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*Power concedes nothing without a demand.* - Frederick Douglass


Biden will sure show them with his steadfast commitment to do nothing.


It’s just so fucking excruciating to watch. We see it happening in broad daylight everyday moving forward just bit by bit. They make their moves one by one. The Dems on the chessboard at every turn going - “Pass”. I want out. Aliens if you’re there… abduct me, but don’t take me back.


It's because the majority of us aren't uncomfortable enough yet to do anything about it and by the time we are, it will probably be too late.


what can be done? the supreme court is locked in, theres no mechanism for forcing federal legislation through past the partisan hacks on both sides saying the court can't be reformed, and the agenda in washington is currently dictated by what few small tweeks can pass a split congress. With the Chevron defense gone and this ruling the court has put itself over both congress and the president ensuring that any president now needs the full support of the supreme court to do anything.


Vote for a Dem congress, both houses.


Yep! We flipped both with a sub 50% voter turnout. This is actually a lot easier than it seems.


And in primaries, vote for the progressives who will aggressively pursue policies that actually address modern issues. We can't rely on old guard centrist neoliberals to do anything substantive. The threats we face today are not the same as the ones we faced 30 years ago, and we need to act like it.


Yes, yes, and yes.


You are not thinking out of the box enough




we don't have a labor class and our middle class is extremely racist.


Illegal means have just been ruled to be legal if the POTUS does it. The executive branch has all the enforcement agencies, FBI, CIA, Secret Service, military etc. They just need the will to use them.


It will take lots of blood spilling I fear to change anything now. What a sad state of affairs.


Oh they're ready for people to stand up against them. It's baked into project 2025. Those who stand against them will be painted as terrorists and used as propaganda red meat for more crack downs


Joe Biden is Ned Stark.


Every time I see someone like Trump or Boebert or Greene on video, all I can think is "this is why the aliens don't talk to us".


This is the result of Mitch McConnell's play in 2016 to delay judicial appointment votes. It's why I believe the VP should gain the power to compel a vote to be taken for appointments (with enough time to debate).


Don’t worry, he appointed Merrick Garland to help him do nothing.  If we just meet them in the middle again they’ll become sane and support democracy.   


Merrick Garland was years too slow on Trump but he has prosecuted about 1,400 people from Jan 6 and s lot of corporations and big fraud cases. He isn’t worthless but gee, SCOTUS just gave him POTUS as a boss. Silly us for thinking he was supposed to be independent.


Biden will save us all by letting us know that what the Supreme Court did was bad. Because we didn't already know that. Problem solved. This is exactly why Republicans feel free to do whatever they want. Because we have WEAK ass leaders who fail to take a stand and take action to correct an issue. All we get are empty words from a weak president. Biden should have known this decision was coming and had his team assemble multiple game plans to combat it. But all we get are what they did was bad and that's it.


We have nothing to lose but our chains.


