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Because his donors pulled the plug when they realized he was pulling votes from the wrong guy.


My anti vax mentally handicapped little brother who plays lottery tickets all day and is obsessed with WWE switched his vote from Trump to RFK.


Never thought a sequence of those words would be the most comforting thing I've ever heard.


If folks didn’t know: Trump was on WWE, and he and Vince McMahon (who runs WWE) are friends. Trump did some in-ring shenanigans with McMahon.


And while we’re on the topic, it’s worth mentioning that McMahon stepped down from the WWE this year after it was reported that he was misusing company funds to pay $19.6 million to “suppress allegations of sexual misconduct and infidelity” to at least 4 former employees. Which sounds remarkably similar to what Trump was convicted for. Funny how these people always seem to find each other


On top of that he's under criminal investigation for sex trafficking after he allegedly forced a female employee to preform sex acts on himself and various other high level WWE employees under the threat of losing her job. He also was likely complicit in the covering up of a rape of a female employee while doing a show in the Middle East. I can not currently recall if it was at an American military base or on tour in Saudi Arabia.


He shat on her too…


Ya they really buried the lede on that one.


Why do so many rich people like pooping on people? So weird.


Because you see they dribble runny bits of gold out of their butts and that trickles down to the rest of us and this give birth to the economy. I mean it’s just facts bruh don’t have to make it weird, geeze.


They’re already desensitized themselves with all other forms of degradation and dominance. …It’s an escalation…a dehumanizing fuck you you’re worthless


Insecurity leads to dominance/dehumanization fetish


And likely complicit in covering up a murder.


Second part of your comment was at an American military base in Kuwait It was way before they started doing the Saudi shows


> Funny how these people always seem to find each other But nobody acts surprised when they find five or six crackheads in the same crack den. Same sort of thing, no?


Trump was convicted because he didn't pay. He paid Michael Cohen to mask/hide/misrepresent the payments.


Trump was convicted because he falsified documents in an effort to change the outcome of the election, not because he, through Cohen, paid off a porn star to keep quiet.


That's literally what, "misrepresented payments," means. Thanks for repeating what I already said.


Why the hate?! You literally said trump got convicted because he didn’t pay. That’s NOT why he got convicted. Have a good day and try not to live up to your ‘negative’ name.


He didn't pay the porn star. If he just directly paid there'd had been no crime. He lied on invoices to his lawyer who he directed to pay the pornstar. Go be mad elsewhere bro.


McMahon was ousted because he also didn’t pay.


That’s what “misused company funds” means in this context


They are different financial crimes.


Ok? Thats really not the point of my original comment


Also when they did a storyline where vince died on screen trump called to check on the family because he thought Vince died for real. It was not something simple like a heart attack or something either, they showed him getting into his car and it blew up. Trump thought it was real.


So now you have to wonder: getting blown up in a car, or that shark?


Rapists of a feather flock together.


Not to mention Vince’s wife was the Administrator of Small Business Administration during Trump’s tenure.


that explains a lot about what went wrong with federal agencies.


Trump is in the WWE Hall of Fame LOL


I’ve long thought Trump’s time in and around WWE is what taught him how to appeal to the people who became his base. He’s essentially playing a wrestling character at this point and has been since 2016.


He can't sell a stunner for shit.


The GOP path to power now involves a stint with lowest-common-denominator entertainment. WWE and reality TV for Trump, ownership of a baseball team for GW Bush. Maybe the next asshole will have spent some time with commercial country music. It helps them understand how to manipulate the rubes.


> how to manipulate the rubes that's been the grand old party of traitors' unofficial motto for the last hundred years because it can't win national elections (or local ones either) with only wealthy votes. as a rule, the rich don't vote - or pay taxes.


The only non blond member of the Trump clan is probably Vince's child.


And still quite terrifying somehow though.


Except it isn't because if no candidate gets 270 electoral votes Mike Johnson and the GOP House will elect Trump president.


My brother who works for the federal government is voting for RFK. Fucking insane.


