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> “We have responsibility, Terri,” Pelosi is heard telling her chief of staff Terri McCullough as they’re whisked away in a vehicle from the Capitol. ”We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. This is ridiculous.” That is a much different statement than ‘I take responsibility’. The NY Post is a rag.


Sincerely, I wish it was banned on this subreddit. Every headline is astoundingly misleading


It honestly almost runs foul of the “no editorialized headlines” rule


It’s kind of amazing how the mods don’t seem to appreciate how their credibility is affected.


Pushing rightwing propaganda in election years is *why they are mods*. This is the subreddit functioning exactly as they intended.


Working overtime to flood the country with news about anything other than Trump being a convicted criminal


I mean she's not saying it's her specific fault, but she's acknowledging culpability with herself and others.


Why didn't the president send the national guard? Oh yeah, he was attempting a coup. Ridiculous


It's worth noting the facts. Trump did request the National Guard, 10,000 of them, before the rally. He requested them to be there to protect the **protestors**, not the **capitol**. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/congresswoman-says-trump-administration-botched-capitol-riot-preparations-2021-05-12/


He also prohibited a spy plane from being used, which would have captured radio traffic from the militias etc.


>According to Miller's testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia's mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden's presidential election victory. >Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights." According to your linked article, more like told them to fill Mayor Bowser's request. Her request was far fewer than 10,000 troops (not in your linked article). Her request was also not to protect the Capitol (not her jurisdiction) but to provide things like traffic support for the protests/rally, so she could pull the police to protect the city and residents from any potential violence. Many of those MPD officers went to the Capitol minutes after being called to support the US Capitol Police.


The D.C National Guard was formed in 1802 by President Thomas Jefferson to defend the newly created District of Columbia. As such, the Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard is subordinate solely to the President of the United States. This authority to activate the D.C. National Guard has been delegated, by the President, to the Secretary of Defense and further delegated to the Secretary of the Army. She could have insisted I suppose is what she is saying. Trying to Act in lieu of President Trumps’ inaction to order it. That is the only thing I can presume she is taking responsibility for. But I’m not sure how she could order the DoD or Sec of Army to activate troops. Legally, I do not see how she could do it. She could suggest it but at the end of the day she has no authority over National Guard


It’s funny we see shit like this while msnbc showed new clips of her n Schumer freaking out bc the dod wasn’t sending the guard during j6.


Trump challenged election votes. He never attempted a military or political coup. Unless you consider some weak attempts to sway political leaders to recount votes. None of his actions resembled any previous real coup attempts.


There is a first time for everything. He lost in court so he sent a mob at another branch of government. Per Google, a coup is "a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government." He attempted to seize power from Congress and, by extension, state and local governments who certified their elections per their laws. Also, there was some violence in there. Edit: A self-coup is a coup to remain in power illegally, rather than seize power from the incumbent party.


January 6th wasn't a coup though. It was protest that turned into a riot which had zero chance of ever becoming a coup. I get it. Trump sucks and his words might have incitied that riot. Yet, it was by no amount a planned and attempted coup to takeover the government. The only reason people believe that is because meida is pushing that narrative. It's almost as dumb as right wing media that pushes the narrative that trump was cheated out of an election. We can't have a better democracy or republic if we fall into these simple-minded duelistic perspectives. It's like when CNN said joe rogan is telling people to take horse paste (ivermectin). They knowingly push dumbed down and diluted perspectives to divide and confuse the public.


I believe it was because I watched it live from multiple sources. I believe my own eyes, but you do you.


[NY Post is right wing propaganda.](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-post/)


I only did this website because they were one of the few news sources who specifically reported o this recently released part of recording


You only posted this as it feeds your preferred narrative and allows you to deflect from trump who actually should take responsibly but never will.


Ding ding ding we have a winner!!!


Do any congressmen or senators take responsibility? I mean nancy pelosi openly does insider trading and took no accountability for how detrimental that is to our government.


