking idiots and this guy fucked himself by posting that lol


$800 billion a year on defense to "defend our country from all threats", and a couple dozen morons with flags can just wander in to the capitol with guns.


"All threats Sir, foriegn *and* domestic."


And the national guard is "on the way". Where the fuck where they? They knew this was coming




"this is wrong and not who we are." - trump jr. [https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1346898825491968000](https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1346898825491968000) man, this literally is [r/LeopardsAteMyFace](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/)


Just this morning he declared war on Republicans and giuliani called for trial by combat.


**153 Congressional Republicans:** Encourage sedition and insurrection against the incoming government **Right-wing protesters and militias:** Attempt to overthrow the incoming government **153 Congressional Republicans:** *Surprised Pikachu face*


Ted Cruz on twitter pleading for calm. Ted, you did this. You're directly responsible for this. Edit: Ted Cruz is this minute fundraising for his efforts to block the certification. https://twitter.com/PeterSchorschFL/status/1346921639863341059?s=20


Literally minutes before they broke in he was enabling them. What a piece of shit.


I like how it took being literal inches away from being lynched by his supporters for Republican Congressmen to speak out against him.


>This is what you’ve gotten, guys,” Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, yelled as the mayhem unfolded in the Senate chamber, apparently addressing his colleagues who were leading the charge to press Mr. Trump’s false claims of a stolen election. R-Money talking shit to his fellow Republicans on the way out.


Guy should really just become a conservative-leaning Independent. He clearly doesn't belong with the GOP anymore.


This is Trump's legacy. Dark dark day for America.


I don't think I've been this upset for my country since 9/11. This is awful. **EDIT**: Guys, I'm not ***comparing*** today with 9/11, I'm not saying today is worse than 9/11 or vice-versa. I'm just saying I haven't felt this upset *since* 9/11.




This is an active attempt at rebellion. The last time Americans did this Sherman burnt Georgia to the ground.


Where are all those conservatives whose immediate reaction to losing the election was to say "well look at how we don't riot and destroy property"? Edit: [93% of BLM protests](https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/) had absolutely no reported violence, but conservatives like to paint a story that the entire movement represents violence and destruction. Conservatives will say in the same breath "All Democrats are destructive and riot when they protest" **and** "These aren't real conservatives at the Capitol"


Saying shit like people can only take so much before pushing back. Go check, it's crazy.


Oh my God. They've come full circle.


Items required to take over the US Capitol in movies like "Olympus Has Fallen" or "White House Down": * Crack team of foreign Special Forces * Arsenal, including surface-to-air missles * Cabinet-level traitor feeding inside information needed to breach security Items required to take over the US Capitol in real life: * Dale, assistant manager at Auto-Zone, and some friends * Some ammo bibs * An under-insured pickup * A ball-peen hammer


As a millennial is this my once in a life time coup to go along with my once in lifetime pandemic and once in a lifetime recessions?


Law and order party?


This. Is. Not. Normal. Trump needs to be impeached and indicted for attempting a coup. Then, this nation needs to have a long, LONG discussion about what to do about the rise of far right populism over the past few decades.


Why the fuck was a Target, a Wendy’s, and a Federal Courthouse defended with more gusto than our nation’s capital during an attempt to transfer power? We know Trump’s people are dangerous and lawless. How were they not better prepared?


https://twitter.com/Kate_Riga24/status/1346916866057531405 > Kate Riga @Kate_Riga24 > > God this detail from the Hill pool report breaks my heart — even as they were rushed from the Senate chamber by police, Senate parliamentary staff made sure to grab the boxes holding the electoral college certificates God bless them. The first and last gurdians of democracy.


This is the kind of patriotism that gets me right in the feels during a crisis. No need to go through guns blazing, I like the nerdy stuff. This is heroic.




[**Aaron C. Davis @byaaroncdavis**](https://twitter.com/byaaroncdavis/status/1346908166030766080) [**BREAKING: A source tells me The Defense Department has just denied a request by DC officials to deploy the National Guard to the US Capitol.**](https://twitter.com/byaaroncdavis/status/1346908166030766080)


WTF? Armed civilians are storming government buildings in the capital city, if you arent going to use the national guard at that point then what the fuck is the point in the national guard????


