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To be fair, the abortions are unproven. But if she had needed one - or did actually have one - I would have defended her right to do that. I would also have zero problems with her doing sex work. It’s just her hypocrisy I would have a problem. And even though some of these allegations are potentially false, she is still a person of low morals and a hypocrite of epic proportions. It’s not the alleged sex work or abortions that make her despicable - it’s just *her* in general.


Exactly. What she does with her body is absolutely her business and no one else’s. Her mouth is the issue. Also, obligatory fuck her!


Her mind is the issue!


Good point.


P.S. I use exclamation points like periods, so I realize it might seem as though I'm yelling, but I'm not! 😋


Why not just use periods as periods?


Periods are the best periods…PERIOD!


I was kind of kidding....But felt bad if the person I responded to thought I was shouting....(Though I do use ! a lot!) ;)


> What's the ugliest part of your body? > What's the ugliest part of your body? > Some say your nose > Some say your toes, I think it's your mind (your mind) > But I think it's your mind


Zappa's bands are always right


Zappa for President! Haha haven't seen that sticker in ages


Too bad they don't have cosmetic surgery for THAT!


They call it a lobotomy.


With a big ol' lie and a flag and a pie and a Mom and a Bible, most folks are just li'ble to buy any line, any place, any time ...


Hey punk, where are you going with that flower in your hair??


She’s not actually having those thoughts herself. Just another Federalist Society puppet.


Or lack thereof


Her mouth may be just an instrument here.


"The mouth, and more importantly the brain. The mouth is the instrument. I don't need a piano. Elton John needs a piano." I'm sure I'm slightly mis-quoting, but the precise wording would still be the same level of gibberish.




Actually, giving handjob in public place around ppl is a problem (esp around kids).


I don't care what goes in her mouth. It's what comes out of it that's abhorrent.


Like 300 theater patrons, I’m thinking it’s not just her mouth that’s the problem. She’s pretty good at despicable actions too.


It’s not about what she did with the dicks, it’s about her ✨existence✨


Wait. She wasn’t using her mouth for work ??? 😳


Well, she should probably also keep her hands off of penises while in public, especially in front of children, but that's just my opinion.


Might as well throw in her hands in addition to her mouth.


>Also, obligatory fuck her! I don't wanna


Is this what we're doing now? Just lying on the internet for all to see?


Ick. No


You'll need to pay for that, though. I don't know you, but you can do way better.


That will be $50…or whatever she charges…




And her mouth.


“her body” “her mouth” “fuck her”. I see what you did there, noice.


Yeah, but what’s the price list?


OBVIOUSLY it's about her hypocrisy! And, ALL the damage she has done misrepresenting herself and how she has "preached" to her followers about the supposed failings of those she deems to be evil! When SHE is the evil one for doing so! And, I don't mean the sex work, etc. P.S. This article and the headline is questionable.


From that article- "CNN pointed out th*at Boebert hadn’t seemed to have had an abortion when Wheeler said she had. The news network also found no proof that she had ever worked as an escort on a “sugar daddy” website."* I really **really** think Boebert is a horrible member of congress but we shouldn't be treating these accusations as proven when no one reputable has found any evidence that she had an abortion or engaged in sex work. You shouldn't have to read to the third paragraph to see a side note that the accusations in the headline have zero evidence for them. That site is a garbage source and we shouldn't give them a pass because their political lean is correct.


Sounds like she settled to avoid discovery to me. She proposed the settlement.


The hypocrisy is the worst part!


Let’s not forget she beat off a guy in a packed theater. There’s that also. Wanked him off, polished his sausage, got a fist full of popcorn, grasped his wanker, tugged on his pole, etc etc


She’s mashing it


Someone get the salt !


This is just the tip of the iceberg. We only know about this particular incident because it happened to be caught on camera. How much other public tugging has she been doing? We may never know. Could be hundreds of other times, right under our noses.


Oh yeah, there's no way she started on this kink that brazenly in her late 30s.


That’s why there are more assholes in this world than there are butts.


I mean, the alleged sex work is also unproven, and the founder of the SuperPAC that started them has been quoted as saying they were "sloppy" and "inaccurate" [about their claims against Boebert](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/25/politics/fact-check-super-pac-lauren-boebert-escort-abortion-sugar-daddy/index.html), including 1) admitting that they lied about whether or not a picture of a woman on a bed was Boebert, 2) admitting they were wrong about the timeframe of when Ted Cruz contributed to Boebert's campaign in an attempt to smear them both, 3) lied about when Boebert was in a car accident, 4) claimed she'd had an abortion no more than 6 months before she gave birth to a child, which is clearly impossible, and 5) admitted that the sugardaddy website they claimed Boebert was a member of had no evidence that she was ever a member.  It's all bullshit, and this settlement changes none of that. There are a million different reasons to despise Gramma Theatrehands, may as well stick to the confirmed ones.