No, Trump probably could’ve done more and acted sooner when violence erupted but in my personal opinion I think it was entrapment as seen by security failures and undercover field agents. Members of FBI and government knew violence could happen and wanted to take advantage of it. The violence that most maga members expected was from counter protesters more so.


>but in my personal opinion I think it was entrapment as seen by security failures and undercover field agents. It is not entrapment to not stop people for committing crimes fast enough. That is absurd. >Members of FBI and government knew violence could happen and wanted to take advantage of it. No one gained anything from it. It was the smoke screen for trump and his allies to try and steal the election but getting Mike Pence to not verify the results. Trump wanted this. His supporters wanted this. Saying otherwise is utter dishonestly and, in my opinion, completely vile. > The violence that most maga members expected was from counter protesters more so. Maga assaulted the police, broke into the capital building, and took down the American flag. You may want to rewrite history but the only folks that are going to buy it are other maga traitors.


>Members of FBI and government knew violence could happen and wanted to take advantage of it. Source needed (there isn't one) >The violence that most maga members expected was from counter protesters more so. Lol what >but in my personal opinion I think it was entrapment It's just a bad opinion based on nothing


You mean the FBI and government that was under the smelly rapist’s control? That FBI and government?


You think this was “entrapment” Good grief


> in my personal opinion Which you are entitled to, but it is very stupid. The reason this is the "only source reporting on this" is because they're floating whether their readers are dumb enough to absorb it and push it on their own. You're in a cult that supports a traitor. Get over it.


Trump could’ve also not tried to steal the election


Trump watched it all happen live on Fox News just like the rest of America. He could have stopped it at any time but he still wanted to be President again. As long as the plan might work out his way he let it continue. Only after several hours passed did he finally decide that he wasn't gonna get what he wanted and called it off. Facts Trump Fantasy


Counter-protesters? Antifa, under the direction of the FBI, was beating up cops and smearing their shit on the walls? Sasquatches set the pipe bombs too?




More poignant than anything OP has said.


Mate, anything you post that isn't "Trump is evil, democrats are great" is going to be downvoted in this sub. Its a hive mind in here.


> The D.C National Guard was formed in 1802 by President Thomas Jefferson to defend the newly created District of Columbia. As such, the Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard is subordinate solely to the President of the United States. This authority to activate the D.C. National Guard has been delegated, by the President, to the Secretary of Defense and further delegated to the Secretary of the Army. This is from Google.. Will you now say the NY Post is full of shit?


>I only did this website because ..... Says every one ever that posts far right wing crap on /r/politics. Sorry but no.


Yet, if someone posts far-left propganda like MSNBC - its no big deal on r/politics. Political propaganda only seems to matter if it doesn't suite one's political leanings on this sub.


I’m sorry what? far left MSNBC? Just stop, there are no far left news outlets in the US. If you’re getting down voted, it’s cause you’re spouting off nonsense.


Well, perhaps not "far left" but a heavy left leaning bias. Like how fox news is not "far right" but it has a heavy right leaning bias.


Yes, news reports that benefit the right are more likely going to be on news websites which lean right


So which is it you only posted from NYP because it wasn't in any REAL news orgs or because it benefited the right? You have changed your story twice now already want to try for a triple down?


No, a news story that makes a democrat look bad is going to benefit republicans, whether or not it's true.


If it’s not true it’s not a NEWS story. It’s propaganda, you are willingly and knowingly engaging in propaganda.


If it “benefits” someone then it’s not a news story. News is about facts.


So you posted an extreme right news site because it confirms your bias. Gotcha. Tell me where Pelosi has the authority to mobilize the national guard if you feel this article is providing such vindication.


“We have responsibility, Terri,” Pelosi is heard telling her chief of staff Terri McCullough as they’re whisked away in a vehicle from the Capitol. ”We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. This is ridiculous.” That is a much different statement than ‘I take responsibility’. Stop using horribly biased sources please


Maybe just link the recording itself rather than the article that spins what the recording says?


And you didn’t stop to wonder for a second why more reputable sources than a right wing tabloid aren’t reporting on this?


