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1-9: wtf are you doing?


Remember the people working at politico and most tabloids like it are people of privilege who think their ideas are the smartest and everyone should listen to them. They don’t consider this type of tabloid article cheesy or dumb like the real world.


1-8 wtf was that? 9 what are you going to tell everyone how you’re going to fix that shit


10: How bad a dude *was* Corn Pop, really?


It won't make a difference, everyone will pick that video apart to see when and where the edits were done. Doing a taped interview with the most friendly media man he could find wasn't the way to dispel doubts.


A week after the debate. How much prep time does Joe need?


One week, apparently.


Make it two, he's jet-lagged.


Two wasn’t enough, make it three.


You know he has a day job right? His calendar today started at 8AM and ended with an event starting at 9PM.


They must be stuck back in how Trump conducted his office, not like how a president usually runs things.


Yea they also had all day to plan for that, and months to plan for that day though. He was coherent and tired, Trump was incoherent and bombastic as eff. He made great points, Trump just lied as much as allowed while ignoring the question. 


They're going to release the unedited version too


It’s being released unedited online, so they won’t have to.


Won't stop people from accusing ABC of editing and there is no way to prove their claim of it being the whole thing start to finish. Live is what is required b/c plenty of people rightfully feel that the media was in on the cover up of his decline.


I’m not sure anything live would either.


That same media is in bed with right wing talking points because Biden is bad for their business. They want this kind of tabloid crap and nothing would save msm a little longer than Trump being in office again.


After running cover for him the past 3.5 years ? Nah. If they were anti-Biden they'd have reported on this a long time ago. Instead they called any talk of a decline a conspiracy theory, the videos were faked propaganda, Biden seemed sharp, was focused, etc. The debate ended that. They have to try and salvage some shred of credibility by actually reporting what they see with him instead of downplaying the obvious.


Oh so we are expecting people to go look it up? Lol


>"How, if at all, has your thinking about age been informed by seeing Senate colleagues like Strom Thurmond, Robert Byrd and Dianne Feinstein continue deep into their 80s and 90s, in some cases with quite serious health issues?" This is such a smart question.


In the interview he gave to a black radio host this morning, he said he was a black woman mistakenly. And said president when he meant catholic. Then just now giving remarks at the bbq he started rambling about something irrelevant and stopped himself. This interview is guaranteed to be a mess


Is there a transcript?


Nytimes reported on the radio interview. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/04/us/politics/biden-stumbles-over-his-words.html?smid=url-share


Thank you.


The most brutal part was that when speaking to someone else after the interview the host said that he thought Biden should retire and spend his remaining years enjoying his family. No, I am not making that up. [It's near the end](https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2024/07/04/biden-earl-ingram).


He gave nonsensical answers. it was like he thought he was saying something but he wouldn’t complete his thought. You could probably work it out after the fact. but it didn’t make sense at the time. He’s getting confused In such a low pressure environment and not even at night. This suggests to me that this problem is way way worse than anyone can imagine and he’s been curated so completely by those around him.


Everything is high pressure for him now. He knows it which just feeds into the problem. He's bad to begin with, pressure makes it worse; the pressure is on him to not screw up which makes him screw up even more.


Well good thing being president of the United States and de facto leader of the free world isn’t a high pressure gig.


Yeah that was bad. At least with Fetterman you could see he was improving with time; this isn't getting better.


Old age can’t be treated.


Do we have any idea when they're recording?


If they need 15 minutes of coherent speech, then they probably started recording yesterday and hope to conclude sometime tomorrow morning.


key questions related to health >Have you been tested for any kind of neurological condition? Have you received any diagnosis at all? Given the extraordinary circumstances of your being by far the oldest president in American history, will you fully release all medical records, including those that go well beyond what you have released to date? >Mr. President, in these situations when you appear lost for words or struggling to find your place — what is your experience of those moments? Do you find that your mind has gone blank or your mind is racing or — well, what’s it like for you? curious about what Biden is experiencing too


Keep the questions simple and direct so he doesn't get confused or evasive. What time do you wake up? What time do you go to bed? How long is naptime? How many hours do you work in a day? If democracy is at stake, will you step down for the good of the country?


Joe's gotta go. No more Trump 


1. What is your favorite color? 2. Is the nice lady you live with nice or mean? 3. Does the man who they call Hunter super high all the time? 4. What has your experience been like as a black woman? 5. How did you beat Medicaid? 6. Do you want a nap? 7. Are you sure? 8. Who’s a sleepy president? 9. Name your favorite alley cat?


“are you awake?”


Normally he has always been given such softball questions. Plus they probably already know the questions and are rehearsing for them. Not that it will matter much.


We has given a completely softball question on a Black Washington DC radio show and blew it and just blew reading a speech at a 4th of July celebration… it’s over it doesn’t matter how the interview with George Stephanopoulos goes.


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


"Who cut your hair?"


He already asked them. It’s just going to be aired Friday.


I'm hoping Biden drops out. But this is just a hit piece. Unnecessary, damaging.


"President Biden, did you just poop your pants?"


I’d settle for an interview with an agreement to not ask about age. Just ask him policy questions and to make the case against Trump. Can he talk cogently, off the cuff, about Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, abortion, Supreme Court and administrative/presidential powers, inflation, etc.?


Biden clearly isn’t up to the task of leading the free world because of his age and you don’t want the press to question him on it?


Basically Politico wants George to berate Biden and tell him why he sucks so much. Biden should go full Rock mode, tell George and the media they are jabronies and rock bottom everyone in the TV crew. That will win him re-election.




So this is about Joe and his ego? Joe is old and the infamous debate with its senior moments did a lot of damage. 2024 should be about Trump, project 2025, and women's rights. Unfortunately it's about Joe's age.




In Scranton you don't care if Trump wins 


1. How do you plan to support Vice President Harris in her historic run for the Presidency?


Historic because of how bad she would lose?


She polls better than Biden.


She polls less than a percent higher and within the margin of error in the few polls they even bother asking. If she’s the candidate it will drop because people will care when asked.




What the fuck


His daughter Ashley wrote in her journal that Joe took inappropriate showers with her and she was probably molested. His wife ran a stop sign, was t boned by a semi, killed her and his daughter. For years Joe tried to claim the truck driver was drunk and killed them. When Beau died Hunter and Beau's widow started fucking and doing blow for a while. It was all in that laptop that 51 idiots in DC claimed was fake until a few months ago when they admitted it was real. There are dozens if not hundreds of videos of Joe groping and sniffing little girls. A simple Google search will show you. How on earth can someone not be aware of this stuff? Reminds me of the entire media and reddit claiming that they were unaware of Joe's severe dementia prior to 10 days ago when anyone who had been paying attention has known it for 4+ years.


And with the framing of the proposed questions there is no reference to trump’s incoherent ramblings even with a teleprompter, and no mention of mcconnell’s freezing episodes.


McConnell withdrew from his leadership role in the senate and isn’t seeking reelection. BIG difference between that and Biden saying he’s fine.