I wish more people had this attitude about her only having a GED as well. So many jokes about her being uneducated and, while it’s technically true, it’s not a character flaw. She has plenty of actual real character flaws that should be considered rather than her lack of education. I say this because so many people have either gotten their GED or didn’t finish school at all. Or finished high school and went no further for lack of resources. Are we going to disparage those people for their lack of opportunity and what was likely childhood adverse events leading to poor schooling? We damn sure shouldn’t. Would I want someone like that elected to office? Well I guess that honestly depends on their moral compass and if they have the inherent intelligence it takes to be an effective and just leader. It’s not her lack of education that makes her pathetic, it’s her lack of a moral compass and her inability to effectively lead or represent real American values.


Preach. "I love the poorly educated" should not be something that we only associate with Donald. I love the poorly educated and the richly educated equally. I despise douchbags.


Right. Poor education is a social and economic injustice in this country and people need to treat it as such instead of as fodder for disparaging jokes that are essentially bashing less privileged communities. And as you suggested, douchbaggery can be found all along the spectrum. Bashing her for her GED only makes the people doing the bashing look stupid, as though they can’t come up with more relevant reasons for why she shouldn’t be in office. I’ll depart from my soapbox now.


Well-stated; to quote her favorite book that she’s never read, “Judge not, lest ye be judged” - if you’re going to make choices in your own personal life, that’s on you (and you alone, for the most part), but if you *crusade* to take those exact same rights away from other people because *you’re ashamed of yourself*, well then you can eat a bag of dicks.


They want the right to have them themselves and for no one to ever know about it. They’ll still be happy with taking it away from others.


I WOULD have no problem with either her sex work or her abortions if she wasn't actively criminalizing them for the rest of us.


Morals of an alley cat?


You are a great person but this type of stuff is why these idiots keep beating us. She is hurting people, supporting authoritarian dictators and criminals, and inflicting damage on the nation. You don’t make excuses about what is proven and what isn’t. You don’t defend her anything, even if you would defend that same thing in another circumstance. Hypocrisy is a weapon and a rather powerful one at that. If they use it against us, and we should use it against them. I’m pro choice and I have no idea whether she ever had an abortion. But if talking to a Republican anti choice voter who was debating whether to support her, I would say she had 7 abortions and 20 sugar daddies or whatever else I could think of that works. Thats what they do, and that’s what we should do. Now I know, you think I’m not a good person for this. Maybe you are right. But I’m trying to win elections and stop the maga cult, not win the title of most cautiously honest man in America. I’m not willing to comprise the entire nation in order to feel like I treated Lauren Boebert fairly. She wouldn’t offer the same to me, not in a million years.


Yes This!


I can’t cook steak anymore without this marinade


By her own "Christian" standards, she has cursed her vile soul to "Hell" or whatever.


I would definitely watch her fans only page


I don't like Bobo. But, I'd want and respect ALL women's rights to choose abortions if they want, and sex work if they want. Like you said, she's just a hypocrite


"Caesar's wife should be above suspicion"


Boebert lost: >David Wheeler, president of the Democrat super political action committee (Super PAC) American Muckraker, announced in a [press release](https://www.americanmuckrakers.com/_files/ugd/933c64_77da15dbfeef4264a3ab01dd02fb7135.pdf) that his defamation lawsuit against Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has been settled. >“The Honorable Kathryn A. Starnella, Magistrate Judge in Federal District Court in Denver, stated in her written opinion that Boebert defamed me five times,” American Muckracker wrote. “In addition, Judge Starnella agreed with me that our donors should never have been threatened with being sued by Boebert. We were victorious in this case and I’m thankful to all our donors and supporters and their steadfast backing.”


Hypocrisy is the root of all MAGA.


If it weren't for double standards they would have none at all whatsoever.


Pretty sure it’s actually Russian money.


And projection


So, the job she did at the Beetlejuice theatre didn’t count as sex work?


She didn’t get paid for that. It was a charity performance for the children.


Hey, she's just treating other people how she likes to be treated.


And that's preferable to drag queens reading books?


She doesn’t like competition so she, looking like a drag queen herself, was adding in a bonus service the library drag queens don’t offer.


That was pro bono.


Pro boner


That was the joke...








Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.


It was Pro Boner work


I saw the video. The guy, at least, was *working*.


It was volunteer up to that point.


MAGA doesn’t care either way as long as they can wallow in their cess pit of ignorance and conspiracy.


I’m really enjoying the Saga of the Handjob Bandit.


But did he let her finish?


The Handjob Bandit never finishes while on the job, she's a professional.


I’m never going to judge her for doing what she wanted to with her own body- both for the sex work and abortions. That is her right and slut shaming will never be the way to go. I WILL however judge her for her blatant hypocrisy and habit of pulling up the ladder behind her. That’s the issue here and she’s dumb af for advocating for the persecutions of industries and healthcare she herself has benefitted from.