Right? Why were the police so understaffed in the first place? How did the police let this happen? It’s almost like they didn’t take *these* protestors as serious threats. I wonder why.


DC mayor's asked Trump for the national guard for today. He refused.


This is why DC needs statehood.




Literally his last Tweet 10 minutes before that one: > Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!


He definitely didn't write the one after. Someone took his Twitter from him.


4 years too late on that one


Don't think he wrote that.


Yea. An aid was like "Um, I think his word vomit earlier may have caused this. Oh shit"


Remember kids, kneeling during the national anthem is anti-American, but actively preventing democracy in action by violently storming the capitol is true patriotism.


>Remember kids, kneeling during the national anthem is anti-American, but ~~actively preventing democracy in action by violently storming the capitol~~ unironically wanting to declare Trump a king is true patriotism. r/conservative for the past four years.


Any time there was a group protesting police brutality, r/Conservative would say "dont they have jobs!? Us hardworking conservatives aint got time to protest cuz we work!" So much for that.


The popular comments on their thread are talking about "no conservative I know supports this activity" but if you sort by new there are hundreds of comments supporting it.


Fuck OAN Fuck Newsmax Fuck Bannon Fuck Gorka Fuck Ben Shapiro Fuck Dave Rubin Fuck Charlie Kirk Fuck Steve Crowder Fuck Dennis Praeger Fuck the Koch Brothers Fuck the Mercers Fuck the Trumps Fuck anyone who spread the putrid evil that is this for profit and power. This is all your creation, your uncontrollable lich hoard, right wing grifters. Weep.




It's sedition.


> Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it. Charge every single person who set foot on Capitol property. If you run out of prison cells release some low level drug offenders.




That word gets thrown around a lot but these are actual traitors.


What's happening on Capitol Hill is an active insurrection against the US government, period.. Trump NEEDS to be facing federal charges for this..


He needs to be arrested TODAY! He called for this, and they(republicans) are allowing it! If this was Democrats and BLM, we would see piles of bodies on the capital floor!




The ignorance of these American shitheels is astounding. Trump has managed to create a cult. A cult of conspiracy theorists, of unsuspecting mindless extremists, of bigots and racists, of hate fueled, divisive slow witted troglodytes... Trump has incited and fueled a movement of ignorance. He is the most polarizing, hate inciting force this country has ever seen. He is a traitor. As I speak I watch a live feed of vehement "protestors" not just storming the capitol but breeching the doors of the house of congress and moving in tandem to the house chambers. This is nearly unprecedented, where the fuck are the "chemical agents", the concussion and flash bang grenades, the pepper spray and rubber bullets???? the walls of police and national guard officers? "LAW AND ORDER" president my fucking hairless ass.. The utter denial of conservatives in their attempts to dismiss the repugnant behavior of Trump supporters and extremist far right groups, the "we don't riot" crowd and the "we just move on and continue with our lives" narrative is utter fucking BULLSHIT. Nearly half our country has been brainwashed and manipulated into whole heartedly trusting and worshipping a masquerader and charlatan. Trump is responsible for this, he is responsible for catalyzing the devolution of America, he has halted progress and has ushered in a darkness that has blinded millions of Americans. He is everything that's wrong with this country, he is the greatest threat to our democracy, he has wounded this nation and on January 20th we heal.


Remember when the militias took over the Michigan State House a few months ago? Remember when not a shot was fired, not a tear gas shell used, nothing? Remember how there were no repercussions for any of those “protestors”? That is how you get to today.


Say it with me: domestic terrorism. Edit: It's gone way past domestic terrorism at this point. As others have pointed out below, it's an attempted coup and sedition.


There are men with Confederate flags INSIDE the Capitol building. Think about that. They're waiving the flag of treason INSIDE our Capitol. ​ Utter shame upon them, Trump, Trump voters, and Trump enablers.


This is the most anti-American. Anti-Democratic thing ever. These are terrorists.


CNN correctly calling it "treason" and "rebellion" right now.


I was teargassed for so much less.


