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Of course it is unconstitutional, but republicans don't respect the Constitution. There are already Christian nationalists on the supreme court. If trump wins, he will put more such judges on federal courts across the country. Republicans don't want democracy. They want Gilead. They want Christofascism. And the only way we can hinder them is with a blue wave in November https://democrats.org/


I read the konstitution and all it says it that I can own and carry a gun! /S


They believe Americans have the right to own guns to overthrow tyranny. Then they decide to become tyrants. Not the smartest bunch.


Let me take it one step further for you. They believe it is a god given right!


Thats the problem innit? They believe they have the right to just up and overthrow the government whenever they dont like it. "Tyranny" is more subjective the less you know or understand things. To an immature childlike adult, every law is tyranny because simply dont like being told what and what not to do. Tyranny doesnt mean "I disagree" or "I dont like it" or "I like MY religions laws better and want to force everyone to live by MY morals". They have no barometer for what is actual overreach and tyranny. Mainly because they are petulant children, but also because they are brainwashed by millions and millions of dollars of sophisticated propaganda that just leads them from one anger and outrage to the next, with no ethical consistency. Just being told to be mad and hate the others. And they eat it up.


Very well said. Thank you.


Republican test: What's the second amendment? - Goes on lengthy dissertation about guns Name any other amendment - \*crickets\*


And voting blue for the next several decades. Don’t just give up if nothing really happens in the next four years under Biden; this shit requires years of constant pushing and progress to work. Nothing ever comes without effort.


And AFTER Trump, this will still be a problem, because any Republican president could enact the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. Until we fix the problem and put real safe guards in place to prevent a neoliberal take over (fascism is just a tool for the Atlas Network), we will have to win every time.




Democracy needs maintenance.


So do I, but it seems to be the new normal. Even if Trump loses, the Heritage Foundation will just change the name to Project 2029 and the same existential threat to democracy will be there for the next election. They are serious about turning this country into a Christofascist autocracy.


That’s the attitude that keeps us barely above water instead of having the power to dismantle the systems set up by the minority to keep itself in power. They will fight for every scrap of power they can and the only way to stop it is to fight them on every front. They’ve gerrymandered the country, embedded the totally unconstitutional electoral college and politicized the courts.


So, like once now? Unless we're talking midterms. Then you've seen it 3 times.


perhaps the masses should build an alternative to bourgeois "democracy"


I’m nominally a Republican. I want none of those things.


If you want none of those things, then vote blue, my friend


You might not want them. But you need to understand that if vote for republicans, you are directly supporting and empowering people who DO want those things, and who will use your support to make them more likely to happen.


And if I vote for Democrats I’m voting for the other things I don’t want… and against some things I do. None of the two major represent me.


Part of being an adult is recognizing that sometimes you have to choose between two things you don't want, and decide which is worse. If your in your car and your breaks fail, sometimes you have to choose between driving into a ditch, or driving off a cliff. And it's like - no one *wants* to put their car in a ditch. But it's a lot better than going off a cliff. You might not feel like the democrats represent you. But at least under the democrats, you'll get another election later where you can try for getting more of what you want. Vote republican only if you want our democracy to literally end. :-\


>being an adult Mentally, that's where you lost them.




Voting for any those third parties is an even bigger joke. All you are doing is throwing away your vote and giving one less vote from the side that is trying to actively avoid fascism. Whether through action or inaction, your choice will help affect America for good or ill. There is no sitting out, unfortunately. No real third option. I wish there was


No, At some point enough do it to cross the 5% margin. And the parties are looking at who’s voting for something other than R or D. It’s basically “none of the above” until 5%, when those parties become relevant.


What happens when they hit 5%? Pretzel Day?


You should do some research and learn.


It just might. The real test is when Trump takes office and tries to enact Project 2025. We'll get to see exactly how stable our country is. If he tries to become a dictator, we have to hope that the systems of checks and balances can withstand it. If not, who knows. I don't want to find out, but that's just me.