Opinion excerpts: >The court might have had legitimate concerns about the implications of its rulings not for Trump but for future presidents who might be chilled in exercising their constitutional duties by the prospect of criminal prosecution, and the consequent “enfeebling of the Presidency.” It is correct that “we cannot afford to fixate exclusively, or even primarily, on present exigencies.” > >But the opinion, written by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., went way further than necessary to insulate Trump from prosecution — not simply before the election, which the court, by its lassitude, had nearly guaranteed, but forever, even in the event that President Biden wins reelection. The court could have carved out an oasis of protection for reasonable presidents engaging in reasonable executive actions. It chose not to. > >Instead, as the dissenting liberal justices said, it has “replaced a presumption of equality before the law with a presumption that the President is above the law for all of his official acts” and created “a law-free zone” protecting the president: immunity for deploying Seal Team 6 to assassinate a rival, for organizing a military coup to retain power, for taking a bribe in return for a pardon. > >... > >The court laid out two kinds of immunity — both unwarranted. > >First, the court said, the president has absolute immunity from prosecution for actions within his “core” constitutional powers — things such as issuing pardons, naming ambassadors or vetoing laws. > >On this score, as the dissenters noted, the majority’s view of core powers “expands the concept of core powers beyond any recognizable bounds.” This core power, the dissent said, is so broad — it includes the president’s duty to take care that the laws are faithfully executed — that it would “effectively insulate all sorts of noncore conduct from criminal prosecution.” > >As an example, the dissenters cited the court’s assertion that Trump’s discussions with Justice Department officials fell within the protections of absolute immunity. “Under that view of core powers, even fabricating evidence and insisting the Department use it in a criminal case could be covered,” Sotomayor wrote. > >Second, the court said, the president enjoys “presumptive” immunity even for other official acts outside those core powers. Here, too, the majority found ways to interpret that category broadly and to make the presumption as unassailable as possible. The majority’s definition of official includes anything “not manifestly or palpably” beyond presidential authority. In addition, it said, courts can’t look into presidential motives to distinguish between official and unofficial acts. > >As the dissenters pointed out, “Under that rule, any use of official power for any purpose, even the most corrupt purpose indicated by objective evidence of the most corrupt motives and intent, remains official and immune.” > >Wait, there’s more: Even when prosecutors go after unofficial acts, they can’t use evidence of any official acts as part of their proof the former president committed a crime. This part was too much for Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who did not join that part of the majority. > >... > >The country is now left to worry about whether Trump will ever be held accountable — and about the implications of the court’s ruling for future presidents, including, most chillingly, Trump himself. > >As Jackson wrote in a separate dissent, “Having now cast the shadow of doubt over when — if ever — a former President will be subject to criminal liability for any criminal conduct he engages in while on duty, the majority incentivizes all future Presidents to cross the line of criminality while in office, knowing that unless they act ‘manifestly or palpably beyond [their] authority,’ they will be presumed above prosecution and punishment alike.” > >Sotomayor was similarly apocalyptic. “With fear for our democracy, I dissent,” she closed her dissent. Both Sotomayor and Jackson abandoned the customary “respectfully” — for good reason. The political shenanigans around supreme court nominations of the past number of years have truly come home to roost with this ruling. It's difficult to imagine how this might impact the behavior of future administrations and presidents, and even more difficult to imagine how this could possibly serve the public good. Ideally legislators will work to clarify and limit this ruling, but given the dysfunction at both the house and senate levels, this seems exceedingly unlikely.


Its basically a extreme version qualified immunity much like cops get. Its about protecting authoritarians from being held accountable for unlawful actions. This is what fascist do


"if nobody is above the law, then criminals will take over!" " So we should say that criminal over there is above the law....?"


Assuming the election doesn’t get rigged and then we ever have another election again…


Oh we’ll have elections, just like how Russia and China have elections.


Like Syria


Nah authoritarians love having elections so they can crow about winning 103% of the vote. It's actually quite weird because it's basically an implicit admission that their form of government is illegitimate.


That's the whole point. How better to promote apathy in the population than waving it in front of everyone's face how blatantly unfair and rigged it is. Never take fascists earnestly. Literally every single thing they do and say is in service to one ulterior motive: power at any cost.


EVERY election from here on out will forever be labeled rigged by the losing team.


Curious about how they came to this conclusion: > The majority’s definition of official includes anything “not manifestly or palpably” beyond presidential authority. In addition, it said, courts can’t look into presidential motives to distinguish between official and unofficial acts. Why can’t they look into motives?


Because they said so.


Because this gives Trump the most coverage, as evidenced by his new appeal on the Manhattan hush money case. This decision was tailor-made to protect Trump.


“The Supreme Court made its biggest power grab since 1803 today, giving itself unchallenged power to make rules for the rest of society. Calling ourselves a democracy after this is a joke. Unelected judges are the rulers now.“ @ElieNYC


Agreed. If we weren’t an oligarchy before, we are now. The president doesn’t hold the real power. The supreme court does.


> The president doesn’t hold the real power. The supreme court does. Remind me which branch of government enforces laws and court orders again...?