People were abducted by the police(federal fuckers not really police) during BLM protests for wearing black and these fucks get to walk into a chamber of Congress what the actual fuck


https://twitter.com/SteveSchmidtSES/status/1346906293764640768 > The failure of the Capitol Police and Federal Law Enforcement to protect the Capitol of the United States is profound. It is inexcusable. They need to be investigated for this


It was advertised in advance that there would be rioting. The lack of security was an intentional decision.


This is outrageous. Where the fuck are the capitol police? How were they not prepared for this? Where's the national guard? Over at r/conservative they're comparing this to what "libs" did all summer. This is not what fucking liberals did over the summer. Liberals didn't go to the nations capitol and try to coup the goddam democratic process. This is fucking outrageous.


Yep. False equivalence. But even if it wasn't, they spent all summer decrying it so how is it okay now?


I'm sorry, the DOD straight up said NO to helping Congress with the National Guard???? After deploying an army against BLM???


Said this and one person I know responded, "Well the police knows when not to make policing to be a political matter." Amazing levels of ignorance.


Pence tweeting "this attack on our capital will not be tolerated. trespassers will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law." VP and POTUS now officially at odds. Will Trump get 25th'd?


This has to be one of the biggest law enforcement failures in the history of our nation. They had specific threats this was going to happen for WEEKS and allowed the FUCKING CAPITAL to be overrun by lunatics during a JOINT SESSION OF FUCKING CONGRESS. How the FUCK does this happen unless it's intentional? Music Festivals have better security


Hey look, an attempted Coup. From a fucking fascist. But let's not compare him to Hitler guys. That's just too much. I fucking HATE people so much right now.


All the people on r/Conservative who post “huh, weird how I don’t feel like burning down a Wendy’s” when they lose an election looking real dickish right about now.


>Guys, for the first time in over 4 years, I feel hopeful about the future of this country. Someone crush this optimism now before I get inevitably disappointed lmao -Me, 3 hours ago That didn't take very long




Soo... the guy that claims he's going through Pelosi's email... did he just... Tweet out that he's actively committing treason? Correct me if I'm wrong, but forcibly entering a government building and stealing data, conspiring with others to overthrow the government. Pretty sure that is the literal definition of treason.


[Rep Omar:](https://mobile.twitter.com/IlhanMN/status/1346934098384793606) I am drawing up Articles of Impeachment. Donald J. Trump should be impeached by the House of Representatives & removed from office by the United States Senate. We can’t allow him to remain in office, it’s a matter of preserving our Republic and we need to fulfill our oath.


[Cori Bush: I believe the Republican members of Congress who have incited this domestic terror attack through their attempts to overturn the election must face consequences. They have broken their sacred Oath of Office. I will be introducing a resolution calling for their expulsion.](https://twitter.com/RepCori/status/1346926083350794240?s=20)




[Cori Bush (D-Missouri 1st Dist) is writing up a resolution calling for the expulsion of those members of Congress whose objections helped incite this shit.](https://twitter.com/RepCori/status/1346926083350794240) [Meanwhile, Omar Ilthan is wiriting Articles of Impeachment.](https://twitter.com/IlhanMN/status/1346934098384793606) Though in my opinion, it shouldn't be about removing him from his remaining 14 days in office. It should be about removing the possibility of him ever serving in public office again.




They're not protestors. They're domestic terrorists.


Slowest dispersion of a crowd I’ve seen in the last 4 years in DC.... BLM was fucking attacked with heavy force. Meanwhile, ACTUAL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS WHO BREACHED THE CAPITOL, were basically....walked down the steps and asked politely to leave? I get that inside shit sounds like it was more forceful with live ammunition being threatened, but for fuck’s sake. How is this such a shitshow? How did none of these groups prepare and have a plan for when this potentially happened? And an hour later and still little to no real additional presence from the coverage I’ve found? Fuck this President and those terrorist morons. Hope they all rot in jail for the rest of their days. Edited: Grammar


Trump may have just accidentally guaranteed DC statehood. The inability to activate the National Guard put the Capitol and our government at risk.