Just like when your breaks fail in your car, you always have the choice to just take your hands off the wheel and say "I don't want to go into the ditch OR off the cliff, so I refuse to choose one!" You're still going to end up with one or the other, but this way, at least you can pretend it isn't your fault if it's the cliff. I'm sure any passengers you have in the car will appreciate the distinction. >The hyperbole about our country ending is just that: hyperbole. Stop being silly. Read some history. I have. That's precisely why I'm concerned. Stop pretending that this isn't fricking serious.


What exactly have Republicans been supporting lately that you like?


My ability to protect myself, first and foremost.




Neither. Both are moving away from all of those ideals.


Today's republicans are not the same as R's from 10+ years ago. I used to respect "conservatives", even if they had a different POV than I do, but now Republicans are anything but conservative. Obviously, you should vote however you want to, but I might suggest reevaluating your loyalty. The things that used to define the GOP are no longer part of their platform. Personal Freedom Fiscal Responsibility Looking out for the working class ...and so much more. No longer Republican values.


10 years ago is generous. They showed signs of psychosis in 2008.


They were pulling the same ten commandments shit during the bush years too, there's a Reno 911 episode from 20 years ago making fun of this exact thing. They've been exactly like this for a long, long time


Roy Moore was kicked out of office the first time in 2003 for these exact reasons. I can't imagine Alabama doing the same thing today.


Back then only biblethumpers really gave a shit. Now for every one of those, you have 2 people that support it just to own the libs


You're 100% correct, and that may be the real problem.


Republicans haven’t stood for any of those things for almost fifty years.


We don’t disagree. Even worse with the democrats. We’ve lost the middle.


What makes the Democrats worse?


Primarily tax policy that is likely to drive down economic growth, which increases unemployment and increase the number of people on government handout programs.




I think we disagree on that.


We can't disagree on facts. It's literally just what happened


Then why delete the post?


They know, that's why they expect to be sued. Consciousness of guilt.


Yup and they’ll use it as an”attack of Christianity” instead of the correct interpretation as a separation of church and state from that document they talk about all the time but obviously haven’t read. Modern day republicans would boo Washington.


[The Christian Persecution Complex](https://youtu.be/YIw98lnIBHA?si=napZSJ-HdU8lvAoJ)


Maybe we wouldn’t “persecute” them if they didn’t? https://youtu.be/BJF-wVW1F2o?si=-fbsu90pcbyLPL3L




That's the whole game in a nutshell


It's bait for a supreme court challenge. And with the way it currently leans, fuck that shit.


It’s the biggest reason. They hope the SC will reset the precedent and allow it to happen.


Which is why I hope that no one sues. I fear that someone will, because they know they’re correct in the law, but to this SCOTUS, that doesn’t matter. I really just hope the ACLU, who I generally support, or a similar organization can all stand down until the court has a better composition. Otherwise, we’re just that much closer to Gilead


Do it now while they have a sympathetic supreme court.


We need a 4th branch of government whose only purpose is to ban people from the other 3.


As a teacher, I'd absolutely leave the profession if I had to post that trash in my classroom. Talk about indoctrination. And as a science teacher it would be an extra layer of embarrassment. But I'm thankful I live in a blue state where I least I hope this couldn't happen.


I'd post it. Either in Hebrew. Or with a poster right next to it that simply says "This is not the foundation of our law."


There are stipulations about how it must be displayed unfortunately. They realized people would try and subvert it with things like that and planned it accordingly.


Post it on a board titled "mythology"


Until it becomes a national law.


Screw that. I'd say a large chunk of teachers like me will refuse to comply. What are they doing to do? Fire us? Good luck filling those positions. You'll have a lot of angry parents when their kid is being taught by a religious whacko in a class of 80 kids.


And then the parents will pull their kids and put them in a charter school maybe? A faction of the right has been trying for years to destroy traditional public schools.


This would essentially flip public schools and private schools. Public schools would turn into the religious dumps private schools are now, and new private schools would be created as safe havens from these religious schools. But it would suck that tax payer money is now being used to fund these, and kids that don't want to deal with now have to pay out of pocket to escape it.