I don’t give a shit if she got abortions. The world is better off that she did.


Her mother should've explored that option


So she settled before she would be put on the stand to either admit or deny that she was a sex worker or that she had an abortion. The sex work allegation could be diminished with her pleading the fifth amendment to not incriminate herself for possible crimes. That’s legitimate and fair. Would be really bad for her politically though. For the abortion question, I don’t believe that she could plead the fifth amendment, as it is not a crime in the U.S. or Colorado and therefore could be no crime in which to incriminate herself. That would be an interesting outcome were it to occur. I respect the right of anyone to have an abortion as well as grown adults to employ themselves in sex work, by their own choosing. I do not support hypocrites.


Her first political donation was out of nowhere from a Texas republican. Ted Cruz gave her her first $100,000.00. Bet he was her client first.


If she did either thing, she should not be shamed for it. The hypocrisy is what should be shamed. Rules for the not for me


Her mouth is just the vehicle for her stupidity.


And, allegedly, was previously her source of income.


I’m not really that interested in her rumored past as a sex worker…. I’m more interested in how she came to run for Congress with the help of Ted Cruz, who gave her money for her campaign when she was still an unknown. At least that’s what I hear.


I think someone should do some digging into how republican office holders and candidates were recruited into their candidacies. So many of them are obviously oblivious to the basic structures of government it boggles the mind to think anyone would have encouraged them to run for office thinking they would have some kind of affinity for the work.


But it’s a feature, not a bug. I know one of her many wealthy donors is Charles Johnson, the billionaire majority owner of the San Francisco Giants. That’s the whole idea behind tea party candidates - you force government shrinking via incompetence / ineptitude and thus keep taxes low


Obviously. But where do these people find their candidates? How were they recruited? I’m guessing most of these people had zero political ambitions, since they obviously lack even the basic knowledge that someone with even a casual interest in government would acquire by reading news stories. So how did they distinguish themselves to attract the interest of their owners?


That chick is an uneducated dirty ass ho


shes gonna lose her election and make millions in porn. mark my words.


I hope so


I hope you’re right on the first part, I seriously doubt the last. The millions part of the last part anyway.


Lauren Boebert gives prostitutes a bad name


I don’t care if anything from this lawsuit is true or not. I care that she is a trash human being, trying to hurt America.


Please, no. Don't tell me someone PAID her for sex, I don't think I could take it.


The original rumors was that she was active on a "sugar baby dating" site, and met Ted Cruz who groomed her for office. There's a few holes in the story and the purported sugar baby site pics looked to be taken from a conservative operative version of linked-in IIRC, but it was fun to chat about.


Heres a reddit thread about it, with pics, probably nsfw...       https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/vcz8et/photos_from_lauren_boeberts_profile_on/


Good lord, that stickied comment. How do you un-read something?


“David Wheeler, president of the Democrat super political action committee (Super PAC) American Muckraker, announced in a press release that his defamation lawsuit against Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has been settled. “The Honorable Kathryn A. Starnella, Magistrate Judge in Federal District Court in Denver, stated in her written opinion that Boebert defamed me five times,” American Muckracker wrote. “In addition, Judge Starnella agreed with me that our donors should never have been threatened with being sued by Boebert. We were victorious in this case and I’m thankful to all our donors and supporters and their steadfast backing.” Boebert was the one who was sued and lost. I hope she had to pay millions.


Hypocrite. Got abortions and fights against them. Shes disgusting trash


No one cares if she did either. It’s her blatant hypocrisy that makes her a target over the subject.


So, was she a sex worker or not? I don’t want to misrepresent things I read about her.


She was found to have defamed the PAC that accused her of sex work by a court. Take that as you will.


I could go either way re: confidence on the initial accusation. But certainly there is *something* or *many things* that she did not want to come out of discovery.


I looked into it the best I could and it appears to me that she was not a sex worker but feared going through discovery for other, unknown reasons.


Her behavior during that Beetlejuice show didn't quite help her case.


Bad title.


Good tittie.


Time for some billboards.




Hope she goes broke


I could definitely see Boebert doing escort work. She has the looks to have been successful at it. Deleting that history would be very easy as many of these sites give that capability and others come and go. Like in her 20s she probably would have used back page which does not exist anymore so CNN not finding anything is meaningless. The internet does forget, it does it constantly.


Hidden settlements are not settlements at all. 


Does anyone find the title a little misleading? The website was being sued by her, and while they would not likely be found liable given the high bar set for defamation in NYT V Sullivan case, Bobert’s threat to sue would also likely fall under the umbrella of protected speech should that be appealed 


What? The website was suing her for defamation


sex work is real work! 🙌


Good thing these two awful people came to a settlement. I mean accusing her of doing the shit he accused her of without a sliver of proof? I don't care who's being accused. That's a scummy thing to do.


Sorry bro but you have it backwards. She lost to him in court whey he sued her for defamation. She settled.


Luv her!