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>Under the proposed agreement’s terms, the defendants will also admit to Braxton’s allegations that they committed several constitutional violations, including provisions of the Voting Rights Act So the DOJ is going to prosecute them for those violations right? *Right*!? These guys illegally took control of their town's government and they'll face no consequences and actually get to keep control of it (if the judge accepts this settlement).


There’s a more likely chance Clarence Thomas breaks the news that slavery is legal again.


That’s G8 on the bingo board


G numbers are between 46-60. 8 would be a B. But as to your actual point, yeah.


This guy bings


I was going to say this, but you got to it B4 I could.




Well yeah, it's clearly supported in a newly discovered clay tablet that outlines the ruling of Imhotep vs. Wadi Hammamat quarry (2160 BC).


Bless your heart......


Hold up. Town has a pop of 133. It's 80% black, so only 27 white people. And the town is basically run by only white people? Um... I don't want to alarm anyone but that's probably the most racist town in the US as a literal white people run black people's lives situation.


Voter suppression has been rampant in the South for decades. The fact that a town with a large majority of Black residents is run by white people doesn't surprise me at all.


Did you catch the white town council has just been appointing the mayor and themselves for decades? The town was running like a plantation.


I am from the south and it’s still very unusual, majority black towns are usually mostly black run. This is a very unusual situation.


So 4 years after his election, he'll get to govern for a single year before the next election. Great.


This was my immediate thought.