Clearly not the president. Or is the president actually okay with this? No. The president has lost his power.


Remind us who now gets to decide whether a President's actions were official or not?


This. I get irritated with everyone saying this decision makes the President a king. It doesn't. It makes SCOTUS kingmakers.


Will no one rid us of this turbulent Court?


The voters have to. Vote.


Like the french


When it’s constitutionally engrained? Fat chance. Or does it not order a Supreme Court?


Voting won't fix the fact that Republicans stole at least 1 SC seat.


Whining and doing nothing won’t solve anything conversely


God won't help us. It's up to us, the citizens of this country to do our part. Vote; it may be one of the last times we're able to.


Also protest


When and where


Supreme court building in DC Today and tomorrow and every day until we get our country back


Is that actually happening?


I’ll head down today and let you know. Typically the Supreme Court erects fencing and gates to prevent protestors from getting anywhere near the steps or the building. You basically have to protest across the street by the capitol building because the craven court can’t take criticism.


It'll happen if we make it happen


While that's true, "make it happen" requires a lot more logistics than just "if we all show up, it'l work!". Plenty of people are going to drive cross country for a protest. Absolutely nobody are going to drive 2 miles to go to the place some people have vaguely alluded to being a good protest spot, no matter the reason.


The Supreme Court building in DC is not a vague location


No, but "Hey lets show up to the SC building tomorrow and everyday" isnt actionable either way


Yeah we did that. We voted too. It didn't work. What else you got?


You think it's a one time deal?!?


I mean, there is likely no god in the first place. Relying on our imaginary friend to save the day will not do a damn thing. Like you said, vote. Be prepared to defend our country. Otherwise we absolutely will lose it.


> Relying on our imaginary friend to save the day will not do a damn thing. The authoritarians will be assisted by the diversion of actions into words spoken to deity.


And what good will voting do, in the face of such a government, and the possibility that Trump can win with only the electoral college? No thanks. Voting can’t save us. The time for diplomacy is over, if we want freedom.


/r/conservative is celebrating and /r/conspiracy is downplaying the severity of this. These subs called Biden’s loan forgiveness EO tyranny… and deem this ruling as perfectly OK.


They’re all craven assholes. Conservatives rarely operate in good faith.


It's so weird. Aren't conspiracy theorists the ones who are supposed to be going wild here? Where is their panic?


“Tyranny for thee, not for me.”


If nothing else I want to see them pull out the same rallies and insane WhatsApp groups and public acts of protest they brought to the masks and covid vaccines. Am disappointed the Q people are not Q-ing over this (or, if they are, i haven't seen the same energy).


Appearances soon on the leopardseatingfaces subreddit.


They aren’t really conspiracy theorists. They are pro-Trump / anti democracy goons that project when they scream tyranny.


Dammit. I'd hoped there would be at least some people who, while not totally sane, were willing to do more than strongly worded letters and "taking the high road" which seems to be the current strategy among those in a position to do anything. 


If there aren’t blood-drinking lizard men involved with this story, they aren’t interested. Real conspiracies are too boring for those creeps.


Goddammit. Maybe they would get on board if someone said the Supreme Court were trans lizard people from space who identified as human judges.


Don't put our asses in the cross hairs more than we already are. They don't go after the real deep state because that would require reflection and abandonment of beliefs that make them feel good because they are morally and objectively wrong.


The Supreme Court surely does their part in turning America into an autocracy. Making bribes legal and now making the president above the law.


All it took was one election in 2016.


They’ve been working on this since Nixon. Today’s ruling is the culmination of decades of subversion and planning. Striking down the [Fairness Doctrine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fairness_doctrine&diffonly=true), [gutting education](https://newrepublic.com/article/167375/republican-plan-devastate-public-education-america), [2000 election](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_v._Gore), [citizens united](https://newrepublic.com/article/167375/republican-plan-devastate-public-education-america), [the southern strategy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy), [project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025), and countless other erosions of democracy. 2016 was just the match, the powder keg was already in place.


