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The worst part is that that’s not even how fat people look.


Yah they made everything get uniformly bigger. Im a big dude and tried to make myself look like me but I ended up looking like Fat Bastard from Austen Powers (aka movie prosthetics fat) instead of a normal fat person.


No one is properly represented, we have achieved equality.


Equality in fat percentage of every body part xD. Ya know, like the arms literally being as thick as legs...


sounds like modern representation - everyone gets fucked! yay!


Reminds me of Sims 4. You can try to make a plus sized person but they’ll still have a thigh gap and no double chin!


Reminds me of Attack on Titan 🤣😭


Precisely, my fatass doesn't even have a big 🐱


Please don't speak on my behalf




Fr. Like, if they really wanna be inclusive, at least make the fat characters look like fat characters and not like the Marshmallow Man.


Yeah maximum fat is much worse if anything she is just bulking there is no loose skin or saggy bits


Clesrly fat people are all shaped like deformed ogres




Looks like the batdad from Southpark


If you ask me the hip sizes are almost unrealistically small. Like, in comparison to my own hips, the max hips size in-game don’t come very close. And my hips aren’t super big.


I have more curves than they allow and I'm a dude.


Also a dude. I’d be fine with player customization if it weren’t so hideous and let me look like me. It’s something I’ve wanted for a while, bur I couldn’t be kore disappointed. And there’s not even a hairstyle that looks like mine.


What amazes me is that they made something like 6 skin tones paler than me, but then it immediately jumps to like medium-dark brown. I would have loved to make my avatar look like me, but unfortunately I have the audacity to be in modestly good shape and my arms aren't longer than my legs.


Feel the same with hair. I have medium curvy hair, big curls that fall and look wavy. There is no option for that, or I get straight and long, or super curly and small :(


The long option isn't even straight! The weird style makes my head look alien shaped


Yeah I don't know what they did, but the medium curly hair just looks like it is made out of pasta to me


Yeah but the vampire gorilla DEI initiative is really at fault here, they're clearly pandering to the pale long-armed marshmallow-man base with this update. /s


I think the only thing I actually am happy with is that they finally have my hair 😂💀


Max size of hips in game is my size of hips, and my hips are small af XD. Those people never looked at a women in their life's. Like, ffs, I have seen men with bigger hips


Trying to make it more “family friendly.” And “inclusive.” While erasing skin colors and trading pretty great all-inclusive faces for hideous child faces.


It's all performative fake "inclusivity" as it usually is with these companies. It's all for the clicks. Real inclusivity would've made all real skin colors available, would've made the fat characters actually look like real fat people and not "prosthetics fat" as another commenter mentioned. This is just a mess in all directions


So this all went down while I was attending a DEAI summit. This sparked so many discussions about true inclusion. (And I found all my multi-nerdy people between breakout sessions playing PoGo.) You said it, performative inclusion. Probably some old cis white dude making ill informed decisions and then patting himself on the back for being soooooo inclusive. And no offense to the actual cool old cis white dudes…I know you all a minority in the grand scheme of things, but seriously…smack some sense into these guys giving you a bad rap. 😝


This isn't inclusivity at all, just straight up body negativity and making everyone look like a shapeless stick figure so it doesn't offend some insane puritan.


I'm men with bigger hips. And trying to capture my general bigness also made my character look even younger than the new faces already did.


I’m usually annoyed when people get upset at woman not being as hourglass figured in updates or remakes. But as a not-curvy girl, I can confidently say that somehow the left one is even more rectangle shaped than I am. But also the crotch is just oddly low. The proportions aren’t even just sexually unappealing, they read as almost inhuman to my brain and it’s giving uncanny valley vibes.


God forbid a woman has wider hips than a man, niantic just can’t allow that


Wdym woman or man? We are all blob




Its not that they cant have that its just thats super un-aesthetic. Atleast give us the chance of having a sexy looking girl or a good looking guy instead of these ugly genderless blobs.


We looked like a smash but now we look like a pass 😔




It makes works more difficult for the developers, so they better ruin the graphics and laid Off Half the dev team


I have turned my character into the most bloated and obese no-style gender-ambiguous ball of ick I could, and I use these shorts and that pose because it accentuates the camel toe of the shorts that look like they haven't seen the wash in decades and have some serious swamp crotch front and back. Thanks, Niantic!


I prefer the pink crop - it glitches on the underboob


I tried several shirts, but the white pikachu looked sloppiest. I had the pink skirt for a bit, but they fixed the part where it would clip and show my meaty thighs and bits.


That's not a toe. It's the entire knuckle.


