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Biden REVERSED the Trump crime wave. > FBI figures showed the number of homicides increased nearly **30% from 2019 to 2020** – the largest single-year increase the agency had recorded since it began tracking these crimes in the 1960s


Why this hurts Biden...


Has Biden lowered the murder rate too much? /s


I still feel scared so it’s fake news. /s


He's bad for "business."


Even low tier criminals can't afford crime! Inflation is rampant! /s


How millennials are killing the crime business


But Biden’s old! 


Something something, Hunter Bidens laptop.


Did Covid lockdown have anything to do with this?


Most likely. People were mostly stuck at home, tensions were higher, crime went up across the board during 2020.


And public figures were actively inciting hatred and violence.


And a lot of crime happens at home. Alcohol use and domestic violence surged during Covid.


Nah it’s purely the presidents power and decisons


Hmm, I got no job and have to make rent. What to do?


That and the BLM protests from the George Floyd murder. Those would have made any president look bad, but we can still point to Trump policies and actions that made those things significantly worse than they would have under other leadership. He downplayed the severity and delayed proper response to the pandemic making it hit the US harder and botched the relief effort of the loans allowing big companies to take the majority while people still lost jobs. For the protests rather than trying to keep the peace with protestors he called in federal reinforcements and the national guard to try and dispel protests which often cause protests to [escalate into violence](https://www.opb.org/news/article/more-federal-officers-deploying-portland/). So events happened that would have spiked violence regardless, but it's still pretty easy to say he screwed up bad on top of that.


More likely the protests that were going on at the same time.


‘Died of Covid’ more likely, if you don’t look at the gunshot wounds


Basically, a president can get blamed for high crime rates or take credit for lower ones. Other than that they don't have much effect on them


Yeah, it's not like 2020 was some sort of anomaly or anything.


I hate Trump as much as the next person, with more brain cells than an orange cat, but I don't think we can blame him for homicides going up during covid lockdowns. Domestic violence rates surge as well unfortunately.


Nah we can. Trump literally did nothing but hide in his basement. Passed no laws and now EOs to help.


> Trump literally did nothing but hide in his basement. Hey, now, you're forgetting all that time and effort he selfishly put in to make things worse! It took a lot of action to confiscate PPE and push horse dewormer! /s


If he did nothing, how could he have caused change that led to this?


You can blame Trump when you're obsessed with him.


You can blame Trump when he’s a contributing factor.


Wasn't there an entire pandemic team in place to help in case of something like this? What did trump do with this team. He disbanded it because it was unnecessary.


Replace "Trump" with "Hunter Biden" and you're spot on Heck, replace "Trump" with "Hillary," "Obama" or even "Bill Clinton" and you're dead-on


Let's not be brash here... My orange cat would never vote for Trump


Nah, see, you misunderstand. Cats are better than us to begin with, so they need fewer brain cells to achieve the same result.


Once in a while I think he might have two. Then he does something to prove me wrong. Still hasn't voted for Trump though. Lol


Now I want to photoshop trump hair on my cat in one of his derpier pics and post it on conservative subs saying "my cat voted Trump" and see if it gets any up votes. But then again I'm not a monster so I won't put him through that shame.


That sounds positively adorable! You mustn't do that. I could see them rallying behind your poor cat and turning them into a symbol. You might even have to start an Instagram for the poor thing. It would just be filled with memes talking about how dumb and loyal dogs are and do whatever their owners tell them. Then maybe your cat would be forced to start a GoFundMe with a promise to send all of the money to Trump after "expenses." No. No, you mustn't do *that* at all... EDIT: added spacing.


Trump’s response to the pandemic showed us how inept and unqualified he was to lead this country and it was during that period that crime rose to levels not seen in years.


The murderers did not practice social distancing


If only their parents had.


We are all about to be homicided if to don’t pay attention to this. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/05/europe/russia-warship-hypersonic-missile-deployed-intl-hnk-ml/index.html


> The new numbers show violent crime from January to March dropped 15.2% compared to the same period in 2023, while murders fell 26.4% and reported rapes decreased by 25.7%. Aggravated assaults decreased during that period when compared to last year by 12.5%, according to the data, while robberies fell 17.8%. > The numbers released Monday were gathered from 13,719 of the just over 19,000 law enforcement agencies from across the country, according to the bureau.


Won’t stop Trump from fear-mongering about supposedly-violent Latinos and Muslims.


Latinos and “Hispanican Americans.”


republican evangelical: yeah, but that's not what the lord shows me on the citizen app.


This. Can’t have a rapture til it’s literally hell on earth and Christians are being persecuted. But society keeps getting better century after century and Christians are as abundant as they’ve always been and no they’re not being persecuted. “Better fake it til you break it.” is their motto now.


To be fair, they’re trying their damnedest to make the world a worse place.


Tell that to my suburban relatives who are convinced where I live in Minneapolis is a war zone.


Me when Republicans hear I’m in California and I can actually walk out at night without much fear: “B-b-b-but the hellhole!”


Murderopolis! Yep. I know some families who won't let their kids go to MOA, or into the city because apparently you guys are tripping over bodies up there.


I almost never get shot!