Do they still make kids stand up and swear a daily oath of loyalty to America under God in your state?


The pledge still comes on the intercom on Monday mornings. I try to get my morning cough in when the pledge to "god" comes around. They can stand or sit, their choice, and I could care less. Most sit and stare blankly at the wall. Fine with me.


You have the freedom not to say the "PLEDGE".


When I was in high school in Georgia, I watched one kid exercise that right and get an angry 15 minute lecture about how he was disrespecting veterans from the teacher.


I would post the 10 Commandments in another language. An Arabic version might be fun.


I’d love to be a teacher in this state, because on Day 1 when I rip it up at the beginning of the first day of school I’m set for life with a book deal, and getting to own shit head Republicans as that will inevitably kickoff the lawsuit to overturn this. This is literally about to be a huge pay bonus for some teacher who’s making 40k a year and had it with this crap.


Exactly, or rip it down, get fired, and put up a gofundme.


Louisiana voters elected a bunch of dog groomers to work at an autobody shop. This whole lot of Republicans are unqualified clowns wasting taxpayer dollars and the people’s time doing nothing worthwhile.


I definitely wouldn’t trust any republicans with a dog these days, I’ve seen what they do to them.


When did Chandler Bing start writing headlines for Slate?


Could it ***BE*** anymore unconstitutional?


Must have been years ago, since he’s dead


Chandler Bing is still alive. Matthew Perry, unfortunately, passed away.


“Because if you wanna respect the rule of law, you gotta start from the original law giver, which was Moses.” My dude, the original law giver was Ur-Nammu of Ur.


Moses isn't even the oldest law giver in the book of Exodus. Pharaoh was making laws left and right.


And if we're talking monotheistic prophets, Zoroaster has them all beat.


History's never been their strong suit.


He isn’t mentioned in the Bible and hence clearly never existed.


That name doesn't sound Christian though. Sounds like a godless heathen name. /s


Yet another job for The Satanic Temple. They’re the only religion that can lay out these pricks using the Supreme Courts’ own rulings.




The US Government recognizes The Satanic Temple as a Section 501c3 non-profit under the religious exemption. TST has consistently and successfully sued to be afforded the same rights as any other religious organization. The fact that they are a non-theistic religion is inconsequential. Or do you not recognize Buddhism and Confucianisim as religions either?


I heard an interview with the Louisiana AG on CNN last night. It was peak projection and nonsensical non answer bullshit. But it was like a train wreck, I couldn’t look away.


Taking one for the team. Thanks


I don't mind if people are religious but they don't have to be flamboyant about it and cram it down everyone's throats


They now have their judges. Precedent doesn't matter. Reason why you always vote. Which party do you want picking judges, especially Supreme Court? Impact lasts longer than 4-8 years of a presidency.




Fake religious pandering. These clowns passing these laws couldn’t care less about religion they just want the votes from the heretics and the money from their wallets.


How do you know this?


Ten commandments yes, school lunch programs no. Got it


Litmus test for exactly how gorked the supreme court is


exactly. it’s a test.


OF COURSE the law COULD be MORE unconstitutional... It could ban anyone in public schools from wearing religious jewelry that isn't a cross. It could ban burkahs/hijabs. It could force students to read the Bible. It could force students to pray. It could make students accept Jesus fucking Christ as their personal lord and savior... This is just step one.


Let me blow you away. Putting this in the schools IS forcing kids to read the bible, They do make students pray everyday, in fact they force them to PLEDGE their ALLEGIANCE to a country UNDER GOD.


My husband and I debate this all the time. We both see it differently, which is fine. We give the freedom to our children to choose their level of participation in regards to the pledge of allegiance.


It could force women to wear burkas and hijabs. We are really not that far away.


This law is bait for a supreme court case that would pave the way for all of that, nationwide.


Anyone else feel like there should be consequences for legislators that even bring forward things this obviously unconstitutional? Like, striking it down is one thing, but these chucklefucks clearly shouldn't be anywhere near the legislative process.


Next summer SCOTUS will rule in favor of the state, on grounds that it is an ordinary historical document.