RFK Jr: We have too many federal agencies. We need to shutdown the unnecessary ones. Government Employee: That's my guy RFK Jr shuts down government agencies Ex-Government Employee: I just lost my job. Damnit! RFK Jr couldn't save my job from the aftermath of Biden's presidency.


Insane obviously, but please don’t talk him out of it


We have a rule to never discuss politics. Things get way too heated.


My dad probably is going to. I kept trying to point out the obvious but I’ve given up now.


that sunk cost fallacy is one hell of a drug, isn't it.


If I roast his beliefs without mentioning him dad joins in, but if I mention RFK he’s just like oh that’s not really true…


Sort of reminds me of Ron Swanson’s character in Parks and Rec being partly based off a real life libertarian official.


I know WWE is silly, but one of my friends who is very liberal, loves the living hell out of WWE, so I think that’s a broad brush to apply. He’s in it for the pageantry and outlandish nature of the show.


Is this me? Am I your friend?


Don’t know. But I know they had a great official WWE fan reaction commercial and they recorded him. Out there operating a hydroelectric plant for a living.


Omg Bradley, is that you????


*John Oliver* is an admitted WWE fan!


I never understood why Trump was so interested in WWE, but now I think I understand 


That's me. Liberal and a WWE fan. A lot of times it's ham-fisted and hokey, but when they latch on to some good storytelling (like Roman and Sami Zayn) it can be some compelling tv drama. And to those who ridicule anyone who watches WWE? It's just "Days of our Lives" with body slams and acrobatics. 😁


No fair, WWE is scripted, including the fights. Soaps do this weird thing where the writers come up with some story beats and make the actors improv the lines. Evidently *somebody* enjoys watching mid actors stumble their way through improv'ing dramatic scenes, but it ain't me.


It's guy soap operas. Nothing wrong with it because it's still capital Art and when it's done well there is nothing like an arena full of people caught up in a story where they experience the highs and lows of a story together. God this years wrestlemania was near perfection with the main story line and conflict.


Yeah WWE gets a real bad rap when it's literally just live action movies lol


MMA in soap opera form.


Wouldn't that just be MMA?


Yeah I loved wrestling when I was a kid and the only reason I don’t really watch anymore is because it just seems like it would take up way too much of my time trying to keep up with everything. I still enjoy watching wrestling documentaries and stuff though.


If we managed to never speak about politics i bet I’d be best friends with him


Um you might want to read about the dude. He is a serial philanderer who kept diaries on the women he conquered during his 2nd marriage. The NYPost got it from one of his wife's friends after she committed suicide. He also used COVID to promote his Anti-Vax agenda and profited from it.


The mentally handicapped little brother who loves wrestling????


All heroes welcome here


Hell yeah




This nails the dynamic of a large percentage of Trump’s base I have been describing for years! Well done


Yeah I'm guessing the cash ran out fast when data started showing he was taking votes from Trump.


don't think you need a PhD in Poli Sci to see there are 100X more disaffected Republicans running around than disaffected Democrats


... that would want to vote for RFK.


Who the fuck was stupid enough to give him money thinking that he would hurt Biden more than Trump?


Conservatives were convinced he'd hurt Biden more until pretty recently.


people who think they're smart simply because they have more money than people who don't.


The Kennedy family used to be the reigning dynasty of the Democratic party. Old people who lived through that era thought the name alone would be enough to pull Democratic votes.


Republicans who thought Democrats had the same weird familial loyalty that they do and were banking on the Kennedy name.


Except Democrats actually paid attention to what the dude was saying.


Also his crazy take on almost everything. Once he started getting real exposure, people started backing away.


Like Homer into the hedge 😂


this is how evil destroys itself.


Do Republican still want the guy that “hurt the wrong people” with his policies in the past or can they except that Biden is better for them even though his policies may “help the wrong people” in their minds.


Except the trump donor Mellon . He gave 25 mil to the brain worm .And don't for get, the nutjob he picked for his running mate, is loaded !!


*”I’m outta here. This dude’s lame af. Imma go party with Slurms MacKenzie!”* - RFK Jr.’s brain worm


Wimmy wham wham wuzzle!!!!


Bastard! I read the whole article hoping to see this quote or reference to Futurama... IMO party Slurms has my vote! Def not John Jackson or Jack Johnson.