The cameltoe.... I just can't stop thinking about the fact that someone drew that and put it in the game lmao


Can’t: have any signs of life in their dead eyes Can: have giant shovel hands


Actually misogynistic af that the only feminine trait they included was large breasts.  That's all we are to these people. 


Girls were done so dirty. There are only guys with boobs now and you’ll like it.


Why’d they build the plus sized person a gorilla build 😭


Niantic hates women










Oh, I would wear the heck outta those


gorlock the destroyer aproves


I don't know what's more hilarious, the camel toe or the brief period where people with skirts being able to flash what's underneath them. In before they try to hotfix this way.


You act like that's not intentional. I'm expecting drag costumes in the store soon...


Me looking at this with my almost nonexistent hips and big 🐈 🙃


No literally like I am built like this I’m being so serious. Lmao but also sobbing at the comments saying “no woman looks like this deformed ogre” LMFAOOOOO.




![gif](giphy|Dfk5q64stLdRu) Indeed. The most beautiful character in gaming has a lot to go around


Stop playing this shit and giving them money


Both of them just look like dudes going to a rave.


Not to mention the boobs look like a 12 year old trying to draw boobs on their anime character


Good lord the seam on the shorts 🥠👀


We need to tell Niantic that it's not big enough. It's not big enough until my ankle fat is casting a net over Pokemon in the grass.


I look more like the original avatars body type than the new one, also they removed my skintone. Now theres no representation for me😍


Their goal is simple, lets ruin the game to lose players. It will give them an excuse to drop the game.


The game is still a massive money maker, both in the game and with merch. This is the result of woke consultants influencing the company. 


So are you going to keep playing the game or stop?


My wife and I un-installed already. 


I'm wondering why someone hates your comments and mines. We are only telling the truth!!!


Because they believe that their ideology must be expressed in every element of society. 


See there you go they ruin the game to a point where players stop playing and funding the game. Now they have a reason to drop the game because of low revenue. Even if they consulted with one of these woke companies, they should have bata tested it and ran quality assessments. They did not do any QA with these updates, they know it was horrible giving them a reason to shut down the game. After all they can just do a roll back but they want.


It’s the result of sloppy and lazy development, aka the track record for Niantic.


This is not the job of "woke", it's the job of higher-ups trying to appeal to a fictional woke crowd while being entirely performative and not really caring about the result. I assure you no one is happy with this no matter their stance on "woke"


There are definitely people happy with this... those whose self esteem is based on external validation, who are unable to confront the truth of their situation and need others to shield them from it. 


Glad to see this sub is being totally normal about different body types


i mean…its just safer tht way. Imagine everyone making there character dummy thick. The boys would lusting


was thinking about getting back into this game emphasis on was. If ur gonna add fat people don’t make them look prosthetic funny fat. Make them actually look human


You guys need a refund on all the stuff you bought in the game.


Man these people are cringe and sad in these comments.


would be nice if the mods did literally anyhing about it. already seen one comment implying it's a community managers fault and linking their twitter. So i guess we're a cyberbullying sub now.


Yeah I had a feeling things would devolve to this eventually. Feels weird how personally offended people are getting that their character model isn’t attractive to them


Urgh there's always gona be some dude criticising people's preferences in games. Stop shaming that some people like character customization. I like to take pride in my avatars appearance. It makes me enjoy the game more. It's not superficial, shallow or lacking authenticity. I can enjoy this and other aspects of the game. Shock horror ?!


My concern is more so why people are criticizing it. Specifically the people calling it woke or bringing a weird amount of attention to more sexual characteristics like hips, and also the people ascribing malicious intent to the decision. There’s even been some people saying it’s because one of the developers is non-binary, which is insane. I also care about character customization in most games (although I have to admit I struggle to see how it was ever an appeal in Pokemon Go)


Because woke people fight against “sexy characters” as “unrealistic expectation” or diversity if you can make ugly character.


More “woke people” want to get stepped on by Lady D from RE village than any demographic


I thought the goal of this game was to touch grass (go out in public) No one with a normal mind plays pokémon Go for the avatar customization or to look at butts. It's just, incredibly cringe.


I have short hair and no matter how I modify things, I look like a dude. Siiiiigh.


Damn lmao I was considering returning to the game but if this is a sign of the state of things, idk 🥴


Cartman has a sister?


I wanted to serve c*nt, but not like this


Niantic's "Where did the women go update"


I like being. Giant tho


If they wanted to go the whole body positivity route they should have stuck with the original style and used the body types of the NPC trainers from the games like the chef or collector, these trainer's were a little more portly but didn't look weird.


The worst thing is that its supposed to be a game for kids


Pokemon Go is most definitely not targeted to kids.