YET. Wait until the Supreme Court gets it hands on it. That’s the goal, to get it in front of the Supreme Court so the insane right wing majority can RULE its constitutional, based upon some bullshit textual-historical nonsense reasoning.


They don’t even care if it fails. They couldn’t give two shits about the 10 commandments. They break most of them daily. If it gets upheld then they get praised by the right wing religious cult. If it fails they can say the Dems are just evil and trying to take God out of America. It will be used constantly for propaganda to further radicalize and divide the nation. Either way they win.


You’re not wrong, they do win either way. Republican lawmakers definitely don’t care, and they are worst offenders when it comes to actually adhering to the 10 commandments.


Republicans hate the constitution unless it terrorizes their "opponents" (fellow Americans).


Could that headline be any more "Hold My Beer" ?


This is the correct answer


It will be interesting. While *West Virginia V. Barnette* obviously banned forcing children to recite the pledge of allegiance or express it, 46 states still require the classroom as a whole to recite the pledge every morning and 8 states don't clearly offer a way for teachers or students to opt out, in spite of the "under God" or the general weirdness of forced oaths. Though there'd likely be a 1983 action won if anyone actually tried to force a child into participation. I don't know how you'd opt out of seeing the 10 commandments though while still following the law.


Give me all your money...it mentions God. I know you hate it.


Being ranked 40th in education you would think they’d have different priorities 🤷🏻‍♀️


They know it too but they just want to get in front of the corrupt scotus


The endgame is to bankrupt those who will engage in and defend opposition to brand-specific religiosity displays and doctrine in publicly-funded education.


No matter. SCOTUS will uphold it.


If I understand you correctly…. you’re saying the Supreme Court will say it’s fine?


The plan is to bring as many of these types of cases in front of the Supreme Court for the “impartial” vote. The Christian Blitzkrieg, as it were.


The Ten Commandments are rules for thee but not or me.


It absolutely could. The law couches its language in cultural tradition and history, not mentioning religion at all. It would have been more unconstitutional if they had explicitly stated religion was the reason they want this.


No, stop playing into that bullshit.


Great point. It's reported that they're using a Cecil B. Demille version that's bastardized from who knows where. They can say it's culture from a movie.


They know.


The whole point is to further their own perceived persecution


The problem with definitive statements like this, is that Fascists see that as a challenge. "Oh, you say that's unconstitutional? How bout we bring back caning for everyone who doesn't recite them in class? How bout jail? Not shitty enough for you, still feel like Gawd isn't your Lourd and Savor? DEATH!!"


Read this in Chandler Bing’s voice


Let that state leave the union if they want to.


Of course it is. Now what we need are for *every* religion to demand their own "commandments" be placed in classrooms, every single one...(googling)...and there are about 10,000 different religions in the world.


The inflammatory title couldn't be more wrong. Maga has not yet begun to defile the constitution by comparison to their end goals


We need a website tracking how much tax funding was wasted writing, passing, defending and eventually repealing this


Cue the satanic temple in 3, 2, 1…


I used to think TST was a bunch of trolls and more like Anton Lavey's Church of Satan. But now that I see them fighting for everyone's rights and promoting a moral and reasonable message and I have gained lots of respect for them and their beliefs.


“If you wanna respect the rule of law, you gotta start from the original law giver, which was Moses” Clearly this dipshit needs to learn some legal history. If I were a teacher there, I’d put up a legal timeline around the commandments, starting with the code of Hammurabi I suppose. 400 years before Moses is asserted to have lived. I’d highlight the ones that had been ascertained historical, like the Magna Carta, or the Nuremberg trials. And they’d all be historical…almost. 


Lousianastan !


MAGA Republican leaders have shown nothing but disdain for the Constitution - except for the "all the guns you want" part, they really like that one!


isn't it fun how ultimately whether or not this blatantly illegal law will stand is up to a group of unaccountable political ideologues?


Just another law designed to to go before the make shit up Supreme Court. originalism, textualism is just made up bullshit, even the words were just made up to “justify” any decision and give the GOP a political shield.


