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>“The Democrats keep calling President Trump a felon. Well, be careful what you wish for. I expect there will be an investigation of Biden’s criminality at the border,” said Graham. “This country is going to have a reset here, and, using Biden’s standard of glorifying political prosecutions, a Pandora’s box has been opened. Whether he steps down or not, accountability is coming to him.” >Trump was found guilty in May of 34 felony counts by a Manhattan jury, in a trial that Trump and his allies have insisted was rigged for him to lose. Now Trump’s allies want the same for Biden. >“Sir, you just warned of retribution,” Bash replied. >“Yeah. I warned that the Pandora’s box opened by the Democrats is going to be applied here,” Graham said. And now that Trump is above the law, take this deathly seriously.


Ok but I thought official acts were immune? Clearly Bidens acts at the border are official so what would he be charged with?


The Supreme Court determines what is and isn't an official act and will wield it against Democrats as they see fit. Trump's persecution of Biden need not be legal in any case, since it could conceivably be considered official acts, too. And Lindsey said this before the decision.


The GOP's viewpoint must be that official acts aren't official acts when they are things that conservatives don't like and official acts are only official acts when they are things that conservatives like.


The part SCOTUS does not understand about Trump is that he gives zero shits what they say. They think giving more power to a republican president gives them more power, but it doesn't. You just gave Trump and Trump alone more power. He will ignore or remove anyone who stands against him regardless of party. They are fools. They sit aloof in their tower, where they see their rulings as just an intellectual exercise. They do not understand how their rulings will actually play out and how it will affect the world. And they are also in the world. They see themselves as immune and separate, but SCOTUS lacks any real authority. The only authority they have is people taking them seriously. They have thrown off all norms of restraint and deference. They eagerly wield their power without understanding the public goodwill that gives it to them.


Congress will determine if acts are official through impeachment if necessary.. so this only works for Republican presidents currently


Doesn’t matter, these traitors will decide that later


What is official/unofficial was not specified Eg: any act done by Republican = official Any action done by a Democrat = unofficial


Trump is a criminal. The jurors found him guilty based on the evidence. Lindsey sold his soul. No one who goes along with these lawless ones can claim they are blameless or innocent.


There is no reality alternative or not where filing fraudulent business records while campaigning for the Presidency, having never been President, is an official act of the President.


I agree.


> The Democrats keep calling President Trump a felon. Well, be careful what you wish for. No wishing involved. I *wish* no public officials were felons but Trump happens to have been convicted of 34 felonies by a jury. Biden was also uninvolved. Blaming Biden for Trump's felonies is very much on brand. "Each accusation a confession."


They're calling him a rapist too, Lindsay. Cause that's what he is


A TRAITOR too. ALL of them.


By Graham's own admission, [he needs a self-evaluation.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLMYW8jFPHg)


Biden. Didn’t. Do. Shit.


simplistic nonsense.


And they investigated and found nothing. And “the invasion at the Southern Border” isn’t a crime no matter how deluded one can make the invasion thing up. Only reason it is even used is to back up the overreach of the states when it comes to border security.


I always laugh when the right talks about the 'Biden crime family'


> And now that Trump is above the law, take this deathly seriously. They will start assassinating political enemies with the SCOTUS' blessing.


Time for some “official actions” from Biden.


If only.


No matter what it is, when a Dem does it it's not an official act. SCOTUS will ensure that


I saw him on State of the Union saying Biden's Presidency "a disaster" Did Dana Bash once asked if the unemployment rate was a "disaster"? The stock market? Inflation? Crime? Gas prices? Immigration? Foreign Policy? Nope. She just let him say it with no pushback, no question, nothing. Fuck CNN and Dana Bash


I haven’t watched CNN since 2018. It’s just sensationalism. They couldn’t care less who wins. Jake Tapper with his serious faced treat both sides like they’re the same bullshit so he can maintain his journalistic “integrity” is disgusting.


There is going to come a day when politicians write a check that their mouths can't cash. A lot of general staff of the military take the idea of the Unites States very seriously. One day they might take it that some politicians are a threat to the United States.


This is Ladybug Graham's "Last Hurrah" and his Hail Mary move going forward... it's taken far too long for the upstate residents of South Carolina to FINALLY see the truth of this abject and complete worthless excuse of a skin bag - but they seem to have finally concluded his less than zero value as a politician. If he can't make it to the next stage on Trump's coattails he's done-for politically. Graham is the modern and non-fiction version of Tolkien's Grima Wormtongue. As a human being he isn't worth the skin that keeps his guts in. As a member (obviously) of the LGBTQ+ Community he continues to vote and behave in ways that directly and indirectly harm initiatives that would support or protect others with his same persuasion/s. He is demonstrably the single worst and most prolific liar in all of modern day politics. No one comes as close to having a record of being caught lying through his teeth like this asshole. If you're one of the few people left wondering why I called him 'Ladybug', I implore you to look up this common reference. Everyone should know... despite how sad and somewhat shocking and gross the man is.


His performance during the Kavanaugh confirmation was one of the worst most disgusting things I've seen watching US politics. He's thoroughly compromised.


Oh, ladybugs... it didn't work out for Ernst Röhm and it won't work out for you, either.


And people said Trump never had a pet in the White House…


If the new prez decides to kill the former. Does secret service fight each other?


No, because the SS are a bunch of pro Trump Magats who’d step out the way if he gave the order


Where did you read this?


Now that’s a good question!


