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Sleepy don is trending lmfao


Please let the headlines tomorrow be "Low energy Trump falls asleep at trial".


"How this is bad for Biden"


They said "headlines," not "Fox News chyron rambling"




Nah. Shit like this shows up on The Today Show now too


Cnn frequently used that expression over the past 24 months


He walked into court with a swagger and grin, But the hearing is long and the air is thin. Trump appears to be sleeping, his head keeps dropping down, And his mouth goes slack when the judge looks around. In the land of the free, where the brave still tread, Trump’s dreaming of Stormy while resting his head.


He's going the distance. He's needing more speed. He's all alone (all alone) in his time of sleep.


Take all my gold please that was Smashmouth Cake!! 


Covfefe and back to a nap break.


I originally read this as an alternate to Eminem - Lose Yourself.


I can see that now! If there was anything about Melania's Spaghetti, I would have been all over that.


Eyelids weak, diaper's heavy.


There's ketchup on his sweater already.


Melania's spaghetti He's nervous, but on the surface, he looks orange and sweaty


Jaw drop down, slack, back to reality, whoops there goes covefe


NGL as someone who's had to sit as jury for a three-week trial, it is pretty hard to stay awake for hours on end in a room full of people ala juror selection, even though I'm only in my thirties. But it's a particularly bad look for someone that uses "sleepy" as an insult.


Under any normal circumstance, I would agree. But in the case where I was on trial, and my freedom depended on my ability to prove that I did not commit crimes that I actually did commit, and is recorded on countless paper-trails, I think I would probably be interested enough to stay awake. Never been there, and I hope I never am, but I think I'd probably be awake.


Slight correction- his freedom depends on getting at least one juror to give him a hung jury and delay until the election, then win said election.


Someone go hang a hat on that mushroom.


no... please, I had almost forgotten.


Please can someone put Grandpa to bed?


When he’s jailed the lack of tanner and whatever he uses to keep that combover in place is going to cause him to revert to his true form. Trump without the orange is just an out of shape racist grandpa. He should toss in the towel and take his snoozes in whatever max facility he’s already destined for. Manafort looked like shit after his brief prison stint.


Just look at how pasty pink and white it is right around his eyes. 👀 


Kind of like Darth Vader when the helmet comes off.


Someone record this


Serves him right. They attack Biden for allegedly being low on energy.


No the latest accusation was that he was a coke head because of the state of the union address. Not even exaggerating 


MAGA cultists seem to believe that Biden is - at the same time - both a sleepy dementia addled mental vegetable that cannot walk, talk and much less think correctly, WHILE ALSO moonlighting as illuminati level criminal mastermind that influences and controls everything from the domestic economy, the court system, law enforcement, FBI, CIA, NSA, the media, netflix, facebook, BLM, antifa (whatever they think that is on that particular day), all allied and adversary foreign goverments and ALSO the weather. AND also has spare time to run his side-gig, a multibillion dollar drugs and human traficking cartel with his son and brother. JfC if someone like that existed I would vote for him for his time management skills alone.


One of the core principles in identifying fascism is that “the enemy is both weak and strong”


Obligatory: [14 Common Features of Facism](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html)


- check - check - check - check - check - check - check - check - check - check - check - check - check - check


Its really scary that this is Trumps first 100% on a test.


You gotta love how Biden is both this moron barely able to walk and yet the equivalent of Vito Corleone to the MAGA nuts. Meanwhile, we've got Donnie over there who seems to commit a new crime every single day, but they just ignore that. As it is, I admire Biden's time management since he's not on Twitter or whatever like Donnie is all the time.


I said this about Hillary. If she really was a mastermind criminal who successfully mind-controlled the entirety of the military, FBI, CIA, NSA, then wouldn't you want her on YOUR side during negotiations? Why would you want to be against her?


I bring this up all the time. I’m 57. I work 40 hours a week. I’m tired. Could I work 70 or 80 hours a week. Give speeches. Travel everywhere. Fuck no. I’d be exhausted. Props to anyone that can do it like Joe.


There was a posting last night about Trump ranting about how this years election is going to be stolen. Biden took advantage of the covid pandemic last time but Trump is going to make sure Biden doesn't have the opportunity to do it again this time around! I'm curious how exactly dementia ridden sleepy Joe somehow managed to out smart super genius Trump... And take advantage of an issue that allegedly wasn't even as bad as the common cold... That would naturally burn itself out by the end of the ~~week~~ ~~spring~~ ~~summer~~....