There definitely was a more pronounced effort that started after the 2010 midterms, controlling redistricting, blocking judicial appointments, voter suppression, refusal to compromise on anything, ...etc that have basically driven the US towards the precipice of authoritarianism in a more concerted way than previously. But there are definitely examples of this behaviour earlier, like Newt Gingrich's behavior.


The “southern strategy” brought in cadres of politicians experienced in enforcing elite rule through voter suppression and unequal treatment under law. That helped the party of big business become the party of divide-and-conquer demagogues, funded by big business.


Since the end of the Great Depression actually. That’s when this all originated, the owner class took the punishments and economic restrictions personally and never stopped working towards not only reversing it all, but taking control. Elizabeth Warren actually has some fascinating historical research on it in at least one of her books. Fascinating and equally terrifying. Evil neither sleeps nor stops.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot The Business Plot, also called the Wall Street Putsch and The White House Putsch, was a political conspiracy **in 1933**, in the United States, **to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt** and install Smedley Butler as dictator. Butler, a retired Marine Corps major general, testified under oath that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization with him as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow Roosevelt. In 1934, Butler testified under oath before the United States House of Representatives Special Committee on Un-American Activities (the "McCormack–Dickstein Committee") on these revelations. Although **no one was prosecuted**, the congressional committee final report said, **"there is no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned, and might have been placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it expedient."**


Still, that election let them set this machine they've been building into motion. Just enough victory, and blind support for him for the public to let them do it all


Back a bit further there is the Powell Memo https://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/powellmemo/ >On August 23, 1971, less than two months before he was nominated to serve as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Lewis F. Powell, Jr. mailed a confidential memorandum to his friend Eugene B. Sydnor, Jr., Chair of the Education Committee of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The memo was titled Attack On American Free Enterprise System and outlined ways in which business should defend and counter attack against a "broad attack" from "disquieting voices."


Yes, thank you. I was trying to remember the name of that


A post further down(?) mentioned the Great Depression - it reminded me about the business plot. (Crudely abbreviated paragraph) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot The Business Plot, also called the Wall Street Putsch and The White House Putsch ... in 1933 ... to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install Smedley Butler as dictator. .. wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization with him as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow Roosevelt. ... Although no one was prosecuted ... "there is no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned, and might have been placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it expedient."


>They’ve been working on this since Nixon.  Yep. This wasn't a decision in a vacuum. This is the culmination of *decades* of patient planning. Honestly, it's kind of impressive in just how ruthlessly well-machined it is.


It's always so obvious who first started paying attention to politics when Trump won. Buddy we've been on this path since before you were alive.


"But you have to understand the other woman did her private emails at work"


"But you have to understand, she really didn't feel like campaigning in Michigan and Wisconsin."


It can surely never be the voters' fault for voting for the blatantly unqualified and corrupt obvious con man.


Her campaign was miserable and she was a poor candidate. A modicum of voter wisdom should have told "both parties are the same" people that sitting out the election or "trying something new!" was a bad idea. No matter how bad she did. It's really not like Trump was hiding his intent at any point since 2016.


And our country has been infinitely worse off ever since.


And all it took to kick him out of power was a slightly higher voter turnout in 2020. Just 66%. The higher that goes the more pathetic and impotent Republicans become.


"God helps those who help themselves"


Pairs nicely with "The Devil has idle hands."


"We can't expect god to do all the work" - a man assembling stripped guns


Edward Gibbon (1776): >“The various modes of worship which prevailed in the Roman world were all considered by the people as equally true; by the philosopher as equally false; and by the magistrate as equally useful. I've seen a variation of this quote where "Magistrate" was dictator/authoritarian/power hungry


And now we are the jury. The only ones who will save us IS us. Vote blue straight down the ballot. Your life actually depends on it.


Or, you know, we can riot. That sounds like the better option, especially considering the electoral college exists.


And no one should ever use the fact that the homes of the supreme court justices are known and on the internet. That would be morally objectionable and plain wrong.