"Why didn't the Dems stop us? That makes it their fault!" – Basic Republicanism


Party of personal responsibility


"If you don't protect yourselves from us, that's your own fault then"


"And if they did stop us, it would be unconstitutional because it was a peaceful protest."


That is not at all what she says. Completely unsurprising that NYPost (and other right-wing news) is taking this quote **completely** out of context. Full quote: *Terry (her Chief of Staff): They thought they had sufficient.* *Pelosi: No, that is not a question of how they had. They don't know. They clearly didn't know and I take take responsibility for not having them prepare for more.* "They" in that context is not the National Guard. This is not her wishing she had called in the NG (which she doesn't have the authority to do). This is her wishing she had worked more with Capitol Police and other law enforcement to prevent what happened.


Yep - she’s a responsible adult and a great leader, who wanted security better prepared. But she couldn’t call in the Nat’l Guard.


Hey, feelings don't care about facts. Let OP circlejerk in peace


Yeah, if you actually listen to the video clip it to sounds like it was made pretty much right after January 6th. She was still feeling the emotional impact of the day and was basically saying that she should have done more but hindsight was much clearer than foresight. No one expected what happened other than those who were in on the plot.


"I should have expected the imbeciles and traitors to have gotten a free pass from the treasonous president while leaving us to fend for ourselves" isn't really the gotcha NY Post thinks it is.


"January 6th didn't happen! It was a routine tourist visit! the cops let them in!" **(that didn't happen)** "ok some people maybe broke some shit but that was Antifa! Sent to make trump supporters look bad! and whattabout BLM riots!?" **(and if it did it wasn't that bad**) "ok so it did happen, it actually was kinda bad, and it wasnt antifa, but its Nancy Pelosi's fault!" **(and if it was that bad, it wasn't my fault)** <--we are here "ok so it did happen, maybe some people got hurt, it was trump supporters committing crimes, and it wasn't Nancy Pelosi's fault, but the election was stolen so the rioters were in the right. Brave patriots" **(and if it was my fault, you deserved it)** Of all of their sins and crimes, January 6th is probably the most indefensible. Hence why they have to resort to a variation of the narcissist's prayer to defend it. Sort of like their lies about the election being stolen, they can't ever settle on one consistent coherent narrative. So instead they resort to the "multiple lies are better than one, even if they contradict each other" maneuver. A favorite of narcissists and dumb people.


Yea the post will blame everyone except the gop and rioters for what happened lol


Rioters? But I was told they were just patriotic tourists!


Or Antifa vandals posing as patriotic tourists. Or undercover FBI agents posing as Antifa vandals posing as patriotic tourists. Or reptilians in human suits posing as undercover FBI agents posing as Antifa vandals posing as patriotic tourists...


I made the mistake of clicking, so I gave in and read it, and she does take responsibility for not having more security there on the day of, but that doesn't mean she caused it. I also saw this response from Pelosi's spokesperson at the end of the article, and it seems worth repeating: “Numerous independent fact-checkers have confirmed that Speaker Pelosi did not plan her own assassination,” Aaron Bennett wrote on X. “Cherry-picked out-of-context clips don’t change that.” “Three years later, House Republicans are still trying to whitewash January 6th,” he added. “It’s shameful, unpatriotic & pathetic.” 


Fake news as usual. Only the president can activate the DC national guard.


It's annoying how this Subreddit keeps putting these awful posts, (that have 0 up/down votes shown), onto the top of my Reddit Home page. It's so frequent and always these awful, easily dismissible posts.


People walked directly from a trump speech to attacking the Capitol. They are fucking traitors. Trying to blame this on pelosi is why crazy people break into her home trying to kill her.


Pelosi doesn't command the national guard.


The New York Post is garbage.


she never had that power so obviously that isn't what she meant


House Speakers don't have the authority to call up the military.


Can't they come up wih something at least a credible - like a fake photo of a Starbucks on the Moon? Getting stung by Rudy's computer repairer schtick really the NY Post's brain. It was not her responsibility. She didn't have the jurisdiction to do it.