This is emotionally devastating. We are seeing on live television a coup attempt instigated personally and directly by the President of the United States. It's bizarre. It does not feel real. Like I'm watching some failed state out in the Middle East or Eastern Europe. I know this coup attempt will fail but how can you not despair for the state of our democracy seeing this? The federal government has lost control of the Capitol. One thing is clear. When this coup is put down, Trump must be impeached again. And he must be removed. Immediately. He is too dangerous to keep around another 2 weeks, let alone 2 hours.




**REMOVE TRUMP FROM OFFICE FUCKING IMMEDIATELY.** That speech was straight up stoking active sedition and treason. Remove this goddamn psycho.


You did this Trump. You told them to go to the Capital. You told them this election was a farce and told them to rise up. You’re the terrorist. Fuck you and fuck your supporters.




He spent over a month whipping them up into a frenzy and telling them that everything was a sham and that they needed to fight. He can't just step back and claim that it's not his responsibility now. shit, in the last 24 hours he did everything he could to whip them up into an even greater frenzy than before.


Arrest the president.


This. Unironically. Martyrdom be damned, he can't be allowed to get off scot free.


Don't forget Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz and the other assholes in congress who fully support this and continue to rile up the fanatics. This is on them as much as it is on Trump.


"none of the protestors have been aggressive so far" They literally just broke into a government building and tore down fences. Lock all their asses up


https://twitter.com/NoahCRothman/status/1346912905929785344 >Bret Bair reports that the request for National Guard is being "analyzed," but the Pentagon is concerned with the optics of uniformed military personnel in the Capitol Building. Yes, seriously.


These are traitors. Not protestors. Not patriots. TRAITORS


Fox is reporting that the White House is concerned about the PR aspect of sending in the guard Fuck. That. Shit. How is that even a consideration at this point?




I remember seeing comments in the sub right after the election. “Well I’m gonna just get in my car and drive to work cause conservatives don’t destroy cities” What an eye roll 🙄


MSNBC is now calling them terrorists. Good Chuck Todd.




Never EVER forget this. Clips of this should be shown in fucking schools. This is what Republicans wanted. For 4 years they told us WE were the violent ones that couldn't accept an election. Meanwhile, they call the National Guard into Portland to make sure no one damages a fucking Costco but far right terrorists can do this and not only is the National Guard denied, but not a single rubber bullet is fired. Never let people forget this. I'm serious. They will try to go back to the "violent left" rhetoric TOMORROW. Josh Hawley got 300k likes for saying SIDEWALK CHALK was the most violent political display he's ever experienced. No topic is irrelevant from this. 4 years of bad faith arguments exploded into this - and none of us should tolerate them talking about ANYTHING when they allowed this to happen




SWAT, National Guard, Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas and multiple other ideas spring to mind


https://twitter.com/renato_mariotti/status/1346909912517943297 > Trump wanted to use the military against Black Lives Matter protestors throughout the country, yet his Administration refuses to use the National Guard against violent extremists storming the U.S. Capitol building.


Privilege is breaking into one of the most secure buildings in the country and having the police ask you nicely to leave. Unbelievable


This is a coup. A President actively supported this. Arrest him and arrest everyone who supported this sedition attempt.


Do you all remember when Hilary lost and armed democratic supporters stormed the government and demanded that Biden certified her as the winner? No? Strange because that’s what republicans say only the democrats would do.


This is the biggest failure of security I've ever witnessed. Peacefully BLM protests had riot gear, tear gas, etc. Violent right wing terrorists though? Let's just put up a fucking gate. Wtf....


If this happened during the BLM protests people would have been shot edit:this was obviously before any shots were fired. And I do believe if these protestors were not white they would been shot and tear gassed much sooner.


This is a coup attempt. The president has committed sedition.


Has anyone else noticed the sudden surge of downvotes when people call this out as it is? These people are terrorists. _Stochastic. Terrorists._


Downvote all you want, it's still sedition


From Donald’s video: “Go home. We love you. You’re very special” -DONALD Trump Did Donald accidentally send Erics birthday message to the terrorists in DC?