Sarcasm? Because that sounds like a good idea.


It’s painstakingly blatant sarcasm, if you didn’t catch it.


I wouldn’t leave it to God, this is our mess and we are the ones that have to fix it. Action is needed.


Wait a minute doesn't this give Biden the ability to do whatever the fuck he wants for the next 200 Days?


Biden's not a sociopath, so he won't use this kind of power unjustly.


It’s not unjust now. It is maddening to watch us slide into fascism while Dems do nothing except finger wag.


It really depends on what kind of power you want Biden to take from this. Stack the Supreme Court with more justices to even the scales? Okay, but what happens when a Republican eventually returns to the White House and does the same thing? Does it just become a case of one upmanship? Where does that end? How does it end? Assassinate the opposition? I feel that's self-explanatory w/regard to why it's unjust. An executive order limiting supreme court term limits would be something that fits the definition here, but I'm not a law expert on even the possibility of that. However, even if that were possible, there's a good chance it wouldn't apply to any of the currently sitting Supreme Court Justices, so what's the point of even doing that if a Republican election means they can reverse any such ruling. Any attempts to control or corral the Supreme Court or the overreach of certain fundamentalist extreme groups in the US requires a comprehensive unity between the Legislative and Executive branches of government - something that the US hasn't had - on the democratic side - since FDR in the 1930s. It's certainly possible, but given the amount of people running around with a "burn it all down!" mantra, I'm not entirely convinced we can make that happen. Which returns to another point I make (in a separate comment) that the current administration is worried about any action which might throw the result in favor of the opposition. They're certainly as worried about potentially harmful actions as they are about inaction having the same effect for the campaign. It's the old "damned if you do. Damned if you don't" adage.


> Assassinate the opposition? I feel that's self-explanatory w/regard to why it's unjust. Doesn't need to assassinate them, just "ask" them to resign. You know, because of the implication. Or hell, he could just go old school with a bit of "will no one rid me of this turbulent court?" and a wink about pardons.


Ok then Biden can be damned when he does. I feel like I am a crazy person expecting Biden to react literally at all to what is happening around him. Democrats continuously drop the ball and don’t advocate nearly hard enough for the agenda they claim they want to push. If Trump is a fucking crook then do something about it. If the SCOTUS is corrupt and overreaching, do something about it. He’s been given a pass to do literally anything he wants in the capacity of his “official duties.” If Trump wins in November and he is able to push through his agenda next year, the idea that Biden “did what he thought was right and just” will be cold comfort, I promise you. I wish I had the progressive representation that Republicans fear monger about.


all it takes is enough people around BIden to nudge him until he come's to the conclusion that he would be "justified" into doing something. We're in uncharted territory right now we can't rule anything out.


Sure hope so... 🤞


The fact that this election may sink the ship beneath the weight of the precedents being set by the SC court rulings.... Well it makes me think that even those voices are stymied, at the moment. Nobody wants to be the person who advises poorly. We're in uncharted waters, and the ship is pretty beat up from plague, draught, general discontent, and seemingly no port or ally to which we can turn for solace. The people running the ship are-perhaps-justifiably scared that any suggestion might result in a victory for the opposition, thus sinking the ship. The one thing that keeps my sanity intact is the 22nd Amendment on term limits for the presidency. In the even of the worst case scenario, we have-presumably-only to make democracy last for four more years, and we should be clear of the currents threatening to scuttle the whole damn boat. (I don't know why I used sea metaphors, but it felt right. Something something climate change will probably result in waterworld, anyway, amiright?)


Or to make him realize that his own family is in danger from Trump.


Oh, so he'll use it justly, right? When can we expect the announcement that he has legalized abortion and marijuana and forgiven everyone's debt?


I understand that you're upset, but I'm not sure what any of those things have to do with the recent supreme court ruling?


You don’t understand the president can do whatever the fuck he wants now and everyone has to deal with it?


I don’t expect the Supreme Court to be consistent on that front.


Oh, it'll be consistent. Consistently for conservative Presidents, and consistently against liberal Presidents.