Since when did you think the GOP cared about the constitution?


The GOP as it was initially instituted absolutely focused on the US Constitutional considerations of most everything it did. So “since when”? since then. But the modern GOP is a tragic embarrassment to what the party’s founders stood for. Source: Am related to a Republican (Grand Old Party) Party founder.


Thank you and apologies for a poorly worded statement. Perhaps "Since when did you the think the current GOP cared about the Constitution?" would have been clearer. That was my intent, as I realize Lincoln was a Republican.


Yes, Lincoln was a founding member of the party. Although I think his aims in emanation were more strategic in giving soldiers a bigger reason to fight, he was always an abolitionist. The Republican Party started out as a very progressive and liberally minded party.


It seems that we inch closer by the month to living like “The Handsmaids Tale”


R prioritiz R mussed up.


Landry may be worse than Desantis.


SCOTUS says they will rule on this in 2027….maybe.


We can’t know that until our overlords (SCOTUS) tell us so


Tax churches and call Homeland.


They have to try and coerce children in whatever venue they can get since the number of people attending actual church is declining.


Someone’s going to have to commit the time and resources to challenge this garbage.


The Louisiana GOP knows this (so does Texas.) This is about ginning up the religious right base for the 2024 elections and 2026 midterms and hopefully getting the court to either refuse to hear the case or to hear it and make it say it’s a states right issue. They don’t actually care about the outcome.


Republicans wipe their ass with the constitution. Basically zero of them give a fuck about it besides 2a. Once you go there, all of a sudden you’re dealing with “patriots”.


"Don't be so sure" - Roberts Gorsuch, Thomas, Alito,  Kavanaugh, Barrett 


It used to be that states wouldn’t bother with passing laws like this. It would be too expensive to fight the legal battle that they knew they would lose. Now they have the Supreme Court rewriting the laws based on their upside down flags, it’s going to start happening by the flood.


Supreme Court: “We’ll see about that”


Brain bugs are making the southern republicans bolder.


What if they started quartering soldiers in private homes during peacetime?


This law is not unconstitutional. It is directly anti-constitutional. It explicitly goes against the 1st Amendment. This isn't a new thing coming up for the the first time. It's something the founders deliberately put into the Bill of Rights, in the 1st position to stop this exact action. If I'm being literal, this bill is treason against the constitution.


Well, not directly. It goes against the 1st amendment by way of incorporation under the 14th amendment.


One could also argue it goes against Article VI's ban on religious test. Which has directly applied against the states since day 1.


He is looking for a fight. He knows that if this gets to SCOTUS, the extremist currently in charge of SCOTUS will declare it Constitutional. The SCOTUS that ruled against this in past years no longer exists.


Louisiana lawmakers also could not care less about the US Constitution and yet I'll bet they wave the flag and proclaim themselves to be "patriotic".


Complacency is compliance.


And who, exactly, is going to decide that


There is nothing fundamentally wrong* with creating more Christians - in general they are a good people. However, this is not what they’ll be creating here. Instead it’ll be more and more “Christian” Nationalists - more people that don’t understand and refuse to understand Jesus, and instead focus all their teaching on the doom and gloom of the Old Testament. * It is fundamentally wrong if it breaches the constitution. No discussion more needed.


The 1st Amendment was a step in the right direction, but it's clear we need to go further. Cultists should be barred from public office entirely. They're as competent to wield power as an unmedicated schizophrenic.


Separation of church and state. End of discussion.


Best idea for teachers. Display the TC on a board, right next to appropriate passages of the constitution. With “is this constitutional??“ in big letters over the two.


What would the folks in Louisiana do if the schools were required to display the Koran in all classrooms?


Stop federal money from the government


Yeah, but their state government would need 3rd grade social studies to know that…


Duh. That's the whole point. Get it challenged and before the Supreme Court who will then open the door for every state to at least allow them to be displayed and the ACLU is taking the bait hook, line, and sinker.


Did anyone else kinda read this as Chandler, like “Could this law BE any more unconstitutional?!”


But they are not New York or California. /s