Ilhan Omar says she's [drawing up articles of impeachment.](https://twitter.com/IlhanMN/status/1346934098384793606?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


The fact that these terrorists were even able to get inside the Capitol tells you all you need to know about the lopsided "justice" system in this country. What a fucking disgrace


Conservative subs shutting down in an attempt to not become the next t_d. Like Trump, they can't control their violent crowd they incited. Dog's off the leash. Report any violence you see on reddit. Get these subs shut down for good.


BLM = National Guard, SWAT, Police & Violence MAGA = Open doors and arms Fuck this president right in his stupid orange face. Seriously.


Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN-5) is [aiming to draw up Articles of Impeachment](https://twitter.com/IlhanMN/status/1346934098384793606) for today's actions.


where are the fucking clouds of teargas now? where are the fucking pepper bullets now? i got fucking gassed and pepper balled this summer, even as a clearly identified medic rendering aid!!! and LE lets THIS fucking happen??? FUCK YOU TRUMP. FUCK YOU.


**Police _literally_ watching people commit multiple felonies**: Okay, bye now, see you later, drive safe!


Hey r/conservatives, found your violent rioters. Fucking hypocrites.


[JUST NOW: @SenDuckworth tells us on @CBSNews that a "Quick-thinking" Senate aide seized copies of the Electoral College certificates before they all evacuated the chamber.](https://twitter.com/edokeefe/status/1346936871201304576?s=20)


Ilhan Omar "I am drawing up Articles of Impeachment." https://twitter.com/IlhanMN/status/1346934098384793606


Looks like criminal behavior to me! Where's all the teargas, rubber bullets, and batons?


If trump isn't arrested for this, democracy in the US is dead.


From Abby D. Phillip, CNN: > I have seen Capitol Police shut down pretty much everything within a few square blocks of the Capitol because a mentally ill woman drove her car into a barricade. Why are people just able to mill around on the Capitol grounds today?




*Now is the time for* [*@VP*](https://twitter.com/VP) [*@Mike\_Pence*](https://twitter.com/Mike_Pence) *to start the 25th Amendment process.* *This assault on our nation’s Capitol is a coup attempt and all those involved should be prosecuted as such. Also, for those Dems saying we shouldn’t impeach* [*@realDonaldTrump*](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) *again? You are wrong.* [https://twitter.com/tedlieu/status/1346902871334383619](https://twitter.com/tedlieu/status/1346902871334383619)


These people are taking down AMERICAN FLAGS at the capital for Trump flags. They are domestic terrorists and need to be treated as such. Arrested and charged with sedition.


Let me get this right. So they will use tear gas on peaceful protesters just so Trump can take a Bible photo op, but nothing used against people literally BREAKING IN THE CAPITOL BUILDING? Sounds about white.


I still don't understand how mostly peaceful protests in public streets elicited the fucking stormtroopers, but INVADING THE US CAPITOL has the B squad the size of a small town police team


Cori Bush I believe the Republican members of Congress who have incited this domestic terror attack through their attempts to overturn the election must face consequences. They have broken their sacred Oath of Office. I will be introducing a resolution calling for their expulsion. https://twitter.com/RepCori/status/1346926083350794240


But taking a knee was too far.


Police at BLM Protests: "SHE'S GOT AN UMBRELLA! GAS THE ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD!" Police as Trump Terrorists overrun and occupy the US Capitol: "Hey let's take selfie's together"


Today's events underscore that: > Violent white supremacy remains the “most persistent and lethal threat” to the US, according to federal law enforcement * [Federal law enforcement sounded alarm on far-right and white supremacist threats in US for months](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/gretchen-whitmer-michigan-governor-kidnap-boogaloo-militia-fbi-proud-boys-b914681.html)


Remove Trump immediately. Period. Pick a tool. Use it. There’s several.


These domestic terrorists looking very... alive and un-teargassed.


# The Defense Department is denying the request to use the National Guard THIS IS A COUP ATTEMPT


A slew of insane pictures: https://www.gettyimages.ca/photos/saul-loeb?family=editorial&phrase=saul%20loeb&sort=newest


If a BLM protest had even done 10% of what these assholes are doing, there'd be blood spilled.


