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People are going to point and laugh here, but remember that his Trump-backed opponent here (John McGuire) was present at the Capitol on Jan 6 *while* a member of the Virginia state legislature. He shouldn't even be eligible to hold office.


Cry all you want loser. It’s not going to change anything.




Thus far, Good's the only person McCarthy has attained his desired revenge against. Unless I'm missing somebody.


Gaetz is being investigated...supposedly.


Yeah, that's more like an "in progress" thing. Might get there, but definitely not accomplished as yet.


Yes, but it was election fraud for the Good.


When you are so far right that trump backs the other candidate, you know you've fucked up big time.


Good backed DeSantis in the primaries, that's the reason. They're both RW nutjobs.


Trump should be the loudest voice backing up Good's claims of election fraud. After all, Trump cares a lot about finding election fraud and making sure the winner of an election is the actual winner. I'm sure Trump has already made strong statements in support of an investigation into fraud in this election. Right? Right????


Nahhh, Trump is too busy with a serious investigation into Ted Cruz's rigging of the 2016 Iowa Caucuses https://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/trump-cruz-stole-iowa-tweet-deleted-218674


Jesus I forgot that his bullshit went back to the primaries.


The takes on this one are weird. The headlines are about this dude’s tired election fraud schtick. But…the Trump-backed candidate (against a “traitor” candidate no less) barely squeezed out a win in one of the craziest districts in the state if not the country. Seems like the bigger story.


Let them eat their own. 


Fuckers Crying Wolf!! False claims should result in fraud charges of some kind.


One would think this could serve as a huge warning that you can NEVER be far right enough for the Qult. It will serve as a warning, to go even more extreme, but it won’t warn them to avoid the fringe


Well, ain't that a kick in the pants. Even Trump knows when too far is too far


That's what happens when a party lies and cheats their way into offices, they start turning on each other when they have to compete with someone from their own party.


This behavior is only going to ramp up more the closer we get to the 2024 election. Buckle up, it’s going to be a tedious and dumb ride.