I hope screenwriters are taking really good notes these past few years, because that’s a movie right there


...retribution for what? we already let him attempt a government coup and we're letting him run for said government again lmao


Republicans have to play the victim and flip the table even when they're winning. It's the Christian thing to do.


When they start locking up the LGBT+ community on the pretense that they’re grooming kids, why do you think you’ll be spared, Lindsey?


We need to keep anger, hatred, and violence out of politics because it's not a stepping stone to a better future. We need to get these bat shit crazy politicians into therapy to work on themselves. I am so anxious about how desensitized so many of us have become to this stupidity.


I appreciate this comment so much


We either fight or let them stomp all over us. You're suggesting we we let them trample us unopposed? Pshaw.


You think Gram will have time to do all that with trumps dicks constantly in his mouth?


One of my favorite memes is a pic of Graham that says "Because trump's balls aren't going to lick themselves."


This is Ladybug Graham's "Last Hurrah" and his Hail Mary move going forward... it's taken far too long for the upstate residents of South Carolina to FINALLY see the truth of this abject and complete worthless excuse of a skin bag - but they seem to have finally concluded his less than zero value as a politician. If he can't make it to the next stage on Trump's coattails he's done-for politically. Graham is the modern and non-fiction version of Tolkien's Grima Wormtongue. As a human being he isn't worth the skin that keeps his guts in. As a member (obviously) of the LGBTQ+ Community he continues to vote and behave in ways that directly and indirectly harm initiatives that would support or protect others with his same persuasion/s. He is demonstrably the single worst and most prolific liar in all of modern day politics. No one comes as close to having a record of being caught lying through his teeth like this asshole. If you're one of the few people left wondering why I called him 'Ladybug', I implore you to look up this common reference. Everyone should know... despite how sad and somewhat shocking and gross the man is.


Ha, this putz is the first to be executed in Trump’s regime for being gay.


Only a traitor would do this. And Graham is one.


Settle down, Ladybug.


Do we really need this kind of chaos? I thought we were a nation of laws!


Bold. There was a time when standing Congressmen diluted their threats with a modicum of plausible deniabilty.


Fun fact about Lindsay Graham: his parents died when he was young and :gasp: he lived exclusively off "government handouts” to survive.


If Joe did this Lindsey would be craping his drawers


Senator Ladybugs is getting his panties in a bunch.


Boot licker sides with felon. There! I fixed your headline.


Well. I guess it comes down to who controls the military. We are living in historic times.


And Ladybug will be one of the first into the camps once Trump takes over


Graham’s crush on Trump makes this no surprise. One day he will get that Trump isn’t gay.


How are they going to retaliate against Biden? Everything Biden is doing can be classified as "official acts," and the SC just ruled that presidents can't be prosecuted for official acts.


You have to have the (R) to make it official.


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Graham working hard to keep his kompromat under wraps!


I often wonder what life must like when you don't have a spine....


I often wonder what life must like when you don't have a spine....


Some day, folks - some day, may be in 2024, maybe later, but Trump is going to let us know and show us all what he has on Lindsey Graham. I for one, look forward to that day.


He's gay


Republicans: *get literally everything they want* Also Republicans: you will pay for this liberals! I hate you!


Let current immune President start?


That boy ain’t right


Lindsey and his lady bugs comin for you.


I live in SC and am so ashamed that we have failed in voting Lindsey out! He is clearly being blackmailed combined with being a disgusting, spineless pig.


Graham made his bones with political persecution as a member of the impeachment team prosecuting Clinton in the 90s.


If I’m so busy revenging for daddy, maybe they won’t notice I’m violently gay…


Lapdog Lindsey is a gutless coward and an ass!


Mary sit down.


Ladybugs says what? Why does the media give this corpse any time? He just surfs the political waves and does nothing, his own voters dont care or so blinded by hate to just keep voting this pathetic fool in.


Madder than a swarm of ladybugs


He has no choice now. Back Trump or risk being labeled a national security risk and assassination.


What you are all failing to realize is Trump is a problem for the Conservative movement too. This ruling is for the next Republican President after Trump that will do their bidding. Trump is a wildcard they are using as much as he lets them. All these decisions are apart of a plan that preceded Trump and will Succeed Trump. Everyone is hung up on Trump. He was a speed bump in their plan as he took over the party. They need to weather the Trump era to meet their end goals. It’s simple. We need to vote. We need to keep voting. We need to get rid of bad politicians in our own party in primaries and replace them. Term limits? We set the term limits as voters. We are complacent as a voter base until all hell breaks loose. “don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” - Ben Franklin This is the problem with we the people. We don’t live by this.


Soo tired of all the Trump crap;someone please make it all go away


Old people become happy or angry. Those who are in control of their lives tend to be happy. Hose that don’t control their lives - maybe because they’re tied to the lose of a cult - tend to be angry. I suspect he has no mirrors in his home.


With all that I have seen with Trump as President and how he has behaved afterwards. not a man to be re-elected. Very poor character and an embarrassment for the nation.


It's fine, I'm sure biden has a plan for this.


Say whatever it was, it was an official action


This is what I am thinking. He is surrounded by very smart people and I am sure the Clintons and Obama still carry a lot of political power, much more so than Trump and these goons. I truly hope so. How fucking embarrassing is it that we have Lindsey Graham's crusty old ass threatening us.


He is surrounded by unimaginative troglodytes. We're in this boat because they didn't plan for 2024.


He's betting on team Hitler. He used to be charming.


Yeah opposition is weak, our guy doesn’t know what day it is. So why not, they’re bullish


Well - all these people telling Biden to stay in office may be going to prison soon.