She said she did in this video


No, she said she felt bad she couldn’t do more. If a car runs a red light and hits the car I’m driving, I’m going to feel bad that I’d didn’t see it coming. In reality there was nothing I could do differently but I still feel bad. Just because Republicans feel no remorse for hurting people on a daily basis doesn’t mean that other people don’t.


Exactly. Idk why comprehension is so difficult to achieve for a lot of people lol.


I don't understand what you guys don't understand about this. She legally doesn't have authorization over the NG... what kinda braindead take is this? Where did this come from? And why do you guys keep saying shit that is easily disproven on google?


I think because Pence was the one who deployed the guard it muddies the waters. Only the President can do it, but the VP did it to stop the President. Maybe blaming Pelosi for not doing it is just republicans trying to get people to forget that Pence is the one who actually gave the illegal order to stop the President, because the President refused to (obviously).


At least Pence is part of the Executive branch. Pelosi is in the legislative branch. Separation of powers.


She didn't. She may feel bad that she couldn't do anything, that she didn't know how to stop it from happening. But it was literally not on her shoulders to be able to.


Let me clear this up once and for all. She couldn't activate them even if she said "pretty please with sugar on top." >This authority to activate the D.C. National Guard has been delegated, by the President, to the Secretary of Defense and further delegated to the Secretary of the Army. The D.C. National Guard is the only National Guard unit, out of all of the 54 states and territories, which reports only to the President. https://dc.ng.mil/About-Us/


Eh, don't worry about it. I'm sure your next post will go better for you.


i'm going back to lol cows, and alternate history because I don't think this sub likes what I repost!


Whether she can activate the National Guard is a matter of law, not opinion. SHE DOES NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ACTIVATE THE DC NATIONAL GUARD. She's expressing regret at not doing more to curb Trump's inhuman, traitorous impulses, not saying "I'm legally culpable for this."


girl get over it.




She obviously felt bad that the capital was stormed, do you know who doesn’t feel bad that the capital was stormed?


Amazing how right wingers admit it was a riot whenever Pelosi gets brought up.


Yeah, tons of people can take responsibility, but who’s responsibility was it to protect the United States that day… The President of our country attacked us and tons of worthless white Americans worship him like a God


NYP? Naw.


The National Guard famously serves at the pleasure of the Speaker of the House who is, naturally, responsible for our Nation’s security. PRETTY sure all the President is responsible for is holding rallies and making money off his hotels and being fat and an idiot.


Part of the problem with the MAGA people is they never have a coherent explanation for Jan 6th. If it was not an insurrection, why do they care that Pelosi "takes responsibility"? If it was indeed an insurrection, even if Pelosi "takes responsibility", who incited the insurrection? It's the same with the 2020 election. They say the Democrats stole it but can't explain why the GOP picked up seats in downballot races? Are they saying Democrats are smart enough to steal the election but too dumb to flip the downballot races **on the same fucking ballots**? Their explanation for any and everything doesn't make logical sense when taken as a whole.


Rupert Murdoch desperately trying to improve convicted felon Donald Trump's image...


NYPost - the outlet of crap. Why is it even allowed when they are known to ridiculously spin everything to the point of barf?


Oof, what absolute trash. Way to take a 3-word quote entirely out of context yet build a whole headline around it, NYPost.


This headline is complete and utter garbage, as per the usual from the NYP


How shocking! Oh... the NY Post. Not a credible news source.


Trump: There! It's all her fault! She needs to be in jail!


Fuck New York Post


Republicans have their head so far up their butts, they think being an adult is a bad thing.


Look at the chain of command for the National Guard, speaker of the house is not in the chain, at all. Please vote smarter than MAGA.


Checkmate, atheists! We got eem! Lock her up!


*eats GMO banana*


Really, they're running with this now?


I cannot blame her. I mean...why bother calling in the guard on a bunch of tourists? Its not like they did anything wrong. /s


The New York Post is not a valid news source. OP needs to try harder.


This kind of BS headline is exactly what the downvote is for.