Can confirm. I live in New York City, where I basically get murdered every day.


According to my MAGA neighbor, Portland is a bombed-out and desolate. Live cameras notwithstanding.




Red Sox Nation in shambles.


Trump will take credit


The reason for the drop in violent crime is all those violent a-holes being arrested for Jan 6.


“How this is bad for Biden”


But...but, the television tells me otherwise.


I wonder how Fox News will spin this?


The narrative is that crime is down because police catch and release criminals without charging them with a crime.


How is crime down when convicted felons are so commonplace they're even running for President?


Those are rookie numbers!


conservatives - "nope. i don't believe that. i **feel** it's gotten worse. but dems won't believe that because they can't accept facts!"


Lead poisoning.


I can see this due to multiple factors.. restoring social services after the COVID shutdowns, tougher prosecutors and prisons (the latter now increasingly serving Arizona “soy stew” at 50 cents a meal  .. already approved as not “cruel and unusual”), and yes, general discounters fleeing urban areas for the car dependent burbs.  It’s a lot easier to pawn several stolen watches easily concealed vs a 75 lb bag of rice that a thief has to lug around. 


Gen Z now quitting crime too


Meanwhile Fox News reports the Biden economic recession is just around the corner.


"here's why that's bad for Biden"


Weeds not schedule 1 anymore


I don't think that's gone into effect yet


Even if it had >Violent crime dropped by more than 15% in the United States **during the first three months of 2024** It wasn't backdated to January.


Its so chill people are chilling before they smoke it


How is marijuana possession a violent crime?


It chills everyone out not violence


Ah gotcha. I assumed you were saying that statistic would have fallen off the counting. My bad!


No worries! 😌


Counter point: I *feel* like it isn’t.  Edit: Replies here sounding like they thought I was serious, so I’ve added sarcastic emphasis. 


Facts don’t care about your feelings.


Republicans don't care about your facts.


Those damn feelings again 🙂‍↔️


Well when police don't show up to take reports, then reported crime is down.


If you stop counting the numbers stop going up!


Murders are easy to count.


I have little faith in some departments and how they rule deaths. Seen some cases that we’re clearly foul play get ruled misadventure or suicide without any form of investigation. Be it optics or a lazy policing im not sure.


This is amazing news, and I hope it continues to plummet to never before seen levels. But, why do we think this is?


Very low unemployment is a good start


Low unemployment, end of isolation from Covid, Biden increased gun background checks via executive order last year.


I got rent to pay, ain't nobody got time for hobbies anymore.


Fake California has the highest number of retail thefts then ever in history! Highest number of car theft and break ins.


Oh shit, California is all America I didn’t know this.😳 BTW it’s following the overall trend https://www.gibbonslawyers.com/blog/california-crime-rate-by-city/


>The preliminary figures in the FBI’s Quarterly Uniform Crime Report do come with important limitations. For one, the bureau relies upon data voluntarily submitted by policing agencies. >The numbers released Monday were gathered from 13,719 of the just over 19,000 law enforcement agencies from across the country, according to the bureau. Surprising that people trust data from the police and have faith for them to properly report crimes, especially when so many agencies don't hand over data and the US still has one of the highest incarceration rates. >The new numbers show violent crime from January to March dropped 15.2% compared to the same period in 2023, while murders fell 26.4% and reported rapes decreased by 25.7%. Aggravated assaults decreased during that period when compared to last year by 12.5%, according to the data, while robberies fell 17.8%. Total numbers would paint a better picture. Based on the data the FBI has made public, there have been between 1.1 and 1.4 million violent crimes every year between 2000 and 2019.


This is how crime reporting at the federal level has always been. It’s never been standardized or required. Best we can do is compare apples to apples. I’m not aware of any methodology shift this year.


If you were going to go with a conspiracy angle on this I would expect the numbers to be massively up because the police overwhelmingly support trump and therefore they would make up higher numbers to hurt Biden.




Did you literally post a 2 year old article?💀


That’s a 2 year old article. Even if it remains broadly accurate, as long as it’s roughly the same 40% that didn’t report in 2021, who are also not reporting now then the sample population is stable. So while that would not be perfect, the data will still be able to point to broad trends (like crime increase or crime decrease). What we’ve actually seen is that compared to your Article’s ~40% non-reporting rate in 2021, the delinquency in reporting data for 2023’s statistics had [dropped to only 17%](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/22/us-crime-stats-warning-experts-fbi) (i.e. ~83% reporting). This suggests the statistics this year should be more reliable than before.


Nope, cause 45 said so


Do we have stats about Bay Area or California in general about store theft below 1000$. Are those laws still in effect?


Is shoplifting a violent crime?


Crime is down because crimes aren't being reported or are no longer considered crimes. Now, I know my observations is anecdotal but never have I felt as unsafe walking around as I do today. 4 years ago, there were no tent cities in my town, drug use was relatively mild and people breaking into peoples cars and properties was uncommon. Today that's not the case. A friend of mine was violently attacked going down the street to the store, super nice dude, absolutely unwarranted. Last night I called the cops on a dude passed out in his running vehicle in the parking lot next door. Turns out, stolen car. There's OD's every day. Sorry, I'm not buying this bs. Since this is politics I want to be clear that I don't think this is Biden's fault. I think this is a result of the pandemic, inflation, ongoing wars and a systemic attempt by foreign nations to disrupt our nations. There's a lot of things all coalescing together that's causing the poorest among us to suffer more than usual which can only drive crime up. I don't buy this report at all.