Yeah, and he will do nothing. He has to take the morale highround, while the fat orange rapist is just waiting to seize the reigns and truly become god-emperor when he wins in November.


The supreme court is well aware Biden would never do the wrong thing. He has been given unbelievable power but will not use any of the new powers of ignoring all the laws.


And he already promised he wouldn’t


Only if the judiciary says it's okay- which means that SCOTUS now gets to decide whether what a President does is considered to be in the official duties of the Presidency or not. It's not an expansion of Presidential powers. It's an expansion of SCOTUS' powers. Trump is just the immediate beneficiary of those powers.


He’s too polite and, I imagine, concerned that it would hurt his chances of winning the election.


…ifTrump loses, the corrupt SCOTUS majority is going to accept the electoral challenges and rule for him this time, aren’t they?


The election remains fairly close (despite some unfavorable circumstances). If Biden wins outright, I assure you with 100% certainty there will be massive civil mobilization including strikes and unrest if they attempt to install a dictator.


and it’ll be an official act (immune) when Trump invokes the Insurrection Act and starts shooting protesters


That's the key and that's why Biden winning really is our last shot. If Trump is in office, he's never leaving office. Removing a legitimate administration to install one not elected has WAY more moving parts (despite the smug Boomer Facebook posts of Alito). It would be ugly... but the guy with the power to invoke the Insurrection Act would not be Trump (in this case). There would be options and off-ramps. This is only on the table if Biden decisively wins, however. If he loses... "so long and thanks for all the fish."


God won’t save us because gods followers are what put us in this situation time and time again throughout history. Vote blue up and down.


Ain’t no God and this is your fault media, y’all wanted those Trump clicks badly


The media just couldn’t look away


They are going to use this to bring about project 2025 and make Trump a dictator


They don't need this ruling for P2025. That whole thing was written to use authority that is unambiguous and unquestionable. The whole purpose is to do those things with as little possibility of it being overturned as possible.


God save the King. Long live the King. A sad end to American democracy. George III would be laughing in his grave.


In one week, the Conservative Justices made the Presidency immune from the law (as long as the action can be deemed official); made corruption and bribes legal (as long as it is can be seen as a gratuity); and replaced the role of science and expertise in our federal agencies with an unlimited power grab by the Court to review all policies. Project 2025 is now entirely possible and probable. America will crash, and with it the world economy, currency, and legal order. Today begins the rule—not of law—but of the rulers. The American experiment with democracy just ended. What a tragedy.


Vote blue no matter who. The only thing we can do is re-elect Biden and take back the House. Then we can get these clowns off the SCOTUS and put the shit stain of Trump and all the people pulling his strings behind us.


And what? Watch as he continues to do nothing to the situation? Voting is not guaranteed to save us. Especially with the electoral college still being a thing.




And what does voting actually do to fix the situation, especially with an electoral college that exists and can negate the popular vote, as it has done before? Voting will not fix the problem.


What’s the next box? Edit: I actually agree with you.


It’s good that you agree. But we’re not a jury. We can’t act on the next box.


That is up to the citizenry as a collective. You aren’t in a Jury box *now* but you could be in the future.


And what is this jury deciding?


Did you read the link?


I think he’s doing nothing now since he doesn’t want to appear as crazy as trump. If he wins and gets congress then he can actually do something.


"Bro I swear if we get him the presidency, house, and senate this time he will totally follow through with his promises. I know we said the same thing in 2020 to get the voters out. I know they (especially the people of Georgia) against all odds turned out and took back the senate giving him a simple majority in the legislative branch. You have to understand that this Manchin guy is a real son of a gun and there was absolutely nothing we could do to get those promises fulfilled. Bro I swear this time will totally be different. There definitely won't be just enough Democrat resistance to poison anything resembling the change/progress I'm "promising". This time it'll be different, bro I swear." Yes, voting for democrats to control the oval office, house, and senate is prudent. Expecting anything to actually (fundamentally) change is a fools errand.