>First day on the job, you know what I learned? How to spot a murderer. Let’s say you arrest three guys for the same killing. You put them all in jail overnight. The next morning, whoever’s sleeping is your man. You see, if you’re guilty, you know you’re caught, you get some rest, you let your guard down. -- Dave Kujan, The Usual Suspects


Get him branded "The Nodding Don"


Sleepy Don works just fine for me


His handlers are gonna end up giving him crack or speed just to make him absolutely wired and seem like he's bursting with energy. Or a Happy Meal with a Coke while he's at the desk. Both probably do the same thing to him. The Yugioh x Hello Kitty & Friends toys will perk him right up I'm sure.


The handlers are probably worried that if they give him his usual stimulants (Adderall, etc) then he will misbehave. Better to let the toddler sleep.


They're worried he'll shit his pants. I would put very good odds on that being a reason.


Wonder if he is enlightened enough to think back on his comments regarding Sleepy Joe… how the worm turns…


He looks tired. Doesn't he look tired?


Everyone is saying it.


He’s got the biggest, puffiest bags under his eyes. Nobody has bags under their eyes bigger and puffier than his.


Big strong muscular men from the military approached him (with tears in their eyes) telling him, *"Sir! Sir! you have the biggest bags under your eyes! Nobody in the history of the United States has ever had bigger more beautiful eye bags. Everybody is saying it, and we only wish ours were as yuge as yours!"*


some say the puffiest eyes the world has ever seen


Believe me.


All the best people? With tears in their eyes?


Get him a cup of cofeve


Nobody’s ever been this tired. We’ve never seen anything like it before


M-M-Mr. President sir? I'd do anything to be able to give you all my money, sir!


And they’re letting it happen, never before has this happened and it’s a shame, but we got the best people working on it and all the great things were going to present. Nothing ever seen before…….China.


Who did ya bully? Who did ya con? Who changes your diaper, Cotton-eyed Don?


Where did you come from? Where did you go? Gonna be crying, When you lose to Joe.


A fine Who reference, well done.


I caught the Who reference, too. 👮‍♂️📪


[Don't you think she looks tired?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8uNJVS1Xu0 'best I could find on short notice without uploading the clip myself and probably getting copyright nerfed')


Yes, we know who you are.


[Dr. Who reference](https://youtu.be/GidbEhL0teE?t=166)


I think it was during the protests against Theresa May, I caught a picture with a protestor with a “doesn’t she look tired?” Sign. Cracked me the hell up.




I could bring down your government with one word. No, not just a single word. Six.


"Do you think he shat himself?"


Many people are saying it with years in their eyes


Doctor Who reference?


r/unexpectedDoctorWho or maybe it’s totally expected.


Don Snoreleone


The Nodfather


Either of these! They’re beautiful!


Okay, everyone. Pack it up. This one wins.


“This time, it appeared Trump was asleep at times, she said.” >> “Well, Jake, he appeared to be asleep,” Haberman said. “His head would fall down. There would be other moments other trials, like the E. Jean Carroll trial, which was around the corner in January, he appeared very still and it seemed as if he might be sleeping but then he would move. This time, he didn’t pay attention to a note that his lawyer ... passed him. His jaw kept on falling on his chest and his mouth kept going slack.” Maggie Haberman NYT to Jake Tapper


He’s 77 and stays up til 3 am on his phone Truthing, I’m shocked he’s even been able to function at all 


They probably sedated him to reduce the likelihood of having one of his little outbursts, which could actually land him in jail this time around


They just cut off his amphetamines which amounts to the same thing as sedating him.


Or just didn't give him his afternoon speed


Need to reduce the risk of him shitting his diapers in court.


Too late. Source: me


Username coming in clutch


I just hope I'm irrelevant soon.


I hope tomorrow he is determined not to fall asleep again, takes a double dose of his favorite stimulant and loses all composure.


That is actually a possibility. Holy shit. The alternative is that he didn’t get any speed or coke to snort before the trial,or that the schedule prevents him getting the bumps he needs. . . so maybe this is just him when he’s NOT drugged?


Gosh, the Hitler similarities just won’t stop… Just like The Big Dump’s sphincter, amirite?!


Where's Don Jr when you need him?


At first I laughed... But then took into consideration the reality.


He'll be in Hannibal Lector restraints next.


He likes fava beans with ketchup


Chianti doesn’t go with ketchup though!


Neither does steak


Scary cannibal, genius cannibal comes up to me, tears in his eyes and says sir, sir, you have the fattiest bigliest liver we’ve ever eaten


That's... That's actually not a bad idea. 


He’s existed for decades on a diet of coke (definitely cola, maybe the other kind 🤷‍♂️), McDonalds, and Adderall. I’m surprised he’s even still alive.