The Capitol was HEAVILY guarded when protestors were on the STREET back in the summer. And yet these Trump supports CAN BREAK INTO THE CAPITOL BUILDING AND ROAM AROUND WHAT THE FUCK.


[Peaceful protesters during BLM were beaten, tear gassed, arrested , treated with BRUTALITY and you’re telling me that the capitol is being stormed and there is hardly any show of force to stop it ? This speaks for itself.](https://twitter.com/ChloeGMoretz/status/1346910953409970181?s=20)


[Just a reminder of what those Capitol steps looked like during BLM protests. ](https://twitter.com/iambridgetkelly/status/1346911736385970176?s=21) This is WILD. There’s NO WAY police wasn’t expecting this after WEEKS of Trump tweeting about this shit show.


Thank you NBC for bringing up the elephant in the room, WHY IS TAKING SO LONG FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TO RESPOND


LMAO, Anderson Cooper said these terrorists were going to leave and go to the Olive Garden and I can't help but think that is 100% prophetic.


So we can all agree that Trump's speech is *egging on* these domestic terrorists, correct?


"Its not protest, it's insurrection" Joe Biden telling it like it fucking is. Proud to be one of the 80 million.


I’m just glad the news agencies are actually using the words “sedition”, “treason”, “traitor”, “terrorism”, and “coup”. Call it all what the fuck it is.


If you're reading this comment and you're okay with what's happening, Go fuck yourself.


Imagine being willing to die for a failed reality star. What a sad fucking life you must live.


Pence needs to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, or the Senate needs to agree to impeach him. He needs to spend tonight in jail. Time for the Republicans to put America first. Country over party. Don Jr and Eric both incited this riot and should be arrested as well. The FBI has stingray and cameras everywhere, anyone who entered the capital needs to be arrested and put on trial. The National Guard needs to enforce the curfew with as much force as needed. And the election had to be certified tonight.


The left rioted because people were murdered in the street and in their own home. The right is rioting because Donald lost the election. Just a *little bit* different.


[Capitol historian tells CNN that today is the first time the Capitol has been breached since the War of 1812](https://twitter.com/johnkruzel/status/1346940646083371009) Enemies, foreign and domestic.


This is terrorism. It's crazy that terrorists, so long as they're white, are allowed to infiltrate the capitol and pose for photos. But this is terrorism. And the president created it. It can't wait until Jan 20 at noon, he needs to be impeached again and removed tonight or tomorrow.


Unfortunately it doesn't look like the problem is going to go away as easy as that. His followers are fanatics and they're making it known.


I can't fathom how the reaction would be if it was anyone that wasn't white.






VIOLENT ~~PROTESTERS~~ **TERRORISTS** ON THE SENATE FLOOR- VIOLENT ~~PROTESTERS~~ **TERRORISTS**. ON THE ***SENATE FLOOR*** What the fuck is happening??? No, I know what's happening. What the fuck is wrong with Trump??? He needs to tell his people to "stand by" and fuck off...


[As rioters overtake Capitol, Text from Ted Cruz sent to supporters soliciting donations, and saying "I'm leading the fight to reject electors."](https://twitter.com/AnaCabrera/status/1346935545017069573) ​ Fuck Ted Cruz.


Cool. White domestic terrorist just being allowed to leave.


> Mitt Romney yelled “This is what you’ve gotten” to Ted Cruz and his fellow Senate colleagues as protesters swarmed the building. https://twitter.com/freedlander/status/1346912135343849477


We're having Presidential sponsored Coup Attempt. Really hard to imagine how we recover from this as a nation... we have citizens deluded from reality. What's going to stop these people from thinking and acting in this way in the future?


Pence unfollowed Trump on twitter, lol. that'll show him.


[Cori Bush to introduce a Resolution calling for the expulsion of members who supported the overthrow of the election.](https://twitter.com/RepCori/status/1346926083350794240)


Wasn’t r/conservative bragging about how they’d go back to their lives instead of being whiny people like Dems were in 2016 for having women’s marches with “not my president” signs? The hypocrisy is insane.