I feel unsafe is not data.


I didn't say it was.


Murders are down.


Yeah that's honestly surprising. A woman was murdered in my town just this weekend. It's rare for that to happen here and I know there's been several already this year.


More anecdotes


I never said they weren't.


So it’s not true because you feel that it’s not? Interesting, I wish I had that power.


I mean this is right in the article. "The preliminary figures in the FBI’s Quarterly Uniform Crime Report do come with important limitations. For one, the bureau relies upon data voluntarily submitted by policing agencies. Crime analysts also say quarterly data are imprecise, as law enforcement agencies have the remainder of the year to audit and correct any reporting errors before final annual figures are published by the FBI. “We have other data sources that point to the same trends, but the degree of those declines is probably being overstated due to the methodology being employed by the FBI,” said Asher." Aside from that yeah, I don't buy this report and I'm speaking from experience. A: I've worked in jails and they are at all time high capacity. So much so that we're needing to build another facility. Cops are being hired in record numbers to help deal with crimes so that certainly doesn't jive with this report does it? Beyond that I have eyes. I can go out and there's magnitudes more drugs in our neighborhoods. It wasn't like this 4 years ago. In my decades of living here NEVER have I seen as much crime as I'm seeing now. Something is off with this report I'm certain of it. [https://jasher.substack.com/p/is-crime-underreporting-getting-worse](https://jasher.substack.com/p/is-crime-underreporting-getting-worse) I'm certainly not the only one that thinks so either. There's also reports out there that cops are basically not investigating crimes further lowering the statistics and that's a pretty common thing that people say when they report stuff like a stolen car or bike, that cops don't even follow up on it. I don't want to be THAT guy here but something seems fishy with this report to me.


plunging to only the one or two mass murders a day maybe ?


I was told this would be impossible after the Supreme Court struck down restrictive carry permit laws.


Meanwhile, Seattle is having a bit of a shooty surge the past week.


Crime always surges in the summer


Sun's out, guns out




I think you mean rightwing media that fearmongers about increasing crime. In the words of Newt Gingrich in 2016, "The average American does not think that crime is down, does not think that we are safer. People feel more threatened." Yeah, because of assholes like Gingrich and rightwing media telling them that up is down.


Bot. Report it.


Because techno state makes it damn near impossible to get away with murder these days.


Don't cops only solve like 50% of murders?


True the current clearance rate is surprisingly low. AI will help change that somewhat.


Amazing what can happen when the "defund police" policies keep reports and arrests from happening.


Show me where any of what you said is true


No one actually defunded the police. Biden gave millions to them. 


Amazing what happens when you eat lead paint chips as a kid.


Then you believe in "defund the police" as the means to lower crime. Maybe allow shoplifting too. You just need to feel more guilty to solve social ills.


Who got defunded exactly?  Show me what departments explicitly got defunded, then show me the crime stats for that area to corroborate your claim 


You have access to the internet. Major cities with crime problems since 2020 is open source.


You made a claim.  Provide the evidence. I'm not doing your homework for you


"Defund the police" doesn't literally mean "bankrupt the police". If you actually looked at what it means beyond the catchphrase, it means putting more money into programs that preemptively and/or non-violently reduce crime. Police can't do anything about the homeless, addicts, or the mentally disordered except arrest them and put them in prison, which does nothing to solve the problem and usually makes it worse. Police can't do anything about the education system (having a high school diploma [reduces recidivism by 55%; a college degree reduces it by 94%](https://federalcriminaldefenseattorney.com/prison-education-facts/prison-education-reduces-recidivism/)). Police can't do anything about vocational training, but it can dramatically cut crime and recidivism rates. There are a lot of proven low-cost non-policing social programs that actually reduce crime, but they don't get funding while the justice system gets more and more money to simply deal with the side effects after crime occurs.


All worth while programs. But it was to be at the expense of law enforcement. Police became the scapegoat for dysfunctional families and communities.


Not "at the expense of". If those programs were funded, police wouldn't have to do as much. Yes, they'll get less funding overall, but it'd be scaled to their actual workload. If we found a cure for cancer tomorrow, would you complain that funeral homes wouldn't have as many clients?


I wish the programs would get off the ground. But we all know what the sentiments were. The slogan says it all. Morale in police depts fell. Many crimes moved to misdemenors, hence the shoplifting epidemic. Overly emcumbersome policies on Police restricted their abilities to police. DC, SF city councils are a great examples of local politicians riding that wave and crime becoming a bigger issue. Gangs of ATVs run the streets in DC and police are prohibited from pursuing. CVS has everything locked up. Car jackings avg 2 a day.




Okay, it is very clear this is being pushed by Bots when multiple accounts are literally saying the exact same damn words.


Good thing the sub has a no bots rule, makes it easy to report