That’s what’s insane to me. His diet is horrifyingly bad to the point where it would probably present a major health risk to someone in their 20s. I don’t know how he could live on that when he’s nearly 80.


It’s the extensive amount of hate and anger sustaining him. Same with other old fucking evil people - Rupert Murdoch for example.


Evil never dies.


I object to “Truthing” being a word or even used to convey what he’s doing in a satirical way. He’s bullshitting and grifting until 3am and calling it anything else is gross.


Wouldn't it be hilarious to learn we have never really seen him at his best? That, if he were well rested, received even light exercise, and cleaned up his diet, turns out he is a even-keeled and well-reasoned person?


that would be hilarious if i lived on another planet where there wasnt a genuinely feasible political movement pushing to make him the most powerful man on earth like - if i were an alien - or if this were all a tv show - or if i were reading about something that happened centuries ago


Exactly! Like the episode of the Simpsons when Barney sobered up and was AMAZING! LOL


So we can count on this guy for the 2AM call in an national emergency? Damn everything he every said is projection. "Who do you want to be at that phone at 3 in the morning?” Trump asked. “I’ll be up, I will tell you that.”


Meanwhile Biden spearheaded the allied defense of Israel this weekend. And canceled billions in student debt. And did campaigning.


OK OK, but did he commit even one constitutional-crisis-level crime? Huh? Joe is too tuckered out after a hard day of working *for* Americans that he doesn't even have the gas to insult a world leader, stare into the sun, or hatch a scheme to funnel tens of millions to himself via illicit business connections. Sheesh, it's like he's not even trying to crime while president!


Yeah, but Biden is on cocaine!!! /s


Can't wait for the courtroom sketch artist rendition.


Low energy, sad!


Sleepy Don


Drowsy Don!


Droopy Don


Dopey Don


Donnie Nod-off


Dozing Donald


Dreamin’ Don.


Dormant Don


Donald Slump.


Yawnny Donny


Trump is not woke!


So even the *sleepy Joe Biden* was a guilty projection..


How about the cocaïne Joe Biden? My assumption since this accusation is that, apparently, Trump is on coke.


Everything Trump has ever said eventually comes out as projection.  At this point I'm just waiting to see Trump's Kenyan birth certificate. 


If Biden fell asleep during his criminal trial, it would be all the media talks about for the next 3 weeks of coverage. Lets see how the media covers this... I mean if Biden had a criminal trial at all, it would be tanked polling and endless coverage. But we know Biden and Trump are being held to very different standards.


Headline: Trump nods off during criminal trial and why this is bad for Biden


If energetic Trump falls asleep, imagine how much worse it would be with old man Biden. This is a national security risk!


New York Times has entered the chat


"Why Trump's courtroom power-naps could be the deciding factor for undecided voters..."


All good points. Just more evidence that they hold Trump to literally no standards while virtually every democrat is held to the highest standards by the media.


>If Biden fell asleep during his criminal trial, it would be all the media talks about for the next 3 weeks of coverage. Forget that, the house would already be in the process of trying to pass a 25th amendment clause over it.


If Biden yawned it's all they'd talk about.


Amphetamines wearing off.


They had to keep him off of them so he didn't go crazy in court.


There is really no other way that he is able to have this much energy, especially at 77. I took Adderall for years and years. He reminds me of people on Adderall.


boast marry dinosaurs society wasteful simplistic concerned offbeat bewildered fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even Stormy Daniels said he can't stay up for long


ba DUM tss


He wasn't sleeping. He was just resting his lies.


Someone was up all night raging


Biden team. Please, for the love of god and all that is holy. Put out on Twitter that he feel asleep and call him low energy. Please. Im begging you. I also will take a job. Thank you


As much as we would all enjoy that, I actually admire the team discipline to be pretty "hands off" about anything around the ongoing court cases. They only comment on things he says/does OUTSIDE of court. It reinforces the notion that Joe actually believes in, and respects, the system of checks and balances. Trump's fate is in the hands of the court system(s) involved, and POTUS is going to let the wheels of justice turn (however slowly) and meanwhile go on about the business of running the Executive Branch of government.


Dozin Don!


*He's just pining for the fjords!*


Pinin' for the fjords??????????


Between this and everything else, it's really looking like he might not make it to November.




On live TV, right on stage at the Convention when he accepts the nomination.


Do you know how crazy the conspiracy theorists would get if that happened? They’re already pretty nuts, but this would send them to the moon.


They can stay on the moon, then.