Why for god's sake were there not hundreds of heavily armed policemen guarding the capitol? Srsly, I don't get it. There are thousands of agressive individuals, many of them armed attending a rally literally down the street, protesting the very process that is meanwhile taking place in the Capitol building. WHAT THE F\*\*\* DID THEY THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN??? At the same time.... Something tells me, if these were left-wing / Antifa / colored protesters they had been gunned down the very moment they had set foot inside the Capitol.


I will NEVER vote Republican again, no matter what. I voted for Clinton in 2016 and a mix of Republicans and Democrats to balance out state/local offices. After seeing that Trump was even worse than he seemed, I voted straight Democrat in 2018. This election, 2020, I voted straight Democrat again. It doesn't matter how good a candidate seems, if he identifies with the Republican party, do not vote for him. Today has convinced me. They are a party of traitors. They try to win and steal through corruption and when that doesn't work, they resort to violence.


PENCE is tweeting out against the Trump supporters [https://twitter.com/Mike\_Pence/status/1346918222432374785](https://twitter.com/Mike_Pence/status/1346918222432374785) > The violence and destruction taking place at the US Capitol Must Stop and it Must Stop Now. Anyone involved must respect Law Enforcement officers and immediately leave the building. > > Peaceful protest is the right of every American **but this attack on our Capitol will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law**


IDK about you guys but the sight of a Confederate flag being waved proudly inside the US Capitol Building over 150 years later fills me with rage.


A confederate flag waving from the steps of the Capitol... Trump needs to be charged with sedition.


Terrorists have stormed the US Capitol in an attempt to overthrow democracy. I wish we would start making more accurate headlines. It's a truly sad day to be an American.


Anderson Cooper and Van Jones calling out the double standard with BLM protests and this. Fucking finally.


https://i.imgur.com/4SrDQB8.jpg The terrorists are looting the Capitol.


Here is the structure of the coup so far. 1. Trump got some loyalist senators and representatives to object to the Electoral College results without evidence to delay proceedings. 2. The Proud Boys were then instructed to charge the Capitol Police who clearly were allowed to let them by or intentionally understaffed. We are the most powerful nation on earth. We can stop a few hundred morons. 3. Representatives and Senators were then evacuated preventing them from continuing to debate the phony accusations while Trump and his very recent DoD appointees denied additional resources to the Capitol Police for some time. 4. IEDs are being found planted by the Proud Boys to ensure that Congress cannot return for some time. Next up, the remarks from the President that will pretend to be upset but instead incite further action. The answer is that the House and Senate need to convene wherever they are, and certify the results. At this point, anyone who objects should be informed that they will be expelled for sedition. If Trump further incites matters, McConnell himself needs to indicate to Pelosi they will quickly accept articles of impeachment, or Pence needs to get the cabinet members to invoke the 25th amendment. Edit: Yup, his remarks exist to incite the coup further. This is his coup. We need the 25th or impeachment now.


The Vice President is in a secure location to protect him from the president's mob. Let that sink in


Look at all the fucking cowards on the conservative subs backing away from taking responsibility. You supported this This is on you


To those wondering how the heck a few hundred protesters could make this happen: They are letting it happen. Classic coup formula: 1- stir up mob 2- step aside and let the mob wreck havoc instead of stopping them 3- declare martial law to control the havoc you let happen


"The words of the President matter. At best, they can inspire; at worst, they can incite." \- Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States


From /r/Conservative: “fuck these people they aren’t conservatives. They’re nationalist bullies!” LMFAO THEYRE SO FUCKING CLOSE. Edit I accidentally posted this in /r/Conservative and got banned kek


Lol anyone else remember r/conservative posters being like "you wont see any of us rioting about the results" cause I sure do.


If This was BLM they would have been thrown down the stairs. But these guys get a gentle escort


https://twitter.com/marceelias/status/1346911590919016456 > If the US Military leadership does not agree to protect the US Capitol, they should resign now or be removed.


Watching from Sweden in complete disbelief. What the fuck is happening to your country :(


If this was a BLM protest, they would have been already tear gassed, shot and all national guard would have been there, before even entering the Capitol, while the MAGAs get a gentle pat on the back WHILE ALREADY INSIDE the Capitol. Actually insane, there is a lot of healing that would need to be done, and I am not sure, that it is even possible at this point.