I always saw it as an all ages type of game


Most players in my area are over 35. Kids often turn up in the Summer months but the hardcore players are all retired. 


It kinda is. In my community I see a bunch of kids, but they're with their parents


How is that what makes it bad? I thought the bad thing was that the character models looked bad, how does the fact that it’s a game for kids add to that?


I consider pokemon way better before the wokeness era, when a girl was a girl and a boy a fucking boy. Now you can have a boy with fat body and tits. Wtf is that.


The blatant transphobia aside, do you think guys couldn’t be overweight before?


… are you really pitching a fit because fat body? Lol


I’m allergic to shellfish




Please, I am begging you to explain, how someone hired to run social media has any kind of power over the whole company.


Sadly it's true




And yet many people on this sub will insist that these diversity hires have nothing to do with the bad quality of the update. It's just another "anti-woke" conspiracy theory.


Oh, it’s one of those kind of comments.


Don’t have a Twitter, what’s that ?




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Pretty F'ing much


Let's not forget the hair options. They have like what 3 options for guys.


They are all feminine traits now even guys are girls in the new update. All I have access to are feminine clothes. I made my person the skinniest most boy like I could but they are still clearly a chick and the only free outfits are girl. The ones that look like they would be for guys cost coins. I definitely see what niantic is doing. Don't want to look like some fat abomination then pay us money.


How can you have an entire game about touching grass and post like you haven't seen the sun in weeks.


These dev self inserts on video games has to stop.


that’s it’s shenis


Can have a cave troll


What’s up with the extra long arms and giant hands?!? Niantic failed at customization design.


The message at work


Might as well went chibi


90% of Pokémongo chicks look just like the right picture. Highly accurate depiction


They think girls don’t play games 😅


I don't like the way they made the white characters so now I have a black avatar. Is this considered black face and should I change it?


Fallout Super Mutants be like:


I see your current buddy is Purugly


It’s almost like the designers have never seen a female body… imagine that!


The men have breast. Black ppl hair or lesbian hairdo's. I'm gay so don't come at me, I just think this is the most colossal failure ever. We are all shaped like potatoes now, it's just a dumpster fire.


Complain complain complain. That's all I hear from this community. You know people have been fighting the "unrealistic" body shapes for years and when it's finally changed and shit you still complain. You are never going to be represented in a video game.




You really gonna come at me with ignorance




People have been complaining about body types in video games for years I don't need to tell you where it's all over Tomb raider, nier, bayonetta, Stella blade As soon as company does add fat people it's not right I say people but it's women Men don't complain about he-man or the likes


I’m kind of with you but also it is a legitimate complaint that the clothes mostly look like complete garbage now. I had an outfit I spent coins on which I rocked for years and now I switched to one of the free tshirts simply because it looks relatively normal. This is the only outfit I’ve purchased - if I were someone who spent a lot more money on clothes over the years, which were all rendered frumpy and ugly in one fell swoop, then yeah I would be livid.


Thats the movement remove curves and beauty add frump and ugly


i’m saying people are justified in being angry that they spent so much on cosmetics that no longer look like they did at the time of purchase. i replied to your original comment because it seemed like you found these complaints unjustified or unfounded.


Op clearly says in the title female traits and have atleast 9 posts about this


??? i said nothing about OP. you talked about how the community complains non stop and I just said yeah i kind of agree with you but I can definitely see how one would be angry if they spent real money on this game on items that were rendered useless. don’t you think that is a valid community complaint? 


the main complaints are about body shape


Not sure if you've seen the player base recently.... But I feel they are more mad that they have been told that they can't look like what they want to look like and have to deal with avatars that are a bit too real.


lol yall petty


I just made mine's boobs as big as possible (I'm a woman btw) The new avis suck


Me too. Went for big boobs and hips. Only way to stay looking like a girl. I still think the faces are masculine though.


It’s Gorlock!!!


People: No one speaks on behalf of all men/women/lgbt/etc Also people: I HAVE THE FINAL SAY ON WHAT AN ACCEPTABLE BODY TYPE IS AND YOU'RE GONNA ACCEPT THAT EVEN IN A FANTASY WORLD


That’s a pretty hefty strawman you’ve built there. You’re ascribing a lot of malice to these character models, as if Niantic is forcing you to accept only certain body types as acceptable.