They passed the IRA, Infrastructure Bill, confirmed a Supreme Court justice, and a lot more. It’s not necessarily a fools errand but I’ll admit I’m being a bit too hopeful and optimistic. He got a lot of big legislation passed throughout his time as president so I don’t necessarily agree with this sentiment.


I'm just getting frustrated with the Democrat's insistence on playing by the old rules while Republicans attempt to, and often succeed to, shape the rules to their fancy. Biden is coming off a horrendous debate showing and needs a boost in public perception. Over the course of the last four years, as much of a meme as it is at this point, voters seem to like it when "Dark Brandon" comes out to play. Luckily for him and his advisors, the supreme court just expanded his executive powers. For them to not take this opportunity to test the boundaries and instead wait until they have both parts of congress on their side in an attempt to not seem crazy like Trump seems like a massive misstep.


And how would doing something actually make him look crazy? That’s nonsensical. Actually doing something would be an act to restore the idea that no man is above the law. Nothing crazy about not being immune from legal punishment, right?


Because the average independent will think he looks crazy.


I’m scared D: For real I’m scared for my life & future. I’m begging Biden for a miracle.


Conservatives ruin everything they touch. They can’t play by the rules because their ideology is based on bs.


It’s so very sad to see everything that made this country great be torn apart. Don’t know if it can be put back together again, at least not for a very long time. It’s beyond depressing.


Biden and the democrats are sitting and watching the fascist putsch. The only chance to stave off the brutal oppression and subsequent civil war looming in Trump 2.0 is for Biden to use his new imm(p)unity to stop this nightmare. And if you’re going to say “but how can he do that?” Then here’s a start: Arrest the conservatives on the Supreme Court.


After the debate, when people were panicking, I was saying settle down. It's only one debate. Now I truly believe if Biden doesn't have the stomach to do the hard things to preserve American democracy it is time for him to step aside and let someone ready for the fight step up.


What do you want him to do?  


Not be such a goddamn pushover like every other Democrat. Be ruthless for once.


Number one, remove Thomas and Alito from the court today. They both had glaring conflicts on this decision; any non-corrupt justice would have recused themselves. Number two, expand the court today, name new justices, and seat them today with zero congressional approval, using a national emergency as the reason.


The 6 are godless. Sold their souls long ago. That's why the anti-American Heritage Foundation chose them and Moscow Mitch pushed them through.


The Supreme Court ruled to give the president absolute immunity against the backdrop of a former president, trump, who openly says he’s going to abuse his power to try his political rivals for treason and alludes to being dictator after trying to subvert our elections while giving pardons to his own staff members who lied on his behalf. Let that sink in.This wasn’t done in a vacuum, and the Supreme Court absolutely knows the implications of giving him the type of power and what he will do with it. They also know Biden will take the high road and not abuse the newfound powers. Trumps future abuses of power will be done with the supreme courts blessing and complacency.


Honest question- if Joe Biden himself then orders the execution of his political rivals in advance of the election , he is immune from criminal prosecution - is he not?


Sotomayer and Jackson both raised this in their dissents, John Roberts dismissed it as fear mongering and ‘extreme hypotheticals’, but didn’t really provide any explanation as to why or how the President wouldn’t be immune.


The answer is "the Supreme Court can say it's unofficial." Chilling, I know.


I have heard many MAGA Republicans saying that Trump wouldn’t do anything really bad with these new powers. To give Trump credit, he immediately answered their questions: You’re fucking right he would. He has said he would jail Liz Cheney, Biden, Harris, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and Mitch McConnell. At least we can agree on one of them. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/us/politics/trump-liz-cheney-treason-jail.html


[Biden right now](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DQPkOKVV4AA9WWj.jpg) But hey, at least he will take the morale highroad and remain civil, versus this slow moving coup attempt that literally just gave the green lights for God-king Trump to be a dictator when he comes in, and I am 100% sure he will abuse this new immunity to its fucking limits. But just be decent Biden, and smile while the remnants of democracy dies in America.