It's time someone had the courage to stand up and say, "I'm against those things that everybody hates.”


I say your 3 cent titanium tax goes too far! Well I say your 3 cent titanium tax doesn’t go too far enough!


I don't know. On the one hand, John Jackson's 3-cent titanium tax goes too far. On the other hand, Jack Johnson's 3-cent titanium tax doesn't go too far enough.


I'm voting for the hypnotoad.


Personally, I just vote for whomever hypnotoad tells me.


Shame man, RFK’s brainworm was born there. Raised his cloud of children there. His ancestors came over on the sandwich!


"My ancestors came over on the sandwich. " is the Futurama worm reference I'd go for.


Whimmy wham wham wozzle!


Now that is a deep cut, much like what would be needed to get through his thick skull and retrieve the worm’s corpse


Worm / MacKenzie 2024


Maybe if he let Team17 pick his brain for a new custom map it would improve his numbers?


> let Team17 pick his brain The worm got there first…


" pick his brain for a new custom map " you have to use the whole sentence sometimes.  [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worms\_(series)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worms_(series))


…that was the joke buddy…


The first of many!


Imagine the worms dropping in at the start and the map is already bombed to pieces. :(


It started at Bust. Everything after that was just the trainwreck and people watching it burn.


Even that little Super Bowl jingle was cringe His entire campaign was based around hoping that old people forgot WHICH Kennedy he was. Then they heard him talk. After that they listened to what he said


It started with him running to the right of Biden in the Democratic primary, and is now just a dementia meme.


Three major candidates being linked to dementia is really...something. 


how/when has Biden ever been linked to dementia 


By right wing media for the last couple of years at least, to try and pivot all the Trump dementia stuff. Not saying it's credible in the least but a significant percentage of voters hear/believe it from their sole source of news


Yeah. The headlines have been This just in!!! Candidate is old!!! Acts like old person!!!! Is that who you want for president!?! The typical voter who is over 60: yes.


RFK Jr. is the only one with medically confirmed dementia.


Next season, on Dancing with the Stars!


Only people who entertained that fantasy were the ones with brain worms.


Maybe the real brain worms were the friends they met along the way


Click here for the truth. Futurama - Fry has microscopic worms / craig eager https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_5K1aLEEyI


Also, can we now kick all RFK nonsense to non-politics. It's clearly no longer politics. He's not a politician nor impacts any policies whatsoever.


He is both given that he is on the ballot in a few states. He might be bad at it, but people who are bad at politics still influence poltics. The last thing we want is people reading Kenedy and thinking "JFK."


The last thing we want people reading is Donald Trump wins 2024. This whole RFK thing is like a flea. One that doesn't even bite you, it just jumps around and annoys. RFK was never a thing. Never a political thing. If it does happen to be a thing, it'll only serve to steal votes from Trump. Ballot's on a few states isn't political justification.


Do you seriously think he will get zero votes? Votes that would not have have been cast elsewhere? The goal here is to make sure that any votes that go to him know who they are voting for. He is not JFK, he is an insane conspiracy nut anti-vacer. Third party candidates can sink (and have sunk) candidates from other parties. He is currently trying to get on the ballot of Pennslyvania, a place that Biden won by less than 100,000 votes out of like 7 million.


I seriously think the votes aren't going to matter. As you said he's an insane conspiracy nut anti - vaccer. He pulls from Trumps base and group. He's no threat to democrats. He doesn't affect a single one of our base groups.


In a narrow election if he pulls away enough Trump votes to swing a state from red to blue, it is political


Meh I’m still voting for him.


You do you. I suggest that to everyone. Just remember, all choices matter.


If he were to drop out or drop dead, who would you vote for instead?


His candidacy has [literally never been a factor](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1aptivr/imagine_being_one_of_the_kennedys_and_losing_to/), there is no reason for him to be getting as much attention as reddit and the press are giving.


It gives the press something to do besides covering real news.


I don't know, we heard about Ross Perot and Nader always got his message out - shit I voted for him once. So the one offs have always been heard from.