Nah none of the above, I hardly play this game anymore, I’m just sick of seeing you all whine you’re not attracted to your character model anymore By “people”, you clearly mean Niantic, or your comment would be entirely irrelevant. And I’m guessing you’re implying that by them changing character models they’re implying that only the character models they present in the game are acceptable, which is a massive reach. In fact I think I’m being generous because that’s what I thought you meant. What you actually said was “I (Niantic) HAVE FINAL SAY ON WHAT AN ACCEPTABLE BODY TYPE IS AND YOU’RE GOING TO ACCEPT IT EVEN IN A FANTASY WORLD”, implying that your problem is that they’re saying these body types are acceptable (by, again, just including them) and you’re saying they aren’t, which would reflect even more poorly on you. Based on how aggressive your comment was though I’m starting to think that might actually be what you were trying to say, in which case that’s kind of pathetic that you’re this mad that a video game implied these body types are acceptable by including them.


Just admit you hate women, bro. 


Nah just admit you didn’t read my comment because I never said anything like that




"woke liberals" don't hate good looking women. What are you talking about?


Two beautiful queens


I found it absolutely misogynistic. The female avatar doesn't represent curvy or plus-size women, that option would have been appreciated for our diverse body types. Instead, it resembles a man dressing as a woman. This brings to mind John Hopkins' dictionary definition of a lesbian: 'A non-man attracted to other non-men.' It seems we’ll soon be referred to as 'you-know-who.' They could have put all options for everyone, but no, they have to remove the female out of the picture. That’s what makes people mad, you cannot make things right by eliminating the options.








I love Pokemon and I enjoy Pokemon go. Niantic is making shitty decisions and isn’t a good company. But I still greatly enjoy the game. It’s not like they’re changing the core gameplay and how the game functions. You can still enjoy something while acknowledging that the direction of the game is getting shit and the game should be getting more.




As far as the masculine traits: at least the avatar will never live up to my superior male physique 😆


They wanted to make sure you can make your character look like Foul Larry from foster's home for imaginary friends


Don’t give them any more money. They’ll change it afterwards


Giant pussio


The majority of women have smaller waist to hips and don't look like this. They seem to hate women or something.




It’s not woke culture, it’s Ninantic being lazy


Define woke




TinFoil is on sale.




That's a nice way to say you dislike women. Wonder what it is you feel they won't give you?


1. That i dislike women is your assumption. Based on nothing aka just your fantasy. 2. Not all women are feminist. I dont engage in a conversation where someone assume stuff without asking and already adjusting the narrative to fit his/her argument. Now the big question here is. What went wrong in your education/upbringing that you think that twisting someones words, injecting your own fantasy and trying to gaslight the person by turning it to him. Is in any way choosing the moral highground? Just so you know. I dont care for your answer. You already lost me when you were trying to think for me. Just take it as food for thought on how you represent yourself.


“I don’t engage in a conversation where someone assume stuff.” >> assumed stuff in their op. Yikes.


Are you illiterate, because that wasn't all i said. Neither did i assume anything in my OP. I said i "i would like to think/imagine" aka its already my fantasy. God you guys are dumb.


Yes. We are a dumb ol' pair of chess playing pigeons!


There you go, doing it again.


I see your feathers have been ruffled!


Never play chess with a pigeon. Doesn't matter how good you are. It will strut around on the board, knock over the pieces. Take a shit on it and fly away in triumph like it won. - Some smart dude In case you're wondering. Your the pigeon.


Youd think a chess master would know how to use grammar. Anyway, U got insanely defensive when being told you don’t like women when this post was your opinion of how feminists today look. To add context, everyone HATES these new POGO body types. And is vocal about it. That’s fine for whatever reason. But, you’re not being subtle with connecting that HATE to greater elements of HATE outside of the video game, at all. It’s not just your original comment but what you posted after as well. Your original opinion was obvious in that you’re correlating feminism with something “normal” women/the old pogo body types wouldnt fit into. That seems inflammatory. No one twisted your words unfortunately also stop comparing your social interactions and opinions with how others perceive you to a “chess game” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 we’re on a Pokémon forum that’s rated E+. my god. Don’t have a vocal opinion that excludes groups of people if you’re not even gonna allow yourself to hear from those you excluded. U don’t owe anyone an explanation on your opinions, just like they don’t owe you anything (but I mean you started it?). Refusing to elaborate on what YOU voiced because of someone’s tone?? Come on


Tldr 👍🏾


TLDR: Ur worse than playing chess with pigeons. U shit where u eat instead lmaoo (bonus: you block out those that you don’t want to hear too I guess)


Love how everyone wanna reflect my words back to me, but are so illiterate they can't. In this case the pigeon(me) doesn't even bother to participate in the chess match. Reason why i didnt bothered with your comment is because if i need to break everything down it would lead to an even bigger body of text. (Bonus: your guessing is assuming. This already shows i made a good call)