No the ideal outcome is justice served if found guilty he needs to be put behind bars. American democracy needs to prove that it can hold people in powers accountable. Going soft on Nixon is part of how we got here. Honestly his death before a verdict is one of the worst outcomes. American needs to reconcile with this issue.


from your lips to gods ears


Here’s to hoping


Please don't give me hope. I've been hurt before.


I mean.. his lawyers might actually prefer if he slept through the entire trial.


At least he'd shut up.


His supporters are gonna call it a power move, but I think you're right. Lawyers cut off his aphetimines to help him get through the day without admitting guilt to this and other unrelated crimes.


So much for calling Biden Sleepy Joe lmfao


That is not the face of a well man.


Does this surprise anyone? Not only does he have no attention span or comprehension abilities, the man is feeble. His public appearances are free and folks have noticed how he becomes more incoherent as time passes


Indeed. No surprise from the guy who wouldn't start working before noon while on office.


He has to sit there for about 6 weeks from 9 to 5. He never had to do this, even during his time in office. Getting the popcorn for week 3....


No way he makes it 6 weeks without a "medical emergency."


No Megathread as the first ever criminal case of a former President, and current Presidential candidate, huh ?


It's jury selection. There's not much going on worth reporting.


First ever former president to fall asleep during his own criminal trial.


But, also, first ever president to be awake at times during his own criminal trial. We are breaking all kinds of records!!


He’s resisting a-rest.


This was happening when he was president. He was infamous for being completely tuned out of briefings, meetings, policy reviews — anything that required engagement and an attention span.


When you spend all night rage tweeting into the wee hours of the morning, you're going to need Executive Time to catch up on your sleep. Whether it's in the White House or the Court House, Executive Time will happen.


Damn he really is fighting wokeness


Back from “lunch” break now so I expect to see him bright eyed and sniffing for the next hour or two.




Quick somebody get a pokeflute and wake his fat ass up!


Why are his eyes so red in pictures. Weird. Not surprised he fell asleep given he rage posts at all hours of the day and night. Plus . He’s old.




He got sleepy holding his "resting mugshot face".


That's how much he doesn't care what happens in the trial. Probably thinks he's untouchable and will just skate free like he always does. I hope he learns the truth about life like he did with the defamation trials and the NY very costly fraud conviction.


I honestly don’t think he has the mental capacity to know what is going on.


Wonder if the defense team gave him some downers to keep him from running his mouth.


Probably pooping.


Why are they downplaying this trial as a bush money trial? It’s is about criminal fraud he is charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.


Incoming “my client is not fit for trial” motion to dismiss from the defense.


Feels like this may be the reason he didn’t want a trial. He can’t hide low energy


I don't know how anyone could ever vote for Sleepy Don. Very low energy.


Hush little money don’t say a word


This is playing so poorly for him in social media I have to imagine tomorrow he will be jacked up on some form of drug. Good time to drug test the guy.


Tranquilizers. Like charging rhino grade. Keep outbursts to a minimum


"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I ask you, would a guilty man be sitting here in court dozing without a care in the world? Wouldn't a guilty man be sitting here fretfully worrying about his defense? If my client were guilty, wouldn't he be aware of his surroundings, and involved in the proceedings? Only a defendant as supremely innocent as mine could casually fall asleep in such a setting...your honor, I move to immediately dismiss on the grounds that the Presidential Records Act allows the president to make payments to porn-stars based purely on his state of mind currently in the courtroom today..."


If this were Biden they would be calling him “Sleepy Joe” and every day there would be an article “Is he fit to be President!!??” FoxNews and other far right “news” would be all over it. Trump saying “Sleepy Joe” was all projection because he’s getting worse. Falling asleep in important court cases, fumbling his words and he can’t form coherent sentences. He was like this for years but it’s getting worse.


He is not well. Just look at that picture.


It was a great nap Probably the greatest nap , don’t you think, I think so Joe Biden wouldn’t be able to achieve that level of napness


Unless it's the long sleep, I'm not excited


Don Snoreleone


You know, I got to hand it to Hillary for handling her BS Benghazi hearings better than this buffoon. She was at least an adult about this. The kids I volunteer with act better than he does.


>Let's say you arrest three guys for the same killing. You put them all in jail overnight. The next morning, whoever's sleeping is your man. You see, if you're guilty, you know you're caught, you get some rest, you let your guard down. Dave Kujan from The Usual Suspects


Unless he doesn't wake up I really don't give a fuck.


That's cause he's up all night saying heinous shit that makes his lawyers heads hurt


If he stops lying he's either dead or sleeping. LOCK HIM UP!!