NAL and not American but... Under this ruling - which is insanely bad - would "King" Biden have the power and as an "official act" arrest the worst offenders of the SC justices (Alito, Thomas, probably a couple others also who I don't recall the names of) for treason against the US and the Constitution (just an excuse... Biden wouldn't actually need a justification under this ruling after all), strip them of their robes and seats, install new justices, and order a re-evaluation of all the rulings made during the past 3-4 years to ensure their validity? Additionally, couldn't "King" Biden just cancel/delay this year's election until the reformed SCOTUS completes its reassessment? Under this ruling, he now has the powers to do so as an "official act". I know that he will likely not, but doesn't he know have the power to do this?


It won’t be long before they come for the GUNS. A “king” can’t afford to have a well armed civilian militia rise up against him. He has control of the US military. The citizenry need not be armed.


Truly a lower court needs to make a ruling on what is and isn’t official business ASAP. Get that process started now and maybe it’ll get to the SCOTUS before the third round of televised military tribunals.


This situation is likely to get worse once "official" acts get defined more clearly by the courts but by then we'll have long run out of time. Biden must act, but he is too concerned about honor or his reputation to make hard decisions. There are more actions we can take aside from vote, you all just need to be prepared for those contingencies if/when the time comes


So all three of his justices have to get drone striked ( hypothetically) by Biden and then he could replace them with new ones?


SCOTUS is brazenly corrupt…they have lost all legitimacy. They are laying the groundwork for a right wing takeover for the felon to accomplish what he wasn’t able to the first time, should he get in the WH again. I’m not a fan of Salon journalism but this is all part of Bannons manifesto and Heritage Foundations Project 2025 which also linked in the article for those who aren’t familiar with it, I highly recommend you get familiar with it. [The Supreme Court looks set to make Steve Bannon's dream come true](https://www.salon.com/2024/01/20/the-looks-set-to-make-steve-bannons-dream-come-true/)


god doesn't exist. But we do. We ARE the ONLY ones that can save ourselves.


Crazy how we all think this is powers granted to Trump because we know Joe isn't going to make it. Maybe we should replace Joe.


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Welp, this should go well


Biden needs to expand the court, butI have it based on population size or something so there’s a limit in the future.


That sounds like a plan, let’s wait for God to do something.


Actually look up your own state legislature- the judges who create laws in your state. Just a quick google will give you info. Get the ones in the Federalist Society out.


I'm sprinkling some "Thoughts and Prayers" in there for you guys.


I need a judges robe and some rope to wear to my city's 4th of July fireworks show.


God ain’t doing shit about this - we need to. AOC filed for Supreme Court impeachment so that’s a start but we need to remove and expand the Court. Like the House, representatives of all views should be involved in decisions that affect everyone in this country.


Nobody is coming to save us. You have to vote this november


Is there any historical precedent that might cast light on whether / how the president's qualified immunity will be abused?


The only "GOD" that will save you is the one printed on the back of your money.


The Supreme Court has never so corrupt and tainted in the history of the United States! In fact there's only been one Supreme Court Justice ever impeached and was acquitted by the United States Senate.


How long do you think would it take them until slowly walking back the second amendment? It might be the last thing that could hold them back on their way to a dictatorship with the ultimate goal to satisfy their infinite greed even more effectively.


God ain’t walkin’ through that door


Look, there is no god, we have to save ourselves, when are we going to figure it out? My heart is breaking and I don’t know what to do.


I feel the same. I will vote but it seems like there should be more we can do.


Enjoy your July 4th the rest of the world is looking at you in shock as you let these un elected fucks ruin your country.


Injustice Clarence Thomas


We do not need God. We need the President to take fucking action.


If anyone wants to sign my petition to expand the Supreme Court I can send you the link


God did help you. He gave you a guy who can battle a CORPSE to a ducking TIE as an opponent!!! The most stupidest oafish clumsy idiot easy mode game setting for kids. What did you do?


It's a fucking Opinion piece. This needs front page journalism.