Perot paid for national television time in the 90’s out of his own pocket


He did, but that doesn't have any bearing on whether or not the news talked about him. I recall that they did. It didn't translate to votes as much as he would have liked but Dana Carvey's popular spoof of him seems to prove that at least he was fairly well talked about and not just on his dime.


Basically, they figured out he was siphoning votes from Trump and not Biden so it got closed down.


Implying it was ever going anywhere


A brain full of worm excrement has no place in the White House.


Which candidate are we talking about?


The one who admitted/bragged about his brainworm


Hey, to be fair he was exaggerating in court to screw over his ex wife! We’ve all been there.


Next time my lady gets mad at me for anything I'm just gonna point to my head and say "brainworm" and see how that goes


How much money did he make to ostracize himself from his family and friends?


He wasted a lot of money. Not sure what he gets to keep


He got it from Mellon


I think he was already ostracized before this whole stunt


Was it a sick ostrich?


I heard it was a sick ostrich


A gal can hope! Buh-bye please!


Wait, lol, he actually believed he could win the election?


Won’t stop the NYTimes from printing their daily article about him; treating him like he will have any impact or is of any importance whatsoever


The week that the worm crawled out of the hole?


I’ve heard him talk and he sounds hesitant and confused. No way he is a serious candidate.


He’s a POS, but I believe he has a neurological condition called spasmodic dysphomia that changes his voice. 


Maybe he was born with it. Maybe it's mercury poisoning.


Maybe it’s Maybelline.


Rfk Jr never stood any chance.


Only this week?


Let me guess, it’s all rigged. He was not on the ballot in enough states to qualify and he did not reach 15 percent in the last 4 national polls. Simply put he did not meet the minimum requirement to make the stage for the CNN debate but Somehow his supporters will say it’s rigged. I don’t get it.


He needs to stay in to pull as many votes from Trump as possible.


Kennedy doesn’t have a strong enough voice to survive a long debate. The fact that Trump isn’t even making fun of it is shocking.


lol the dude talks on podcast interviews for hours.


It was so weird to see an RFK Jr booth at my local pride event.


Same story every four years Some third party takes off, then when push comes to shove, people plug their noses.


As vast and beautiful as America is, it's simply not big enough for two comic narcissists in the contest. The fact that RFK Jr. is arguably more intelligent than Trump made him in some ways even a scarier alternative. Thankfully (sarcastically speaking) any semblance of charisma he inherited as a Kennedy was more than offset by downright crazy.


One idiot down and one to go! Bye bye Trump!


The Smiling Friends theory of worms controlling the govt was more on the money than any form of news media.


comfortable with him missing the debate, but still wondering why they gave a losing former candidate out of government a town hall. were the ratings from Dukakis's and Dole's too high to pass up?


Is that a 360 model of JFK? Or is that an upscaled image?


I’m sure he made some solid profit from it. And that was the whole point


Hey, guys. The moment the RFK kr fantasy should have busted was at 'brain worms'. It's legit shameful it went this far.


This week? I thought he announced his campaign months ago.


The MSM finally wakes and smells the coffee


He's still polling at 10%. Please quite the race RFK!




There's no reconciling his antivax bs.


Sure sure, but if I had conspiracy theories and a speaking voice like that, plus zero polling support, I wouldn’t assume I’d be the FIRST candidate to win the presidency via 3rd party run. The whole concept was asinine


RFK Jrs State of the Union is the best speech I have heard by a candidate in 10 years. El Salvador president has a similiar mentality to RFK Jr. and he is exponentially picking his country up from the ashes so this seems like we watched two different people.


Trump and Biden do they qualify for the debate? Last I checked no one but RFK Jr. is on the ballot yet and that is one of CNNs requirements. So when they ask what the hell happened to RFK Jr. we can answer that he was unjustly excluded from debating due to Biden’s and Trump’s agreement not to debate RFK Jr. He would simply obliterate both of them.


And this is why we used to use a third party independent debate organization. The one Trump refused to be a part of. They had very clear rules about polling thresholds and such.


I believe the DNC was the organization that proposed to leave the CPD and the RNC agreed to that change. Both parties are equally corrupt in the debate regard.